Upgrading Every Second Chapter 1617: Zhongyuan 1 point red

Thousands of snakes chaotically!

Seventh Grade inferior Xuan array can be used to deal with the powerful Array Method of Martial King. Once it launches like a thousand viper snakes, it constantly releases drugs that confuse the mind, and the power is extremely amazing.

This is currently the strongest Array Method that Tang Junming can arrange. At present, this Array Method is arranged by Tang Junming in its own Nantian County Royal Palace.

When this Seventh Grade is waiting for the Xuan Array, Tang Junming also arranged a lot of Sixth Grade Spirit Array, Fifth Grade Spirit Array, Fourth Grade Spirit Array… together to form the Array Method group of thousands of snakes, which can burst out amazing power at any time.

Even if the intermediate Martial King falls into it, it is difficult to break free, let alone the Martial Venerable.

If Martial Venerable falls into this Array Method group, it is less than 1 in 10,000, and it basically means that there is no death.

The night is hazy and the moon is dark.

Tang Junming In the main hall of Gaoju County King’s Mansion, drinking and having fun, dozens of beautiful women all over the country danced in front of him, and the graceful posture was intoxicating.

In addition, there are digital low-level Martial King in the hall, accompanied by Tang Junming to drink, to protect the safety of Tang Junming.

At the same time, more than 30 assassins infiltrated into several waves quietly, trying to assassinate Tang Junming, but they were trapped by a thousand snakes at once.

“His hiss…”

When all the assassins entered the county palace, Tang Junming launched a thousand snakes chaotic heart formation, accompanied by a strange hissing sound, and a series of poisonous snakes appeared around many assassins out of thin air.

“Where did these venomous snakes come from, hurry away.”

“This is not a real viper, this is a viper that has been transformed from the Seventh Grade inferior Xuanzhen Thousand Snakes to the heart.”

“Since it is a venomous snake, does it mean that they are all fake and not toxic?”

“Fool, although these venomous snakes are transformed into phantoms, the poison hidden in their phantoms is far superior to the real venomous snakes. It is more terrible than the real venomous snakes. It must be avoided, otherwise it will definitely die. “

“It’s not good, I feel my head is dizzy, this Xuan array is too powerful.”

“It’s not right. In addition to the thousands of snakes, there must be other Array Methods. Otherwise, the power will not be so great. I didn’t expect that there are such Array Method masters in the Nantian County Royal Mansion. Why have we never been informed? .”


With a scream, many assassins were like wheat that was cut down, and they all died outside the county palace, and even the middle courtyard did not step in. One can imagine the power of a thousand snakes. How strong can it be.

And among these assassins, the one who persisted the longest was the assassin who killed, that is, the assassin hired by the great prince and queen to assassinate the Tang Junming.

Unfortunately, these assassins who had high hopes for the great prince and the great prince all died terribly. None of them could survive, let alone kill Tang Junming.

“Today’s wave is not bad, especially the last few died. Identify their identity and see who is so active, actually sent a few senior Martial Venerable to assassinate me, really face this king. .”

“Oh, let the people in the Central Plains with a little red shoot, and temper them well.”

Seeing that all the assassins were dead, Tang Junming stood up Shi Shiran and walked towards the closed room of closed practice.

Several Martial Kings salute respectfully: “Your Highness, please walk slowly.”

To Tang Junming, the assassination tonight is nothing more than a trivial matter, not even a storm, and it’s not worth worrying about.

The same assassination has only happened in a year or so. Tonight, the assassination just increased the number of assassinations.

The only thing that interested him may be the moments of killing. Although it is only a high-level Martial Venerable, the combat effectiveness is quite impressive. I also know a lot about Array Method and the quality is very good.

Being able to send out such assassins, the enemies behind can also be regarded as having certain background and power, but it is worth checking Tang Junming.

As for the other assassins, they didn’t stick to it for three minutes, and they didn’t even have the qualifications to investigate. Although the power of Tang Junming is soaring now, you can’t spend your time and energy on these little fish and shrimp, like that. It is too low.

An assassination that had high hopes for the great prince and the great emperor ended in this way, and he confidently hired a master of killing. But he didn’t even see the face of Tang Junming, and was still with several other assassins.

If you know this, if you don’t know what the big prince and the big prince would feel, you will want to cry happily.

What the little prince and the big prince don’t even know is that Tang Junming is using these assassins to hone his assassination corps in the central plains.

The name is called because these practitioners with a little red in the Central Plains have mastered an amazing power to assassinate secret skill.

Sword of light and shadow!

This secret skill has only one move, but it has 3,600 moves and 720 force-generating skills. Once it is practiced to the extreme, it can explode dozens of times of combat power in an instant.

Because this secret skill is best at killing the enemy’s throat, once the sneak attack is successful, it will leave a trace of crimson blood on the enemy’s throat, so this assassination corps is called Tang Junming as a little red in the Central Plains.

The meaning of a little red is needless to say, the Central Principle implies Tang Junming‘s ambitions, and it is necessary to hunt the Central Plains in the future to become the Central Plains Overlord and then rule the entire Shenwu Continent.

The Central Plains Red is arguably the most elite unit under Tang Junming. Not only is it proficient in assassination, assassination, and sneak attacks, but also has a considerable frontal combat capability, it gathers the most trustworthy group of strongmen under Tang Junming.

Even at the more important positions~IndoMTL.com~Tang Junming has arranged Wuyin slaves to ensure the loyalty of the whole Central Plains.

Although Zhongyuan Yihong is only 10,000 horses at this moment, even if they are faced with more than 100,000 regular legions, Zhongyuan Yihong can easily defeat it.

The most terrifying thing is that the whole Central Plains has a red one-ten thousand horse, all of them are Martial Venerable, and there is no warrior.

Of the ten Martial King-level servants under Tang Junming, six of them were sitting in the Central Plains Red, and one can imagine how terrible the Central Plains Red is.

And the Central Plains Red can effectively help the Tang Junming to enslave the Martial King-level strongmen. The reason why the Tang Junming can master so many Martial King-level slaves in just one year is the Central Plains Red.

This is a terrorist army specially trained by Tang Junming, which is very suitable for itself.

In other words, this assassination corps is tailor-made for Tang Junming, which can effectively cooperate with his various actions, so that Tang Junming erupts beyond imagination.

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