Upgrading Every Second Chapter 1843: Changing Tianchang

Time passed quietly in the confrontation between the two sides, and the struggle between the Wizarding Universe and Tang Junming became more and more intense.

Whether it is Tang Junming or the Wizard Universe, its losses are getting more and more severe. The Ninth Level servants under Tang Junming have fallen, but the wisdom lives on the Wizard Universe have lost even more, not to mention these Ninth Level servants originally belonged to Of the wizarding universe.

So in the course of the confrontation between the two sides, the loss of the wizard universe far exceeds Tang Junming, not to mention that once Tang Junming finds the coordinates of Great World, this Great World will soon be searched by Tang Junming, and Tang Junming will also be on the Great World. The process is easier to be more Ninth Level slaves.

What the Wizarding Universe did was just wasting the time and energy of Tang Junming, and the time for Tang Junming to raid the Wizarding Universe began to extend. However, Tang Junming did not care too much about this situation.

Since it is not possible to explore the wizarding universe in a short time, then try to earn as much Common Experience as possible. After all, Tang Junming still wants to experiment in the wizarding universe whether it can enter the realm of Tenth Level wizards. Once it can enter the Tenth Level wizard In this realm, Tang Junming can try the practice of the outer universe in advance to prepare for the practice of the body.

Tang Junming‘s training foundation mainly comes from Primodial Chaos Universe, while Primodial Chaos Universe is a Ninth Level universe. When Primodial Chaos Universe is practicing, Tang Junming‘s training foundation can be said to be extremely powerful. Even if you look at the entire infinite sea, I am afraid it has not surpassed the Tang Junming body. The cultivation foundation, or the cultivation foundation without any intelligent life, can be stronger and more stable than Tang Junming.

But precisely because of this, Tang Junming needs to spend more resources and wealth in the process of breaking through, that is, the general crystal banquet, which far exceeds the practitioners of the same class, especially in the breakthrough to step 7. At that time, the resources and wealth it spent were even more terrifying. It is not easy for Tang Junming to save so much resources and wealth.

So for Tang Junming to break through to the seventh step in the Tang Junming universe, the difficulty is beyond imagination and the time it takes is too long.

But the Wizarding Universe is just a Eighth Level universe, and it is not a powerful one in the Eighth Level universe. It can only be said to be close to the Eighth Level medium-sized universe.

Because the universe is relatively weak, the strength of practitioners of the same level in the Wizarding Universe is not as good as that of Tang Junming in Primodial Chaos Universe, but if the Wizarding Universe wants to break through, the resources and wealth consumed are much less than in Primodial Chaos Universe. The gap between the people is at least ten thousand times.

In this case, it means that Tang Junming needs less time and energy to be promoted to the Tenth Level wizarding realm in the wizarding universe, thus smoothly promoting the inner universe to the outer universe, stepping into an unprecedented realm.

Of course, the Tang Junming clone in this realm has far less power in the future than the ontology in Primodial Chaos Universe, but at least it can be an experiment for the ontology, so that the ontology can know in advance what the practice of the outer universe is, and more Conducive to the breakthrough of Tang Junming.

Moreover, Tang Junming also has a bold idea, once it can be realized, it will definitely bring huge benefits to the body.

So since it is impossible to conquer the Wizarding Universe in a short period of time, take the Wizarding Universe as one’s own use, and swallow it into the Tang Junming Universe, then Tang Junming will earn more Common Experience and be promoted to a higher level.

In this way, Tang Junming and the will of the Wizarding Universe took the entire universe as the battlefield, and launched a fierce confrontation. The will of the Wizarding Universe continuously affected various natural and man-made disasters, killing Tang Junming again and again, and also preventing Tang Junming. Earn more Common Experience. Qiyin

Tang Junming dodges the natural and man-made disasters in the Wizarding Universe, and one seeks more resources and wealth. The confrontation between the two sides spreads across the Wizarding Universe.

Especially among the newly discovered Great World, and Tang Junming has rarely entered those small and medium worlds now, because it is easily affected by the will of the wizard universe, resulting in a world explosion, which is also a great threat to Tang Junming .

Perhaps because Tang Junming‘s actions are too excessive and have threatened the existence of the wizard universe, so the will of the wizard universe has gained greater authority.

Of course, this authority is only in dealing with Tang Junming, not in other aspects, which makes the various natural and man-made disasters encountered by Tang Junming more and more amazing.

In the process of Tang Junming raiding the worlds, three medium worlds have exploded, which is affected by the will of the wizard universe.

If it weren’t for Tang Junming, you’d be prepared for a long time, I’m afraid that this clone would fall under the influence of the explosion of the world. From here, you can also see the fierce will of the wizard universe and heaven. In order to kill Tang Junming, Uth The will of heaven does not hesitate to pay.

In the process of navigating the worlds, because of the influence of the will of the wizard universe, Tang Junming will also enter some desperate situations from time to time. Of course, at least in the eyes of many practitioners in the wizard universe, this is a desperate situation.

But Tang Junming can always rely on its tyrannical strength, Array Method‘s attainments, and the help of the game system, and it can always escape from the dead.

Basically, every time when you fall into desperation, Tang Junming will perform a secret technique that is specially practiced. This secret technique is called the secret technique of concealment. As the name suggests, it is to hide the will of the wizard universe and heaven. Can escape the desperate situation smoothly.

Of course, Tang Junming has other meanings to do this~ IndoMTL.com~ This is not what the will of the wizard universe can know.

At least from the perspective of the will of the Wizarding Universe at this moment, Tang Junming did this to hide the will of the Wizarding Universe and prevent him from using any hands and feet in the desperate situation, affecting Tang Junming‘s escape from the desperate situation, or even falling into the desperate situation.

Every time the will of the Wizarding Universe will also explore with all its strength, I want to discover the traces of Tang Junming in desperation, so as to smoothly exert influence, but the number of times that can be found is not many, after all, the current strength of Tang Junming has reached high enough The realm, with the skills learned from other universes, can effectively conceal its own existence.

But after all, the Wizarding Universe is the home ground of the will of the Wizarding Universe, so Tang Junming generally hides a few days at most, or tens of days at most, before it will be discovered.

However, as Tang Junming has improved the concealment, the time it can conceal is getting longer and longer, and it has gradually increased to about half a month.

And as the world of Tang Junming Raiders becomes more and more, more and more ancient books are obtained. With the help of these ancient books, Tang Junming has improved the modification of the change.

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