Unlimited Machine War Chapter 513: Lure

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“Fight?” Luo froze for a moment, then glanced at Barsac and asked in amazement: “Isn’t this something huge entered the pit that Earth smashed, did the people in the city say that it happened What about earthquakes? “

“No, judging from my experience and inspection, it is indeed caused by the battle, and it is caused by the two evenly matched battles.” Dongfang undefeated shook his head, looked at the clear water pool, and said: “In this waterhole, there are armor belonging to two different MSs, and there are traces of fighting nearby.”

At this time, Barsac finally regained his anger, looked at the undefeated East and the surroundings, and a trace of suspicion flashed on his face. After all, the appearance of this big pit was what they thought, and there was really no real After careful investigation, I did not notice the Armor Plating submerged in the water hole of the giant pit. Of course, the water in the water hole is clear and bottom, enough to let people see the situation of the water hole underground, and the water hole is so deep and quite regular. In terms of Barsac‘s knowledge and experience, it is more like a big pit caused by a fall.

In the eyes of the undefeated East, this big pit seems to be caused by the huge explosion that occurred after the collision between the two aircrafts in evenly-matched energy, and the undefeated East is curious. What is the origin of the two battled bodies? There will be such a powerful strength, not to mention completely changing the terrain, but it has also changed a lot, and it also makes the distant city feel like the earthquake ordinary.

After the battle, what was the result of these two robot’ss, where did they go, how did this area fall to the ground and recover from the barren, who was the one who invited him here, too many Doubts can’t be dissipated in the undefeated head of the East. I wanted to ask Luo and Barsac if they knew what the situation was, but I didn’t expect them to say that this place was caused by the impact, but it looks like they really look like Know what something looks like.

“Is this really caused by the battle?” Barsac took a deep breath and looked around and felt a little puzzled. Asked: “But this big pit filled with water is so regular, and all the dead branches and gravel nearby seem to go from the inside to the outside in one direction bursts out. Only a huge explosion will cause such a result. Ah, there are no more traces of fighting nearby. “

There is another reason why Barsac thinks it is not caused by fighting. Like the body gun of his B Class, the main cannon can not hit such a large and unconventional deep pit. The whole deep pit is almost a hemisphere, so it does not look like a battle. This deep pit How big it is, from Luo’s point of view, it’s almost the same even if there is no big football field.

“Because this is caused by two powerful bodies of two very powerful martial artist piloting. The direct face of the combination of breath and energy collides with each other, which eventually causes an energy explosion where the two bodies touch.”

The East shook his head undefeated, did not know what attitude he was holding, explained to the two, and took the two to walk around to see, pointed to a place and said, and then there was Let the two look at the water pool, completely looking like they are teaching them.

After the Eastern Undefeated stopped, Luo and Barsac, after listening to the teachings of the Eastern Undefeated, really felt that this place was not a fall of comes out. It really came out of the fight between two aircraft.

But in the next moment, both Luo and Barsac also froze. I ca n’t believe that with only two MSs, you can manufactured a deep hole of almost football field size in one match, and it will also affect Everything in a larger area nearby was blown away in one direction, which was like a huge bomb.

The undefeated East looked at the surprised eyes of Luo and Barsac, but suddenly asked: “It seems that the two of you know something? For example, why is it like this here?”

The two glanced and nodded. Luo also turned to the East undefeated and said the truth: “We know something, Neo Japan manufactured has a body called Devil Gundam, this robot uses a type called DG Cells Something. Have special abilities such as self-recovery, self-reproduction, self-evolution, etc., originally came from manufactured to purify Earth. “

“But I do n’t know why. that robot escaped from Neo Japan and fell on Earth. We thought that the change in this place might be caused by the DG Cells of the Devil Gundam, but from the body of yellow that appeared today , It has been determined that the Devil Gundam is indeed a problem. “

“What is certain is that this place can be full of vitality and it is also related to Devil Gundam. As for why those yellow bodies appear so much. Why should they attack the city? Someone told us that after Devil Gundam problems, its own system came into being. With a new understanding, if you want to purify world, the first one to be purified must be mankind, so you will attack mankind. “

Luo is telling the truth. I do n’t want to hide or deceive. I want to worship the East undefeated as a teacher, but I do n’t need to use deception. I need to be passionate, ambitious, and be myself. It ’s another matter, of course.

Neo Japan?” Dongfang undefeated frowned, and suddenly thought of his apprentice Domon, vaguely seemed to figure out something, such as Domon‘s sudden departure until now, no return, no contact, and all this It seems to have some relationship with Domon.

DG Cells can purify Earth? If the system is wrong, we must first purify mankind?” Dongfang unbeaten thought of this, his brows deepened, and someone mentioned by Luo also told Dongfang unbeaten to raise his head, Asked: “You said before that someone told you that I am the strongest in this world’s, then the person who tells you that Devil Gundam has a problem, is he the same as him again?”

“Yes.” Luo nodded without hesitation and said, “It’s just that I can’t tell you about his situation, and he’s not here now. We can’t find him at all, we can’t reach him, he I ’ve told us that if you want to be a teacher, you have to be passionate and be yourself. “

The unbeaten brow of the East raised his eyebrows, only to hear Luo continue to say: “I also officially introduce myself. My name is Lowe Guele, which is an mechanic, and I can also be called a technician. My teammate, Barsac, is A person with an Berserker bloodline, both of us have qualities beyond the ordinary A-2171A, but it is still too far compared to you. “

“In addition …” Luo hesitantly said here, after glancing at Barsac, he nodded his head and continued, “In fact, we have the technical strength to change this world environment, but there is no corresponding equipment. The technical information needed to change the environment is not in our hands, but please believe that if you want, we can help you restore this world to a vibrant state. “(To be continued.)

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