Under the Power Chapter 2:

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Chapter Two

Two days later, this summer, with Yang Yue escorting Cao Ge and Qiqiu back to the capital city, they only entered six doors. They wanted to hand the criminals to the prison of the Ministry of Justice to take care of them, and they ran into the head catcher Tongyu. Tong Yu has been in public for five years, but he is a man who is used to flattering his boss. He has not achieved much in just five years, and he has even gotten him into a head-catcher.

“You finally came back! It’s just two criminals who went there for five days. At a young age, how can you be lazy all day…” Tong Yu shook his head dissatisfied, “This is Cao Ge and Qiqiu Clan ?”


I didn’t wait to see him this summer, forcing myself to put a polite smile on his face, and dragged Cao Ge to go inside.

Unfortunately, Tong Yu is really an eyesore.

He stretched out his hand to her and stopped: “Just right, leave the people to me. Cao Ge is also involved in another case of collusion with the enemy and must be sent to Beizhen Fusi for interrogation. You just came back, unkempt, Go and freshen up, I will send people there for you.”

Only hearing the four words “Beizhen Fusi”, Cao Ge’s face was earthy in fright, and he hid back: “No…no…I won’t go…”

The director-in-chief of Beizhen Fusi, also known as Jinyi Prison. Everyone in the world nowadays knows that the prison is compared with the prison of the criminal ministry. If the prison of the criminal ministry is heaven, then the prison is 18 hells. As soon as he entered the imprisonment, the nineteenth had no physiology. The criminal law in the prison was cruel.

Seeing Tong Yu stretched out his hand about to pull Cao Ge, he got a little hairy this summer.

According to her original temperament, she should kick Tongge three meters away at this time, but for the past two years, she has been eating in the yamen, she also knows that she should be stubborn and the rank is better than herself High, it is better not to offend if you can not be offended. The salary of two taels of silver a month, although it is a bit shabby, is always a lavish silver.

Pulling Tong Yu away with one hand, and pulling Cao Ge behind her with one hand, she grudgingly smiled stiffly: “Tong catches the head, the offender is me and Dayang who have worked so hard to track and sleep for a few days, and finally got back. , Hasn’t been handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. You say, take it away, isn’t it good?”

When she blocked her hand, Tong Yu’s face was slightly darkened: “I tell you, this is Jin Yiwei’s important person, who is deliberately delaying, as an accomplice, can you afford it?!”

“It’s not appropriate for you to say that. We are working hard and working hard. We finally arrested these two people and brought them back to justice. How come you are complicit in your mouth.” This summer we laughed dryly. In her opinion, her temper is suppressed, so low and small, she is already very aggrieved.

It’s a pity that Tong Yu didn’t get the feeling at all.

“Be less wordy, give me someone quickly.”


Seeing that this summer is about to explode hair, Yang Yue hurriedly said, “Tong catches his head, Cao Ge committed a murder case. He has just been arrested and brought to justice. He has not yet passed the trial. It is better to wait until the conviction is completed here before sending people there.” He has always been temperamental. Generosity is a person who doesn’t want to have trouble, and knows Tongyu’s behavior as a villain, which offends him, and will inevitably be secretly constrained by him in the future.

“How do you do it! Jinyiwei VIPs who dare to delay. Don’t bother you two, otherwise you will offend them, and everyone will have no good life.”

While talking, head catcher Yang Chengwan limped over from the corridor, and Pu Dao shook his waist. Yang Yue rushed forward and called out: “Daddy.”

In front of Yang Chengwan, this summer tempered his temper, bowed his hands and said respectfully: “The boss.”

“Tong catches his head!” Yang Chengwan greeted Tong Yu, “But something?”

Although Tong Yu and Yang Chengwan are both head-catchers, they have always felt that the lame Yang Chengwan is also a head-catcher. He really shamed the six doors and hummed heavily at the moment: “These two major offenders are suspected of collaborating with the enemy and treason. It’s the person that Jinyiwei wants. I’m about to send people there. You two disciples actually hinder you in every way…”

Interrupting him this summer, eagerly argued: “We just caught him.”

Yang Chengwan raised his hand to stop talking this summer, and said lightly: “Just now I saw Jin Yiwei waiting outside, so don’t you hurry up to hand the person to Tong Catcher.”

“Boss!” Angrily this summer.

“Hurry up.”

Yang Chengwan said that he didn’t dare to disobey this summer, so he let go and moved aside in anger.

Tong Yu dragged Cao Ge angrily. Qiqiu’s life was not good, and because he fled privately with Cao Ge, he was regarded as an accomplice and was taken away by him.

Following a few steps behind this summer, watching him take the two of them around the wall screen, the old man from the side Panasonic can vaguely see the big red flying fish suit, and it is true that Jin Yiwei has already arrived. When her front foot arrived, they followed her back. She suspected that there was Jin Yiwei’s eyeliner at the city gate, and they knew it as soon as she entered the city.

She gritted her teeth resentfully, and watched Tong Yu hand the person to Jin Yiwei. The head of Jin Yiwei turned his back to her. He only saw the upright figure but couldn’t see the face, but he saw Tong Yu’s flattering face clearly.

This summer turned his head back in despair, and glanced at Yang Chengwan in annoyance: “Boss, you also let him. Which one do you think he is? Just ignore the six-door case. He hurriedly sent people away, who didn’t know he was trying to please Jin Yiwei.”

Yang Yue sighed: “There is a saying that at least he said correctly, offended Jin Yiwei, everyone has no good life.”

This summer said cruelly: “There are three law divisions in the world torture prisons, but if you want to get a jinyiwei to hinder you, then what else is the three law divisions? It is useless!”

Yang Yue was about to cover her mouth quickly, but was flashed flexibly this summer.

“My little master, stop it! Don’t dare to talk nonsense about this.” Yang Yue knocked her head instead.

“The offender was taken away by him before he was brought back to justice. Didn’t we ran away in vain?!” This summer was very distressed, “I originally said that Cao Ge was caught, and there was a reward. I knew it was a emptiness. I will save some energy.”

Yang Chengwan said indifferently: “It’s good if people come back safely. Your brother has asked you several times. You can go back and have a look.”

I was really worried about my family, and I heard my younger brother come several times. I don’t know if something is going on. I looked at Yang Yue this summer and warned with confidence: “If you don’t have a reward, you have to come back. Don’t mess with this important event.”

Yang Yue nodded helplessly.

This summer, I left quickly.

It is spring day, thousands of trees sprout, the capital is prosperous, and the crowd is bustling. There are various shops on both sides of the road. The noodle shop has butterfly noodles, water slide noodles, palm noodles, etc.; the pastry shop has fired, baked buns, silver silk, oil cakes, etc.; more refined pastries include chess cakes, dominoes Cakes, thin skin and crispy, peach blossom shaomai, etc. Smelling the scent of various foods mixed together this summer, my footsteps briskly shuttled through the crowd.

When she passed by the confectionery store, she was a little slow, and counted the money she had left on her body. After hesitating for a moment, she still counted out three copper plates and bought a small packet of amber candy into her arms.

Go around the busy market and turn into a deep alley. The first half of this alley is like a gourd with a crooked mouth, and the alley is as narrow and small as a gourd mouth. After entering, it suddenly opens up and passes the first gourd. After passing a narrow narrow road, the belly reaches the second gourd belly.

I walked to a mottled wooden door on the east side of the gourd belly this summer, pushed, but couldn’t push, then knocked.

For a while, the door creaked open, and a young man with a new hair and a brown round collar said to her with joy: “Sister! You are back!” He is this summer’s younger brother, Yuan Yi.

This summer, he stretched out his short hair in front of his forehead a few times, and walked inward and asked, “Has anyone bullied you lately?” In the small courtyard, a stone grinder sits heavily on the west side, and there are also corners. A slippery jar of sauce filled with the lingering beany smell.

“No, since you cleaned up the three pork sellers last time, they never dared to tear my book.” Yuan Yi followed her.

Looking at my fragile younger brother who is more than courageous and insufficient, I sighed with regret this summer, thinking that she was the kid who hit the whole Xifeng Street at his age back then. She has a lot of record and is often next to the street. Anyone who came to kick the pavilion was completely destroyed by her. Although she is often beaten by her parents because she is fighting outside, she always knows how to be a master.

It’s a pity that the glorious era of this master came to an end with her childhood. The days after that…she sighed in a melancholy way, and then asked: “…Daddy and mother have not come back from selling tofu?”

Yuan Yi made a silent gesture towards her, pointed her finger at the inner room, and said in a low voice: “Daddy has gone selling tofu, and my mother is sleeping in it. Last night she went to Xinfengqiao to sell braised tofu, it was very late. Just come back.”

Looking at the window of the inner room this summer, he sighed inwardly, took out the bag of amber candy from his arms and handed it to Yuan Yi.

Yuan Yi opened it and saw that it was Amber Candy. He complained: “I’m so old, why do you treat me like a kid?”

“Don’t want to eat, forget it,” stretched out to grab it this summer, “I keep it for myself.”

Yuan Yi hurriedly avoided, quickly plugged an entrance, and wrapped the rest in his arms.

“Tou Yang said you went to the Yamen several times to find me, what’s the matter?” asked him this summer.

Yuan Yichao Nunu’s mouth in the room, whispered: “Mother let me go and ask when you will come back.”

“Lack of money at home again?”

“Dong Dadu, who collects the booth fee, will marry his daughter-in-law this month. My mother said that she must give gifts.”

This summer said in surprise: “I remember he married his daughter-in-law last year, why did he still marry?”

“He has four sons.”


This summer, he raised his forehead and groaned, and suddenly thought of the stack of cash notes Cao Gesai had given him earlier, and he became more melancholy.

The sound of the bed board came from the back room, as if someone turned over, and then I heard the voice: “Xia’er, are you back?”

“Uh.” Stepping into the house this summer, Yuan Chen was getting up, “Mother, I woke you up.”

“It’s okay, I should have gotten up.” Yuan Chen put on a long gray and brown jacket, and looked at him first this summer. “The road is okay? Didn’t it hurt?”

“No! Of course not.” Smiled this summer.

“Is anyone caught too?”

“Grab…” hesitated this summer.

Yuan Chen’s face was happy, and he stretched out his hand to her immediately: “You said earlier that this prisoner is important, and there is a reward for grabbing it. Just so, give me the rewarded silver. I have to go to the street quickly to Dong’s family. Buy a gift.”

This summer he replied: “No… I didn’t get the money. I was taken to Fusi in Beizhen as soon as I was caught.”

Yuan Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said: “Then Beizhen Fusi should also give you money, you are the one who caught it!”

“This is true, but who can afford to ask Jinyiwei for money.” Not facing her face this summer, he lowered his head and used his feet to gently shovel the small depression on the dust floor.

After hearing these words, Yuan Chen felt shocked for a while before frowning and said: “Okay, you go wash and change clothes, this clothes is almost rotten. I have said that girl It doesn’t look like a fast, bitter and tired thing. If you and your father were willing to listen to me, and marry you to the Sun family who makes pastries in the east of the city, at least the two families can help each other. Don’t look at the sun’s family a little bit down the previous year. This year, the Sun’s family made peach blossom siu mai and it was very popular. He bought a shop in Xinfengqiao. If you were married into his family, you might be a young grandmother now. It looks like this. Do you know that Sun Jixing’s wife is already pregnant, you said you…”

Niangqin’s remarks are clichés. I have become accustomed to hearing this early this summer, and promised to retreat, make a grimace at Yuan Yi, and go to the stove to boil water for a bath.

“Sister, there’s another thing…” Yuan Yi followed into the stove and helped her scoop water, with a mysterious look, “Don’t blame me for not telling you-the day before my mother invited Wang matchmaker to come Up.”

Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows lightly this summer and stared at Yuan Yi vigilantly.

“I squatted under the window and listened for a while. This time my mother was after Mr. Yi’s third child.”

This summer, I raised my eyebrows higher like a fright: “Mr. Yi?! That is… is your Master?”

Yuan Yi nodded.

Mr. Yi is Yuan Yi’s private school teacher, and his three sons are all scholars, and he is a real scholar. How can I not understand this summer, how could such a person like her?

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