Undead: 26.Chapter 26

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Wake up early the next morning, Zhou Rong feels his head is big-the biochemical vehicle is gone.

He took the gun and turned around in the clearing twice, and roared up to the sky: “Si Xiaonan!”

“Si Xiaonan, get out of here, don’t joke with you, hurry up!!”

The engine sounded from far to near, and the biochemical vehicle drove slowly from the other side of the long street, and stopped in front of Zhou Rong who was furious. Then the window was rolled down, and milk powder, candies and dehydrated cakes were piled on the driving platform. Sinan was carrying an assault gun and a honey jar in one hand. His cheeks were slightly red after eating.

As soon as Zhou Rong saw that he was stained with black and red blood on his shoulders, it was obvious that he had just robbed the supermarket single-handedly and exploded on the spot:

“Leave the team without authorization! Undisciplined! Comrade Sinan, if you are an official member, I will start beating! Have you ever thought about the consequences without saying so?!”

Si Nan stared at him coldly.

“What are you looking at?! If you refuse to take charge, give it to me…”

Zhou Rong was waiting to scold again. Suddenly Sinan threw two cigarettes over his head and face, then quickly raised the car window and stepped on the accelerator to drive towards the road.

“Hey! Bastard!” Zhou Rong was smashed by the two soft Zhonghua, jumping and roaring behind the car.

Si Nan was seriously angry.

Zhou Rong finally ended his journey of searching for supplies, with two cigarettes in his arms, driving in front of him with a black face. Two cars drove out of city b from the expressway one after the other. They returned to the suburban industrial park before dark that evening. The biochemical vehicle suddenly advanced, turned a turn and ran straight to the back park of the fertilizer plant.

Are you going to part ways?

Zhou Rong hit the steering wheel to catch up, far behind Sinan. A few minutes later, I saw the biochemical truck stopped at the back door of the factory. Sinan grabbed some food, jumped out of the car, and overturned over the fence.

Zhou Rong asked Chuncao to come over to look at the car. He followed silently, and jumped up to the wall with two steps, and then jumped onto the ginkgo tree behind the wall, looking down sneakily.

Si Nan walked straight ahead, following the waste road to the vicinity of the anhydrous ammonia treatment plant. Surrounded by grass, there is an abandoned truck depot.

A slender figure was squatting in the open space under the back window of the garage. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he turned his head and greeted him in surprise.

——It’s Wu Xinyan.

I couldn’t hear what they were talking about at such a distance. Zhou Rong looked at it for a long while, feeling quite uneasy, and let out a long sigh.

What am I dreaming about, he wondered with a mockery.

People obviously belong to a beta rights protection association. It’s good if you don’t hate alpha. What else can you expect? Besides, he has such a good looks and skill, in this kind of last days, don’t you know how many little girls are willing to post.

Zhou Rong’s throat was a little sour, and he jumped onto the wall with a twig with his backhand, and jumped out from the back door.


“Back?” Feng Wentai said in disbelief.

The man nodded.

Feng Wentai rushed out, almost trotting down the stairs to the front yard of the factory. More than a dozen people have gathered in the open space, all of whom were survivors who had escaped from city t with the special forces; the three alpha bodyguards of Feng’s family also stood there, hiding those people, staring at the outside.

There was a military anti-riot armored vehicle parked in the barbed wire fence. Zhou Rong and others were tired and embarrassed. They were carrying the injured and unconscious Yan Hao and the bag containing Zhang Yingjie’s body.

When Feng Wentai saw their dirty clothes and mental state, he understood everything, and his heart sank immediately.

However, the captain surnamed Zhou turned his head, the corners of his mouth were slightly twitched, and his eyebrows were full of joking: “Brother Feng! Don’t be unharmed, is everything okay in our family?”

Without waiting for Feng Wentai’s answer, he turned his head and ordered his subordinates: “Check the materials and put them in the warehouse, and make a registration. Yingjie’s body will be set up and wait for me to deal with.” Then he waved to the crowd and laughed loudly: “Doctor Zheng! Me! Brother is hurt a bit, please take two people to bring him up to see!”

In addition to these special forces, the thirty-odd survivors were originally led by Dr. Zheng. Hearing that he had nothing to say, he immediately stepped forward and took care of Yan Hao’s stretcher.

“Hey—just walked for a few days, it’s like a world away!” Zhou Rong moved the stiff neck bones that had been driving for a long time, and made a crisp click. He first waved to the crowd of onlookers, and then smiled and patted Feng Wentai’s. Shoulder: “It’s been really hard these past few days, Brother Feng! I’ll remember a lot of work for you!”

After clotting blood is exposed to the air for a period of time, it will lose its pheromone breath, just like a corpse can not leave fingerprints after a few days. The overly strong alpha pheromone on Zhou Rong’s body had long since dispersed, otherwise he would walk around like a long-legged androgen atom bomb, which Sinan would never accept.

But Feng Wentai didn’t know.

He just felt that Zhou Rong immediately assumed the posture of being in charge as soon as he came back, which made his originally disappointed mentality even more subtle. But he was unwilling to show this, and said with a smile: “Everything is good, everything is good, where the responsibilities are, there is nothing hard to do. Has Captain Zhou contacted Vice Minister Guo?”

Zhou Rong shook his head.

Feng Wentai smiled slightly: “Then…we are…”

Zhou Rong hooked his shoulder: “Come on, let’s go to the cafeteria and talk as we walk.”

“That’s how things are,” Zhou Rong shrugged at the dining table in the cafeteria ten minutes later.

It was time for dinner. All the survivors were queuing up for dinner. There were only gruel and boiled potatoes in the window. Not far away, Feng Wentai’s bodyguard was sitting on another small table, each with a gun on his back. In front of him was rice with four small stir-fries, meat and vegetables, and two bottles of beer.

If Zhou Rong didn’t see it:

“Next, we will leave the fertilizer plant, and all the survivors will take the CMB to the Nanhai headquarters. We have obtained the latest information on virus research, which is of vital importance to the development of vaccines…”

“One of your people died, and another seriously injured?” Feng Wentai interrupted.

Zhou Rong said: “Yes.”

“What about a little brother who looks very…?”

“Lost,” Zhou Rong said concisely.

“In other words, you only have four people now.”


Feng Wentai was silent for a moment, and changed his tone when he spoke again, a little coldly:

“Excuse me for taking the liberty, Captain Zhou. We’d better stay at the fertilizer plant now. Don’t act rashly. You will send a positioning signal to the Nanhai headquarters and ask for a helicopter to pick you up. If the information you said is so important, the central government will definitely Take the initiative to pick us up…”

“There is no ‘Central’ anymore.” Zhou Rong said calmly, “The location signal cannot be received. Before contacting Nanhai, it is doubtful whether the other party’s headquarters has fallen.”

“Then we should go to the Northeast,” Feng Wentai said immediately.

“My family has some sites in the northeast, and there is also a grain processing factory. If the brothers in the hometown are still alive, they will be organized as a considerable armed force. Furthermore, the severe cold weather in the north will restrict zombies. Action, no matter from which point of view, is safer than going south to densely populated coastal areas.”

Feng Wentai obviously had plans for a long time, and now he talked about it, and his words changed:

“Captain Zhou and a few brothers are respectable for their loyalty to the country, but in these last days, people still have to plan for themselves. If Captain Zhou is willing to bring his subordinates to join us, Feng will definitely not neglect you. After arriving in the Northeast, you must make sure that you are comfortable and comfortable. Needless to say, glory and wealth in the last days, at least not worse than before the last days. What do you think?”

Chun Cao, Guo Weixiang and Ding Shi registered the supplies and entered the canteen with their lunch boxes. From a distance, they saw Feng Wentai and Zhou Rong sitting in the corner opposite each other, and several bodyguards of the Feng family gathered around drinking maliciously. .

Chun Cao immediately took two steps forward, but saw Zhou Rong with his hands behind him, and shook her.

“How should I put it,” Zhou Rong laughed: “As a special force, the country has trained for so many years, and it is when we are most needed now…”

Feng Wentai is impatient: “I understand the truth, but Captain Zhou also has to think about his brothers. You have already sacrificed two people, what can the country give them? Medals? Pensions? Even the whole seat b The military area can be lost! The government is afraid that it can’t even care about itself, can the country still issue pensions?”

“Boss Feng,” Zhou Rong teased, “Yan Hao is not dead yet.”

Feng Wentai choked.

Zhou Rong watched his words and looks and coughed at the right time before he attacked:

“By the way, if we head north, what about this house full of men, women and children?”

Feng Wentai looked around, people in the distance were lining up for a meal, many people shook the gruel in the bowl, and looked at the cooking beer of Feng’s bodyguards, showing dissatisfaction.

“We don’t have much inventory,” he lowered his voice.

Zhou Rong stared at him quietly.

“All these people bring them, and I’m afraid that the food will be eaten halfway. If the cold weather can’t replenish the supplies, I’m afraid everyone will have to explain.”

Feng Wentai pondered for a moment, and finally spoke again: “As you see it, those who are inconvenient to move and who are weaker should stay in the fertilizer plant. In addition, there are some who may be disobedient, in order to avoid There are internal disputes on the way to escape, and simply letting them go out to make a living is a way to get the best of both worlds…”

Zhou Rong didn’t say anything, the more he listened, the deeper his smile.

Feng Wentai’s meaning is obvious. There is no need to bring women, old people, and children, and the ones that look more piercing are best left behind; he is alpha, and the destination is his hometown. If you can’t get the northeast land, you have to count on him to open the warehouse and put food. Only those who are willing to submit to and obey him can lead them on the road.

As for the food materials accumulated in the fertilizer plant, it must be taken away all.

After returning to his hometown, Boss Feng can naturally lead everyone to make a comeback and form a hierarchical utopia-of course, at that time, Zhou Rong and others who followed him at the beginning will definitely not be treated badly.

“Boss Feng is really far-sighted,” Zhou Rong exclaimed, clapping his hands.

Feng Wentai smiled modestly.

“But,” Zhou Rong said sincerely, “we still have to go to the South China Sea.”


“Zombies retain a lot of basic biological instincts, one of which is warming up. Once winter comes, a large number of zombies will gather to the south. At this time, they will collide with countless waves of zombies. This is one of them.”

“Second,” Zhou Rong’s slanderous smile gradually disappeared, and his true expression finally appeared on the face with deep eye sockets and sharp facial features—Jiyu and full of hostility, he looked at everything he looked at. From top to bottom, with a wolflike sense of oppression:

“The virus research data obtained by Zhang Yingjie in exchange for his life must be sent to the military. Even if the South China Sea headquarters falls, we will be on the road again until the day we find the military.”

“On this road, we will not give up any surviving people. As long as we meet the elderly, women, pregnant women, and children, we will save as many as we meet. We will plant as many foods as we have eaten, and look for them if we don’t have any supplies. As long as we soldiers are there, the country will be there, and no one will be left behind.”

Zhou Rong leaned back in his chair, raised his head slightly, and raised his thick and sharp eyebrows, condescendingly looking at Feng Wentai.

His thin lips like a knife, a dark and sturdy neck, the contours of the shoulder and arm muscles that can’t be concealed by camouflage uniforms, and the assault|gun on his right shoulder, all show domineering male power.

Feng Wentai was so overwhelmed that he couldn’t breathe. When he recovered, he realized that he was threatened by a beta, and suddenly became a little bit ashamed and angry: “You sounded good, you soldiers are not…”

“You can lobby the people you want to take away.” Zhou Rong said lightly, making a “please” gesture, which was a bit elegant: “I will not stop anyone who is willing to go with you. Now, you just can’t bring a single bullet, go.”

Feng Wentai abruptly got up, and several bodyguards stood up, pressing their hands on their backs.

Three special soldiers not far away immediately stepped forward, each carrying an assault|gun, and Chuncao coughed coldly.

Zhou Rong sank deep in the back of the chair, as if unaware of the rattling atmosphere before him. Feng Wentai gritted his teeth and stared at the nasty arc of his mouth. He wanted to say something cruel but didn’t dare to express it. After a long while, he waved his hand and said angrily: “Go!”

The alpha bodyguards of the Feng family followed the boss out of the cafeteria. Chuncao walked over slowly, staring at their backs with a gloomy look: “The one with the surname Feng can’t hold back.”

“I know,” Zhou Rong interrupted her.

He pondered for a moment, and slowly made arrangements: “Tonight, everyone will take turns to watch the night. The granary, garage, and front and rear doors are all optimistic. Pay attention to Feng Wentai’s whereabouts. Sinankai’s biochemical car window was replaced and it was not bulletproof. Yes, everything and weapons are removed from the top, moved to the armored vehicle and locked.”

He said Chuncao and nodded, suddenly Zhou Rong seemed to think of something: “Where is Sinan?”

“I just returned to the dormitory and took a blanket and said that I would sleep in the back factory area at night.” Speaking of this spring grass, I also felt strange: “What did he run there for?”

Zhou Rong thought of Wu Xinyan who was waiting behind the garage in the rear factory area, and she was silent, her eyes gloomy.

His cold expression made the three team members a little bit stunned. Chuncao lay on the back of the chair and whispered, “Brother Rong?”

“Comrade Xiaosi is an adult–you guys are busy taking care of other people’s affairs. Why don’t you think about when you will get out of the order?” Zhou Rong got up and rubbed Chuncao’s hair, smiled happily, and returned to his usual dignity. Attitude: “Good girl, bring some potatoes for dad, don’t forget the chili soy sauce.”


“That’s mine,” Sinan said coldly.

Wu Xinyan: “…”

Wu Xinyan’s stretched hand turned consciously, abandoning the bottle of honey, and turned to vacuum packaging the braised eggs.

Si Nan raised an eye, obviously not having a strong desire to monopolize the marinated eggs, and his thick eyelashes drooped down again.

There were no lights in the abandoned garage, and it was dark in the winter night. The sound of the cold wind came from the cracks of the windows, as if a group of zombies were whimpering in the distance.

Wu Xinyan shrank into the blanket while eating the braised eggs, obviously she couldn’t bear the silence, she had nothing to say: “Hey…why do you like sweets so much?”

Si Nan rarely speaks actively when facing outsiders, but he always answers questions, saying: “I don’t know.”

“Do you like to eat as long as it is sweets?”


“Don’t you feel awkward?”

“I don’t think.”


“My body needs sugar.” Sinan said flatly, “I often have low blood sugar.”

Wu Xinyan breathed a sigh of relief: “I was thinking just now that people who have experienced a lot of hardships like to eat sweets. If you have a sad story, I can’t stand it anymore, screaming—fortunately, I think more. Up.”

Si Nan: “…you be normal.”

Si Nan took out the bag of candied apples that he was not willing to finish eating from his pocket, and then began to eat carefully. There was a groping sound in the dark.

After a while, Wu Xinyan’s voice rang again, and this time she was a little hesitant: “You said, will the surname Wan really come tonight?”



Si Nan held a half of candied fruit and said vaguely: “If Zhou Rong asks you where you are going, Feng Wentai will definitely say that you ran away by yourself and disappeared. His bodyguard surnamed Wan knows and waits for Zhou Rong to find him tomorrow. After others ask about the situation, he will have no chance to attack you, so he will definitely seize the last chance tonight.”

“And you also said that the man named Wan followed you here today,” Sinan swallowed the candied fruit and licked his greasy fingers: “When everyone is asleep tonight, he will definitely come. “

Wu Xinyan paled and nodded.

The two underground rolls are side by side. Sinan and Wu Xinyan are wrapped in blankets, with a pile of snacks in between. Wu Xinyan finished eating the marinated eggs and wanted to eat a chocolate. She suddenly realized something as soon as she picked up a piece of it in her hand. She humbly asked: “Can I eat it?”

“Yes.” Sinan said, “chocolate is the only thing I don’t eat.”


Si Nan didn’t have time to answer, suddenly there was a gentle footstep not far away, and then he stopped under the back window.


Wu Xinyan shivered, and the cold air burst from the internal organs, her eyes for help immediately turned to her side, but she saw Sinan glance back all thinking:

“… Zhou Rong?”

He was suspiciously wrapped in a blanket and stood up: “What are you doing there?”

The silent person under the rear window coughed. It was Captain Zhou’s characteristic mellow bass. Somehow it sounded a little guilty: “Oh, Comrade Xiaosi! I… I can’t sleep and walk. Go, have you eaten yet?”

Si Nan was indifferent.

“…” Wu Xinyan greeted tremblingly: “Captain Zhou and Zhou, good night and evening…”

Si Nan waved at her and motioned to ignore it.

Zhou Rong was very embarrassed: “Good evening, good evening, why don’t you two go back to the dormitory? How cold is it that the dark lights are here?”

“We…” Just as Wu Xinyan said two words, Sinan waved at her again, this time frowning unhappily.

Wu Xinyan: “???”

She tilted her head to look at Sinan, and Sinan frowned at her.

Zhou Rong said several times outside the window: “You should go back to the dormitory, it doesn’t matter, what should I do if I catch a cold outside this day? Brother is here, everyone knows, you young, hehehe…” /

Wu Xinyan deeply felt that she should explain, she should explain. However, Sinan’s expression made it clear that she would not let her speak. The two silent contests lasted for several seconds, and Wu Xinyan finally couldn’t hold back her madness: “What the **** is going on with you?!”

Si Nan said: “He screamed at me.”

Zhou Rong outside the window: “…”

“He said he was going to beat me.” Sinan said coldly, “Who is beating whom? I let him have a hand.”

Wu Xinyan was stunned.

Zhou Rong’s embarrassment has risen to the culmination of his life: “Si Xiaonan! Brother is wrong, can I apologize to you? I shouldn’t yell at you in the morning, don’t be angry, I will find you something to eat…”

The sound of the plastic packaging bag is what Zhou Rong took out of his arms:

“Here,” he said, “come out, and I brought you a big piece of Dove chocolate.”

Si Nan: “………………”

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