Under the Power Chapter 113:

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Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen

While talking, Chun Yumin came in holding the teapot. Seeing so many people, he was startled and said in a low voice, “I, I’m here to ask for some hot water.”

“Here is it, let me come.” Yang Yue took the teapot hurriedly.

Seeing this summer, Chun Yumin seemed to have something to say, but he stopped talking, and was spotted by this summer.

“Something?” she asked.

“Miss Yuan…may not let me tell you about this, but I…” Chun Yumin hesitated for a while, “After that day, you haven’t seen Mrs. Shen, right?”

An uncomfortable “um” this summer.

“I don’t think she has a good face these few days, as if she has been thinking about you.” Chun Yumin said.

Yang Yue scooped up the water and persuaded: “She was also in a moment of frustration that day. It’s not a problem for you to hide from others so often.”

I was bored for a while this summer, and sighed: “I also know… But she is in charge of me, neither this nor that is allowed. Now is the time of chaos, if I make peace with her now , When the Japanese pirates attack the city, she will definitely drag me again.”

“The Japanese pirates are going to attack the city?!” Chun Yumin said in surprise.

Yang Yue stared at this summer, asking them to keep these things from Chun Yumin for fear of scaring her.

This summer, I don’t think so: “When is the time now, she should be told, and she has a bottom in my heart.”

“The Japanese pirates are really going to attack the city!” Chun Yumin asked.

I shook her hand this summer and said sincerely: “Sister, Xinhe City will soon fight a big battle. I don’t know if there will be reinforcements. Remember, don’t worry about the chaos in the city, you must follow Well, my uncle and my aunt, my uncle has a high level of skill, so it should be no problem to protect you.”

Chun Yumin said anxiously: “Then what about you?”

Looking at Yang Yue and Cen Shou this summer, the three of them looked at each other, and the meaning in their eyes was self-evident.

“The guards in the city are limited. We have to help Mrs. Qi guard the city.”

In a blink of an eye, eight days have passed since Yu Dayou ordered a rest, and Cen Fu has also rushed back from the capital.

The soldiers who have been overdrawn in the past eight days can finally rest and raise them, maintain their weapons, and have free time to mourn the dead but unable to bury their comrades, and then think about the unpredictable battle of life and death in the future.

To be honest, Yu Dayou didn’t know anything about Lu Yi’s strategy. This plan is too simple to say that it is simple, it is nothing more than to confuse the enemy and let it go, and then attack it. However, judging from the previous battles, the Japanese pirates were very tightly defended, with all kinds of firearms on the mountain, and even if they suddenly launched an onslaught, it was no easy task to win Cen Gang.

At the moment, General Yu Dayou’s post has been removed, but he has to stand up to it. If he can’t attack, I am afraid that the next step is to be sent to prison.

He wandered around the camp and went to the barracks where the wounded and sick were located to see their conditions. Wang Chonggu just got a batch of medicinal materials and sent it over, sitting among the wounded and chatting with them. Unlike Yu Dayou’s vigorous and resolute manner, Wang Chonggu has a much more easygoing personality. In the eyes of the soldiers, General Yu was quite prestigious, and Vice General Wang was able to chat with them.

“General.” Wang Chonggu greeted him with a smile.

Yu Dayou walked over, indicating that the soldiers around him don’t need to be stuck, and he sits down at will.

“I just heard about it,” said Nunu, a soldier next to Wang Chonggu who was injured in his leg, “General, guess how he got back to camp?”

Yu Dayou glanced at him: “Are you back?”

Wang Chonggu smiled and said: “It was Master Lu’s horse that came back.”

“Lu Yi?”

“Yes, that day, when he came to our camp, he just happened to ran into them on the road. Master Lu gave them his horse and his entourage. He came here on foot. I heard that, It’s been more than an hour.”

Yu Dayou was stunned. This was something he didn’t expect, and he had never heard Lu Yi mention it.

Wang Chonggu patted him on the shoulder: “On weekdays, he is in the camp these days, he hasn’t heard a complaint about food and accommodation, and he doesn’t put on any airs. It is good enough to serve him. Don’t treat him all day. The nose is not the nose, the eyes are not the eyes.”

“Okay, I know it in my heart.” Yu Dayou sighed: “If he can succeed in this plan, I will have no problem offering him as a bodhisattva. I will bow my head three times in the morning and evening, and make an incense in the morning and evening.”

Wang Chonggu laughed out loud.

At night, a figure came to Lu Yi’s window, tapped the window lattice a few times, and then pushed a thin letter through the window after a while.

Cen Fu was trying to chase out, but was stopped by Lu Yi.

Lu Yi received the letter, and whispered through the window, “Are you not hurt?”

The outside is silent, and when he opens the window, it can be seen that in the moonlight, a blue shirt in the distance is stumbling away.

“Lord, who is he?” Cen Fuqi asked.

Lu Yi smiled slightly: “A friend.”

This was originally Lu Yi wanted to venture into Cen Gang by himself, but somehow he let Lan Daoxing see through his mind. Three days ago, he left a message at the window to let Lu Yi wait for him to return from Cen Gang until today.

How he sneaked in alone, Lu Yi didn’t know; what kind of hardship he went through, Lu Yi didn’t know either. He only knew that he drew detailed drawings of Cen Gang’s interior and Japanese pirate institutions. The table is unfolded, fences built around the mountain, and various firearms hidden in the dark, each position is marked with a detailed firearm type and range. The location of these firearms is vicious, enough for the Ming army to lay down layers of corpses in front of Cen Gang…

Lu Yi watched all night and thought about it all night, and came to a very cruel conclusion-even if the Ming army suddenly attacked, Cen Gang would still not be able to attack.

It was getting dark, he took the blueprint into his arms and walked slowly to the big account.

When the big tent was still dozens of steps away, the curtain of the big tent was lifted and Yu Dayou came out from the inside. Because of concerns about the war, Yu Dayou has not lost his mind for the past few days after taking a break, and often stays in the big tent all day and night to study combat plans. At this moment, he was tired, his hands rubbed his face violently, and he saw Lu Yi when he raised his eyes.

Lu Yi arched his hands far away.

Yu Dayou walked over, frowning deeply, and stopped talking.

“General?” Lu Yi asked tentatively.

Yu Dayou finally asked: “As of today, I have rested for nine days. I think it’s almost time.”

“The general is in no rush, I just want to discuss this with the general.”

Lu Yi made a please gesture, and Yu Dayou followed him back to the big tent. He took out the drawing in his arms and handed it to Yu Dayou.

Yu Dayou stared at the drawing for a long time, his brows tightened and tightened, and after a while he remembered what to ask: “Where did you get this drawing?”

“It was a close friend of mine. Knowing that I was troubled by the battle of Cengang, he ventured into Cengang for me and drew this picture for me.”

Yu Dayou also knows how dangerous it is to sneak into Cen Gang: “Say a word to your friend for me, I owe him a favor from Yu Dayou… Can you be sure that the picture is marked accurately?”

Lu Yi said: “I believe him.”

Yu Dayou fell into silence for a long time. He looked at the drawing for a long time. With his years of experience in battle, he clearly saw that once the Ming army suddenly launched a strong attack, it would still suffer countless deaths and injuries under firearms. Hopeless.

“…You have also seen this picture. You should know that this battle cannot be won.” He looked at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi nodded: “I came to the general to discuss this matter with the general… I thought about it, unless the Ming army can attack the mountain smoothly, unless it can be combined inside and outside.”

“Should the inside and the outside meet?” Yu Dayou was startled.

“Dozens of people can be sent into Cengang to provoke chaos in Cengang, and then use fireworks as the name to unite with the attacking Ming army inside and outside, and take Cengang in one fell swoop!” Lu Yi said in a deep voice.

“Dozens of people?” Yu Dayou shook his head, “If you want to sneak into Cen Gang, unless you are a master of light work, you can avoid the eyes of the pirates and enter the mountains and mountains. Although there are people with high martial arts in the army, they are extremely light. There are very few good ones, and the Japanese pirates will notice them as soon as they come close.”

“You don’t have to go over the mountains, you just need to find good divers.” Lu Yi explained to him, “I have checked the port of Cen Gang, and there are several warships parked. Japanese pirates are often seen on the warships. There must be a passage connecting the port and Cen port, and we can enter from there.”

“Go through the waterway and then find the passage?” Yu Dayou still shook his head, “Dozens of people are too big to be spotted, and when the Japanese pirates close the passage, wouldn’t these dozens of people be clear? The target, to die for nothing.”

“I also thought about this level. The spray canister of the Dafu Ship can have a range of up to tens of meters. It can be used to attack Japanese ships parked in the harbor. When the ship catches fire, the Japanese pirates will abandon the ship and escape into Cen Harbor. At that time, you can take advantage of the chaos to mix into Cen Gang.” Lu Yi had already considered this matter carefully.

Yu Dayou repeatedly scrutinized this tactic in his mind. Although it cannot be said to be invulnerable, it is indeed the only way at present.

“It’s just that these dozens of people went deep into Cengang. It’s too dangerous, I’m afraid they will not be able to retreat much.” He sighed lightly. How to choose a leader is also a problem.

Lu Yi got up at this time and said with a serious face: “Yuanyuan is not talented, he has learned boxing skills, and his water is good. Please allow me to take someone to sneak into Cengang.”


Yu Dayou said in surprise, then shook his head again and again.

“No, absolutely not!…How can I let you go into danger.”

“The general feels that Yanyuan’s skill is too bad and he is not qualified?” Lu Yi raised his eyebrows.


Lu Yi interrupted Yu Dayou and said neatly: “General, since you and I are both martial arts practitioners, you might as well see the real chapter on the school ground. If I beat you, you can let me lead people into Cengang. How about ?”

Yu Dayou learned swordsmanship from Li Liangqin, and his martial arts were superb. Even the monks of Songshan Shaolin Temple were defeated by him. Seeing that Lu Yi was going to compete with himself, he could not help but sigh that this young man really didn’t know how high or low.

“Do you really want to compete with me?” he asked.


“Good too!” Yu Dayou agreed, “If you beat me, just as you said before; but if you lose, you must listen to my arrangements and there will be no objections.”

“A word is determined!”

Lu Yi smiled.

After days of rest and reorganization, the officers and soldiers were all idle. Hearing that the school general and the Jinyiwei tried their skills, they immediately rushed and told each other. Without a meal, the schoolyard was surrounded by water, and even the officers and soldiers with weak legs Came to see the excitement on crutches.

Cen Fu finally squeezed into the inner layer and was squeezed out of sweat, feeling uneasy. Since receiving the drawing last night, Lu Yi hasn’t talked to him much. He only knows that the eldest son has been sitting in front of the lamp all night, but he can’t guess what the eldest son is thinking. Will suddenly compete with General Yu.

Looking at Lu Yi’s young age, he is also the son of the capital city. Even if he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, his skills are limited. Yu Dayou didn’t change his robes, and stood by the weapon rack rather casually, signaling Lu Yi to choose the weapon first.

“I know that the general is good at Jingchu’s sword, but he is really proficient in the stick technique.” Lu Yi smiled slightly, and reached for a long stick. “Please give me your advice.”

“Don’t dare to be it!” Yu Dayou also took a stick.

Wang Chonggu also rushed to hear the news, squeezed into the crowd, frowned and looked at the court, only to say that Yu Dayou’s character was upright and upset with Lu Yi, making it necessary for the colonel to compete.

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