Upgrading Every Second Chapter 1333: Sweep the audience

Tang Junming looked at the dying Rulers who were waiting for the battle, with a faint smile on their faces, and letting dozens of World Multi-Array keep checking, they successfully passed the check and entered the cemetery of the gods.

Following behind Tang Junming were the people who raped the family, screaming wildly while walking.

“This time we must kill all the human race animals, so that they dare to laugh at our destruction of the family, the saints are supreme, and those who do not join are stupid.”

“Under the influence of the saints, I think the meat of the human race is more delicious. Later I will eat more human race women, so that I can enhance my ability.”

“What do you want to do with such a strong ability? It is said that the saintly lady who has just been married to you is already pregnant and cannot share the room with you within a short period of time. Even if you increase your ability, it is useless.”

“Haha, I still have a holy clan beauty, you don’t know.”


Listening to the words behind the family rape, Tang Junming has an urge to vomit, thinking about those Extinguishing World Demon who are all green and purplish, Tang Junming has no courage to watch them. How to bear it, not only dare to watch and eat, even children.

Look at the exhilarating Dao Ancestor, which is the first day of annihilation, and the envious look behind him is annihilating Muran and annihilating the two. The females of the Extinguishing World Demon family are wives, and they all have enough flavors. Tang Junming can’t stand it. Hurry up and speed away from them.

The graveyards of the gods are the same as the red blood battlefield. After entering, they are randomized to various places. Tang Junming is naturally no exception. They are randomized into a basin. What is in sight is the sky interwoven with layers of light. Yu Xiang left after the gods fell.

There are curls of fragrance everywhere, and the ground is made up of the bones of the gods. The area of ​​the graves of the gods is dozens of nuclear square kilometers. One can imagine how many real gods have died in so many years.

Because the energy is too rich, the surrounding area is full of treasures, exotic flowers, and the like. Both the quantity and quality far exceed the red blood battlefield, highlighting the wealth of the graveyard of the gods.

Tang Junming is preparing to collect the treasures everywhere, and hear the excited cheers coming from behind.

“Haha, I just came in and got randomized together. I also saw a two-human animal from a human race. It seems that our luck is very good for both of us. We should enjoy it together.”

“Seven-seven, you have to learn to be a lady too, don’t scare other children, otherwise the meat will be sour and not so delicious.”

“Got it, are people too happy, usually very gentle.”


Tang Junming looked back and found that the person who was behind the family ruined Qiqi and Qifang, Qiqiqi was a female, and she looked pretty good, with a lot of colorful things on her body and face, obviously I’m looking at the skin of Extinguishing World Demon, I don’t know if I’m fancy which Extinguishing World Demon male, the taste is really heavy.

It’s ugly to destroy one side, but after applying some messy things to the body, it looks better, which is also unexpected.

At this moment, the two men have almost no human appearance, they look fierce and evil, and their faces are all greedy, and they want to swallow Tang Junming into their stomachs, which is extremely ugly.

Looking at the two traitors coming from behind, Tang Junming sneered and bombarded with one punch, then fell on the heads of the two traitors first, and then blasted the heads of the two traitors with one punch , The dead can’t die anymore.

Before dying, the two men had incredulous faces, and they were quite puzzled about their death. After all, Tang Junming showed only the strength of the two instruments Dao Ancestor, but both of them were also two instruments Dao Ancestor, Also mastered all kinds of powerful Dao Martial and Taoism, but also received blessings from Extinguishing World Demon father.

It is reasonable to say that even Sancai Dao Ancestor is not their opponent, but the Tang Junming district is only a human animal. Why is it so strong that it kills both of them with one punch, which is too great.

Both Qiqi and Qifang are a little bit dead, Tang Junming has scoured their corpses, but unfortunately they are not Extinguishing World Demon, the value of the corpses is not so great, it is really cheap and **** people rape.

After killing Qiqi and Qiqiang, Tang Junming continued to search various celestial treasures, exotic flowers and weeds in the cemeteries of the gods, and by the way killed the Extinguishing World Demon ancestors they encountered.

As for continuing to lurking Profound Swordless Qi or something in them, Extinguishing World Demons have just learned lessons, and it is not so easy for Tang Junming to do the same.

And Profound Swordless Qi, which is detached from Tang Junming, is easy to find. They are not as concealed as Tang Junming, especially if Extinguishing World Demon has studied this.

So Tang Junming also gave up the intention to continue playing the lurking Profound Swordless Qi, and strove directly in the graveyard of the gods to earn as much experience as possible.

As for the question of how to escape after the cemetery of the gods is opened, Tang Junming already has a plan in mind. Even if it is chased by hundreds of extinct Ruler, the possibility of Tang Junming escape is as high as 90%.

“Shoot swoosh swoosh…”

“Dangdang Dangdang Dangdang Dangdang…”

“Click click click…”


In this way, what Tang Junming has passed, no Extinguishing World Demon ancestor can resist, and they have been crushed by Profound Swordless Qi, and they died in front of Tang Junming. IndoMTL.com~ Even the body with storage ring was searched by Tang Junming. The experience and experience gained Resources have skyrocketed.

Of course, the biggest heads are these Extinguishing World Demon ancestors, and the empirical hearts they contain are quite expensive, enough to make Tang Junming earn a lot of money.

After searching for hundreds of miles, Tang Junming encountered a fruit of faith, to be precise, a fruit of faith.

The fruits of faith are generally divided into three levels, the belief in divine fruit, the belief in Taoism, and the most amazing belief in holy fruit.

Believing in the divine fruit generally contains incomplete rules. The rule types are relatively simple, which has extremely amazing benefits for the gods who understand the corresponding rules.

Faith Dao fruit generally contains the incomplete Grand Dao, which contains several rules, and generally has more than one or two complete rules. If it can be separated and merged, it can make Dao Ancestor‘s strength soar.

Holy Faith is the kind of fruit that contains a complete Grand Dao. It is a treasure formed by the combination of Grand Dao and souls left by the gods. If it can be fully integrated, it will be able to make some low-level Dao Ancestor one step to the sky, but its number Very rare, it is one of the most precious treasures in the cemetery of the gods.

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