Upgrading Every Second Chapter 1257: Destroy the World

Tang Junming just scolded Primodial Chaos Universe’s will of heaven and was worrying about what to do next, and he just felt a shock and a familiar power wave rumbled around him.

That is the fluctuation of Heavenly Punishment. It is the will of Primodial Chaos Universe that Heavenly Dao wants to wake up the magic ancestors here with this fluctuation and let them kill Tang Junming.

I haven’t waited for Tang Junming to think about what to do. Two demon ancestors came from a distance and chatted with each other about the situation here while patrolling.

“This is the original nest of our holy clan accidentally born, its power is far more than a million times that of the ordinary one, and it can directly breed more than five Tenth Level of the original holy clan. Can match the talents and qualifications, so certainly no accidents can happen.”

“In the past, even if it was the most powerful devil nest of our holy clan, it would have cultivated at most five people under Tenth Level. Unexpectedly, the original devil nest was so powerful that it could not only cultivate a talented devil, but even a talent. All the magic ancestors can be cultivated, it is simply incredible.”

“Haha, if it weren’t like that, adults World Lord wouldn’t send us so many soldiers to guard the original magic nest, there are nearly one hundred ancestors alone, more than one million gods with more than eight Tenth Level, such a large inspection In places like this, it’s almost killing chicken with a knife.”

“If you are not worried about being seen by those animals, I am afraid that even World Lord will have to come a few, even if we all add up, we will not be able to catch up with a native nest, this is our holy clan’s first native nest. It is also very likely that it is the only source nest, which can absorb the power of Primodial Chaos Universe, no matter how much protection it is, it cannot be overstated.”


After the two Dao Ancestors left, there were demon gods and demon ancestors passing by nearby. The density and frequency of patrols were extremely alarming. Tang Junming dared to move for a few hours.

The most important thing is that these Extinguishing World Demon passing by near Tang Junming will more or less say something about the situation here, so that Tang Junming has a deeper understanding of the current situation.

Magic nest!

What is a magic nest, as the name suggests, is the nest that can breed Extinguishing World Demon.

Extinguishing World Demons were not born through the union of men and women, but from the Devil’s Nest. Blocks of Nests can continually breed Extinguishing World Demon. As long as the energy and resources are sufficient, the Extinguishing World Demon that the Nest can breed is endless.

The magic nest is generally divided into the first step of the nest, the second step of the nest, the 3rd-Step of the nest, the fourth step of the nest… Each level of the nest is subdivided into the first step Low Grade One step Middle Grade magic nest, the first step High Grade magic nest…that is, upper, middle and lower Third Grade.

The strength of Extinguishing World Demon that can be bred every First Grade is also different. For example, the fourth step of Low Grade magic nest, at most, will breed three Extinguishing World Demon gods of about Tenth Level, and the fourth step of Middle Grade magic nest can breed about six Tenth Level Extinguishing World Demon gods. In the fourth step, the High Grade‘s Devil’s Nest can breed about Extinguishing World Demon gods around nine Tenth Level.

The higher the level of Extinguishing World Demon at the beginning, it means the better its talents and qualifications, and the more promising the future is.

So generally speaking, the strong masters of the Extinguishing World Demon family are bred through high-level magic nests. A Extinguishing World Demon that can become a magic ancestor is normally bred from the fourth step. .

But so far, the strongest nest of Primodial Chaos Universe has only been the fourth step Middle Grade, and has not yet reached the peak of the fourth step Middle Grade, so at most it has bred Extinguishing World Demon gods close to five Tenth Level.

Even so, the intelligent life of Primodial Chaos Universe has been regarded as a nightmare, trying every means to destroy these fourth-step Extinguishing World Demon nests, but unfortunately so many years have passed, dozens of fourth-step Extinguishing World Demon nests were There is only one destroyed, or the power of the entire universe’s intelligent life.

Every fourth step of the Devil’s Nest is located behind the Extinguishing World Demon clan. It is so easily destroyed by the heavy Extinguishing World Demon gods and Extinguishing World Demon ancestors.

For the Extinguishing World Demon nests of the first, second, 3rd-Step and fourth steps, Tang Junming learned the first time they entered the central front, and even knew that destroying any one of the magic nests can get amazing military power. .

Even if it is the first step of the lowest level Low Grade magic nest, one is worth hundreds of thousands of military merits, one can imagine the value of these Extinguishing World Demon nests.

Not to mention the unprecedented and unseen Root Demon Nest of Tang Junming at this moment, it was able to devour the power of Primodial Chaos Universe‘s original power, bred nearly one hundred level of original power Extinguishing World Demon, and even the original power ancestor could be bred.

This can’t be described as horror anymore, this is the beginning of World Extermination!

Tang Junming was shocked and speechless, even if he had golden fingers, he wanted to upgrade from the first step to the fourth step, and even the fifth step of the Dao Ancestor situation, it would take a lot of time And energy.

But these origins Extinguishing World Demon are good, the lowest one born has the strength of more than eight Tenth Level, and the talent qualification is extremely high, the highest is the birth Dao Ancestor, the talent qualification universe is hard to find.

These Extinguishing World Demon don’t even need gold fingers, they have extraordinary power and qualifications directly from birth, which has temporarily exceeded the Tang Junming with gold fingers.

According to the Extinguishing World Demon patrolling around, the Extinguishing World Demon gods bred in this original magic nest are not less than ten million, and the Extinguishing World Demon ancestors also have three ancestors. Once they are successfully bred and then grown up, the intelligent life of Primodial Chaos Universe’s ethnic groups Will usher in a disaster of extinction.

The most important thing is that the source nest can continuously breed the source Extinguishing World Demon, as long as the resources and energy are sufficient~IndoMTL.com~The rate of the source nest Extinguishing World Demon is terrible.

Intelligent life needs tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions and tens of millions of years to reach the realm, these original Extinguishing World Demon can be achieved at birth, by that time, how can intelligent life resist this almost Open Extinguishing World Demon.


Even if Tang Junming thinks with his toes, he knows that once the situation has deteriorated to that point, the intelligent life of Primodial Chaos Universe can’t stop the attack of the original Extinguishing World Demon army.

At that time, even if the Extinguishing World Demons used the magic sea tactics, they would be able to consume all the intelligent life of Primodial Chaos Universe. At that time, Tang Junming didn’t need to grab resources from Primodial Chaos Universe and make it difficult to save the Tang Junming universe.

Therefore, the original source nest cannot survive, whether it is for the Tang Junming universe or for the purpose of plundering Primodial Chaos Universe by itself, Tang Junming will not allow the original source nest to exist forever.

Just now Tang Junming, obviously has not destroyed the strength of the original source nest.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second, remember: Shukeju 8

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