Undead: 2.Chapter 2

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When the doomsday comes, the densely populated city suddenly becomes a hell. The streets are full of crashed vehicles, tumbling smoke and flames, the living dead wandering back and forth, and the corpses scattered all over the road.

The store door was open, broken glass was all over the floor, shelves were swept by a tornado, and the walls were covered with blood and black and red handprints.

Someone in front of him is lying on the ground, his hands and feet are still conditioned to twitch, but his body has already passed through the intestines. Several zombies surrounded him, biting the flesh and blood of his arms and thighs, holding up his internal organs and swallowing, blood ran all over the ground.

The silver Camry swiftly passed by, and the zombie smelled the scent of a living person, and just staggered up to chase after the car, but the car was gone.

The young man looked into the rear-view mirror, and on the top of the prison building in the distance, an armed helicopter was whizzing into the air, passing over the devastated city, towards the black smoky horizon.

He retracted his gaze and adjusted the rearview mirror slightly, then he saw something in the mirror and his movements paused slightly.

It was a pair of cloudy and gray eyes.

Quietly behind me.

The young man stepped on the brakes and turned his head in the harsh rubbing sound. He saw a little girl strangled by the seat belt in the blind corner of the back seat. She only curled up quietly, maybe only two or three years old, not much bigger than a cat. How much, with a little braid on his head, holding a doll.

Her face is completely black, her mouth is closed, and purple blood flows down the corner of her mouth to her neck, looking straight at the young man, she also has a woman’s bag sprinkled with blood on her side.

The young man gently closed his eyes.

He can imagine what it was like. The husband was unwilling to abandon his infected wife and daughter, drove away from the city, looking for rescue along the way, and was finally bitten to death in the driver’s seat. Then the zombie wife opened the car door and fled.

He opened his eyes, raised his gun and aimed at the zombie girl’s eyebrows, but his index finger could not press the trigger.

The zombies on the street crowded around the car, numbly flapping the car window, making a muffled noise. After a long while, the young man hung his muzzle, reached out his hand to jam the little girl’s neck, twisted it off with a click, and the body fell softly on the back seat.

He did not throw the little zombie out of the car, and after looking at her for a while without saying a word, he stepped on the accelerator and drove forward.

One kilometer ahead, next to the parking building, the yellow sign of the pharmacy stands out in the smoke.


At the same time, on the second floor of the parking lot.

A dozen cars full of bullet holes were scattered in the huge space, dead bodies with broken arms all over the floor, and sirens one after another. After the fierce battle, the smell of bullets and rotten flesh mixed together, which strongly stimulated everyone’s nerves.

“We are surrounded by zombies,” Yan Hao took off his binoculars and said hoarsely: “The back door alley is a dead end, and the front door is blocking the tide of zombies. It is estimated that there are hundreds of them. The adjacent buildings are hospitals, schools, and supermarkets. The pharmacy belongs to the red first-level danger zone. It cannot be crossed by hooks and the ammunition will soon be out.”

Beside a biochemical armored car, several team members were quickly arranging their equipment, and upon hearing the words, they turned their heads to look at a certain silhouette.

The rigorous long-term training prevents them from losing control of their emotions immediately, but the faint flow of despair in the silence cannot be mistaken. In the depressing air, the wailing and door beating from downstairs became clearer.

“Captain…” Yan Hao said.

Zhou Rong leaned his back against the blood-stained wall, raised his head in the focus of everyone’s eyes, but did not speak, first threw a cold light with his hand–at the same time, twenty steps away, a zombie hiding behind a concrete pillar The knife was in the skull, went deep without a handle, and fell down with a plop.

“Pack up equipment and prepare to break through.”

Zhou Rong stood up and walked not far away. He was nearly 1.9 meters tall and had a black protective suit. He couldn’t make out his expression in the backlight, and he only heard the low and cold voice. A team member seemed to realize something, and suddenly stood up: “Brother Rong! Where are you going?!”

Zhou Rong found an Audi sports car with bullet holes on one half of the body, smashed the front window with a punch in full view, pulled out the spare key from the storage box, opened the door and sat in.

“I will lead the zombies in front to the back door. After breaking through, you drive to the southeast. The target refuge is under the center of the city 30 kilometers away.”

He ignited and raised the handbrake, and the riddled sports car roared: “Once I get away, I will rush to meet you. If I haven’t returned before you arrive, Yan Hao will take over as the captain and send a positioning signal to the base. “

“Captain!” Yan Hao suddenly roared, and several team members stood up unacceptably at the same time: “No, Brother Rong!” “Stop!”

Zhou Rong poked his head out of the car window and narrowed those sharp and beautiful eyes: “Huh?”

When Zhou Rong is not smiling, the facial features combination has a cold, daunting hostility, even the angle of each eyebrow and the slightly compressed pupils are silently showing that “this person is very pierced” The fact is obvious enough to make viewers completely ignore the beauty of his own appearance.

The lewdness accumulated over the years made the players conditioned to choke at the same time, and then Yan Hao went up a few steps out of control. When he was about to say something, Zhou Rong stretched out his hand to him. The irresistible command meant a lot. He stopped abruptly.

Then Zhou Rong laughed-his hostility disappeared when he smiled, the corners of his mouth curled up, and the corners of his eyes curled slightly. On the contrary, there was a kind of yuppie charm that was not serious.

“The girls are chirping, you guys.” He clicked one by one from his team’s face and smiled: “Wait for Brother Rong to go to the refuge to meet up, get out.”

The team members hurry up and charge|Machine guns, look at me and I look at you, despair appeared in their eyes.

The sports car turned on the lights and retreated, crushing the carrion all over the floor and sliding out a neat inverted u.

“Wait…wait, Captain!”

Yan Hao stared out of the window, and suddenly saw something, so he couldn’t say: “Someone…someone is coming!”

——At the front door of the parking lot, countless zombies were hitting the door mechanically. On the road behind them, a silver Camry came to an abrupt stop, then backed back and rolled down the window.


Are there survivors in the parking building?

The young man looked at the eight-story building, and every window in his sight was shattered, covered with blood, and couldn’t see the interior at all. Only a certain window on the second floor facing the road could vaguely see someone lying on it, perhaps the people who fled into the building panicked when the incident happened.

The electronic control gate of the parking lot itself has been blocked, but under the endless beating of the zombies, the hollow iron gate has been concaved inward with a terrifying arc. It is only a matter of time before the breakthrough occurs.

The young man twisted his brows slightly, hesitating in his heart.

He looked at the pharmacy with a wide open door not far away. There were only a few zombie boys over there, dressed in junior high school uniforms, limping and wandering aimlessly, which should have been run out after the infection broke out in a nearby school.

Although he lost his memory temporarily due to overstimulation, head bumps, or other reasons, he has basic common sense. He needs a pheromone pressure agent to pretend to be a beta. It is completely feasible to rush into the pharmacy while the survivors have attracted a large number of zombies.

But the fragile electronically controlled iron door should not last for a few minutes.

And what if he ran into the pharmacy and a wave of zombies flooded in?

The young man took a deep breath, his eyes fell on a motorcycle that hit a tree and killed him 20 meters away. After a silent count of three seconds, he slammed the door open.

The roar of the locomotive resounded across the street suddenly, like a clarion call for a meal.

On the second floor of the parking lot, Yan Hao’s voice was extremely soft and full of surprise: “This person…”

“He… he is helping us steer away the tide of zombies…?”

Zhou Rong strode closer, took the binoculars and looked towards the street. At the focus of the lens, the young man straddles a motorcycle, his face and neck are tightly covered by a helmet, his leather jacket is zipped to his chin, and the motorcycle tailpipe spouts exhaust gas with a low launch sound.

More and more zombies were attracted by this sound, stopped beating the door, turned their heads, and rushed to the locomotive in groups.

Twenty meters, ten meters, five meters…

When the zombies on the road were almost crowded in front of the locomotive, in front of the parking lot, the number of zombies finally decreased to less than thirty. The motorcyclist raised his left arm and made a gesture to the height.


“Yan Hao, go drive!” Zhou Rong suddenly threw the binoculars, set up the start|gun aiming, and shouted: “Get in the car, all get on the car and prepare to break through!”

Several gunshots banged, bullets shattered glass windows, and the heads nearest to the locomotive exploded in the corpses in the distance.

That seemed to be the signal of the beginning of the action. The locomotive started in the same second and rushed out with a roar!

“Go, go, go!” “Quick!”

The team members quickly jumped onto the armored car, Yan Hao slammed the steering wheel with one hand, and took off his magazine with the other and threw it out the window. Zhou Rong didn’t turn his head like long eyes behind his back. He grabbed the magazine and snapped it on. The barrel was placed on the windowsill, and the ammunition poured out!

In the rain of bullets, the locomotive rushed out of the tide of corpses at high speed, crushing countless living dead into carrion, and then drove to the crossroads.

The zombies staggered and chased behind them, looking from a high place, even the zombies in the nearby streets moved by the wind, gathering more and more, gradually forming a spectacular dragon.

Broken hands and feet, bleeding from seven orifices, dead eyes… The crowds of corpses that can’t be seen at a glance are creepy. However, no one cared about fear at the moment of life and death, and the motorcyclist suddenly turned around at the crossroads and rushed into Southeast Avenue!

With a loud bang, the gate of the parking lot finally rose slowly, and the biochemical vehicle pressed a few zombies that were too late to dodge under the tires.

“Captain–” Yan Hao shouted.

On the second floor, Zhou Rong supported the window sill with one hand, flew down, and landed heavily on the roof with a loud “Boom!”


Five hundred meters away, at the other end of the intersection.

The locomotive flicked its tail and changed lanes, and then the body stopped suddenly.

Another wave of corpses suddenly appeared in front of them, rushing over!

The long-range sniper cover from Zhou Rong stopped, and the zombies blocked from the front and back again, and the scene was suddenly spectacular. The young man glanced into the rearview mirror from behind the helmet, and a fork in the street cornered behind him, leading to the east street.

The fingers leaning on the handlebars clenched tightly, the veins violent, and then calmed down. He took a deep breath and turned the front of the car–


The locomotive traversed the highway like a meteor, rushing towards the fork road almost against the sharp teeth of the zombie on his side. The body flew over, smashed the floor-to-ceiling glass wall of the bookstore on the street corner, and came out from the other end, wrapped in the sky full of glass to the ground!

The two male zombies in front were knocked over with their chests, half-corrupted internal organs exploded on the ground. The third zombie reached out and climbed onto the handlebars, and just opened his mouth to get up, suddenly a bullet whistled, exploding its brain into the sky.

The young man looked up.

——Two hundred meters away, a silver-gray armored car was ramming. Zhou Rong was lying on the roof with a rifle|gun, narrowed one eye, and slightly raised his thin lips, as if he was following from a long distance. He said hello.

Then the next bullet grazed his helmet and lifted the Tianling cover of a zombie aunt on the side of the locomotive.

“Ten meters behind the bookstore on the corner of East Street, at two o’clock, ready to rescue.”

Zhou Rong’s voice came from the headset. Yan Hao nodded as he should, his eyes scanned the satellite road map: “Not good.”


Yan Hao stepped on the accelerator: “East Street is a dead end.”

The armored car made an accelerating noise, but it was too late. Zhou Rongmei jumped, and saw the locomotive start, breaking through the zombies, and rushing into East Street with no choice!

“A detour! Search for the best route!” Zhou Rong sternly shouted in the flying bullet: “Ready to turn around!”

In the cab, the route on the GPS screen changed, and Yan Hao beat the steering wheel to death.

At the same time, on East Street, the locomotive leaned to the limit, smashing through the sea of ​​blood, and immediately a whole row of black hydraulic roadblocks appeared ahead!

At this time, the speed of the motorcycle has reached a terrifying 200km/h, and the roadblock is no more than 300 meters away, and it can be reached in less than six seconds.

What is the concept of six seconds?

——Can’t turn around, can’t turn, the road is full of zombies on both sides, once the collision with the roadblock, the car will be destroyed.

The pupils of the rider are pressed tightly until they are like needles. At the same time, the pointer in the dashboard shook violently, hitting the bottom line, and roaring like an angry monster in the tail pipe.

“He wants to punch…” Yan Hao said softly.

As if the rod of Moses splitting the sea, the locomotive protruded from the layers of zombies, and immediately rushed onto the steel barricades——

Time froze, even the sound of the wind stood still.

In mid-air, the locomotive turned 360 degrees, drawing a stream of fire arc.

Zhou Rong throws a hook: “Next—”

In the strong wind, the young man stretched his arms, the rope and the iron hook accurately wrapped his wrists, and immediately he kicked off the locomotive and flew towards Zhou Rong in the air.

The heavy locomotive swirled wildly, plunged into the tide of corpses, and then exploded with earth-shattering!

Boom! With a loud noise, the young man slammed onto the armored car roof, rolled to the edge under inertial force, was hugged by Zhou Rong, and drove on the roof of the car. The two fell into the car at the same time amidst the loud noise.

“Brother Rong!” “Captain!”

The team members rushed forward and helped them up with all hands and feet. Even Yan Hao in the driver’s seat set up automatic driving, signaled his teammates to take over, and hurriedly got into the rear compartment from the driver’s seat: “Captain Are you okay?”

“His hiss…” Zhou Rong grinned and got up: “Brother, this old waist…”

Behind him, the young man dodges his holding hands like lightning, retreats to the corner and straightens up.

Through the motorcycle helmet, he looked at these people in front of him without a word.

This is a special force, he thought.

Unexpectedly, all these sturdy and powerful team members are all beta, and there is not a hint of the aggressive taste of alpha pheromone in the compartment with limited space.

“Here,” Yan Hao kindly handed over a bottle of water: “Thank you.”

The carriage gradually calmed down. As everyone watched, the young man neither opened his mouth nor raised his hand.

“…” Yan Hao motioned again: “For you.”

Yan Hao is the kind of look who can go to the film school if he doesn’t join the army. The height is comparable to Zhou Rong, the shoulders are wide, the legs are long, the eyebrows are beautiful, and the left ear has a single ruby ​​earring with a gleam, quite the temperament of a melancholy male protagonist in a campus romance.

All these years of rigorous and perverted training have not left any traces on his fair skin. It can be said that he is naturally beautiful and hard to give up.

However, the motorcyclist in front of him did not appreciate, and could even be described as indifference or guard.

“This brother…” Just as another team member spoke, the locomotive finally moved.

Ignoring the bottle of water, he reached out to remove Yan Hao’s fully automatic carbine, and put it on his right shoulder.

“Hey, you–“

Zhou Rong drank the water and turned around, stopped the team members, and grinned at the young man: “What do you call your brother?”

The young man does not speak.

“Something to eat?”

No response.

The atmosphere in the carriage gradually changed. In the small space, something tense gradually bred in silence.

Zhou Rong touched his chin and looked at the young man up and down. His whole body was wrapped in a tight-fitting motorcycle jacket and dark jeans, his face was completely invisible under the cover of the helmet, and his whole body was full of the breath of rolling in a pile of zombies, looking very embarrassed.

But he is thin and neat, and his guard posture is like a knife.

An unscathed saber with a cold light.

“Friend,” Zhou Rong looked at him and asked with a smile: “Where are you going to see you off?”

After more than ten seconds, apart from the long and short breaths in the carriage, only the zombies wailed vaguely outside the steel plate.

“…return to the parking lot.” In the almost suffocating atmosphere, the young man finally opened his mouth, his voice hoarse as a result of drying out:

“Go to the pharmacy.”

Zhou Rong nodded very kindly, turned to the driver’s seat of the car in front, and patted the driver’s shoulder: “Go back to the parking lot of Southeast Street.”

Immediately he leaned down and whispered in a volume that only two people could hear: “Find a place to stop, I want to follow him to see what he is doing in the pharmacy.”

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