Unlimited Anime Works Chapter 308: Leone ‘s “bold”

【Today’s fifth is sent, tickets, subscriptions, monthly tickets】

Feng Yu Chen was taken by Leone to a tavern in the Imperial Capital. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

“Did Laddie drink alcohol?” Leone said, hugging Feng Yu Chen‘s shoulder.

“Yeah, this is really a rare drink, although I drank a little while meeting with Student before…” Feng Yu Chen said honestly.

Student?” Leone said doubtfully.

“Ah…that’s those companions who used to go to school together…” Feng Yu Chen quickly explained.

“Oh, that’s okay, but as a man, you can’t drink, can you? Come on, Elder Sister feeds you well…” Leone filled Feng Yu Chen with a glass of wine.

“I…I will come by myself…”

Feng Yu Chen‘s blush never went down, the giant-breasted girl was too open, it was…too exciting.

“Oh, Laddie, wouldn’t you have never eaten a woman? The face is so?” Leone immediately hugged Feng Yu Chen‘s shoulder and took up the bottle happily and drank it happily. , “It’s so delicious.”


I haven’t eaten a woman, how is it possible? Tendou Kisara he has eaten, naturally he has eaten, also Sheng Tianzi, but eating does not mean openness, this kind of thing, in front of outsiders, he still has this shyness Of…

(A certain sheep: This product belongs to the boring type…)

“Haha, it’s really delicious, you also try it. There is a saying that it’s not the best thing to bring the relationship closer…” Leone put the mouth of the wine bottle directly into the mouth of Feng Yu Chen… …

This… kissing indirectly!

Feng Yu Chen suddenly blushed, and the Leone smell still remains on the bottle…

“Haha, this is what it is, drink it…”

Leone patted Feng Yu Chen‘s shoulder and said, “Now, why do you want to enter the organization?”

“Am I…”

Feng Yu Chen took a sip of wine. After thinking about the information given by the system, I said, “I was on this path to prevent the tragedy from happening again. The small village I am on the border of the empire, although it is not rich, can also be self-sufficient. Although years In the year there was a exploit by a place that was too guarded, but everyone accepted their fate. It would be nice to be able to live together…

But the exploitation was too powerful, and a large number of girls were taken away, so the village head took everyone to resist, but how can ordinary villagers compare with the imperial team. So…

I was stunned and hidden by my parents, so I picked up a life, and when I woke up, everyone…everyone! ! “

Leone immediately hugged Feng Yu Chen in his arms and said: “Well, then from now on, everyone in the organization and you are your family. This rotten empire is time to overthrow, we Certainly can successfully liberate this country and people…”

“Um…” Feng Yu Chen Nod, damn , Being Altina Trained lie Words are not heartbeat. Assassination training has a stage of being tortured by the left Altina training Feng Yu Chen lie Words, as long as he lie When I was talking, I was beaten by a heart disorder. I don’t know how long after being beaten, Feng Yu Chen lie If the heartbeat is not accelerated, there is no breathing, the eyes are not panic, and the lie detector can’t detect it…

“Then drink the bar happily, forget all the agony, and then turn your grief into Strength, work hard, boy!!”

Leone patted Feng Yu Chen‘s shoulder and said, then continued to pour Feng Yu Chen.



An afternoon passed.

“Come…sister, let’s have another drink…” Feng Yu Chen said confusedly on the table.

“Well, you drink…I’ll go out to make it easier…”

Leone has a ruddy face, showing a casual smile, and walked to the store and said: “The bill is recorded in his body. It is really a refreshing afternoon…”

“Oh, okay, you go slowly, welcome to visit next time…” The store nodded and remembered the account.

“Ahaha… It’s really good to be able to drink with open arms… Alas, Laddie is really too bold…”

Leone went out blushing.


After returning to the base.

“What, Laddie body has no money?!!! No?” Leone said looks at Suzumiya Haruna.

“We walked over…” Zi Yue Ling waved his hand and said, “body has no penny, and the food is all hunted on the road…”

“Oh, what about the Brother Yu Chen?” Suzumiya Haruna was suddenly worried. In fact, she was worried that she had no delicious meal at night.

Leone , where did you throw my collocation, haha… I’m going to eat meat!!!” Akame said breathlessly, and the afternoon of fighting with Tendou Kisara didn’t make a difference. Tired.


Leone stumbled his head and said: “Forget which hotel, I will sleep for a while, then sleep again and think about it…”


Zi Yue Ling and Xiao Hanyue suddenly dripped cold sweat on their heads. Is that okay? When you fall asleep, he is topped to eat a king’s meal and let the security forces catch him.

“Forget it, don’t go anymore. Recently, there is not much money in the treasury in the organization. There is no need to pay. It is estimated that his ability should be life-threatening, and the prison can be closed for a week at most…” Najenda Said in a breath.

“A week, woo… my flesh!!!” Akame suddenly mourned.


“Hum, deserve it, that pervert, as soon as it is hooked by a woman, is best for a month of confinement!” Tendou Kisara coldly snorted said.


Lubbock and Bulat can’t help but sympathize with Feng Yu Chen, alas, Chen Zi, just take a lesson, Leone is not so bold-in terms of money ~ IndoMTL.com ~ At this time in the **** hotel in the capital In the middle, Feng Yu Chen woke up confusedly and found that Leone was gone, and then the store walked over, urging Feng Yu Chen to say: “Your friend has gone, the bill is in your body, pay it…”

Feng Yu Chen received the bill, the amount above looks at suddenly became stupid, bastard, Leone , your sister, even pitted, woo…,

As soon as the store looked at Feng Yu Chen’s pale complexion, he immediately understood angrily: “Okay, are you guys here to eat overlord meal? Huh, come, guys, beat me to death! “


Feng Yu Chen suddenly turned black, special meow, Leone you wait, I will not let you go! ! !

Here, a lovely young girl with a long ponytail, dressed in the costume of the Royal Guard, came over and said, “Forget it, I will pay for him…”


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