Unlimited Anime Works Chapter 1883: Gold feast

The two things coffee and sprinkles are combined.

In the eyes of some professionals, the quality of the drink is completely bad. The combination of two drinks without any involvement is like the combination of sprite, beer and liquor like a child playing house.

However, it seems to Feng Yu Chen.

Beverages are the most stimulating of taste buds, with sour, sweet, bitter and spicy flavors directly penetrating through layers to penetrate into the taste buds.

However, there are flavors in any drink.

Like coffee, it has a mellow taste, and its flavor is bitter, sweetening is sweet, and the flavor of coffee will be different. The bitter flavor is like a corridor, which makes people recall some past smoke. , The sweet flavor will make people remember the current beauty.

Therefore, special techniques are used.

Refining the essence of the wine, and then mixing it with coffee as a condiment, will produce a very wonderful taste, like the qq sugar beating in the mouth, making your taste buds rhythmical.

However, without superb skills, it will only make coffee and wine a waste, very high, two food agencies in the United States, and fda.

Some studies have shown that when people drink, they will judge the amount of alcohol they have consumed based on some subjective feelings.

But caffeine will block this perception ability, so drinkers will unknowingly drink more, but caffeine will not help the metabolism of alcohol in the body, so it just tricks you into drinking more, not Help solve the problems that arise after drinking…so when refining, pay attention to the amount of caffeine and alcohol, and then even if there are sophisticated instruments, the sprinkled coffee is not delicious, the machine does not have human intelligent, however Humans are not as precise as machines.

Therefore, this wine coffee.

Only baristas like Feng Yu Chen who surpass ordinary people can make them.

“Your coffee… I’m named… Then this French dessert I gave to this lovely little sister, it’s really empty eyes…Opera is also known as the Chocolate Opera House.

Three layers of almond sponge cake impregnated with coffee syrup, two layers of coffee cream filling and one layer of chocolate cream filling, and finally topped with a glazed mirror chocolate sauce, stacked on top of each other, the aroma is rich and the entrance melts.

I hope that eating this dessert will make your life beautiful, delicate and full of fantasy. Even if you can’t accomplish such a dream in Real World, you can also imagine some beautiful moments and wish you beautiful The young girl is like the dark blue girl in the wavy sea…” Feng Yu Chen came to Rudolph and the young girl with two trays, sprinkled coffee to Rudolph, and the dessert was placed in front of the blue-haired young girl.

“Let your heart…Astaroth, eat, today is the grace of Special, I want to thank this lord…” Rudolph looks at coffee with golden light, like Sacred Relic, drink it like this, is it really okay? ? “Accept orders, execute…” The blue-haired young girl said in a computer-like voice, and at the moment her eyes showed a touch of movement, as if she had an angry, clear eyes looks at Feng Yu Chen that gentle smile, tried to bite Desserts… For a time, that wonderful feeling seemed to be transformed into countless scenes, just like traveling in a beautiful world, the blue-haired young girl felt the beautiful scenery, and at that moment, she had a satisfactory wish Feeling, the body was trembling, and suddenly wanted to shed tears, but this feeling was quickly suppressed, because she was only-Rudolph annihilating teacher’s tools.

At the same time, Rudolph also drank, and at that moment he felt as if he was in a golden country, as if in the arms of the Lord, and beautiful and sacred angels flew around him, sacred The breath was spreading all over his limbs and his internal organs.

The thrilling Gift that made Rudolf seem to fly to heaven at this moment.

Feng Yu Chen added some Saint Mark Energy to this golden feast, although it is only a little bit, but it is enough.

It is by taking advantage of his diversity of Bloodline that Feng Yu Chen made the choice of preparing different coffees for everyone. The unique preparation and private design will make his cafe unique. One day, single With this coffee brewing technique, he was able to convince everyone… Through coffee, Feng Yu Chen verified Rudolph’s origin and character, and mastered some of his information. This is also a reward, an implicit reward. It is not a simple coffee shop, but a place for gathering intelligence.

“It’s so wonderful, can I have another drink? How much can I do!” Rudolph could not help standing up and said excitedly.

“! Only one cup a day, everyone is the same, it is because it is unique, so it is perfect, the first hand every day is the most perfect, the second hand will be mixed with some other factors, although Making money is important, but quality is more important. If you want to drink it, you are welcome at any time at this time in the future… also, benefiting 10,000 yen, this is the first discount price, priced at 100,000 yuan, limited to one cup per day… …” Feng Yu Chen‘s mouth Kakuzu smiled innocently.

(To be continued)


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