Undead Chapter 57: Chapter57

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Human proving ground.

——Exit these words, and the huge empty laboratory suddenly fell into dead silence.

The man couldn’t help struggling two or three meters away, and the movement of Na Xi Xi Suo Suo suddenly became particularly sharp and harsh.

Ning Yu’s face was expressionless, while Dr. Zheng gasped quickly, with both hands hanging on his side, subconsciously clenching his fists.

“Then what are you going to do now,” Sinan looked at Ning Yu, and slowly asked, “Will you turn me into a zombie?”

Ning Yu seemed to be a little surprised by Sinan’s stability, and casually replied: “No, I will do it if I am crazy.” But after a pause, he added: “But if necessary, I will. .”

“…what do you want to do?” Sinan asked with a frown.

Ning Yu smiled: “You did not grasp the point. The problem is not what I want to do, but what I have already done.”

He got up and walked to the test bench. Sinan’s gaze followed him. Ning Yu turned on a device on the table that looked like a rice cooker, and used tweezers to pick out a blood collection tube. Sinan recognized the rice cooker. It is a blood centrifuge.

He lowered his head suddenly, and as expected, he found a **** cotton ball held by medical tape in the vein of his right arm.

“This is your serum.” Ning Yu put the blood collection tube into the device to remove the cover, and said intently: “It should have been blood collection with the left hand, but I heard from Romuel that you are a very outstanding individual combat expert… …So I decided to take my right hand and take extra insurance.”

Si Nan clenched his right fist. As expected, he had the sequelae of a one-time large-dose blood sampling. His fingers were cold and weak and slightly soft.

“Romuel? Then did he tell you that my left and right hands are the same.” Sinan mocked, “If you are really safe, you should take turns in 400cc of my limbs.”

Ning Yu replied: “If necessary, I will, so don’t arouse me.”

Si Nan earned his handcuffs and made a clatter, but the metal remained motionless.

Ning Yu didn’t look up: “Don’t bother, it’s made of stainless steel.”

“…” Sinan finally gave up the struggle absurdly: “What are you doing with my serum?”

Ning Yu used outdated methods to perform manual calculations and uncovering operations while recording something on paper. What was unexpected is that he did not ignore it, but answered this question in an orderly manner:

“Romuel came here a few months ago, using the semi-finished antibody in his hands as bait, let us pay attention to searching for your tracks along the coast. His inexplicable persistence aroused my curiosity until you People came here with a group of survivors…”

Ning Yu’s calculation speed is very fast, and it is not slowed down by his narrative: “I asked Dr. Zheng and learned that when you first joined the survivor camp, you claimed to have been bitten by a zombie, and The fever started that night.”

“It turned out that it was not a zombie, because I was not infected!”

“No.” Ning Yu said, “I suspect you were indeed infected that time.”

Si Nan asked suspiciously: “…what do you mean?”

Ning Yu finally stopped calculating and picked up a string of pendants from the test bench, Chong Sinan shook:

“These are your parents?”

——That was the brass necklace that Sinan never left.

“I will pay you back.” Ning Yu looked at Sinan’s expression and said, “It’s just that after I saw this photo, I found out that maybe you are what I’ve been looking for… Sorry, I have always suspected that there is Test target.”

Si Nanxin said, doubt exists?

“I have seen Lingzun Lingtang.” Ning Yu seemed to see through his question, but did not explain, but changed the conversation:

“When I was 16 years old when I went to country A to study for a Ph.D., Dr. Zhong Wan and his wife, Dr. Alisa Fehrman, were my fellow seniors. At that time, we were researching a virus with the same mentor. The theme of genetics-related topics is to invade the gene chain through viruses, promote transformation and improvement, enhance the quality of human genes, and extend the average life span.”

Si Nan learned the real names of his parents when he was caught off guard, and stayed for a moment.

“As everyone is Chinese, Dr. Zhong Wan gave me a lot of professional help, but the good times did not last long. A few months later, Dr. Zhong Wan contracted the virus in an experimental accident and unfortunately died. , Dr. Alisa Fellman took his body and you and disappeared from the research base.”

“…you…” Sinan’s voice began to be unstable: “I don’t remember these, you can say more, my parents and them…”

He is eager to know what his parents are like in his memory. He wants to know more and more specific details, even if it is a few trivial childhood things.

But Ning Yu didn’t have the slightest expression, and only answered him in six words: “No time, no interest.”

“After the test accident,” Ning Yu replaced the blood collection tube and continued: “The subject is considered to be highly dangerous and confidential, so the military funded the entire research institute and began to search for Dr. Fellman. Her whereabouts. The body of Dr. Zhong Wan she carried and a series of mutations caused by the body have become a target of great interest to the military.”

Si Nan noticed his words: the mutated behavior of the remains.

Can the remains behave?

“Although you were very young at that time, you should be able to remember that there was always a bloodthirsty, wailing, and constantly trying to violently attack you and leave all kinds of wounds on your body. This is Dr. Zhong Wan’s This kind of behavior…I’m sorry, I don’t want to use Dr. Zhong Wan to call that thing… After this behavior is monitored by military personnel, it is considered a great verification of virus research and has a milestone significance. It was from that year that the scientific research base began living experiments under the direction of the military.”

Doctor Zheng, who was listening to him, was already stunned.

Si Nan closed his eyes, and countless confused memories flashed through his mind like flowers. He opened his eyes and said with a trembled: “…White Eagle Base?”

“I don’t know what it was renamed later,” Ning Yu said, “because I quit the research team that year and fled back to China.”

Ning Yu took out the test tube with tweezers. Inside was the separated, pale yellow serum.

Si Nan glanced at his side and groaned|The man whose groans became heavy and gradually turned into dull and wailing, then looked at Ning Yu: “You continued to experiment with living people after returning to China, which led to a virus outbreak?”

“Am I sick?” Ning Yu asked impatiently.

Si Nan: “…”

“Tell you the truth. At that time, all capable countries in the world were conducting research in this area. The pursuit of human beings to achieve a better self and a longer life is endless. … The difference is only whether to insert the virus as a genetic modification technique, and whether to use a living human as the test subject. By the way, I am pretty sure that our country uses chimpanzees, and I have no doubt that this will be the highlight before the disaster. A foreshadowing.”

Ning Yu walked to the side of the zombie man, pushed out the air in the syringe, and injected the biochemically synthesized serum into his blood vessel.

“As for me,” he said, “it was only after the virus broke out that living people were used as test subjects…for example, the one in front of you.”

The man’s chest was violently up and down, and he let out a scream that didn’t look like a human being. Doctor Zheng closed his eyes heavily.

Si Nan asked hoarsely: “This is why Chen Yajing accepted the survivors?”

“Of course not. But I do use opponents and survivors as test subjects. It is more difficult to be found.” Ning Yu pushed a whole tube of serum and pulled out the needle: “For example, this person, the front Time is insane due to excessive pressure, and runs madly around, even if missing, it is easy to pass.”

The tone of his words was not fierce at all, on the contrary, it was no different from “Add an extra egg to the lunch box” or “Today’s weather is a bit cloudy”-because it is too calm and too natural to make you feel There was a cold shudder.

“…You inject him with the virus and let him test the serum after he is infected?” Sinan asked in disbelief, “Why not use animals, or simply use a simulated immune system?!”

Ning Yu didn’t answer him immediately. Instead, he picked up the camera and took a few pictures of the man on the operating table, then opened the notes and started recording quickly.

The man has been completely infected, but has not completely transformed into a zombie. The serum quickly decomposed and absorbed in his body, locked the antigen, and started a war that was invisible to the naked eye, filled with gunpowder, and powerful.

“Zombie virus does not infect animals, you must have found it.” Ning Yu said without looking up: “No matter how to reduce the dose and reduce toxicity, the only result of zombie virus entering the animal body is immediate death; only in humans Injecting viruses with chimpanzees can produce mutation effects, and I am not in a zoo. Where can I catch so many chimpanzees?”

“As for the simulation of the immune system, it is even more ridiculous. I need infected persons in the process of transformation under very specific conditions. The requirements are very high in all aspects. You know how long it took me to build this laboratory Do you think I can build a supercomputer with my bare hands to make an artificial simulation system?”

The man’s screams suddenly increased, his pupils suddenly spread, and he quickly closed!

Ning Yu raised his eyes and stared at Sinan sarcastically. After more than ten seconds, Sinan squeezed out a word from his teeth:

“How many people have you killed?”

Ning Yu said: “Who remembers this.”

“…I really have such a scientific spirit, why don’t you experiment with yourself first, why don’t you give yourself a virus injection first?!”

“If necessary, I will.” Ning Yu repeated this sentence for the third time. Compared with the previous two times, the tone and tone were not the slightest difference. It was in sharp contrast with Sinan’s anger:

“Now, please lie back, the experiment has reached a critical stage.”

Si Nan’s eyes were red, and he clenched his teeth, almost forcibly leaning back in the recliner.


The man suddenly made a full effort, his muscles and bones were almost cut off by the restraint belt!

The explosive power at that moment was terrible. Dr. Zheng took two steps back from the conditioned reflex, but Ning Yu sprinted up and slapped the flashlight.

He carefully observed the face with twisted facial features in front of him and his mouth wide open, and he didn’t care that his teeth almost touched his hand several times. Every minute and every second is as long as a century. Exactly a few minutes later, the man’s pupils have undergone obvious changes, his eyeballs are rapidly congested, and his neck veins burst!

Doctor Zheng stammered out a few words: “——heart, heartbeat!”

Ning Yu and Sinan tilted their heads at the same time.

The horizontal straight line on the instrument bends and twists suddenly, then jumps up and down and begins to pulsate.

Ning Yu let go of her hand, the flashlight clanged to the ground, and Gu Lulu rolled to the bottom of the operating table.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-” The man let out a heart-piercing roar like a beast!

But everyone present could hear the difference. The roar was not the deep wailing of the zombies, but the unconscious venting behavior of human beings in a state of insanity. Ning Yu rushed to the test bench and grabbed a needle. Before he ran back, he heard the man’s intermittent voices:

“Save, save, save…”

“——He spoke,” Dr. Zheng coughed and panted, unable to distinguish between extreme excitement, excitement or fear: “He spoke!!”

That was just a matter of seconds.

The man gripped the bed sheet tightly, his whole body bowed upward, like a balloon blown to its limit, the next moment it burst.

He fell heavily back on the operating table, his mouth, nose, and ears quickly filled with blood, and there was no sound in an instant.

The curve of the instrument calmed down again, and a monotonous beep sounded, covering the deadly hall.

Ning Yu panted, her whole body suddenly slackened, and she backed down a few steps dejectedly.

“He, he is dead,” Dr. Zheng shook his hands, trembling, and finished the examination, and said: “Zombieization…The signs of zombification have disappeared. The serum, serum, and serum vaccine actually work…”

Although there is only a short moment, the serum does have an effect——

The combined effect of virus and serum strangled this life, but serum successfully blocked the virus from turning this body into a zombie!

Ning Yu raised her palms and covered her face tightly.

“…Impossible,” Sinan muttered blankly: “Impossible, how could I…”

Ning Yu wiped her face again and said, “It’s as I expected.”

Si Nan and Doctor Zheng both stared at him, but Ning Yu didn’t say much, turned back to the test bench, and quickly turned on the centrifuge. Only then did Sinan discover that there was a row of blood collection tubes on the test tube rack.

Ning Yu’s hands were too cruel, and it seemed that at least 800CC of whole blood was drawn while he was in a coma.

Si Nan is light, and the total amount of blood in his body is not high. No wonder Dr. Zheng thought that Ning Yu was going to kill him directly when he was watching.

“I need someone,” Ning Yu said suddenly and solemnly.

At first, Sinan didn’t realize what he was talking about, but in an instant, he reacted.

“I want to re-match the virus.” Ning Yu repeated in a low voice, casting her eyes on Sinan who was handcuffed in a recliner, and said:

“I need a living person.”

The two looked at each other for a moment, and the gold-rimmed lenses blocked Ning Yu’s eyes, and Sinan’s heart slowly felt an unprecedented coldness.

Suddenly a shivering voice broke the silence: “…here…here is…”

The two looked at the same time, only to see Dr. Zheng staggered forward, blocking Sinan with his body, and then took out a hand|gun that he had hidden for a long time from his arms, and the muzzle was pointed at Ning Yu:

“Here is…a living person,” he choked, his muzzle trembling, but his other hand pointed firmly at himself: “I can give you a test.”

The author has something to say:

I, I, I promise to drive again before the end of QAQ as a supplement

(Comrade Xiaosi: What? Qicheng Pufferfish. jpg)

Thanks to the author of the sweet article Huai Yongxin x82, Sinan holding a strawberry in syrup x47, Chiu Mi for a bite of Sinan x35,

Liunan master you Rong brother x19, night ghost road x13, happy to see the goddess of Huaihuai x12, society my brother Zhou x12, Yin Zimo x11, Lou 衾 x11, holding a matcha millet x8, Sinan Little Cutie x6, Cat Egg Egg x6, A Kaoru x5, Yufeng Junying x5, Ayan Professional Report Nan Meow Rong Wolf x5, Lin Jingshu All Universe Support Team x4, Ying~x3, Zhengjie するカド x3, Li Shangyuan x3, Cotyledon no song x3, stone does not turn x3, gaoubarux2, white Qu x2, I am Guan Feng x2, Xianxian hit x2, Long Jiu, look at me x2, will you succeed today x2, Ax2, your boss x2 , Yuyewen, the last update on Qixi Festival x2, cavolooooox2, Xiaoxi x2, peach skyx2, Ruocan Yinshang x2, nine x2,

Xue Nai Ling, fleeting wood, MIGNON, fetters, Xiao A Xiao Er Lang, a congee corpse, the little maid, emu153, Liu Zhenzhen, April, not watching BG for many years, eating Lantern Festival at 1 o’clock in the morning, Jieyuhua, Mo Xiao You, Ran Ouyi, Orange Burrito, Little Shenmiao Da Shenwei, Clouds in the Sky, Lin Zike, Pufferfish Si Xiaonan, Genuine Baimo_, Love is a child. , Yi Shui, Lazy Cat Lazy Cat, Wei Jun Qing, Li_, Huo Hua Hua, Ju Dongdong, Alpha, Jun Ran, Fu Xiaoqi Wants to Kiss Si Xiaonan, A Liang, Lan Si, Twenty-three , Fu girl has no object, drizzle crossing the border, Zhou Hui’s sunglasses, sago dew is not sweet, Jiji Ye, Yan Lanqing, Mo Chi successfully got in the car, Yun Fei Fuyu waited for Huai Shang to be pregnant, the west wind is exhausted, I found that I was poisonous , You look delicious, migrating cup, fairy chicken, a grapefruit, wild rice leaf, 22457435, a ball of air, Yan Yan-yuzu, Shu Wanlai, Sanye, Xihan, Xiyan, Mu Hua, A Duan, EXTERMIE, Meal Fang Yin Dew, Little Phoenix Tweet Mimi, Ning Cheng, irenac, Fengjiang, Mai Ji Aisi Xiaonan, Not a Faithful Friend, Koala Tree Koala, 22063786, A Qi, Golden Mushroom Girl, Lying Fourteen, 篟蔵锵5 Moshi, little bit. , Sister, the mines of the adults above the right bird! ! !

Thanks to Huai Yongxin, the author of the sweet article x2, the sleep quality maintenance team x2, the round little rabbit, Si Xiaonan’s 50 cents lollipop, Mo Chi successfully got on the car, Sinan cute, Muxiang, no talent Grenades for adults! ! !

Thank you for the bazookas from the authors of the sweet article Huai Yongxin, Zhizhizi, Jince, and He! ! !

Thank you (one) for tweeting the ton x2. Winter melon is not the shallow water bomb of the adults above melon! ! !

Thank you Lichee for squatting into Sinan’s snack box, Mr. Lixiao’s deep-water torpedo! ! !

Thank you for your message, bow~! ! !

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