Unlimited Cycles of Death: 99. The Butterfly Throne (8)

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Cheng Guoxu closed his eyes, covered in blood, with numerous wounds, lying limply, he has been dead for a long time, the blood flowing on his body and underneath has become thick and solidified, and he exudes a **** smell. The smell of decay, that is the smell of death.

When Mu Qin looked down at Guoxu’s corpse, Xu Fu also unknowingly walked to Mu Qin’s side, saw Guoxu with him, and spurned Cheng Guoxu by the way: “Let him die. It’s too cheap. I should torture him and torture him to death.”

Mu Qin replied Xu Fudao: “What you said makes me feel that you are the killer.”

“The’killer’ in the game is just an identity imposed on you by the system.” Xu Fu sneered, “I said before that all players who enter this game are sinners, and there are all kinds of them. Murderers, strong women criminals, drug dealers, human traffickers, robbers and thieves…There are all kinds of guys. The ones I met in the last game were such bastards. Every time they are released, they will be condemned by the world. Damn it all!”

Mu Qin glanced at Xu Fu indifferently and said: “So you kill them all and live to the end.”

Mu Qin’s words made Xu Fu’s pupils shrink slightly, and he couldn’t help but squinted his eyes and looked at Mu Qin sideways: “What do you mean by this?”

“It’s not interesting.” Muqin said seriously, “I was just thinking, you said that you have only experienced two games, including this one. Then in the last game, you, as a newcomer… How did you live to the end alone?”

Xu Fu laughed and said: “Do you think I have no ability to live to the end?”

“Of course, you have.” Muqin showed a cold smile, “As long as you are a killer, you have the ability to live to the end.”

“Don’t be kidding.” Xu Fu was helpless, and said, “How much do you wish I was a killer!”

Mu Qin did not continue to talk to him, but walked around Cheng Guoxu’s body at his feet and walked to the stairwell leading to the second floor of the church, and then Mu Qin found that they had not been able to store them in the wooden house. The ladder found in the object room has been erected on the fault of the stairs in the stairwell. Apparently someone has used this ladder to go up to the second floor.

The upper part of the second floor looked dim, there was no light at all, and it was completely shrouded in darkness.

Xu Fu also saw this ladder, and turned his head and whispered to Mu Qin: “Do you think we still need to go up to the second floor? I bet it must have been turned over.”

“I think so too.” Muqin raised his head and looked at the fault of the stairs, staring at the shadow on the second floor. “That killer probably has taken away the props we were looking for.”

“Take it?” Xu Fu was puzzled by Mu Qin’s words. He took out the Fool’s card that belonged to Mu Qin, raised his arm and aimed it at the second floor, and found that the tarot card was still bright. Of.

So Xu Fu said: “No, it’s wrong! He didn’t seem to take away the props, the card is still on…”

“Of course he has taken it.” Muqin emphasized this point. He raised his head and looked at the shadow on the fault of the stairs. “He is standing upstairs with a prop and looking at us.”

The tone of Mu Qin’s words was a little gloomy, and Xu Fu was startled. Xu Fu shuddered all over his body. Xu Fu put down the tarot cards in his hand and followed Mu Qin’s eyes to the top of the staircase fault on the second floor. Go, the inside of the church is too dark, and it’s dark and you can’t see anything… Although you can’t see anything, Xu Fu does feel that someone is standing in the shadow of the fault on the stairs, because the other person’s cold gaze extends from above. , Projected on Mu Qin and Xu Fu.

Although Xu Fu was slightly frightened, he calmed down quickly, and he quickly made a very bold move. Xu Fu suddenly rushed over, ran to the stairwell a few steps, and The ladder on the fault of the stairs was pulled down, and the ladder fell to the ground with a rumbling as he moved vigorously.

“As expected, this guy is still on the second floor.” After Xu Fu knocked down the ladder, he stepped back to Mu Qin’s side, “Knock the ladder down, let’s see how he gets down!” “

The killer standing upstairs seemed to let out a slightly hoarse smile after hearing Xu Fu’s words, that kind of smile with a little contempt. Then he moved, and Muqin saw that he seemed to take a step forward, his shoes stepped on the edge of the fault of the stairs, revealing a corner.

Mu Qin suddenly realized something, reached out and grabbed the arm of Xu Fu beside him, and said, “Run!”

When Xu Fu heard that, although he still didn’t understand Mu Qin’s thoughts, his body had already started to act instinctively. Xu Fu immediately turned around and ran towards the church gate.

At the same time, the assassin standing on the fault of the stairs also jumped upstairs, and jumped directly towards Mu Qin and Xu Fu’s position. He leaped like a dark crow, spreading its wings under the shadow of the shadow, and exuding evil and suffocating aura everywhere, but horror was full of inexplicable charm.

Mu Qin was supposed to run with Xu Fu, but he paused for a while in the same place. He couldn’t help but watch the killer’s figure, watching the other party jump from the top and land steadily on the ground. In front of Qin, the other party put away the huge black wings, but showed fangs and claws at Mu Qin. He looked like a monster, grinning at Mu Qin.

Mu Qin seemed to be shocked by him, causing Mu Qin to stand rigidly and motionless, making close contact with the terrifying killer.

The killer didn’t come up immediately and attacked Mu Qin. The killer slowly stood up straight and reached out to Mu Qin, as if he wanted to touch Mu Qin’s face with his fingers.

At this moment, Xu Fu, who had already run a few steps, found that Mu Qin had not followed, and couldn’t help but turn around and shouted Mu Qin’s name. When Mu Qin was called, he recovered and immediately took a step back. Turning around and following Xu Fu to run outside the church, leaving the assassin still standing there, he still kept the posture of raising his right hand to touch Muqin.

The killer didn’t stand still for long, he knew he should act, and now is the best time to hunt.

Previously, suspended animation was to break away from the group, so as to create opportunities for acting alone and absent. Later, when he met Mu Qin, the killer induced Mu Qin to use his Fool’s card. When Mu Qin used the Fool’s card, the killer saw his card face, and when he pointed towards the church, the face of the card lit up, and the killer knew that the human side wanted The props I was looking for were in the church. So after Muchin left, the assassin went to the second floor of the church and took the lead in getting the key to the exit door. The key was placed on a desk in an office on the second floor of the church.

As long as the key is obtained, the killer can ensure that the human side cannot easily escape. The human must find a way to wound or control the killer once, and take the key from the killer to open the door to the exit.

If there has been no way to get the key back, open the door, and defeat the ghost, then all the humans will be wiped out here.

Zhou Yue is not the first time to be a “ghost”. He has been in this game for a long time. His experience is too rich. He knows what to do and what to do to drive these people into desperation.

However, often times, these newcomers do not know that they are in desperation.

When the killer chased out the church, he found that Xu Fu and Mu Qin were gone. The air was still filled with the smell of wet soil after the rain, but it was also mixed with some other breaths. The killer simply observed the traces on the ground. …As long as it is a place where a living thing passes, there will always be clues, footprints on the soil, bending of grass blades, even if the traces are not obvious, it is not a problem for Zhou Yue, who has hunter intuition.

So Zhou Yue quickly understood where Mu Qin and the others were going, but Zhou Yue was not in a hurry to chase people, because he could see that Mu Qin and Xu Fu deliberately ran to him to attract him Of attention.

Attracting his attention is to draw him elsewhere.

Why would you lead him elsewhere?

Zhou Yue looked back at the church. He already got the key from the church. Then there is no need to search for the church. The closest building next to the church is the apartment building. The apartment building is Zhou. Yue’s “spawn point”, he was in a room on the fourth floor of the apartment building as soon as he woke up, so he simply searched the apartment building completely, and there was nothing in it.

Apart from Mu Qin and Xu Fu, apart from Cheng Guoxu who died in the church, and apart from the woman Han Li mentioned by Mu Qin who was temporarily disabled due to fever, there should be one more person.

Mu Qin and Xu Fu deliberately came to attract the attention of the killer, just to make the remaining person be able to act alone.

Zhou Yue thought of this. He licked his lips and gave up continuing to follow Mu Qin and Xu Fu. Instead, he turned around. He decided to walk around the apartment building and the church. The last person must be nearby, Zhou Yue will find him soon.

At the same time, Mu Qin and Xu Fu, who ran a distance and squatted under a certain tree, looked back to the church for a while, and Xu Fu said, “He didn’t follow.”

Mu Qin can’t help but frown: “He found that we are tempting his attention. He won’t be fooled anymore. He will definitely go to Qiu Zijia next.”

“What should I do?” Xu Fu was a little anxious.

“No way.” Muqin sighed, feeling tricky, “Let’s go back and attract again. With us making trouble next to him, even if he is unwilling to be fooled, he will still be taken by us.”

Xu Fu can only compromise: “Well, I think we have to move faster, otherwise Qiu Zijia will be very dangerous.”

The tall man replied to Mu Qin: “Similar to that. We are now locked in a closed place. We need to find the key to the exit before we can go out.”

“I don’t quite understand.” Muqin felt unable to accept such a huge amount of information for a while. He said, “You mean, we are now locked up in a…this should be an orphanage. Right? Then we need to find the key to the door to go out?”

The tall man said: “Yes, you understand quickly.”

“Who kept us here?” Muqin asked.

The tall man continued to answer: “I don’t know. Maybe it’s a terrible organization, or a supernatural existence, or even aliens.”

“Who are you then?” Muqin raised his head and carefully observed the tall man in front of him.

This man has piercing and dark eyes. He looks very powerful and reliable, giving a sense of decency. But he replied: “My name is Xu Fu. I used to…I was a prisoner who went to jail for murder.”

Xu Fu’s remarks made the two people beside him stand a little farther away from him, but Xu Fu didn’t seem to care very much. He said: “There are not enough people. We should have six people here. But it’s okay, let’s briefly tell you about the situation first.”

Then Xu Fu began to talk endlessly. His language skills were not bad. After his explanation, Mu Qin finally understood the basic situation.

In short, this is a killing game.

Similar to some popular online games nowadays, when several players who may or may not know each other come to a closed map, the game system will put a “killer” among these players. Find a way to find out who the killer is, and while avoiding being killed by the killer, you must also find a way to leave the map.

This is the basic rule. If it’s in a computer game, it’s really fun, but if it’s turned into reality, it’s a bit scary.

“I think you are joking.” After Xu Fu explained the basic situation, one of the five people spoke up.

Yes, there is a woman among them, the woman who has been standing next to Xu Fu just now, leaning on the wall and not talking.

Mu Qin looked at her through the not-so-bright light in the office. She was an adult woman in her thirties and forties. She was relatively thin, with slightly curly and short shoulder-length hair dyed in flax. It’s pretty handsome, with an oval face, but the cheekbones are a bit high, and the tails of the eyes are tall, giving people a mean look.

“What is such a fantasy thing as a killing game, you have read too much fantasy novels!” This woman didn’t believe what Xu Fu said, “It’s definitely this gibberish guy fooling us. I just remembered that before I came here. I went to a student’s home for a home visit. After somehow I lost consciousness, I was here. It must be a prank that the student did in conjunction with you!”

It seems that this woman is a teacher.

Mu Qin heard the woman’s words, and he had a general guess in his heart.

This conjecture is easy. Xu Fu has the same inference. He said to the woman: “Are you a teacher, middle school teacher or high school?”

The woman squinted at Xu Fu: “I am a junior high school teacher, do you have any comments?”

“No, of course there is no opinion. I just want to ask you, did your student do anything to you when you were giving a home visit to the student and lost consciousness?” Xu Fu asked a question that seemed irrelevant.

“I don’t want to answer the murderer’s question.” The female teacher was tough.

Xu Fu asked and replied: “Did he give you anything to drink, tea, water, goods, etc., did you start to feel sleepy after drinking, and then you fell asleep involuntarily, and when you woke up, Here?”

“Ha! I knew you were in the same group with that student!” The female teacher became more sure of this after listening to Xu Fu’s words. She pointed to Xu Fu’s nose and said, “Use sleeping pills to faint me and move to Here, I also made up an inexplicable game to deceive me. Don’t think that I would be afraid of doing such boring little actions. You are a crime! I will not call the police if I let me out now, but it’s inevitable to tell the parents!”

Xu Fu turned a deaf ear to what the female teacher said, and replied somewhat indifferently: “You don’t understand what I mean, this teacher… I’m just speculating on the scene of your death.”

One sentence made the female teacher get stuck. She showed a clear expression of sluggishness. The sluggishness was still a little frightened, but soon she forced herself to calm down and said forcefully: “Don’t pretend to be here, I really think Can you scare me!?”

Xu Fu did not continue the conversation with the female teacher, but looked around at other people around him. His eyes were from Cheng Guoxu, Mu Qin, the female teacher, and the last man with glasses standing in the corner who never said a word. Swept over.

Xu Fu said: “Everyone standing here, I want to tell you the truth, you are all dead.”

“Although it is a weird and terrible thing to be able to stand here when you die, I think you should all remember the scene when you died. It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember it. You will remember it later, your death. The law may be strange, it may be accident, homicide, or suicide, but no matter who killed it, you all have to face a common fact…the fact of death.”

Xu Fu’s remarks were very calm. Although he called himself a murderer, he looked very mature and capable, stable and reliable, and he didn’t look like the kind of person who would go to extremes.

“You will have different background identities, but they are not important here.” Xu Fu said slowly and unhurriedly, “Here, your only task is to escape, escape from the killer, Escape from this closed map, survive and find an exit, that’s your only mission.”

Xu Fu said: “I’m not the same as you guys. I’m not a novice, but someone who has already experienced a’game’. In the game, the killer was hidden until the end and killed everyone around me. Only I managed to find the exit and escape.”

At this time, the man with glasses who had not spoken in the venue suddenly spoke: “How can we believe that what you are saying is true? This kind of outrageous remarks must always give evidence, right?”

Mu Qin could not help quietly turning his head and glanced at the man with glasses. This is a gloomy man. As a male, his hair is very long, and he looks greasy and hasn’t been taken care of for a long time. The pair of black-rimmed glasses that almost covered most of his face, his face looked a little pale.

The body is thin, the height is about 1.7 meters, and the gloomy temperament is from the inside to the outside.

“I have no evidence, nor will I give any evidence.” Xu Fu naturally said: “Believe it or not, it’s up to you to decide. I am only responsible for explaining the situation… In fact, I don’t even need to explain the situation. When I am the first When I came to this ghost game for the second time, the “old man” inside told me the truth after the death of three people. The newcomers who came in with me were all confused and killed by the killer. .”

Muqin felt that he had a general understanding of the situation, and he began to interrupt: “Since you said’last game’, does it mean that this is a non-stop killing game? Like the infinite stream in some online novels, Escaped from this map and there is another map?”

Xu Fu nodded: “Yes, that’s it, but after each map escapes, it will give you buffer time. The game system will send you to a safe house. What is the safe house like? You can escape. Experience it by yourself in the future.”

“Who is the killer, then?” The man with glasses asked suddenly.

Xu Fu looked at the spectacle man, he could hardly see the spectacle man’s eyes, and they were all blocked by the reflection of his huge black-framed lenses.

Xu Fu said: “The killer is among us, I don’t know who he is, he can be anyone.”

The man with glasses seems to be staring at Xu Fu: “It means it might be you, right?”

Xu Fu laughed, this man looks a little good-looking, and also looks good when he smiles: “Yes, of course it may be me, or you. I advise you not to start suspicion of each other too early, because Will die soon.”

The man with glasses stretched out his hand and pushed his frame: “What you say… as if you know when I will die, plus you just introduced yourself as a murderer, isn’t that more likely? “

Xu Fu said: “You can continue to guess, I don’t mind.”

“Every game is a six-player system, five survivors, and one murderer. You can call him a killer, but I like to call him a’ghost’, just like ghosts and people in hide and seek. We are. The time you can stay in each map is unlimited. Whether it is killed or escaped, as long as there are survivors on this map, the game will not end.”

“But it’s best not to waste too much time.” Xu Fu continued, “I’m going to start looking for a way to escape this orphanage. Will any of you come with me? Remind you, Don’t act alone. Either everyone stays together, or just one person leaves.”

The glasses man first said: “I will not act with a murderer.”

“Neither will I!” The female teacher agreed secondly.

So Xu Fu looked at Mu Qin and Cheng Guoxu.

Mu Qin felt a little entangled. On the one hand, he felt that this guy named Xu Fu might be the one who knew the situation best. Mu Qin wanted to get more information from Xu Fu, but on the other hand, Mu Qin again I think the man with glasses is right.

While Mu Qin was still struggling, Cheng Guoxu next to him had already made a choice. This guy seemed to be a person with little opinion. He decided to follow the big army, so he stood beside the man in glasses and the female teacher. .

Muchin is the only one left who has not chosen a position.

At this time, Xu Fu didn’t even give him a choice of position. Xu Fu said, “I just said, either everyone stays together, or just one person acts alone.”

“Since you don’t want to be with me, then I’ll be happier to act alone.” Xu Fu seemed to have meant this for a long time, and smiled, “I’ll explore this orphanage alone, and you can also explore on your own. But I hope you don’t spread out.”

“Finally, there is one of us who has not been found yet. He may be dangerous or safe. You can judge for yourself!”

When Xu Fu said this, it was like finishing a certain task, standing up and leaving this small office easily. Mu Qin watched his figure leave, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, his intuition Tell him it’s safer to follow this man, but from Xu Fu’s previous performance, Xu Fu actually doesn’t want people to follow him.

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