Unlimited Anime Works Chapter 1234: Day 1 of Devil God DUO

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The purple hair girl exhibited the same free style following the spelling of Feng Yu Chen. Although the shape of the flame is different, the free style is similar, and compared to the incomplete free style of Feng Yu Chen, the free style of the purple girl Obviously, a real free formation has been formed, similar to the restraint and release formation of the magic formation. The waste of Power of Existence is almost zero.

But Feng Yu Chen‘s free-spending Power of Existence is as much as half!

Okay, I just thought about being able to be strong through hard work and sweat, but the appearance of the purple hair girl and the free-style display completely subverted this concept, and it came hand in hand, and it surpassed and achieved perfection.

“You are here to find fault…”

Feng Yu Chen finds that he hates purple hair girl now, well, he has to admit that he is not as good as her in the freestyle.

Unrestricted Spell is free, and the phenomenon of Energy is freely constructed by Power of Existence. It is precisely because Unrestricted Spell is free that it can do everything. This is a magical world. Power of Existence can create everything, and spells and the like Is used to stimulate the free style of Unrestricted Spell.

From your performance, your Unrestricted Spell is indeed not as good as the contractor of Phenex (Phoenix). She obviously constructed a constrained array with Power of Existence, and then converted Power of Existence to Unrestricted Spell by the specific constant of the constrained array. Basically, the waste of Energy can be achieved. “

Belial said no euphemism at all.

“Okay, I will works hard…”

Feng Yu Chen also understands his shortcomings and has no system skills. There is no fixed technique. Everything is Strength that comes out freely according to your own wishes. This is like abandoning all abilities and learning a new ability from scratch, but this ability needs to be freely displayed.

Sure enough, it is still limited, can’t you rely too much on the system, Unrestricted Spell, free spell?

I learned a lot of magical knowledge from Patchouli Knowledge, although it can’t be fully used in the development of Unrestricted Spell, but it can be cited. Try to recall what you have learned from Patchouli this month——

Call… call…

Gather Power of Existence, give self-will, and guide by mantra–

“The light in your hand is light, and the darkness in your hand. The judgment of light and darkness turns into a spear of fire before my eyes, ending the existence in front of you!”

The pupils of Feng Yu Chen‘s eyes light up, dark and blazing light burns in the depths of the pupils, and the spears of light and darkness emerge in the space, surrounding together to form a black and white wheel, the condensed black and white The wheel suddenly sprinted forward and rotated…


Everything in front of me was broken through a long ravine!

“Yes. That’s it. The limitation is not the chanting mantra. It is not the fixed Energy output style, but the free style of the will of the self. Unrestricted Spell is the law of freedom. The law of omnipotence is Crimson Realm. Existing Strength, Unrestricted Spell with enough connotations can create everything, create life and intelligent without intelligent objects, and instantiate towns that cannot be realized by ordinary style through Unrestricted Spell, which is the great Unrestricted Spell of Crimson Realm …”

Belial can’t help but fight slightly. Feng Yu Chen is probably inspired by the talents of purple hair girls. It’s the slogan of unwillingness to lose. It’s the so-called’men and women match, work is not tired’. potential!

People grow up because of stress, especially when facing the opposite sex, they don’t want to show the personality of perseverance.

This…is human.


After a period of practice, Feng Yu Chen killed several Crimson Realm apostles on the edge of the hunting ground, hunted a roe deer, collected some wild vegetables, and prepared to make some broth.

The student’s dormitory is very large. Although there is only one bedroom, only one bathroom, only one living room, and only one kitchen… but it is fully functional, and the area is quite large. It is also an open space.

Feng Yu Chen came to the kitchen and prepared the broth skillfully. After a while, a pot of delicious roe broth was made.

When I came to the living room for dinner, Feng Yu Chen found that the purple hair girl was sitting there and fiddled with a book, aiming at Feng Yu Chen from time to time…


Is there no meal?

purple hair girl immediately covered her face with a book, cut, she just wouldn’t cook, after all, she had been served as Her Royal Highness, and she didn’t understand anything about cooking…


Okay, Feng Yu Chen got it. The reason why this guy followed him into the forest is probably he can’t cook?

“Do you want to eat? After the battle of Solomon’s Demon God’s Flame Haze, do you need enough Physical Strength?”

Feng Yu Chen couldn’t help but enter the kitchen and took a rice bowl, filled with broth and handed it to the purple hair girl.

“Don’t you want to fight alone?” the purple hair girl retorted and asked.

Unrestricted Spell is unskilled, and I admit that you are not a laggard, and… it’s up to you and me to inspire potential… In short, let’s fight together, but don’t think about it, we’ll be separated after this week. Alright…” Feng Yu Chen said with his index finger scratching his face.

“Well…I also admit that you are a good partner…Only now, also, I just see you can’t finish it, help you solve it…not begging you to give me something!” purple hair The girl snorted with buns on her face, but there was a hint of blush on her face, probably… sorry?

“Ah… whatever you think…”

Feng Yu Chen snorted, Tsundere, it really is a troublesome big Miss.

“Um…um…good fragrance…”

The purple hair girl’s shallow attempt, but the delicious broth entrance, the taste buds were instantly stimulated to the general, and the whole body revealed comfort, this is the best broth she has eaten…

After eating a bowl~IndoMTL.com~purple hair girl reluctantly put down her rice bowl and hesitated looks at Feng Yu Chen behind in the kitchen…

also, eat if you want, I’m full…” Feng Yu Chen sighed and said, really, just say it if you want to.

“I…I…I didn’t want to eat to eat…just to help you solve the food that cannot be eaten…” purple hair girl reiterated again.

“Ah…Ah…Ah…understand…but after eating, help to wash the dishes, I want to wash…”

Feng Yu Chen determined that the purple hair girl is definitely an Tsundere!

“Isn’t it just washing the dishes… Give it to Princess Ben, and it will definitely make you stunned!” purple hair girl confidently reached out and patted her small chest with a vow.

How do you have a bad hunch?

Feng Yu Chen sighed… (to be continued…)


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