Ultimate Teacher Chapter 67: 、I cannot protect everyone!

Chapter 67, I cannot protect everyone!

When Fang Yan returned to the office, Chen Dahai was chatting with people in the office. Seeing Fang Yan coming in, he snorted and walked out with a tea cup.

Since the two had a quarrel in the office last time, their relationship has been in full swing.

Because Fang Yan and Chen Dahai have a bad relationship, other teachers in the office also deliberately alienated Fang Yan. The two are more important than others. They chose Chen Dahai, so naturally they can no longer get too close to Fang Yan.

According to the rules of the workplace, Fang Yan has just arrived. The leader of the first-year language group should at least lead the group members to hold a wind banquet for Fang Yan. However, Jia Siting and Li Ziqiang had a closer relationship, and they were very dissatisfied with the other party’s unruly behavior. He selectively forgot this matter.

Others ignored Fang Yan, but Fang Yan greeted the others in the office and said hello: “Mr. Li, drinking tea? Qin, what happened in the newspaper? Mr. Zheng, what you are wearing today? A coat can really match your temperament, it looks young—–“

Mr. Li, who was drinking tea, continued to drink tea, and Mr. Qin, who read the newspaper, continued to read the newspaper, but heard that Mr. Fang Yan praised his beautiful coat. Mr. Zheng nodded to Fang Yan and couldn’t help but take the mirror from the drawer to appreciate it carefully. The more I look at it, the more satisfied I think that Fang Yan, the boy, is not good at anything else, but his vision is not critical.

Afternoon is a Chinese lesson. Fang Yan walked towards the classroom with a tea cup.

When walking to the door of the classroom, Fang Yan discovered a strange phenomenon.

Tangcheng is surrounded by several female students who are laughing and talking to Tangcheng, looking very happy. Qin Yitian was lying lazily on the table with headphones on her ears. No boy walked over to disturb her quietness.

Don’t say what a Suzaku goddess? Why didn’t you even talk to a boy?

However, Fang Yan soon wanted to understand what was going on.

It’s not that the boys don’t want to come forward, but they don’t dare to come forward.

Tangcheng is a school grass, but he still feels approachable. Those girls are willing and courageous to contact him.

Qin Yitian is a school flower, but her temperament is full of fierce aura. The boys liked her, but they felt they were not worthy of her.

There is a woman who is born to be a thousand miles away.

This is also the reason why Fang Yan asked Qin Yitian what shortcomings, Huang Haoran regretted that she was too beautiful.

It’s too beautiful, which is a means of rejection.

Fang Yan walked to the podium, and the class bell rang in time.

Zheng Guodong shouted lazily: “Stand up.”

“Good teacher.” The students answered quite enthusiastically. After this period of time, Fang Yan has established a very close relationship with the students.

Fang Yan glanced in the direction of Zheng Guodong, and said with a smile: “Before the class, I will first announce an appointment. Classmate Huang Haoran has always been the temporary language class representative of our class. Now I propose to change him to normal. ?”

Huang Haoran is very knowledgeable, quite talented in the language field, and he is always serious and responsible in his work. Everyone thinks that he is the most suitable candidate for the language class in the class.

“No opinion.” Everyone said in unison.

Fang Yan laughed and said, “Then it’s so settled.”

Huang Haoran sat flushed with excitement in his position. He didn’t care about the position of the representative of the Chinese class. What he was excited about was Fang Yan’s affirmation.

He likes Chinese and loves patriotism, and he has always been proud of it. When Fang Yan came, he shattered his sharpness to let him know that he was just a frog at the bottom of the well. Fang Yan is the real powerhouse.

Being able to be affirmed by people you respect is something that cannot be replaced by anything.

At the end of the two classes, Fang Yan was about to go back to rest for a while, but the phone in his pocket vibrated.

He took out his phone and saw that it was a familiar and alien phone number. What is familiar is that he feels that this number must have called him. The strange thing is that he can’t remember who made the call.

Fang Yan answered the phone and asked, “Which one?”

“Mr. Fang, this is Xiaomeng. Principal Lu invited you to visit her office.” A clear voice came from the microphone.

“Okay. I’ll pass now.” Fang Yan said. “Have President Lu said anything?”

“Teacher Fang, I don’t know about this. I’m just instructed to call you to inform you over.” Xiaomeng giggled. The two had talked in front of the office last time, and they were considered acquaintances. So both of them are more casual in speaking.

“See you later.” Fang Yan said.

Fang Yan did not return to his office, but went directly to the administrative building where Lu Chaoge’s office was located.

At the entrance of Lu Chaoge’s office, he was greeted by Secretary Xiaomeng. Fang Yan walked all the way without seeing Zheng Jing. I thought maybe there was a misunderstanding between him and Lu Chaoge. The deputy director of the office dedicated to Lu Chaoge cannot get Lu Zhaoge’s trust. Zheng Jing’s position is quite dangerous.

“Teacher Fang, you are here.” Xiaomeng greeted Fang Yan with a smile.

“Is Principal Lu present?” Fang Yan asked.

“Yes. You go straight in.” Xiaomeng said.

“Did anyone say you are cute?” Fang Yan asked, looking at Xiaomeng.

“Come again.” Xiaomeng pouted. Last time Fang Yan also asked her this question, she said yes, and then Fang Yan said that since others had said it, I wouldn’t say it, and turned away and ran away. I was angry with Xiaomeng.

“But you are really cute.” Fang Yan said.

Xiaomeng immediately smiled and said, “It’s strange to believe you.”

Say a few words, Fang Yan and Xiaomeng waved their hands and pushed the door into Lu Chaoge’s office.

Lu Chaoge’s office is filled with music, a very soothing lyric song.


Practice practicing that song in your palm

It’s used to having your fingertips gently follow and

You are no longer in the song, you are still living in memory

The more you forget, the more happy you will be


Lu Chaoge stood in front of the window sill and trimmed the potted plants. Every time he welcomed Fang Yan with this attitude. Fang Yan thinks that her normal life must be very poor, and she can only relax her brain by arranging flowers in pots.

Hearing the sound of the door opening behind him, Lu Chaoge put down the scissors in his hand and said, “Are the flowers in the house all right?”

“Are you asking me for those flowers and plants?” Fang Yan smiled bitterly. This woman is really a nympho, at least ask how people are doing right, right?

Lu Chaoge came to Fang Yan for other things. She washed her hands in the bathroom, wiped it with a handkerchief, and came out and said, “Sit down.”

Fang Yan did not sit. He drank the water in the glass, asked Lu Chaoge for some tea, and then ran to the water dispenser to pick up a cup of boiling water and drink tea.

After being busy, Fang Yan sat down in front of Lu Chaoge and said, “What did President Lu command?”

Lu Chaoge looked at Fang Yan and said, “Two days later, students from Toyo Wuren Senior High School will come to Vermillion Bird High school to exchange visits. Wuren Middle School is one of Toyo’s best Private Senior High School and Vermillion Bird High school fellowship schools. Send exchange students to study in the other school, and randomly select a class for group inspection.”

Fang Yan looked at Lu Chaoge suspiciously and said, “Although I always keep in mind the four characters “Do not forget the national shame”, I have no good feelings for these Orientals, but they come and come, I can still block Not successful?”

Lu Chaoge knew that Fang Yan had not understood what he meant, and could only say it more directly, saying: “This is what the school has just reported. The school hopes that during the inspection of Wuren Middle School, the school will be calm and stable, showing our school The best side.”

Fang Yan understood this, and the anger came up at once, and asked, “What do you mean? Because I am here, the school is not calm and stable?”

“This is the meaning of the school board.” Lu Chaoge said.

She also feels that some people in the school are making big mistakes and deliberately set Fang Yan as a heretic gun target. But many people hold this view, and even President Zhang Shaofeng hopes that Fang Yan can keep a low profile during this time. Therefore, only Lu Chaoge could do ideological work for Fang Yan.

“President Lu, of course I know this is the meaning of the chairman. Our relationship is so good, you will definitely not hurt me so much.” Fang Yan said helplessly. “But didn’t you say that? I am yours, you have to protect me, right?”

“Yes.” Lu Chaoge nodded. “So —- during the inspection, you should try to keep a low profile.”


Lu Zhaoge looked at Fang Yan and said, “Do you have anything else to say?”

“Nothing.” Fang Yan said.

“Then go back~IndoMTL.com~ Lu Chaoge said. “Take care of the flowers. “


Fang Yan got up and went out, and when he walked to the door, Fang Yan stopped again.

He walked back to Lu Chaoge and sat down again. He watched the landing Chaoge with burning eyes, and asked, “Do you know Zhu Jian?”

Lu Zhaoge’s delicate eyebrows slightly frowned, and said, “What do you ask about this?”

“I’m just curious.” Fang Yan said. “Do President Lu know?”

“Know.” Lu Chaoge answered frankly. “I did his departure procedure.”

“Do you believe it?” Fang Yan asked. “Do you believe he will do that kind of thing?”

Lu Chaoge looked at Fang Yan’s face, but did not answer his question.

“I know.” Fang Yan sighed softly. Some things know what the answer is?

Fang Yan picked up his cup and walked towards the door again.

“I can’t protect everyone.” Lu Chaoge said aloud. “So, I hope everyone can be safe.”

Fang Yan’s footsteps paused, and he left without turning around.

Looking at Fang Yan’s distant footsteps, Lu Chaoge’s face also became somber.

(PS: I have to apologize to you for one thing. The last time I participated in the yy activity, fifteen students won the prize of the physical signature book. Lao Liu had already got the list, but until now I couldn’t send the book. Not Lao Liu’s stingy, but —- Lao Liu can’t buy his own book.

The major websites have asked, but they have not bought their own books. I always feel sorry to send you piracy or copying.

If you know where to sell, you can let me know in the book review area. In addition, I am also urging the publication of “Hot King” and “Genius Doctor”. If these two books can be published in time, they can also solve the problems I am facing now. Would you please wait for the winning friends, please? )

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