Unlimited Anime Works Chapter 681: Choice of Nagato

【Thanks for the vegetable radish, Mao Huihui, Kotori Tsundere time, gs big wet, Natsumi broken children’s shoes, thank you sin wolf wolf, sky? Ye № Wukong, maple’s withering, angel **** wind children’s shoes ‘S monthly pass, there are still 14 monthly passes plus more, everyone strives hard, today is the first to send it, for recommendation tickets, subscriptions, monthly tickets]

Passionate night.

King Kong did experience the feeling that Feng Yu Chen said, how to say, a little shy, a little happy, a little joy, a little intoxicated, in short, like the vinegar overturned the general feeling, faint, Gently, softly, but added some domineering on top of this softness.


Feng Yu Chen looks at King Kong gasped lips gently, hand gently touched up, smiled and asked: “How do you feel, now you have completed this ritual of becoming my woman?”

“I am a sea fog, don’t you find it strange? The average human being is so scared of me when I see it, why are you…” King Kong doesn’t understand, Feng Yu Chen is treating her as a real woman, and Not the existence of the machine.

Feng Yu Chen hand slid slowly, gently pressed on the softness of King Kong, and said: “Maybe in a sense, the sea fog is just a weapon or weapon, but ah, you are in my heart Woman, do you know what is the definition of person?”

King Kong bit her lip, Feng Yu Chen’s soothing made her body feel again, patted Feng Yu Chen’s hand, and asked, “What is the definition?”

“Human is not a mammalian endorsement, but a kind of existence that has a human heart, when your heart will feel warm or cold or lonely or happy. Prove that you are already a person. Follow me Together. Is the heartbeat fast?” Feng Yu Chen said, holding King Kong in his arms.

“Yes… a little fast, I still… thought it was a miscalculation…” King Kong’s face was flushed, she felt too much today, I am afraid this is the most intense mood swing since birth Yes, but… I like it.

“Not a dyscalculia, a physiological response, you are my woman, not a machine. Well, go to sleep, it’s getting early…”



The next morning, Feng Yu Chen walked out of the rest cabin in pajamas, the blue sea of ​​looks at, the mystery of the ocean is still so tempting.

“Go back and put on your clothes!” King Kong came out slowly with a violet dress on her face, and her face was restored to Iceburg. A queen’s breath that was unapproachable came out. The King Kong is obviously like the two of the replicas.

“Want to have a glass?” Feng Yu Chen handed a red wine to King Kong.


Vajra shook his head, the sky in the distance looks at. Asked Feng Yu Chen: “What are you going to do next, Strength of Supreme Flagship is not weak. If your goal is Supreme Flagship, then you should be well prepared.”

Feng Yu Chen waved his hand and said: “How about Supreme Flagship, no matter how strong it is, it is also a ship. When a ship has a collapse, we are not so weak…”

“Nagato’s attitude is not yet clear, what are you going to do? Know that she is the previous generation Supreme Flagship!” King Kong asked from the chair.

“She will choose a wise way, just wait, also one day, if the time of this day is over, if she has not considered clearly, we will help her make a choice!” Feng Yu Chen disappeared instantly He went above the deck and into the cabin.

King Kong sighed. Sooner or later, he will take this path. Well, for her man, she also showed a little courage!


Quantum space concept communication.

The long door smoked a cigarette pipe in his hand, Supreme Flagship opposite looks at, and she was called here this time. It seems that there is something to talk about.

“Nagato, how do you choose?” Yamato asked, caressing the teacup in his hand.

Supreme Flagship, what is your plan?” Nagato asked, smoking a pipe.

“Everything in Admiralty Code has disappeared, and the small movements in Chihaya Shouzou have all ended. Supreme Commander has indeed completely disappeared!” Yamato said it truthfully, but his eyes did not look like disappointment.

“Is it?”

Nagato stagnate for a moment, and then said, “It’s like God created mankind, and then God disappeared, letting humanity develop, let us sea fog develop? Indeed, to some extent, no With the restraint of Supreme Commander, we are free people… But this is also a time full of opportunities and crises, and the natural elimination method is reappearing.”

“I learned something from the mouth of a misty sea fog, do you want to listen?” Yamato asked, stroking his long brown hair.

“Listen, am I about to make a choice?” Chang Men suddenly guessed the ending. It seemed that it was the critical moment. Her long silence was breaking.

“Yes, it’s time to make a choice, do you want to listen? The previous generation Supreme Flagship?”

“Um…you just say…”


Yamato instantly became serious, and said: “The mist of the sea is replaced by Supreme Commander, and there is a rule among them that can win Super Battleship -like ship, battleship five ship, heavy cruiser five ship, and the rest of the ships More than twenty kinds of ship will become that Supreme Commander!”


“Is this the case?”

Nagato’s eyes sharpened instantly~IndoMTL.com~ It took a long time to ponder his head before slowly raising his head and saying, “It’s really not a gesture I’m used to, it seems that we are not qualified to be Supreme Commander, so now, you find me, it should be that you have found your favorite person, maybe Musashi has also joined hands with you? It is really surprising, you will choose to join forces…”

Yamato coldly snorted said, “That Feng Yu Chen, but destruction has my planned plan…”

“Sure enough, you have already started planning separately. Probably, you and Chihaya Gunzou are competing with each other. Who will find the Supreme Commander first? Obviously you have all failed. Now the decision is not in your hands, and your biggest opponent is now. It’s Feng Yu Chen in the Toyo Sea. If I surrender to him, then your victory and defeat will be hard to say, but if I meet you, you will have stronger strength. The existence of the strength of the three ship Supreme Flagship… /

It seems that the quietest one has become one of the most important chips on this ocean…”

Nagato’s mouth Kakuzu smiled instantly. It’s interesting. It’s such a critical point. How should she choose? (To be continued…) ()

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