Upgrading Every Second Chapter 1690: Biochemical reproduction

After dozens of days, Tang Junming has basically walked the entire giant island, but has not found any intelligent life or human existence.

Although there are some World of Warcraft comparable to the official wizard, these Warcraft have limited IQ and cannot communicate with Tang Junming at all, and Tang Junming naturally cannot get the methods and skills of promotion to the official wizard from these Warcraft.

This giant island does not help Tang Junming to become the official wizard, but fortunately, there are many wild vegetables and game on this giant island, which can greatly supplement the consumption of Tang Junming. Tang Junming happens to be a good place on the giant island. After a break, after all, sailing on the ocean for so long.

If it’s Tang Junming’s body, it’s okay, but Tang Junming is now using Arthur’s avatar, which is a bit difficult to withstand such a long sea voyage, and you need to take a good rest.

The island is rich in game and wild vegetables, which can be supplemented by Tang Junming. Tang Junming can dry these wild animals and store them on the super battleship.

Tang Junming is nostalgic for his storage ring at this moment. After all, if there are space treasures, he can put a lot of things into the space treasures, so that he does not have to worry about the lack of space.

Tang Junming also took the two elves to the island and let them take a good rest, so that they can cope with the next long voyage. The Constitution of the two elves are not as good as him, and they are also quite tired of long voyage Too.

But what surprises Tang Junming is that on this huge island, Tang Junming found a plant called active grass, which can help Tang Junming refine a poison similar to a biochemical virus.

With the help of this poison, Tang Junming can create a large number of biochemical sea beasts and biochemical warcraft in the ocean. These biochemical warcraft can help him kill a large variety of sea beasts and warcraft in those oceans. These are all Common Experience.

The high infectivity of biochemical viruses, whether in the Primodial Chaos Universe or in the previous earth movie, has proved its power. If you have the help of biochemical viruses, Tang Junming can definitely make a lot of money in the ocean. Common Experience.

Tang Junming spent a few days deliberately cultivating a lot of biochemical viruses in this giant island, preparing to release these viruses into the ocean during the voyage, using the sea beasts and Warcraft in the ocean to earn him Take Common Experience.

In addition, Tang Junming has also obtained some unique treasures and rare minerals on this huge island. The value of these treasures is also very impressive, allowing Tang Junming to add some of the super battleships. The treasures were thrown out to make room for them.

This huge island has not been known for many years and has not been patronized by humans and intelligent races, so many treasures have been left. Some treasures are worthwhile even if they are placed on those continents with rich magical elements. Liancheng.

For these treasures and the storage of various wild things, of course, there are also refined biochemical poisons. Tang Junming specially stayed on this island for a month and a half, and then set off again, with full harvest, to the endless In the distance, looking for the existence of another continent.

Shortly after leaving the giant island, Tang Junming sprinkled some biochemical viruses specifically for sea beasts and Warcraft. I want to see how effective this biochemical virus is.

What surprises Tang Junming is that with the spread of biochemical viruses into the seawater, many sea beasts and Warcraft died of biochemical viruses soon, bringing a large sum of Common Experience to Tang Junming.

Then these sea beasts and Warcraft were brought back to life under the action of biochemical viruses, stiffly rushing towards more sea beasts and Warcraft, killing these sea beasts and Warcraft, and then infecting them with biochemical viruses.

In the process, Tang Junming brought a huge amount of Common Experience. After these infected sea beasts and Warcraft came back to life, they went to kill more sea beasts and Warcraft, and continued to earn Common Experience for Tang Junming.

Biochemical sea beasts and biochemical warcraft are spreading at an alarming rate, and they can extend for miles, tens of miles, or even hundreds of miles almost every minute, Tang Junming’s Common Experience is like a waterfall, constantly spraying Growing.

But what made Tang Junming helpless was that this situation was soon discovered by a World of Warcraft comparable to Second Level wizard in this sea area. The strength of this World of Warcraft is extremely amazing. It easily killed these biochemical viruses. The sea beasts and Warcraft have prevented the spread of biochemical viruses.

As Tang Junming travels farther and deeper into the depths of the deep ocean, the magical elements here are becoming more and more dense, and gradually can develop a Warcraft comparable to Second Level wizard, although the IQ of these Warcraft is still unable to Compared with humans, but also catch up with a few years old children.

They have been able to detect the threat of biochemical viruses~IndoMTL.com~ So timely and targeted measures were taken, which forced Tang Junming to stop just after earning Common Experience for a few hours.

For this situation, Tang Junming also anticipates, so he is not too disappointed. It is enough to go to the next sea area and continue to release biochemical viruses, as long as each release can get so many Common Experience, it is enough for Tang Junming.

Tang Junming also has no hope that this biochemical virus can cause too much lethality in the wizard universe. After all, the biochemical virus he currently produces has limited power.

If you want to infect a planet directly like on the earth, or infect a few star fields like Primodial Chaos Universe, it is still impossible in a short period of time, unless Tang Junming is promoted to the political official wizard, and then create a more powerful biochemistry Viruses will do.

Or it is Tang Junming who now turns back and spreads the biochemical virus he made to the sea area around the star-dark continent. In this way, there will be no powerful Warcraft to prevent the spread of biochemical virus, and it can infect the surrounding large movies at a very fast rate. Sea area, let Tang Junming get horrible Common Experience.

After all, in that sea area, because the magic element is relatively thin, the most powerful Warcraft is only close to First Level wizard, and it cannot prevent the spread of this biochemical virus.

But there is one more thing to consider when doing this. If there are too many dead sea beasts and warcraft in that sea area in a short period of time, it will definitely attract the attention of the heavenly rules, and it will inevitably bring some trouble to the Tang Junming, even Let the original do not know his heavenly rules, found the existence of Tang Junming, specifically to block Tang Junming, when the time Tang Junming will be worthless.

So now this situation is just right, it can make Tang Junming earn a lot of Common Experience, and the biochemical virus will not spread too much, thus attracting the attention of the wizard universe heavenly rules.

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