Under the Power Chapter 44:

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Chapter Forty-Four

Only boarding the boat, Zhai Lanye was startled. Her feet were not wooden boards, but a whole piece of soft snow-white sheepskin. Not just under her feet, but the deck was paved with sheepskins for people to walk on.

“The girl is coming…” A maid on the boat greeted her, “The master ordered the girl to take off her shoes and socks and enter.”

Zhai Lanye was startled again: “Take off your shoes and socks?” She saw that the maid was also barefoot.

“Yes, this is the master’s order.”

Despite his instructions, how could the woman’s feet be seen casually, Zhai Lanye looked around nervously, but fortunately, she couldn’t see any man as far as she could.


After hesitating for a while, Zhai Lanye nodded.

The maid took a round stool, asked her to sit, bent over to take off her shoes and socks, and helped her stand.

Stepping barefoot on the sheepskin cushion, the smooth and soft wool came out from between the fingers, Zhai Lanye stood uncomfortably, and looked at the soft road leading to the cabin, only to feel that it was unreal like a dream .

“Girl, please come with me.”

The maid walks ahead, she takes a deep breath and keeps up with everything.

Entering the outer cabin, the lights are dim. She only feels that the touch under her feet is not the same as before. Although it is still hairy, it is not as soft as before, and it looks much harder. She looked down in surprise, and the ground was no longer sheepskin, replaced by wolf skin cushions.

Going further inside, it is getting dim, and the maid takes a lamp from the bulkhead and holds it in her arms. She follows closely behind, not daring to get too far away.

The maid led her up the stairs, and a new kind of mat was changed on the ladder. She could only detect the difference, but could not tell which animal’s fur was.

Going up two flights of stairs, passing through a section of aisle, and then going up a flight of stairs, Zhai Lanye suddenly opened up in front of her eyes and reached the top cabin of the ship…

A bright moon is in the sky, and the ground is covered with black fox fur, and the fox fur is bright like needles.

Stepping barefoot on the shiny black fox fur, it became more and more delicate and white. Zhai Lanye glanced down inadvertently, startled, and blushed involuntarily.

“You are here…” a low male voice said in the dark.

The maid who originally led the way backed silently at some point. Zhai Lanye stood there, slightly at a loss. After a long while, she whispered, “Is that you?”

“I haven’t seen you for three years, you don’t even recognize my voice?” The man leaned on the soft couch and chuckled softly, “Come here, let me see, don’t stand so far, you know my eyes Not so easy.”

Zhai Lanye walked slowly to the soft couch, looking at the man with wonderful eyes, but the man’s eyes looked at her slender feet.

He stretched out his hand slowly, and gently leaned against her ankle with the back of his hand. The moment Zhai Lanye touched her skin, Zhai Lanye trembled and shrank her feet.

“Sit down, let’s talk to each other.” The man was not annoyed, and pointed to Fox Qiu in a low voice.

Zhai Lanye sat on the black fox fur with her knees bent, and her pink feet were properly covered with her skirt, and then she sat down with her eyes down shyly.

The man looked at her for a moment, smiled slightly, took her hand, rubbed it lightly in his palm, and smiled and asked: “I heard you love fresh fish soup, don’t you?”

Zhai Lanye nodded lightly.

“I often eat in the capital.” He said again.

Then there was a moment of silence between the two.

She glanced at him several times, and finally gathered the courage to ask: “Will you come this time, will you take me away?”

The man laughed, raised his hand to caress her face, gently stroked the beautiful chin with his thin callused finger pads, and whispered: “The last time I saw you was three years ago.”

“Three years ago, it happened to be the day of the frost.”

The man sighed: “I can’t get out of the capital in the capital. If it were not for my mother’s filial piety, I am afraid I would not be able to come this time.”

“Your mother…” Zhai Lanye raised her head to look at him, her eyes distressed, “You must be sad, right?”

“Why should I be sad when her old man went to the Pure Land of Bliss in the West.” The man still smiled. “My father is very sad. I persuaded his Zhuangzi to lose his wife and sing, but he can’t listen to it. Come out to hide and clean, and I can come and see you by the way.”

“…” She didn’t know how to answer the conversation, so she asked again, “Are you here to take me away?”

The man still did not answer, stroking her face, and sighed softly: “I heard that Zhou Xian scared you that night? Didn’t even dare to live in that house?”

Hearing this, Zhai Lanye lowered her head in trepidation, “I don’t know what happened. Why did he suddenly… hang himself? I did what you ordered, thinking he would be hurt for a few days at most. How could it happen…Did I kill him?”

“Silly girl, this is his own business, what does it have to do with you.” The man’s voice became softer and softer, and his hand fell to her ear, rubbing his earlobe, “You have been doing well, I am In the capital, every time I receive a letter from you, I am very happy.”

“Why don’t you let me stay by your side? I will do well too.” She said eagerly.

“I know, you have always been good. Have you met Lu Yi? What do you think of him?”

He comforted her, his eyes slowly slid down with his hands, he slowly lifted up a little of her skirt, and looked at her jade-like feet…

“I only saw it once. When he first saw him, I was a little annoyed when he asked about Zhou Xian’s. Later, he stopped asking and just talked about trivial matters. Later, he sent some spices and Snack and me.”

“Snack?” The man tilted his head slightly.

“It’s millet cakes. I wondered how he would send snacks. Later I heard that he likes to cook by himself in his spare time.”

The man couldn’t help laughing: “If you’ve been tricked by someone, how can he do such things? Someone must be causing trouble… But in this case, he didn’t care about you, but just perfunctory. Let others tease you like this.”

“It’s Lan Ye incompetent.”

The man laughed and said: “It’s irrelevant, I had expected that he would not be easily fooled by you.”

“The son doesn’t blame Lan Ye?”

“Of course.” He replied absent-mindedly, drawing circles intently on the soles of her feet.

Zhai Lanye flinched shyly and awkwardly, but instead he held it. The wind was cold in the early spring, and her ankles were bare, freezing cold, and his hands carried a strange heat, which instantly made her feel excited.

“The son…” she whispered uncomfortably.

“I remember, when I left, it was only six inches tall.”

The man raised his other hand and rubbed it along the outline of the slender foot, as if he was looking at an exquisitely carved piece of peerless authenticity. Zhai Lanye’s face flushed with shame, but she didn’t dare to move, she was only worried that someone would come up suddenly.

After a long while, I only heard him sigh, and said with great regret: “Now it is six inches and seven.”

Zhai Lanye was surprised at his accuracy and nodded: “Yes.”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity…” The man put down her feet regretfully and looked at her tenderly, “If you can come back to the capital with me, your foot length cannot exceed six inches six.”

“Wha, what…” Zhai Lanye was startled, she didn’t understand at all.

“This is the rule I set up a few years ago. You see, I can’t help it, right?”

He is still smiling slightly, softly speaking, almost dripping.

“For these years, I, I…I have been waiting for you…” Zhai Lanye’s eyes widened as much as possible, and did not dare to blink, but still could not stop the tears from falling down in strings, “I only Thinking of you, I have never violated your instructions.”

“I know, I know all.”

He watched her tears fall lovingly, dripping into the black fox fur like pearls.

Leaving the ferry, I have already had a cup of tea. The long oars are rowing one after another, and the water waves are sparkling against the moonlight.

Standing at the stern of the boat this summer, looking around, there were two or three boats where you could see before. I don’t know when they will sink into the darkness, and then listen carefully. Except for the sound of water, there is silence.

At the bow of the ship, Gao Qing also noticed that the surroundings were surprisingly quiet, with a bit of weirdness, and instinctively pressed his hands on the handle of the Xiuchun knife, and scanned the surroundings sternly and without relaxation…

“The waterway here is complicated, so draw faster and enter the waterway of the city sooner.” He told the boatman.

The boatman did not dare to disobey, speeding up his hand, the oars rushed to arouse countless splashes. The ship drove forward quickly, but only for a moment, only heard a “boom”, and the ship shook, as if it had hit some hard object under the water.

Staggering to hold the canopy this summer, he just stood firm.

Gao Qing almost fell into the water, and said angrily at the boatman: “What’s the matter?!”

The boatman stammered: “The villain and the villain don’t know, it may be something you ran into.”

“Swipe it yet!”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

The boatman replied repeatedly, raising his oars to row. As soon as the oars entered the water, they were as if they were inserted into a crack in the stone.

“What’s going on?” Gao Qing knew something different. He was not good at water and was able to calm down on land, but he was impetuous when he was in danger on a boat.

Before the boatman could answer his words, he was dragged into the water by the oars. There was a splash of water, and there was no more movement after a few bubbles.

The surroundings returned to the original silence, as if nothing had happened.

There are people underwater!

This summer, I tensed my whole body and squatted down slowly until I lay down on the board of the boat. I had pulled out the Pudao with one hand, and waited quietly…

The two Jinyi guards who had guarded Sha Xiuzhu in the cabin also drew out the embroidered knives and called out nervously: “Master Captain! Master Captain!”

“What’s the matter?” Gao Qing was nervous and annoyed again, looked around uneasy, then took time to look in, and cursed, “What is it about yelling?”

“My lord…”

A Jinyiwei pointed to the bottom of the cabin. Their soap leather boots were soaked. At some point, there were several cracks in the bottom of the boat at the same time, and the water was rising up.

Gao Qing rushed in, and reached out and cut the corners of his square clothes to close the gap: “What a dare, stop it!”

“The water came out suddenly inexplicably. I didn’t hear any movement, my lord…will there be ghosts?” Almost all the people by the water have heard stories about water ghosts killing their lives.

The backhand gave the speaker a crisp slap, and Gao Qing said coldly: “Go to the bow of the ship, and kill him as long as something emerges! Whether he is a man or a ghost!”

The Jin Yiwei dared not say anything, quickly walked to the bow of the boat and guarded with a knife.

This summer, I lowered my body and glanced at Sha Xiuzhu in the moonlight, wanting to see some clues from his expression, but it seems that Sha Xiuzhu has his eyes down, and the cabin is dark. Clear his expression.

There was the sound of splashing water at the bow, Gao Qing turned his head quickly, and the Jinyiwei who was still on the bow just disappeared without a trace…

“His Master…”

The remaining Jin Yiwei was obviously a little dumb.

Gao Qing plugged the other gap fiercely, and said coarsely: “You plug the remaining places and watch him!…and you! What’s the matter with you? How can the six doors be like you? Waste!”

“You are not a waste, you go into the water!”

This summer angrily said, she is most annoyed by this kind of master who knows swearing if he can’t solve the problem. When the voice fell, I suddenly saw something slowly floating up on the water beside me, wisps and wisps, so dark that it made my heart palpitating, I stared intently, and it turned out to be long black hair rippling with the water…

Are people or ghosts? ! She took a breath of air, and didn’t think much about it, and swiped her knife into the water. The water splashed all over her, but the knife fell in the air. There seemed to be no entity under the water, only long tangled hair.

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