Unlimited Cycles of Death: 23. Iris (23)

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At this moment, Qiu Zijia is alone behind the apartment building, hiding in some grass and squatting. He is very nervous, and the card of Fool in his hand trembles with his nervousness. He leans on Walking forward cautiously along the wall, he is following the guidance of the Fool’s card to find the correct route.

Muqin told him that the Fool’s card will only guide the player to the location of something, and it may point to certain items that open the exit, such as keys or other tools. It is also possible that the card will directly point to the so-called hidden exit.

So, what is the hidden exit?

Literally, it means a hidden exit.

There is an obvious exit on the map of the Iris Orphanage-the big iron gate in the courtyard. The huge iron door that doesn’t look very strong can trap Muqin and the others in the orphanage. If they want to open the door, they must find the key to the door. This is anyone who understands the situation. Logical facts that can be inferred.

So at this time, there was a new question before everyone: apart from this big iron gate, is there any other exit from the orphanage?

The answer is of course yes.

According to Xu Fu, every map in the game. Basically, there are two or more exits or escape methods.

Xu Fu said that the map on which he experienced the game was on a small island that is not very big. There are two modes of transportation on the island, one is the speedboat on the island’s dock. One is a small submarine parked in an underground cave on the island, so you can also escape by submarine.

Using these two means of transportation is an escape method that players can use to escape. Players do not need to master the skills of sailing or driving a submarine, they only need to find the speedboat key that can start the speedboat, or find the tool to open the submarine sealing cover.

You only need to find one of the two props, and then use the prop to start the speedboat or submarine, and the game system will default to the successful escape of the player.

There is a special need to pay attention here. Even if the human is already standing inside the escape tool, such as on the speedboat, if the speedboat key is not used to start the speedboat, the killer can still attack the human during this time. The killer can climb on the speedboat to kill people, but as long as the speedboat is activated, the system will determine that the player has successfully escaped, and the player will be instantly teleported to the safe house.

Xu Fu said that he finally left the island in a speedboat and became the last survivor.

However, according to Xu Fu’s guess, he felt that there were not only speedboats or submarines on the closed island, but also a third vehicle that could help humans escape, which is the so-called “hidden escape method.”

Because Xu Fu found a helicopter apron on the island, the veteran in the team told him that the appearance of the apron is not meaningless, and the helicopter is probably a hidden escape method. It’s just that there was no plane parked on the tarmac at that time, so Xu Fu guessed that maybe in the game, they must meet certain conditions before the helicopter will appear.

On the map of the Iris Orphanage, Xu Fu feels that this place also has a so-called “hidden exit” or “hidden escape method.”

Xu Fu said: “The map of the orphanage is much simpler than the map of the island I experienced before, and its hidden exit is also easy to guess. Apart from opening the door, I think there may be a similar tunnel entrance here. It’s in a corner of the orphanage.”

Mu Qin’s Fool’s card points to the second floor of the church, while Qiu Zijia’s Fool’s card points in the other direction.

This is already obvious, Qiu Zijia’s Fool’s card points to the hidden exit.

Under normal circumstances, the human side basically does not consider using hidden exits or hidden escape methods to escape, because it seems that to open a hidden exit, it seems that certain very harsh and specific conditions must be met. Xu Fu does not know what it is. Conditions, he has not tried, but they are in a critical situation at the moment.

Mu Qin saw that the door of the storage room was opened and the ladder inside was missing. I guessed that Zhou Yue might get the key to the exit door first. Zhou Yue found the key early in the morning and held it in his own hands to ruin the idea of ​​the human side. So now it was too late for Mu Qin and others to rush over. It was extremely difficult to get the key back from Zhou Yue, so Mu Qin had to come up with new countermeasures, and he decided to try the way of hiding the exit.

The plan is the same as before. Mu Qin and Xu Fu are still going to attract the killer’s attention separately, while Qiu Zijia takes his own Fool’s card to find the hidden exit. After finding it, he must find a way to hide the exit. Open it, because Mu Qin and Xu Fu had to constantly deal with the killer to delay time, and Qiu Zijia was the only one who had the ability to act.

Qiu Zijia suddenly felt that he was carrying a heavy responsibility, which made him so nervous that his face was pale, but he forced himself to muster all the courage, gritted his teeth and carefully searched in the dark courtyard. The gleaming Tarot cards seemed to be his only hope.

I don’t know if it’s Qiu Zijia’s illusion. He feels that the tarot cards in his hand seem to be getting brighter and brighter, which seems to indicate that he is getting closer and closer to the so-called hidden exit. As he approached the destination slowly, he heard footsteps coming from behind him.

Qiu Zijia is very sensitive when he is alone. This is natural. The loneliness in this environment will put Qiu Zijia in an extremely nervous state of mind. A little movement will make him astonished as a frightened bird for a long time, so I heard this footstep My colleague, Qiu Zijia quickly turned her head and found a figure walking behind. In the pitch-black courtyard, Qiu Zijia could only see a black human figure.

Qiu Zijia instinctively realized that it was not Xu Fu or Mu Qin, because if Mu Qin came to him, he would definitely call Qiu Zijia’s name.

It’s not Mu Qin or Xu Fu, only one person came to him.

Qiu Zijia became frightened for an instant, and the fear spread from his brain to his internal organs. The scared Qiu Zijia jumped up from the grass, no matter what direction it was, he began to run forward desperately, every cell in his body They were all screaming at him and running!

So Qiu Zijia ran, squeezed the tarot card in her hand, and tried to run towards the dark courtyard in front of her. Seeing him escape, the killer who was slowly following Qiu Zijia also ran with Qiu Zijia.

However, Qiu Zijia didn’t run fast enough. His physical fitness was definitely not as good as a killer. In addition, the courtyard was overgrown and dark. He couldn’t see anything. He could easily trip over stones and other things. Qiu Zijia had to be careful. , This caution greatly reduced his speed of action, and within a short while, the assassin behind soon caught up with Qiu Zijia.

Qiu Zijia didn’t know if the other party had weapons or anything, but he seemed to hear the assassin’s hand waving something, making the slight whistling sound when he was waving, and then Qiu Zijia felt a sharp pain in his back , So painful that he yelled and fell to the ground with a plop.

Qiu Zijia looked back and found that the thing that had just hit her was a slap-sized rock. The rock picked up by the killer at will can also become a weapon of terror. He threw it on Qiu Zijia’s body without his hands, and slammed Qiu Zijia on his back. It staggered Qiu Zijia and instantly fell to the ground.

Qiu Zijia wanted to get up as fast as he could, but when he raised his arms and lifted his body just about to get up, the killer from behind had already chased him, and stepped on Qiu Zijia’s back, just when Qiu Zijia was stoned. Qiu Zijia immediately lay on the ground again in pain where it hit.

The killer seemed to intentionally torture him, so he stepped on very hard. As a killer, Zhou Yue’s physical abilities were all raised to the highest level by the Death Card. His current strength was definitely not covered, he stepped on it lightly and casually. Qiu Zijia screamed in pain, struggling under his feet.

Zhou Yue doesn’t like to hear people screaming, because Qiu Zijia’s screams are not very pleasant, so he quickly retracted his feet, stared at Qiu Zijia for a second, as if thinking about **** him.

The easiest way is to break his neck.

Zhou Yue originally had weapons. Players who have drawn the Death Card and appointed assassin in the game will have a weapon near their spawn point, such as a knife or the like. You can take it as you like, but take it. After using this weapon, other humans will usually suspect that you are a killer when they see you. Therefore, some killers choose not to take a weapon in order to hide their identity, and even some killers secretly place a weapon on someone else in order to divert their attention.

Zhou Yue took it. He first went to the church with the weapon, then put the knife on the church table, and then went into hiding. Later, Xu Fu found this knife when he came to the church to explore. When Zhou Yue saw that he had taken the knife, he deliberately called him a killer, and smashed Xu Fu with a wooden board to anger him. Xu Fu was agitated and fought with Zhou Yue. During the fight, Zhou Yue deliberately faced the opponent’s knife edge, causing Xu Fu to leave several **** wounds on his neck and body.

Then Zhou Yue ran out, clutching the wound, all the way back to the apartment building where he was born, lying on the stairwell and pretending to be dead.

By doing this, he not only created conditions for himself to be absent, but also greatly shifted the attention of others to Xu Fu, increasing the suspicion of Xu Fu becoming a killer.

But doing this is equivalent to giving his weapon to Xu Fu.

However, Zhou Yue doesn’t need weapons to kill, it’s just a matter of snaps. He squatted down and reached out and grabbed Qiu Zijia’s shoulders, turning Qiu Zijia who was lying on his stomach over, preparing to choke this guy to death. Qiu Zijia was still struggling. He wanted to get out of Zhou Yue’s hands, but Zhou Yue pressed Qiu Zijia’s chest and abdomen with his knees to fix his body, then pinched Qiu Zijia’s neck and began to exert force.

Qiu Zijia immediately rolled his eyes because of suffocation. He stretched out his hand to tap Zhou Yue’s arm and shoulder, and even touched Zhou Yue’s body.

He touched Zhou Yue’s lap.

Zhou Yue thinks this action is a bit weird, no matter how hard you struggle, you won’t touch his leg, right? But before Zhou Yue noticed something was wrong, Qiu Zijia, who was pinched by his neck, suddenly had bloodshot eyes, swelled muscles and violent veins, and his physique seemed to have increased dozens of times in an instant. He grabbed Zhou Yue with his left hand and pinched him. On the wrist of his neck, his strength seemed to increase to a terrifying speed in an instant, and he actually pinched Zhou Yue’s arm with cyan marks, and forcibly tore Zhou Yue’s hand from his neck.

And Qiu Zijia’s right hand touched the trouser pocket of Zhou Yue’s left leg at the same time. In that pocket, Zhou Yue had found the key on the second floor of the church. He touched it and took the key away.

Zhou Yue admitted that he was bewildered by Qiu Zijia’s seemingly unresistible series of actions, and realized that Qiu Zijia had taken his key along, so he wanted to take it back from Qiu Zijia, but Qiu Zijia was straightforward. And a swift left uppercut hit Zhou Yue’s face, making Zhou Yue fall to the side, so Qiu Zijia seized the opportunity and jumped up, holding the key that he had just grabbed and remembered the door long ago. Run in the direction.

Zhou Yue also got up quickly. He finally reacted and realized that Qiu Zijia was carrying not only the Fool’s card, but also a chariot!

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