Undead: 19.Chapter 19

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The moment Zhou Rong entered the water, there was only one feeling—it was so cold.

The groundwater is freezing and biting. He struggled up two times, moving his muscles and bones. With the light of the helmet lighting, he saw Zhang Yingjie’s two white giant shadows not far from his feet. Entanglement.

Zhou Rong was afraid of hitting Zhang Yingjie, and felt that he fired a shot after aiming at the zombie, but the underwater shooting made the bullet angle deviated and only hit the zombie’s back!

To no avail!

The violent action intensified the oxygen consumption, Zhang Yingjie finally couldn’t hold his breath, the air in his lungs was squeezed out of a series of bubbles, and it sank silently.

Zhou Rong cursed Sheng Niang in his heart and dived decisively. One zombies that had been soaked in the giant view came back to catch him, but the other end chased Zhang Yingjie down.

Zhou Rong backhanded the zombies heavily with the **** of the rifle, and the reaction force made his back hit the elevator wall, and then bounced back. The zombie leaned forward again with his mouth that had almost melted from the bubble, and Zhou Rong pressed his muzzle against his upper jaw, and a bullet blasted his head to pieces!

The zombies dragged the black blood line to sink quickly. Zhou Rong felt that the oxygen had reached the top, but at this time he could not hesitate, and plunged his head in the direction where Zhang Yingjie disappeared.

In many drowning situations, jumping from a well is the least likely to be rescued. Because the shaft wall is smooth and there are no stress points, it is difficult to struggle to float up in a narrow space; speeding down like Zhou Rong will cause the water pressure to rise sharply, and the oxygen consumption will reach the limit in an instant.

The lungs twitched sharply. Zhou Rong gritted his teeth and held back the last oxygen. Suddenly, the water flowed violently beside him, and the zombies who had chased Zhang Yingjie floated up!

——Fuck me!

Only this last thought remained in Zhou Rong’s mind. He was **** and struck out with a punch!

If it were on land, Zhou Rong’s right fist had an impact force of up to 400 kilograms, and he would at least be able to defeat a little boxer in the ring. However, lack of oxygen and water flow contained a considerable part of the blow, and the zombie’s chest was beaten and the entire face collapsed, and then it swayed towards him again.

Zhou Rong’s eyes turned black from time to time, struggling to hold up the gun and pull the trigger!

Several shuttle bullets fired randomly made the bottom of the water muddy, and countless cotton-like tissues exploded from the head and body of the zombie, and finally floated away completely.

At this time, Zhou Rong couldn’t even feel the presence of his limbs. He retracted the gun, sank mechanically, fumbled with both hands, and finally hit a motionless foot at the bottom.

Hard-soled military boots, legs, armed with a tactical bag… It’s Zhang Yingjie!

It’s almost like a heart-strength needle hitting the body in an instant, Zhou Rong struggled with the last bit of strength to lift the person up, kicking and floating upward.

——Then his foot sank!

Two cold, stiff hands extended from the bottom of the elevator shaft and grabbed his ankles.

The water slanted upward, and a zombie that was soaked in disgustingly softly rose up like a ghost, and bit Zhou Rong’s calf through the camouflage pants!


Zhou Rong kicked his legs frantically, and the water rushed, but the dizziness caused by the extreme lack of oxygen made his eyes dark and he couldn’t even take it out. During the struggle, he opened his mouth, and this trivial little action almost ended his life——

Because the throat was loose, the last air in the lungs was instantly squeezed clean, and a large number of bubbles burst out.

This is…is it over?


A strong light hit from above, and a figure quickly dived, and immediately passed by Zhou Rong!

Zhou Rong is really at the end of the crossbow, and his distracted vision can hardly see anything. The last scene before the coma was that the man bit a dagger and rushed straight to the zombie, the lighting reflected his cold and handsome face.

——It’s Sinan.

Zhou Rong closed his eyes and finally lost consciousness completely.


“There is still a pulse…”

“Hold on!…”

“Moved! He moved!”

Zhou Rong opened his eyes abruptly, struggled to sit up, and choked out a big mouthful of water.

This cough was so dark that it almost tore the lungs into pieces and wringed them out of the throat. After a long while, Zhou Rong finally stopped his coughing in embarrassment, panting, and said hoarsely: “The hero is…”

Chuncao said in surprise: “Brother Rong is okay!——Hey, Si Xiaonan?!”

As soon as Zhou Rong raised his head, he saw Sinan kneeling beside him, and fell silently backwards at the moment he heard the word “Nothing”.

Zhou Rong was so shocked that he hurriedly reached out and hugged him, but he saw that Sinan was soaked and pale, and he had passed out.

“Exhausted physical strength,” Chuncao’s face was full of fatigue: “We changed hands and gave you both artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation for more than ten minutes.”

Zhou Rong leaned against the corner, resting Sinan’s head on his abdomen, looking around with exhaustion. They have already arrived in West B. This should be a staff office. The concrete walls are covered with blood, documents and papers are scattered all over the floor, alloy doors are closed, and the dull and hollow roars of zombies come from outside the corridor.

Zhang Yingjie lay motionless beside him, as if he was dead at first glance, but when he looked closely, his chest was slightly rising and falling regularly.

Zhou Rong started to choke twice. After choking his throat, he reluctantly asked, “What is going on?”

“The elevator shaft has limited space. Si Xiaonan and I were afraid that you two would not be able to use it. However, after waiting for two to three minutes, there was no movement, so we could only jump down and look for it. It turned out that you were entangled by zombies, and Si Xiaonan twisted with a dagger. It was rotten and bit your zombie’s brain, and then I blasted the electronic □□, and we were washed out of the elevator shaft by water…”

“However, the impact was too strong during the blasting, and you and Yingjie both hit their heads,” Chuncao looked at Zhang Yingjie worriedly: “You shouldn’t be stupid.”

Zhou Rong remembered something and looked down at his calf.

The camouflage pants tube had been bitten to pieces, but thanks to the body armor, the skin was not injured.

“Have Yingjie been zombies…” Zhou Rong asked in a low voice.

“No, he wore a gas mask when he was rushed out, and he must have covered his head and face as soon as he was dragged into the water by the zombies. However, his clothes were bitten out, and his whole body was bruised and bruised for a while. It’s too late to check.”

Zhou Rong turned over and probed Zhang Yingjie’s pulse. Although it was weak but stable, he was relieved.

Suddenly he found that there was a trace of blood under Zhang Yingjie’s nasal cavity that was not completely erased. Suddenly he realized something. He raised his hand and touched his nose. Sure enough, he was pressured by the water and burst into blood from his hand, and his head suddenly became bigger: ” What’s going on?! Just now Sinan——”

Si Nan’s face rested on Zhou Rong’s strong abdominal muscles, groggy and unconscious.

“Father, you had a great luck today.” Chuncao said weakly, “You didn’t see Si Xiaonan’s state when he rescued you. He is no longer conscious, and I am unconscious during the external heart massage. I doubt he can break your ribs with bare hands. I told him to take a break and let me change hands, but he couldn’t hear when he yelled at his ears…”

Zhou Rong was dumbfounded.

“Furthermore,” Chuncao said sincerely, “The veneer disco you two danced with the zombies for so long, the smell is also touching enough, by the way, Si Xiaonan may have been fainted by you two… “

Zhou Rong finally relaxed completely, leaning against the corner of the wall, and let out a long sigh.

Although Sinan didn’t realize the alpha pheromone, he was still affected physiologically. He seemed a little uncomfortable in his drowsiness, and he kept tossing and turning uncomfortably. Zhou Rong hugged him and moved up, letting him lean on his side in his powerful arms, while gently tapping his back, trying to comfort him in this way.

After a long time, Sinan finally calmed down slightly, his breathing gradually deepened, but his eyebrows were still frowning unconsciously.

His face is still very young. Because of the mixed race, his eyebrows are more three-dimensional than ordinary people, and his complexion becomes cold white after being soaked in water.

But there was a line between his eyebrows prematurely, as if he was always frowning and worried.

Zhou Rong fed him some water and wiped the water stains with the belly of his thumb, leaving a slight red mark on the corners of his lips.

“I was negligent. I should have thought of it when I didn’t see the car in the elevator shaft.” Zhou Rong said in a low voice: “At the moment when the virus broke out in the refuge, the elevator car fell to the maximum. It’s at the bottom. Some people didn’t fall to death. The wound was soaked in groundwater containing the virus and became a zombie. They have been moving at the bottom of the elevator shaft… Fortunately, everyone is fine, otherwise.

He paused in his voice and didn’t say any more.

“Otherwise, do you lose your life.” Chuncao laughed lazily: “Don’t be silly, Brother Rong, life and death, everyone knows this kind of thing.”

Zhou Rong laughed and stopped mentioning this topic. Sinan shuddered in his arms and slowly opened his eyes.


Zhou Rong leaned forward and listened to him whispering quietly: “…you have a smell…”

Zhou Rong paused, smiled and patted his face: “It has been soaked in the groundwater, do you still expect to smell like Chanel No. 5? Is it normal to smell? Isn’t it normal?”

Si Nan closed his eyes and opened them again after a few times. After repeating several times, he finally woke up, sat up and asked, “What time is it?”

Chuncao was leaning on the opposite side and staring at her cheap father with a condemning gaze. He clicked on the luminous dial: “At 11:30, it has been five and a half hours since we entered the base.”

“Very well, the rest is over, ready to go!” Zhou Rong kicked Zhang Yingjie’s butt, and the latter slept soundly, even snoring slightly.

Zhou Rong had no choice but to let Chuncao carry Zhang Yingjie, carrying Chuncao’s equipment, and swayed to his feet.

“We are now at the entrance of the base communication office, and the emergency satellite communication room is here.” Zhou Rong made a red mark on the map and said: “The straight-line distance is about 200 meters, and you need to cross two corridors and add an alloy security door. Comrade Xiaosi is responsible for the blasting.”

“After sending the satellite communication, it is expected that the e-zone can be transferred within two hours. The Institute of Biological Virology is here…This is a high-risk area. Don’t fight, once you confirm that you can’t attack the tough, immediately evacuate. The evacuation route is according to our previous calculation. , Gather at the entrance of the light rail station in the central area. If Yan Hao’s group is not annihilated, we can take a new armored vehicle when we go back.” Zhou Rong shook the tablet computer: “—what’s the problem?”

No one raised their hands.

Chuncao dragged Zhang Yingjie with difficulty, and the latter could only drag her feet on the ground. Sinan sat cross-legged and rubbed his eyes, rubbing the corners of his eyes red, obviously not fully awake.

“Yes, everyone is very fighting spirit!” Zhou Rong clapped his hands and said vigorously: “Next, please follow me and march toward the dawn of victory!”

Zhou Rong snapped around and suddenly Sinan’s voice came from behind: “Brother Rong.”


Zhou Rong turned around and was hugged tightly before he could say anything.

Si Nan’s face was almost buried in Zhou Rong’s neck, neither speaking nor moving. He maintained this posture for more than ten seconds, finally raised his head and patted Zhou Rong’s back as tight as a rock, fierce and fiery with relief.

“Great, you are not dead.”

Si Nan stepped back and looked at Zhou Rong’s eyes, and said seriously: “I will not let any of you die.”

Then he bent down to pick up the tactical backpack, walked around Zhou Rong’s motionless body, and walked on his own.

The air had solidified for a long time, Zhou Rong’s eyes finally blinked, as if the switch was turned on, he finally came back to life.

“…Cao’er,” he seemed to be floating in the clouds: “Dad gives you one last chance… Yan Hao and Dad, who are you standing by?”

However, Chuncao looked at him sympathetically and shook his head slowly:

“I only know that after he finds out that he has been cheated by us in the future, you will be miserable by the sun, and you will be miserable than Yan Hao…”

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