Ultimate Teacher Chapter 73: 、Can I borrow the money?

Chapter 73. Can I borrow the money?

Vermillion Bird High school and Wuren Senior Middle School are fellowship schools, and each year they send delegations to exchange and study. In the process of exchange and learning, students from the two schools will also conduct some small-scale competitions.

Sports events such as speech contests, fun knowledge answering, and sprinting and athletics.

So, now that Sano Fujino has proposed to play, everyone is not surprised.

Originally, it should be the content, but it was only advanced in advance.

The question is, if Fang Yan fights, does his class represent Vermillion Bird High school? Is Vermillion Bird High school willing to be represented by Fang Yan’s class 9?

Before shelving, all the top class sent students to participate in the reception task.

“Comparing what? How comparing?” Fang Yan asked.

“It’s more than the three items of tea ceremony calligraphy fencing.” Fujino Shiro said confidently. “If we lose, then, I take back what I just said and apologize to you in public.”

“Okay. Then it’s so decided.” Fang Yan said. “When does it start?”

“No hurry.” Sano Fujino sneered, the kid is too cunning. Now I only talked about how to lose money if Fang Fang lost, but not how to punish him if he lost there. “If you lose, what will you do?”

“We can’t lose.” Fang Yan waved his hand. I think this is an impossible thing, and it is not worth wasting time to discuss it.

“—-If I lose?” Fujino Sanrou sighed again. Fang Yan is like an inflatable tube. After a few words, he satiated his big balloon.

Fang Yan thought about it and said, “If we lose, I will apologize to you and admit that the Tang Dynasty culture you said is correct in Toyo.”

“One word is final.” Sato Fujiri said.

Fang Yan rolled up his sleeves and asked, “When will the game begin? Are we going to call for tea ceremony calligraphy or fencing? Or fencing first, everyone likes to watch lively. Let’s lively lively?”

Fujino Saburo saw a posture by Fang Yan who wanted to fight and said, “Teacher Fang Yan—-what are you going to do? It’s not you and I compete, it’s my students and your students. Is the Chinese culture inherited? , Not just by our teachers. It is determined by the future of these countries.”

Fujino Saburo pointed to the two students in the class and said, “They are the witnesses and beneficiaries.”

“Have Chinese culture been inherited? Teachers are the most qualified to speak. If teachers have mediocre skills, how can they be qualified to preach to students and solve their doubts? You are a teacher and I am also a teacher. Why not compare the two? Simple and straightforward.”

Fang Yan thought, if this kid promises to fencing with himself, then he will first break his hands and feet to see how he can continue to calligraphy calligraphy—–

“If you want to compare, then you and I will add another game. However, after the competition of these students.” Sano Fujino said. He knows that Chinese people have a good face, and the most insatiable thing is the act of aggression. Sneered and said: “”Teacher Fang Yan, do you have no confidence in your students? “

Fang Yan looked at the students under the stage and asked, “Are you confident?”

“Yes.” class 9 students shouted hard. Excited emotions, excited expressions.

“Look at it.” Fang Yanxiao laughed. “They are full of confidence, and I am full of confidence. Since Mr. Fujino has repeatedly challenged, then we can only take on the war books. In fact, I really do not want to do this, why? I have to take risks. If I lose, the school Some people here will say that we are incompetent, and they want to kick me out. If I win, those who say I am incompetent will think that I am damaging the relationship between the two schools, and still want to kick me out. You Say if I win or lose?”

“——–” Li Ziqiang, Jia Siting and other people’s hot pain. They had already thought about it, and took this incident to find a kick to kick the kid out. Unexpectedly, Fang Yan did not knock down his opponent, and he first bowed to their faces.

“What do we Huaxia people pay attention to? Peace is the most important thing. If my students win your students, you must be in a bad mood-you won’t win more than others, you can’t beat them, and be happy. The heart is coming, walking sorrowfully. When I go back, others think that we are dealing with you.”

“The outcome is the same, I believe my students.” Sano Fujino said. I thought to myself, why did this kid keep thinking about playing against himself? Does he really have the talent to learn rich and five cars?

At this moment, the school bell rang.

Even though the students in Toyo were so dissatisfied with each other, they still stood up politely, bowed together, and said, “You worked hard.”

The Wuren inspection team lined up and left the classroom in an orderly manner. Matsushima looked at Fang Yan’s eyes thoughtfully.

Lu Zhaoge has no expression on her face from beginning to end, making her unclear about her true attitude.

After all the outsiders had left and there were only class 9 students in the classroom, Fang Yan walked over and closed the classroom door.

Noisy and noisy outside the classroom, but needles can be heard inside the classroom.

The smile on Fang Yan’s face gradually narrowed, and he looked at the forty students in the class with a serious expression and said, “What do you want to say?”

“Teacher Fang’s refutation is good—“”

“Teacher Fang, compare it, who is afraid of who—–“

“Will the sea be afraid of small rivers? It’s just swallowed them —–“


Fang Yan didn’t smile. He looked at the students softly and said: “In front of the interracial people, I will not admit that what they said is correct—–they Want to hit our face, do we also hit our own face? I can’t do it.”

“Now the door is closed, we are all present here. Let’s think about it carefully and reflect on it. Why is there such a saying? The culture of the Tang Dynasty is in the East and the culture of the Song Dynasty is in South Korea. Are they really doing better than us in some ways?”

“Are we really doing our best? Are we really conscientious? Times are evolving, technology is advancing, we have gained a lot, and we are getting stronger and stronger. However, are there many valuable things that we have thrown away? Alright?”

“What do we own in China? We have an agricultural culture, we have hundreds of children, we have “mountain flowing water” and “Guangling Qu”, we have calligraphy and painting Tai Chi and gossip. We have zodiac signs, we have “Book of Songs” “Chu Ci” and “Sunzi Art of War”. We have traditional festivals, we have Kunqu Opera, Yu Opera, Xiang Opera, Peking Opera, shadow play Huangmei Opera, we have Great Wall Garden and Bell Tower. We have traditional Chinese medicine, we have Yin and Yang five elements, we have paper-cut kites Clay figurine embroidery, we have four great inventions of food, cooking, cooking utensils, clothes and clothing. You can’t imagine how rich we are. But are we proud of this?”

Fang Yan looked at the students under the stage and said, “What I don’t understand is why those who learn some fur dare to run to our territory to provoke it? Are we too kind or are we really bullying? What kind of situation makes them think-think we have really lost all the cultural essence?”

The students were silent, thinking about each sentence Fang Yan said.

Yeah, what makes those Orientals feel that they are the true inheritors of Datang culture?

Are they really as good as they say? Or is it that our inheritance of Tang culture has been broken, so it has become a joke in the eyes of others?

Did I inherit something?

Drinking American Coke, watching Toyo anime, playing Blizzard, singing Korean songs, and driving Dekke cars-Tang Shi Song Ci, how many songs did I recite? Lao Zhuang thought, who is Lao Zhuang? Where is the thought? Four masterpieces, how many pages have you seen? How many moves do you play in chess?

We think that steak Western food is a high-end food. Are the thousands of changes in the eight major cuisines not the essence of food?

Is the Toyo people wrong? Or are we wrong?

“If the Toyo people win, they win the face. If we lose, we lose the lining.”

Fang Yan stood on the podium and bowed deeply to the students under the stage: “Please, please step on them under your feet.”



Lu Chaoge did not speak, and Fang Yan did not speak.

Lu Zhaoge is writing a manuscript with white fingers holding a black pen ~ IndoMTL.com ~ beautiful small characters like newborn silkworm pupae jumping on the paper, which looks pleasing to the eye.

People look better.

Lu Chaoge is really a rare beauty. The hands are like catkins, the skin is like gelatin, the body is plump and bumpy, and the facial features are exquisite and flawless.

She is wearing a black slim uniform today, lined with a pale yellow collar shirt. The shirt unbuttoned two buttons, revealing a white and pink neck.

The most touching thing is her indifferent and proud look, as if nothing is in her eyes. She is a goddess in the sky, you are a dust on the ground.

On youth, Jiang Qin comes first. On the aura, Qin Yitian is invincible.

On Feng Yun, Lu Chaoge has no opponents, on brutal violence, Ye Wenrou lonely seeks defeat and throws away others.

Fang Yan rarely sees Lu Chaoge wearing casual clothes. Of course, she also looks good in professional clothes.


Lu Zhaoge finally put on a pen cap, then took the tea in front of him and drank it.

Fang Yan also took a sip of tea while holding a teacup, as if the two had a toast to drink.

Lu Zhaoge looked at Fang Yan sharply and said, “I have persuaded the board of directors and the school leadership to agree that you will lead the class 9 student representative Vermillion Bird High school to accept the challenge of the Wuren delegation.”

“It doesn’t work if you don’t agree.” Fang Yanxiao laughed. “They are what I am looking for.”

“If you lose, I will let you go. If you win, I will promise you a condition.” Lu Chaoge said.

“What conditions?” Fang Yan asked happily. “Can I borrow your money without paying it back?”


(PS: This book is published on the Chinese website. The friends who have seen it click to collect and vote for a few red tickets. This is the source and motivation of the old Liu code. You certainly can’t imagine that this will change the laziness of an author. …)

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