Ultimate Teacher Chapter 772: 、 A city of wind and rain!

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Chapter 772, A City of Wind and Rain!

Unexpectedly, the Volkswagen was hit by a van in the middle.

The body is crunching, the head is trembling violently, and then the whole body is rolling in the middle of the road.

Hi, la-

The hard iron skin and the tarry ground were violently rubbed, and there were sporadic sparks, and they were wiped out by the pouring rain.

Slaps and pops-

The rain is urgent and heavy, as if there is any hatred for everything that grows on this earth.

The van that came from the charge did not turn around and leave after the crime, but the front of the van was still slammed against the side wall of the Volkswagen, the throttle increased, increased, and kept increasing.

The motor of the van was booming, and the tail pipe was smoky with black smoke, and they maximized the horsepower of the car.

Everyone knows that this is not an ordinary car crash, but a premeditated murder.

If everyone in the car is still alive.

Crunch —

The body was overturned and slid all the way against the van, and then hit the green belt in the middle of the road heavily.

The impact surface is sunken into a large hole, and the part that is sunk into a huge iron blade sharply hits or inserts the passenger closest to them-

A large amount of blood ran out from the gap between the doors, and just appeared red, and then was instantly diluted by the rain on the road. More and more rainwater came together, and the deep red became light red, the light red became silk, and finally the silk swirled on the surface of the water, and then disappeared without a trace-

However, blood is still flowing continuously.

So, on the ground, the process of showing a deep red color as if nothing had been born.

It was n’t until this time that the van on top of the Volkswagen started to retreat.

The driver who drives the car is a one-eyed dragon, and there is a cold air in his one-eyed dragon. Even if he had just done such a thing, he couldn’t let him have the slightest touch.

Killing people, this is their profession!

They were born for this!

Wow —

The car window opens.

A man in black with a hood sitting on the front of the co-pilot reached out a silver disc from his pocket. It reached out and pressed his finger against the red button on the base of the disc.

Beep beep-

The silver disc began to glow with green light, and the numbers on it quickly retreated: ten, nine, eight, seven, six-

The man in the balaclava threw the silver disc in his hand toward the Volkswagen. The silver disc had an inexplicable attraction, and it snapped onto the Volkswagen’s iron body.


The reversing speed of the van is accelerated, as if there are some monsters in front of you who want to roll over.

Beep beep-

The dial number on the silver disc reverses faster, and its alarm sounds become louder and louder.

Three, two, one —


The door holding the silver disk suddenly detached from the car body and flew towards the sky with dense rain.


The silver disc exploded, and strongly corrosive green objects scattered around.

When the car door touched those green objects, it was obviously the body of steel, but it began to emit thick smoke. It began to melt and shrink with the naked eye, and finally disappeared completely.

Not only this car door, but also the sky covered with green liquid, the rainwater and air that were exposed to it all turned into white gas and disappeared.

For a moment, within the explosion range of the silver disc, a vacuum appeared in the air.

No oxygen, no rain, only the white smoke that comes out when it burns.

While kicking the iron gate into the air in one foot, Fang Haohan’s body has already rushed past like a flexible hound.

He did n’t run towards the van that had overturned them, but ran towards the left turn, in the direction where Li Ya ’s Mercedes van disappeared —

Obviously, their goal is not themselves, nor will they be the two blue and red gangsters in the car that are pierced by the iron plate of the car through the heart, lungs and abdomen-

Their goal is Li Ya!

Only Li Ya!

Fang Haohan, who jumped out of the Volkswagen car and disappeared in the rain curtain in a blink of an eye, was shocked by the difference in the face of the one-eyed dragon and the man in the headgear in the van.

They have already seen the existence of this van. The existence of the two of them is to solve this van protected in the dark, so that the task ahead can proceed smoothly-

Originally, I thought it was done. The Volkswagen was knocked to the ground by them, and even used extremely expensive genetic medicines.

With just one drop, a cow can be turned into a pool of liquid. According to the amount of weight they use, it is enough to turn the Volkswagen and everyone in the car into gas-no one in the world can find evidence of their existence.

But why is that guy alive? Why can he still escape?

“There is a live mouth–” the one-eyed dragon said maliciously. While speaking, he slammed on the accelerator and the van no longer backed up, but rushed towards the dark direction where Fang Haohan disappeared.

“It’s a good hand.” The voice of the man in the balaclava didn’t have any smoke. Like a dead man, a zombie. “Kill.”

“It seems they have been guarded for a long time–” There was a sneer in the voice of the one-eyed dragon. “Du Qing’s old dog is very considerate to his dry daughter-”

“The big picture cannot be changed.”

After the man in the balaclava said this, while the van was in high motion, he pushed the car door to the roof and stood on the roof watching Fang Haohan running.

Fang Haohan has a thin figure, long hands and long legs. It is often said that he is like a human-shaped telephone pole or a scarecrow used to scare birds and beasts in crop fields.

However, when he ran with all his strength, it was amazingly fast.

Fang Haohan is very anxious.

He is worried that Li Ya will have an accident.

He was sent by Uncle Xiao to protect Li Ya. He cannot let Uncle Xiao disappointed.

The most important thing is that what he said to Li Ya is true.

He said he wanted to protect Li Ya, he said he would not let Li Ya suffer any harm.

He also said that even if he was dead, if those bad guys stepped over him, his reluctant soul would hug their legs and feet-of course, if they did not step on their bodies Then there is no way.

Fang Haohan does n’t understand likes and loves—in his life, he never had such words.

If someone asks him, do you like or love Li Ya?

He must be so confused that he does n’t know what you are talking about-is there any difference between the two? Don’t you all want to be with her?

Fang Haohan knows that he is not a “hero hero”, but when his woman is in danger, he must come forward to rescue him.

He does n’t want to think about anything, and he does n’t have time to think about anything.

At this moment, there is only one belief in his heart: in any case, Li Yaping must be safe.

He greeted the wind and the rain, and rushed to his hope.

He saw the Mercedes-Benz. The Mercedes-Benz was parked on the side of the road, and he seemed to be in danger too-

Thinking of this possibility, Fang Haohan is even more anxious-

Bang —

His body suddenly rose from the ground, his body leaped into the air, and then fell to the wet land in front of him in a state of embarrassment.

His back was attacked, someone kicked him in the back of the heart, his whole body was in pain and the bones were about to fall apart.

Fang Haohan’s body rolled and slid on the ground, and then a carp jumped up and ran towards the Mercedes-Benz again.

He never even looked back to see who was attacking behind him.

He knows what the goals of those bad guys are, they just want to stop himself from saving others.

However, he wants to save people anyway-

This is the most important thing in the world.

Fang Haohan jumped over the green belt and ran for a few steps. His body suddenly turned sharply to the left.


A big foot appeared in the black night sky, piercing from where he had just stood.

Wow —

The leather boots landed, and the man in the headgear blocked Fang Haohan.

He looked at Fang Haohan who wanted to go around from a distance, and said, “I know your time is tight, but let me pass me first-”

Fang Haohan skewed his head for a moment and rushed toward the man with a fist.

During the running, the bones of his body rattled.

And more surprisingly, his body is shrinking constantly.

Each time you run, your body will be shorter and smaller. When he ran in front of the hooded man, Fang Haohan, who was a lot taller than the hooded man, seemed to become a child who could only reach his shoulder.

Bone shrinkage!

Everyone in Yanziwu knows that Fang Hero and Fang Haohan are the two apprentices Mo accepted while traveling outside to challenge the world masters.

But what they do n’t know is that when Mo Qingdi saw Fang Haohan, Fang Haohan was performing bone-shrinking exercises. Hero Fang rolled the iron ring, but Fang Haohan was able to pass through a small iron ring ——

I do n’t know what kind of psychology Mo Qingni was out of, and then brought them back to Yanziwu. While teaching them Fang’s Tai Chi, it is more important to let them wield their own strengths.

So, now they are as shameless as Fang Yan-

Fang Haohan’s fist is also shrinking, shrinking. Finally turned into a child’s fist.

However, that fist is white.

The night was dark, and the rain and mist filled.

However, you can still clearly see the white of the fist—like holding a shining night pearl in the palm of his hand. The light of the night pearl penetrates through the gap between fingers.

“Li Ya–” He shouted Li Ya’s name aloud, and then punched at the chest of the man with a punch. [End of this chapter]

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