Ultimate Teacher Chapter 458: 、Removal!

Chapter 458, Delisting!

“Dad, are you still praising him at this stage?” Jiang Zhuliu said dissatisfiedly. If you want to make a list of the most hated figures in Jiang Zhuliu’s mind at this time, the first one must be Fang Yan, the second is Fang Yan, and the third is Fang Yan. There is only one name in the top ten: Fang Yan.

Today is his big wedding day, so he was disturbed by the hateful guy. The wedding was not completed, the guests were gone, and the bride was gone.

Which woman does not want a beautiful and unforgettable wedding forever, this wedding is indeed unforgettable and will appear in every nightmare.

Which parents don’t want their children to be happy and beautiful #美, they were so humiliated on their wedding day, should they be disappointed?

Fang Yan is the opponent he most wants to get rid of at this moment. Because no man can endure such humiliation.

Jiang Longtan carefully smoked the cigarette in his hand, not caring about his son’s attitude towards Fang Yan, and said: “Fang Yan used to be smart, but he was only smart. He only knew how to fight back, but he never knew. He took the initiative to attack him, but he has a weak personality. Or a kind-hearted person-even Chao Ge can use him to forgive him. Willow will kill him, will he also leave Willow a life?”

“It can’t be said that he is kind” Jiang Zhuliu did not want to hear someone say Fang Yan’s good words. Not even his own father. “He is just a weak character, afraid of taking responsibility.”

“You can say the same thing.” Jiang Longtan did not refute his son’s words this time. “In front of his father’s tragic death, Yanziwu Shouxiao seems to have understood a lot of things in these three years, and his personality has also changed a lot. He knows to take the initiative to attack, and if he does not move, he will kill.”

“Who kills?” Jiang Zhuliu said fiercely. “He accused us of abducting Lu Chaoge. What evidence does he have? He can’t produce the evidence. Why should anyone trust him?”

“Does anyone really believe it?” Jiang Longtan asked, staring at his son’s eyes.

Jiang Zhuliu feared his father from an early age and was not used to seeing him at such close distances. He turned and smoked a cigarette and said, “Even if a small number of people believe that the Jiang family has only received some fame. Impact”

“Do you really think that only a small percentage of people will believe it?” Jiang Longtan was not satisfied with his son’s answer and asked again.

“Nobody listens to Fang Yan’s words, but Liu Tong’s old dog, he inserted the knife too deeply—-” Jiang Zhuliu became anxious and corrupted. “If it wasn’t for him to jump out and testify against us, how could we fall into such a difficult situation?”

“This is all calculated by Fang Yan.” Jiang Longtan smiled coldly and said, “After today, the Jiang family is notorious.”

“Dad” Jiang Zhuliu was reluctant to admit the facts his father said.

“This is the truth. That kid’s shot was too cruel, and his shot was too accurate-do you think he really came to take away Lu Chaoge? He came to take away the dignity and face of our Jiang family. He Let our Jiang family’s reputation be wiped out and become the laughing stock in the heart of Huacheng people’s lips”

“Did you not find the frequency of his shots? Since he jumped out in anger and shouted that I disagree, I started digging shovel after shovel to bury our father and son. He said he was on hand There is evidence, why don’t you tell me when it appears? He just wants a moment to publicize the incident of Lu Zhaoge’s abduction, and tell the cause and consequence of the matter to the audience in front of the audience-he is giving Create your own momentum, create momentum for Lu Chaoge, let everyone automatically associate in your heart. Let them subconsciously naturally doubt that our father and son are the murderers of kidnapping Lu Chaoge”

Jiang Longtan glanced at his son Jiang Zhuliu and asked, “Have we kidnapped Lu Chaoge?”

“Of course not.” Jiang Zhuliu flatly denied. “How can we do such a thing?”

“We know we don’t have it. Do the guests who arrived today believe it? Will the Huacheng people who didn’t arrive but heard the rumors believe it? I believe that at this moment, this matter has spread to every corner of Huacheng. No matter whether Lu Chaoge was kidnapped by us or not, it is no longer important to us now. Because, everyone will list us as the first suspect-this is the purpose of the kid who came to the scene.” /

“He wants to pull us off the platform.”

“No, he wanted to trample us in the mud.” Jiang Longtan thought more clearly and cruelly, and said: “So, Liu Tong played. If it was not to defeat our Jiang family, why should he be here?” When throwing such an important piece of Liu Tong at this time? Put him all the way around our father and son, let him continuously send the information they want. Isn’t this more able to reflect the value of the piece?”

“Liu Tong—-Why did he betray us? Isn’t our Jiang family treating him well enough? He has never treated him like a slave and treated him like a relative.” When he mentioned Liu Tong, Jiang Zhuliu’s emotions The volatility is more intense.

When he was very young, he was handed over to Liu Tong by his father to take care of teaching. In addition to his father, Liu Tong was his closest and trusted elder. Unexpectedly, when the Jiang family was most in danger, he was the first to jump out and stab the Jiang family’s knife

“What’s wrong with this?” Jiang Longtan shook his head and sighed, disappointed with his son’s reaction. “How can there be loyalty in this world? Loyalty is just because there are not enough chips for betrayal. You will have to keep this sentence in mind when you act in the future. There are no people in this world that you can trust, only some that you can use People.”

“I wrote it down,” Jiang Zhuliu said educated. “I was given this lesson by Liu Tong’s old dog, and I will never forget it in my life.”

“Liu Tong’s knife did not hack us nor kill us. But it left us with a fatal injury.” Jiang Longtan stepped on the cigarette butts in his hands and rubbed hard #rubbing, said: ” This is the second knife prepared by Fang Yan’s kid. It is also the most fierce and unexpected knife.”

Jiang Zhuliu looked puzzled and said, “Since they have mastered Liu Tong, why not just let Liu Tong take out their so-called evidence? Such a thunder and heavy rain brings little trouble. It’s just the end of the show? Isn’t it too stupid?”

“Because they have no evidence.” Jiang Longtan said. “Because Liu Tong has no evidence that you and my father abducted Lu Chaoge.”

“Then we should leave Liu Tong’s old dog, so that he must present the evidence in front of everyone. If he can’t get it out, all the suspicions on us will be washed away at once. Is it?”

“Can you stay?” Jiang Longtan smiled bitterly. “Liu Tong has been with you and me for many years, how many secrets do he know? He does not have evidence of our abduction of Lu Chaoge, but he has a lot of evidence of our other things. If we leave him, he shakes everything. Come out. How do we face that situation?”

“You mean to say”

“This is also Fang Yan’s calculation.” When Jiang Longtan mentioned Fang Yan, the complex smile of hatred and appreciation appeared again on his face, saying: “He knows we can’t stay, he knows us He didn’t dare to stay. He threw Liu Tong and stabbed us, and the value of Willow was here. He didn’t chase after victory, and we could only bear it silently.”

“Fang Yan is so smart?” Jiang Zhuliu didn’t want to believe it. He prefers to believe that it was a coincidence.

“Driving by stream, don’t you see the deep meaning contained in each of these things? If you don’t understand it until this point, you are far from Fang Yan.” Jiang Longtan said sadly.

Who wants to admit that his son is not as good as others? Who wants to give up the dignity and pride of his father?

But a pile of facts lay ahead, even though Jianglongtan had 10,000 reasons to speak for his son, he could not say that his son was better than Fang Yan.

“He also prepared a third knife for us Jiang Kong.” Jiang Longtan’s palm gently stroked the thick red carpet under the buttocks, said: “The first knife extinguished our prestige, let us stand above morality It doesn’t hold water. He packed himself into a side of justice and justice as soon as he played, which is why I competed with him for the right to speak. We can’t say everything by them, then we can only be walked by them. The second knife killed us, he used a single piece of willow to disintegrate our Jiang family’s 100-year reputation network.”

“Did you not find it? Except for the family members~IndoMTL.com~ No one stood up to speak for our father and son because Liu Tong stood up. Liu Tong stood up and blocked everyone else Mouth. Even the closest people around us stand behind us and stab us with a knife. Why else do they stand up and speak for us? Is there any reason to fight alongside us?”

“Our prestige was dispelled and the power was disintegrated. But the gods were not scattered. So, Fang Yan also prepared the last knife for us. The third knife was when Fang Yan left, they followed the Willow Orchid Valley. Departure. Their departure spurred the departure of more people. The final scene was unstoppable.”

“Why can our Jiang family be called one of the four major families of Huacheng? It is because some people are afraid of the Jiang family’s might and look at the Jiang family’s nose. As soon as we ascend, we gather, and the responders gather. The elephant of our Jiang family was completely tossed by him, and still fell to the ground in a very unsightly attitude-even those guys that we haven’t seen in the past dare to pat the **** and leave. What else do we have to become the four major families of Huacheng?”

Jiang Longtan smiled sourly and sadly, and said: “From today, the Jiang family will be removed from the four big families in Huacheng.” r1058


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