Ultimate Teacher Chapter 644: , don’t mess with security!

Chapter 644 Don’t mess with security!

Balds are innocent.

The person Lu Kailun really hates is Fang Yan.

Lu Kailun’s father Lu Zhongxing and Su Qi’s father Su Boya have been close friends for many years and business partners.

Because the relationship between the two parents is very close, Su Qi and Lu Kailun met at a very young age. Playing together, reading together, and traveling together, the two can be said to be the relationship of ‘green plums and horses’.

When I was young, the two adults said more than once that they should order a baby kiss. The speaker has no intention, but the listener has no intention.

Lu Kailun likes Su Qi, but never expresses it.

However, he knew that Su Qi must belong to him, just as he felt he belonged to Su Qi too.

Suki is too young and too young. He wanted to give her more time and wanted her more freedom.

He thought that Su Qi should understand this thought. When she is tired and has enough play, she will return to her arms.

At that time, everything was logical, and they went hand in hand into the palace of marriage. Love one another for a lifetime and become the only one of each other.

Lv Kailun imagined their future as extremely beautiful. He felt that he was a very open-minded man – if other men, how could he let his favorite girl games in this flowery world?

Until Li Mingming ran over to say that he had a rival, Su Qi might have fallen in love with a man named Fang Yan, and Wang Kailun noticed that things seemed to have changed differently-Su Qi, maybe really No longer belongs only to myself.

Even if she does not belong to herself, she cannot belong to others.

That’s why he brought a group of people to tease baldness and wanted to get Fang Yan’s message from his mouth.

It’s just that the little security guard really didn’t know what to do, and he was still unmoved after being lured by his money, which inspired the anger in his bones —-

Down with a little security guard is a shameful thing for him.

Because of the unequal status, he did not have any sense of accomplishment in this victory, but felt that beating someone in front of his friends damaged the refined scholar image he had always maintained.

Seeing that the bald man was laid down with a wine bottle, Wang Qiang and Li Jun’s drinking intentions also woke up for the most part, striding in the direction of the bald man lying down.

“Director—-Director, are you okay?”

“Bleeding, help to stop bleeding—-“

Wang Qiang took off his suit and put the cloth on the bleeding opening on the bald head.

Li Jun hissed and said, “Save people quickly — who will help save people—-“

Fang Yan walked down to squat in front of the bald man, uncovered Wang Qiang’s suit, reached out and touched the wound on the bald man’s head, and said, “Don’t worry, it’s okay —“

When speaking, he reached out a small brown medicine bottle from his pocket. Pull out the stopper, pour most of the bottle of medicine on the head of the bald head, and use your fingers to rub it evenly.

Balds have no hair, so many unnecessary steps are reduced.

A strange thing happened, the mint-flavored medicinal foam was mixed with the blood on the bald head, and then turned into a mud-like paste-like body—-

Those pastes are a natural hemostatic membrane.

Blood stopped!

Fang Yan picked up Wang Qiang’s suit and wiped his blood.

“You two take good care of him.” Fang Yan said.

“Teacher Fang—–” Wang Qiang said with a sad face: “They beat people for no reason—–“

Fang Yan nodded and said, “I know.”

Fang Yan got up and walked towards Lu Kailun’s standing step by step.

Since Fang Yan played, Lu Kailun’s eyes have been on Fang Yan’s body.

At the beginning, he didn’t know Fang Yan’s identity. It wasn’t until the little security guard called him ‘Teacher Fang’ that Lu Kailun realized that this guy was Fang Yan who wanted to know—–

“Is it a little security guard again?” Lu Kailun thought sadly in his heart. He doesn’t like his opponent or his rival is a security guard. In that case, he feels that his style has been dragged down countless times. What a shameful thing to pass on.

If you compete with a security woman, even if you win–what fun is it?

Fang Yan walks step by step towards Lu Kailun. His steps are heavy, and every step is stepped on the hearts of everyone present.





Either intentionally or unintentionally, everyone is calculating Fang Yan’s pace in his heart.

He didn’t mean to stop, just like to face Lu Kailun face to face.

Lu Kailun’s pupils contracted slightly, he felt the invisible pressure caused by Fang Yan, and felt that every foot was like a step on the heart—-

His body was trembling slightly, and his calf was inadvertently shaking.

He wants to retreat and wants to run away.

However, he cannot do that.

He is Lu Kailun, the taller son-in-law—–he can’t be scared away by a little security guard.


Infinitely close.

Fang Yan walked all the way to Lu Kailun.

His eyes looked at Lu Kailun’s eyes, and his chin was about to touch Lu Kailun’s nose. As long as he grunts, he may kiss Lu Kailun’s hair-because of the advantage of height, he looks very aggressive.

Fang Yan can hear Lu Kailun’s rapid breathing, and he can feel his intense heartbeat.

He knew he was afraid, and he knew his emotions well.

“You—–” Lu Kailun opened her mouth to say something harsh, but found that she had no such courage at all. Do not know what happened, his pride, his self-esteem, the arrogance and arrogance in his heart all disappeared in the face of this man. He knew that Fang Yan and the bald man who was knocked down by his bottle of wine were companions, whether it was a ‘teacher’ or a security guard — such an identity would not be taken by him. However, he was afraid of him.

Lu Kailun swallowed his saliva and said with a trembling voice: “What do you want to do?”

“Do what you just did to my friend—-” Fang Yan said.

Lv Kailun turned and ran. He didn’t want to be hit in the head by a wine bottle.

I don’t know what’s going on. When this man said threatening words in front of him, he believed he could do it.

Fang Yan did not chase him, but picked up on his toes and an empty wine bottle flew into the air.

When the bottle fell to a certain height, Fang Yan’s body jumped up and kicked out.


Fang Yan is like a superb football player, and that wine bottle becomes a football kicked out by the player. Without any suspense, the football hits the goal—- Lu Kailun’s head.


The bottle crackled crisply.

Lü Kailun’s body dashed forward, and then he thumped to the ground.


A girl screamed.

“Come on, come on, kill some people—–“


“Su Kailun was injured by someone—–“

The people inside the villa were alarmed when they heard crying outside, and all of them ran out.

A middle-aged woman in a black dress saw Lu Kailun lying down on the ground, screaming ‘ah’ and strode towards Lu Kailun.

“Karen—-Karen—-What’s wrong with you? God, there’s blood—“

As the host of today’s banquet, Su Boya saw an injured person in the yard and issued an order hurriedly, saying: “Send Karen to the hospital-there is a private hospital nearby.”

Several black bodyguards rushed over and swiftly lifted Lu Kailun to the outside.

The middle-aged woman grabbed Su Boya’s arm and said, “Su Boya, you have to give me an explanation—–“

After finishing talking, he followed the son who was carried away and ran out.

Wait for Su Boya to ask, someone told the situation to Su Boya.

“Uncle, it was Brother Karen who hurt him-he took the bottle and threw Brother Karen’s head —–“

Lu Zhongxing, with a fat body, stared at Fang Yan with impure eyes and said, “Bo Ya, is this your guest?”

Su Boya knew that her old friend was already on the verge of an outbreak, and said: “BOC, don’t be angry first. Let’s ask the situation first—-“

“How exactly can I figure out the situation?” Lu Zhongxing said bluntly: “They all made it very clear. This little deflated three injured Karen. He hit Karen’s head with a wine bottle- —Look at the dross on the ground, even the wine bottle was smashed by him, how cruel it is—”

When such a thing happened, Su Boya was very angry.

However, this is the teacher brought by his daughter, he must at least maintain the corresponding courtesy.

Su Boya looked at Fang Yan and said, “Teacher Fang, what the **** is going on? You really hurt someone with a beer bottle?”

Fang Yan nodded and said, “Yes. The one just now – his name is Lu Kailun? He was indeed injured by me~IndoMTL.com~ Teacher Fang—-” Su Boya’s temper Okay, now I can’t hold it anymore. “How can you hurt someone? You are a teacher. Do you understand the meaning of these four words?”

“I understand.” Fang Yan said. “But I also hope that you can understand the meaning of another word-all beings are equal.”

Fang Yan pointed to the bald man lying unconscious on the ground and said, “When you hurriedly sent Lv Kailun to the hospital, did you find that there was another injured person lying here?” It’s like you only saw Lu Kailun being injured by a beer bottle in your eyes. Why didn’t you see that there was also a person being injured by a beer bottle? Just because the former is the son of a rich man, and the latter is just a security guard?”

“If it were not for you to pick things up, how could you be injured?” Lv Zhongxing was furious, pointing at Fang Yan and shouting loudly: “Why? Did you justify your beating?”

He turned to stare at Su Boya and said, “Old Su, don’t blame me for not giving you a face—-I don’t care what your relationship with this **** is. If he doesn’t give me an account today, don’t want to get out of this Small courtyard.”


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