Unlimited Cycles of Death: 49. Recalling (3)

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In the safe house of the fringe world.

Zhou Yue sits in front of the snow-white wall like a warrior. He is motionless, with his head down as if praying. In the long silence, Zhou Yue remained silent… as if waiting for something.

This wait did not last long. On the white and clean wall in front of me, defects soon appeared, and a line of crooked lettering slowly appeared in front of Zhou Yue. This is a line of characters with a password. First At first glance, it seems to be a garbled character with no logical order, but as long as you read it according to a certain formula, you can instantly understand the message the other party wants to convey.

This line is a message from an acquaintance of Zhou Yue in the fringe world…Although he is an acquaintance, Zhou Yue does not know the other’s name, the other’s age, gender, and the detailed information Zhou Yue does not know. However, this person was Zhou Yue…Before Muqin appeared, the only person who could barely entrust trust.

The unknown person told Zhou Yue that his code name was “Jin”.

In the fringe world, the communication between players is always defensive. If they don’t want to reveal their real names to each other, they usually call each other by code names. Zhou Yue has also been in front of other players, using a code name called ” “White Eagle”-this is the code name Zhou Yue used frequently when performing tasks in the army.

White Eagle and Jin are often on this wall of the safe house—some players call it “blackboard”. Use this encrypted text to communicate on the blackboard. This is a set of communication methods created by combining various cryptography. Normal people cannot easily crack this complex password, so various messages can be transmitted easily and quickly.

The unidentified person who claims to be “Gold” can actually be regarded as Zhou Yue’s mentor in the fringe world…or a guide.

At that time, Zhou Yue died twice in the game. After the second death, Zhou Yue entered the game again as a rookie, and it was in this new game that Zhou Yue met Jin.

From the appearance, Jin seems to be a mixed-race with a bit of European and American mixed blood. His eyes are gray-blue, his hair is chestnut-colored, his complexion is white, he is tall and handsome, and he looks like an international male model. He can be fascinating. A large group of foolish men and women.

Jin’s qualifications are older than Zhou Yue, because in the next system transaction with Jin, Zhou Yue discovered that Jin’s system number was 13.

13, yes, that’s 13, there are only two numbers. When he saw this number for the first time, Zhou Yue couldn’t believe his eyes at all, because he knew clearly…what it meant.

This means that this guy who calls himself “Gold” is the thirteenth player to enter the fringe world.

Jin is also what Zhou Yue said before…The player who has been in the game for more than three years, Zhou Yue has met the oldest player, because Zhou Yue has never seen a number smaller than 13 again.

Jin knows many, many things in this game…so much that Zhou Yue can’t imagine, especially the things about the Butterfly Throne, basically all Jin told Zhou Yue.

Jin is not difficult to get along with. He has a cheerful and active personality. At least he is willing to cooperate with Zhou Yue to do a lot of things, so Zhou Yue gave Jin the only trust he had.

Through deciphering, the dialogue between Zhou Yue and Jin looks like this:

Jin first wrote on the wall: You haven’t contacted me for a long time, why did you suddenly think of me today?

White Eagle: I need your help.

Kim: Have you finally figured it out? Regarding the King of the Butterfly Throne who is eyeing you, I have already given you advice.

White Eagle: So your opinion is to let others take the throne for me?

Jin: This is the best way. The king wants you to be a stand-in, so you can find another stand-in for yourself. By doing this, you can save your soul and your body. You only need to deceive a certain player in the game, for any reason, deceive him, let him kill the king instead of you, and then sit down. Ascend to the throne, then you don’t have to worry, just leave the problems to others.

White Eagle: Are you kidding, who would risk their lives to kill the king for me? And even if there is, how can you ensure that his strength can kill the king?

Jin: Anyone can kill the king as long as he has the Death Card and World Reverse.

White Eagle: I might as well kill it myself.

Jin: Anyone can kill the king, but you can’t. Unless you can first find a way to unlock the white card on your body, as long as there is a white card locking effect, you are the designated heir to the throne. Even if you cut the king, the white card still orders you to be the new king, you will still be taken by the throne. The life and death vines on the top are pulled over and bound, and there will be no change in the result, so this king, you can only let others kill.

Jin continues to write: The Butterfly Throne can be “usurped”. As long as the usurper enters the throne map with the **** of death and the world, after killing the king, the throne will be empty, and the throne will find a new king by itself and take office. If the king’s designated heir is not on the throne map, or if the previous king did not designate anyone as heir, the throne will choose the living player in the map to become the new king, and the usurper is the only choice.

White Eagle: Does this mean that as long as the heir or usurper flees the throne map in time after the king is killed, the demon throne will not find the heir or usurper, and this position will be vacant? , The Butterfly Throne loses its effect, and both the Throne and the Throne Map will then disappear?

Jin: In theory, this is possible, but the throne map is not so easy to escape. The vines of life and death entwined on the throne are very, very fast. If you have no time to escape the throne map, the vines will instantly catch you back to the throne… This idea is not valid, you must find a substitute to usurp the throne.

White Eagle: As I said, there is no such person, no one will be a usurper for me.

Jin: Yes, of course you do. I don’t think you had a good chat with a guy named Muchin on the “blackboard” two days ago? You are very close, I guess he must be willing to live and die for you.

Baiying: I never knew that you could understand the seal script… Don’t even think about it, don’t hurt anyone, including myself!

Jin:…I made a mistake in my estimation. It seems that you are the one who is willing to die for life, haha!

Bai Ying: I’m not here to talk about this with you. The king is now chasing down my physical body in this world. He can’t wait. He wants to replace me with an heir after he kills me.

Jin: What do you want to do?

White Eagle: Start a new game with me, take your Reaper card, and I will bring a Hanged Man. At the beginning, you kill me and let my soul return to this world, and then wait two hours, then use the Hanged Man to resurrect me.

Jin: You are really willful, but it is indeed a good way, so how do you plan to repay me.

White Eagle: I only have big reward points for you.

Jin: Very good, deal.

After Zhou Yue and Jin agreed on the time to enter the new game, Zhou Yue brought the Hanged Upside Down Man who had been stored in his game warehouse for a long time… This Hanged Upside Down Man was still in the mall at one time. Randomly refreshed, the game mall in the fringe world is very pitted, and generally you can’t get any good cards.

Prepare the card, Zhou Yue began to wait anxiously, whether he can match Jin to the same game, in fact, it depends on the probability,

Zhou Yue and Jin once did a test. If the two of them enter the new game at the same minute and second, the probability of matching together is 30%. Only three games out of ten games are together. In other words, there is a 70% probability of failure. This failure rate is quite high. Success depends only on luck.

But it must be successful this time.

Zhou Yue lowered his head, clasped his hands tightly, and pressed his forehead against the wall.

He must succeed. He must return to this world to find Mu Qin. He knows that Mu Qin is dangerous. Although Mu Qin vowed to protect Zhou Yue’s body, Zhou Yue also believes that Mu Qin will do it. But the price must be very heavy.

Zhou Yue doesn’t care about his physical body very much.

In fact, he doesn’t have much nostalgia for this world. In that boring world, Zhou Yue doesn’t care about anyone except Mu Qin.

But because Mu Qin was there, Zhou Yue had to go back intact.

He really wants to go to a real amusement park with Muqin…or other places, too. They haven’t held hands well yet and happily come on a long trip.

Zhou Yue, who missed Mu Qin, wrote the word Mu Qin in the palm of his hand, and then stupidly kissed the palm of his hand with his lips.

He really thought that he could pass on his thoughts.


“What did you say?” Xu Lin held up the phone, and while speaking, she subconsciously glanced at Zhou Yue who was lying on the hospital bed.

Xu Haoyu on the phone gritted his teeth and said: “My comrade-in-arms had an accident. He hung up my phone! He never hung up my phone before, let alone shut it down after hanging up.”

Xu Lin said: “Then what your comrade-in-arms said about being hunted down… is it true?”

“Mu Qin will not lie like this. He said that he is being pursued and killed, so he is indeed being pursued and killed.” Xu Haoyu was also very anxious when talking about this, and kept taking deep breaths to ease his emotions. , “I sent my subordinate Peng Zhe to follow him, but just now… I have not been able to make calls to Peng Zhe.”

Xu Lin said displeased: “You are too reckless, since you believe that he is indeed being hunted down, at least find a few more people to protect him!”

Xu Haoyu also regretted in his heart, biting her lower lip, and said: “What he meant at the time was…Compared to him, Zhou Yue’s situation is more dangerous, so I put the focus of protection on Zhou Yue.”

“Don’t worry, Zhou Yue has me watching.” Xu Lin couldn’t help but put her gaze on Zhou Yue’s body, “I will take the lead in his food and infusion, no one can move except me, so you can enjoy Find a way to save your comrade-in-arms.”

Xu Lin is still very reliable in Xu Haoyu’s eyes. His sister has always been more mature and stable than him, and she has made wise decisions in many things. After listening to his sister’s assurance, Xu Haoyu feels relieved. But he still exhorted: “Sister, don’t be careless, never leave Zhou Yue’s ward, don’t leave Zhou Yue’s side, don’t leave no matter what happens! Judging from Muqin’s previous intentions, the enemy seems to be a little strange. Strange method, beware of this.”

Xu Haoyu told his sister what he knew, and said: “I don’t hang up this phone, we keep in touch, Muqin should have happened on the way to your private hospital, so I will also rush now In your hospital, you ask someone to help see if there is any name of Mu Qing or Pengzhe among the recently admitted patients.”

After finishing the matter, Xu Haoyu put the phone directly into his pocket, and then drove his car to his sister’s hospital. He is not far from his sister’s private hospital and should be there soon, but although only For a short distance, Xu Haoyu still felt grief, full of unknown worries.


Get off the highway. At an intersection near Xu Lin’s private hospital, a traffic policeman patrols the intersection, directing and clearing blocked vehicles.

The red light at the intersection has turned green. The vehicles parked at the intersection waiting for the red light will follow the green light in turn, but there is a silver-gray private car. I don’t know if something is wrong, the green light is already on. However, he still stopped at the intersection and refused to move, which immediately caused all kinds of cars, large and small, to honour their horns.

After the short green light passed, the car hadn’t moved. The owner of the car behind was unable to bear it, ready to get out of the car and come to the theory. The traffic policeman standing in the middle of the intersection also found it strange and walked over. Look at the driver inside this silver-gray car through the front window.

As a result, the traffic police discovered that the driver was lying motionless on the steering wheel.

When I first saw this scene, the traffic police was angry and thought: This man is halfway through the car, why is he still asleep! ?

So the traffic police immediately walked to the door. I started knocking on the car window and wanted to wake the driver inside, but after knocking for a long time, the people inside didn’t react at all, and it felt like he was asleep.

The traffic police frowned in embarrassment, and subconsciously reached out to hit the door handle, trying to try if he could pull the door directly, although he knew it was generally impossible, because the driver would lock the door inside.

But just as the traffic police thought so, the door of the car was unexpectedly opened by him.

The driver inside was still lying motionless on the steering wheel even after the traffic police opened the door.

“Sir…” The traffic policeman couldn’t help but bowed his head and called the other person, and put his hand on the driver’s shoulder to shake the other person, but shortly after pressing the button, the traffic police shook his whole body and couldn’t help taking his hand back and watching Glancing at the palm of his hand.

There was still a little warm blood on his palms, and the wet and sticky touch was terrifying, so horrified that goose bumps appeared all over his body.

“Mister! Mister, are you okay!?” The traffic police shuddered, and immediately got up anxious. He held the driver’s shoulders and put him back on the chair. After pulling the driver straight and sitting firmly, the traffic police saw the driver. Blood-stained clothes, blood on his face, and a hand holding the steering wheel tightly.

“What happened?” At this time, some of the drivers of the blocked vehicles got out of the car and came to check the situation. Seeing the traffic police and the **** drivers in the silver-gray car, they immediately started talking.

“Gosh! How did this man get hurt like this!?”

“Hurry up to the hospital!”

“How did this man drive the car like this! It’s a **** that didn’t have a car accident!”

“I have been following behind this silver car just now. He drove quite steadily without any abnormalities. It just stopped at the traffic light at the intersection and then stopped moving.”

Everyone was talking about it. The traffic police thought about it for a while and decided to adopt the fastest method. Instead of calling an ambulance, he dispersed the crowds around and called the two drivers nearby to help. He said:

“You two, help me remove him from the driver’s seat and move him to the back seat. I will drive him directly to the hospital.”

The traffic police’s order came, and the enthusiastic driver next to him did not delay. He lifted Mu Qin from the driver’s seat and carefully moved to the back seat. After that, the traffic police got in the car, regardless of the traffic lights. Mu Qin rushed out directly.

Xu Lin’s private hospital is closest to here, so the traffic police didn’t bother to think about it, and sent the driver of this silver-gray car—that is, Mu Qin—to Xu Lin’s hospital as quickly as possible.

After arriving at the hospital, the traffic police contacted the emergency department to move people, and then someone moved Muqin to the emergency room for rescue.

Muqin’s injury was very serious. The doctors at a glance judged that he was beaten like this, and he was beaten badly, with various soft tissue contusions, and some bone cracks in the hand bones and ribs. In subsequent photographs, the doctors discovered that Muqin’s fractured ribs had shifted too far and pressed against his lungs, which made him difficult to breathe and even suffocated to death.

The doctor decided to perform a minor operation on Mu Qin to take out the ribs pressing on his lungs. If it is not taken out as soon as possible, this bone is likely to puncture the lungs, which will bring more serious consequences to Mu Qin.

Just when the doctors straightforwardly began the operation on Mu Qin, Xu Lin, who was guarding Zhou Yue’s bed, also received the news that a patient named “Mu Qin” was accepted by the emergency department and was being rescued.

“Are you sure he is called Mu Qin?” Xu Lin thought of Xu Haoyu’s name that his comrade-in-arms was Mu Qin, so she carefully questioned the medical director who came to report, “He Mu, Tie owes Qin.”

The medical director nodded: “That’s the name.”

After that, Xu Lin heard the medical director say that Mu Qin was in the emergency room, saying that he was seriously injured. Xu Lin gave birth to some thoughts to see, but couldn’t leave Zhou Yue’s side, so she greeted the medical staff. The director said: “You ask the doctors in the emergency department to take good care of this man named Muqin. After the operation is over, send him to this ward for me.”

“Send to this ward?” The medical director glanced at Zhou Yue who Xu Lin was guarding: “Are you with him?”

Xu Lin confirmed: “Yes, pull up a movable bed and let them sleep in a ward.”

Xu Lin is the director of the hospital. She said she would do what she said. Although the medical director was puzzled, she nodded. Seeing him leaving, Xu Lin immediately took out her mobile phone and started calling her brother Xu Haoyu, and asked: “Xu Haoyu! Where are you?”

Xu Haoyu’s mobile phone was always on her body, and in order to keep in touch, they did not hang up the call, and they also turned on the amplification mode at the same time. When Xu Lin spoke to the phone, Xu Haoyu should be able to hear it for the first time… …But for some reason, Xu Haoyu did not respond in time.

After waiting for ten seconds, Xu Haoyu said in a calm voice: “Sister, I heard it all. Mu Qin is in your hospital, right?”

“He has just been sent over, and he is in the emergency room. I don’t know what the situation is. How is it on your side?”

Xu Haoyu paused for another two seconds and said: “I’m almost at the door of the hospital… Sister, leave Zhou Yue alone, go to the emergency department to see Mu Qin.”

Xu Haoyu’s words made Xu Lin somewhat unexpected. She held the phone and couldn’t help frowning: “What did you say?”

“I want you to go to the emergency department to see Mu Qin.” Xu Haoyu’s voice was a little cold, “I am very worried about him.”

“But you told me to stay by Zhou Yue’s side and not leave.” Xu Lin was puzzled. She felt a bit chilly in her back for some reason. She had a weird and ominous premonition, but she couldn’t tell the bad news. Where did the feeling of feeling come from.

Xu Haoyu said: “Mu Qin is in a more dangerous situation now. He proved in the emergency department that he was injured. That person might not let him go. I hope you go and see… Don’t think about Zhou Yue. I’m almost at the door of your hospital, I will go directly to Zhouyue ward to look at him.”

Xu Haoyu’s statement seems normal, but Xu Lin feels strange how she hears it.

Xu Lin said: “You told me to never leave Zhou Yue before, no matter what happens.”

“It was before, but things are different now.” Xu Haoyu said hard, “Sister, go now.”

Xu Lin opened her mouth while holding the phone, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn’t say a word. After a long while, she suddenly laughed: “Xu Haoyu said that the enemy had some strange methods that were fascinating. I also said what strange methods were. It turned out to be like this.”

Xu Haoyu on the other end of the phone seemed to be shocked and asked: “What do you mean by this?”

“You’re not my brother?” Xu Lin sneered. “When my brother wants me to do something, he always begs me with good words and he has never used it to me. The tone of command. However, it’s quite fresh to hear you say these commands in my brother’s voice.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

After a while, Xu Haoyu snorted coldly and laughed: “I really don’t understand, why are both of you so strong? Obviously just a bunch of ordinary people like rubbish.”

“I’m not an ordinary person.” Xu Lin was a little unhappy when she heard the words. Although she didn’t quite understand the meaning of these words, she still retorted strongly: “And…no one is rubbish, except you .”

“You can just do what you say.” Xu Haoyu continued to laugh: “Your spirit is indeed strong and cannot be easily shaken, but it is still a bit weaker than Muqin. I only need to make a small plan.”

“Whatever tricks you do, and…Don’t speak in my brother’s voice anymore! It sounds disgusting!” Xu Lin thought that Xu Haoyu was talking to her before, and now the people on the phone seem to be talking to her. Changed one. I wonder what happened to her brother? Is it also being attacked?

“My dear good sister, I am your brother. Of course, I can only speak in your brother’s voice.” Xu Haoyu laughed endlessly over there. His laughter was very strange, not like Xu. The sibling brother Lin knew.

Xu Lin felt that the feeling of chills on her back became more intense: “What do you mean? What did you do to Xu Haoyu?”

“I am Xu Haoyu.” Xu Haoyu still emphasized on the other end of the phone: “I drove his car against his body, using his name, and using his voice to talk to his sister, you said me Is it Xu Haoyu?”

Xu Lin almost crushed the phone in her hand.

She took a lot of effort to calm herself down, and she took a deep breath: “I hope it’s not what I imagined…you are taking my brother’s body?”

“Oh, you are so smart.” Xu Haoyu laughed on the other side of the phone, “Should I say that I am my biological sister?”

“What kind of monster are you?” Xu Lin gritted her teeth, “Are you a ghost? Or a monster?”

“Do you believe that there are ghosts and monsters in this world?” Xu Haoyu smiled sarcastically.

Xu Lin said in a low voice: “I don’t know, but no matter what the **** you are, please get out of my brother quickly!”

“Why?” Xu Haoyu seemed to be reluctant to think about this situation, “Why should I listen to you? I just want to stay in this body, I can drive his car all over the city! Run to death any one in front of my eyes. A bug, angrily hit all the vehicles I hate, such as the slow tanker in front of me, it has been blocked in front of me for a minute!”

“You can’t do this!” Xu Lin almost shouted, “Leave my brother’s body!”

“Then listen to me.” Xu Haoyu smiled over there.

Xu Lin resisted the tremor in her heart: “What do you want me to do?”

“You don’t need to see Mu Qin.” Xu Haoyu said, “You can stay and watch Zhou Yue, but I need you to do something to Zhou Yue… Since you are in the hospital, please give Zhou Yue immediately. Yue injected insulin, a lot.”

Xu Lin said: “You let me kill him.”

“No, no, you can’t say that.” Xu Haoyu whispered, “I just asked you to treat him. He needs insulin to treat himself.”

“It is used to treat diabetes.” Xu Lin’s breath is uneven, “Zhou Yue has no diabetes.”

“Do as I said.” Xu Haoyu’s voice was lower, “Unless you want to say goodbye to your brother.”

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