Ultimate Teacher Chapter 308: Snake slave!

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Chapter 308 The Snake Slave!

The serpent’s life is more pitiful than Fang Yan guessed.

He did n’t even know who his parents were, and he had lived in the rural welfare home since he had memories.

There are many children in the orphanage, and more of them are children who have various problems and defects and are abandoned by their parents. It was only when he was there that he did not encounter discrimination and ridicule-at least not among his peers.

However, they will be severely beaten by the dean. The dean is an obese middle-aged woman. If there are outsiders, she will talk to them kindly, her voice is hearty, her fat face is full of smiles, and she will even help them wipe the rice grains around her mouth. Off.

However, when those kind donors or college students who use their spare time to show love to her leave, she becomes a different face, either slamming or swearing at them. There are many children who do not resist because they simply do not know what is resistance. They are so silly that their brains can’t react at all. Two did not even cry. No matter how you fight or scold them, they just stand and watch you smirk, your mouth drooling and you do n’t know how to wipe —-

Sister is not the sister-in-law of Shejun, but also a child adopted by the orphanage. It’s black and thin, and the name is small bean sprouts. When the dean used a feather duster to pump small bean sprouts, Snake Jun knocked the dean from the back. The dean and his black fat husband shouted that they would be thrown into the pond and drowned. Since then, the two of them have begun their escape career —-

Fortunately, there are so many strange people and strangers in the land of Xiangxi. Little bean sprouts also have a place to stay.

One-eyed dwellers are not good at treating snake kings, but they are not bad either. The most important thing is that he imparts a snake-controlling skill to Naan. He thinks that the snake king is a genius.

The first time the snake king heard the word genius was heard from the mouth of his master, he never thought anyone would think he was also a genius.

When the snake king was a teenager, the one-eyed layman never came back after going out. So, the snake king in the world has only his sister’s relatives and the poisons he raised.

If there is no younger sister, no one cares that he is alive, and no one will know that he is dead. He has been in this world, but many people do not know that he existed. Like those big trees or stones, he may also be a green snake–it will not leave any memory in people’s minds.

“My sister is alive, I am alive.” The snake king said. “Sister is dead, I will never live alone. So, I want to make this deal with you —– only if I am alive, I will have the opportunity to rescue my sister.”

Fang Yan looked at the pair of triangular eyes of Snake King lying on the deck and said: “Since this —– I will kill you simply, and those of them who know you are dead will also kill you Sister killed, you will still be together, isn’t it good? “

“——-” The Snake King was choked again.

“I don’t care how poor you are, and I don’t care how much you love your sister–you killed me twice, and I will kill you twice. If I can do it.” Fang Yanhan Said aloud. “Of course, you may wish to talk about the content of your transaction. If I happen to be interested, you may be able to retrieve a small life-in my eyes, your life is worthless, but because you killed After me, I want to kill you and be worth a million dollars. So, if the conditions you open are not enough to seduce me, the transaction fails. “

“Do you want a snake slave?” The snake king hissed and asked.

“Snake slave?” Fang Yan froze. He stared at the snake king with a staring look, and said, “Will you be my snake slave?”

There is a record of a snake king in “The Book of Classics of the 100th Century”: there are many kings in the west of Hunan. According to legend, the old is dead and new.

The old snake king will die, and the new snake king will be born. If they are willing to respect mankind, mankind will have to drive the mobsters.

Unfortunately, there is no detailed description of how to make the snake king a snake slave. Presumably this is the secret of the Snake King family.

“Yes.” The snake king said very firmly. “Because I want to live, I want to save my sister —- as long as my sister is alive, I am willing to make cattle and horses for you, and a bloodthirsty beast that kills you and sets fire to the enemy. If my sister dies , Then I will die of blood and be buried for my sister. The great snake king will not accept any human drive. This is a choice that goes against nature. “

Fang Yan ’s feet are hard, which makes Snake Jun think that his head is about to separate from his lower body.

Fang Yan said with contempt: “Snake King of shit. How many snakes will I play and how many toads will be the king of the snakes? You stepped on my feet and my life is in jeopardy. Those who haven’t seen you People come to rescue you? Do n’t take what you think is important, you are just an ugly monster playing snakes-what? Do n’t like to listen to me? Are you angry? Do you want to kill? Do you want blood burst? Ah, angry! Murder! Blood burst! “

The snake ’s chest undulates fiercely, and a screaming voice spit out from his mouth and screamed in again.

“Greedy, cunning, vicious, rebellious, speak like a fart can’t believe it-you have a strong self-esteem, so other people’s lives are not precious? You kill people, others call you ugly Can’t stand it? What kind of thing are you? I only need to lift my foot to kill you. It’s no different than stepping on a ants. “

“Kill me. Quickly kill me —–” The snake king’s voice shouted cruelly. The Snake King was impatient, and he could not bear such degrading and insulting.

“Look, it’s up to me to decide whether to kill you or not-” Fang Yan said with a sneer. “Now do you know that you are not so important? You just begged me to keep you a lifeless, don’t talk about trading with me-what are you qualified to trade with me?”


“Tell me.” Fang Yan’s voice softened a little bit. “How to be my snake slave?”

The Snake King ’s triangular eyes hesitated and said aloud: “I voluntarily serve you as a master and swear to listen to your assignment —-”

“I don’t believe in the promises on my mouth. At least you won’t believe me.” Fang Yan said. “In order to save your younger sister, you can run thousands of miles to kill this stranger. I will let you go now, maybe you won’t be able to save your younger sister when the time comes, and they will turn their heads back to kill me under their command -Will I do this stupid thing? “

The Snake ’s complexion kept changing, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, “I am willing to take a blood oath.”

“Blood oath? Swear with blood? No, or do n’t splash your dirty blood on my clothes —–”

“I will give you the eye of the snake.” The snake king said.

“Eye of the Snake?” Fang Yan said with a happy heart, but said indifferently: “What’s that? Tell me. If it’s not good, this deal will be yellow. I don’t have that much patience.” Let you grind your teeth here. “

“Give me some strength.” She Jun said.

Fang Yan ’s toes are slightly loose, and Snake King ’s body gains half of his strength.

His hands can move and his feet can move. His head can also move.

It’s just that all these movements are under Fang Yan’s control. He knew that as long as he resisted a little and waited for him, it was a thunder blow-just one blow was enough. He will die after a blow.

Snake Jun took off the black iron cuff on his finger, and then suddenly extended his claws, pulling out his left eye with one claw.


Blood water splash!

Snake Jun reached out a cowhide naan and put his own eyeball into the bag. Passed the blood-stained tape to Fang Yan and said, “This is the eye of the snake that I have practiced for twenty years. Now, I have become your real snake slave-the power of life and death is completely in your control. Hand. As long as you are slightly dissatisfied with me, I will suffer from poisonous blood. If you crush the eyes in the bag, no matter how many miles, I will be killed on the spot. “

Fang Yan reached over and took the bag and put it in his palm, and said, “Why do I believe you? If I let you go, what would you do if you run away in a blink of an eye? You said it was a snake The Eye of the Snake is the Eye of the Snake? If I crush it and you are still alive, then I am not losing money? It ’s a good deal for you to use an eyeball for a small life —- “

Snake King ’s left eye has a red hole made of red meat, and the black hole still oozes black blood to the outside.

So, when he was angry, his face was even more grim, and the black blood was shed more cheerfully.

He was covered with blood, and pools of blood pooled on the board.

His body shivered violently, so angry that he couldn’t even speak.

“I’ve done this–I’ve done this–why don’t you believe me?” The snake king’s eyes are bleeding, and his heart is also bleeding.

He was so wronged, he wanted to cry a lot.

What else did you say that others are greedy and cunning, how can you be so kind?

“How many snake eyes do you have?” Fang Yan asked.

“One.” The snake king gritted his teeth. His teeth rattled, and he felt he was about to bite the black tooth in his mouth. “All snake kings have only one snake eye, and they can only practice this one —-”

At the beginning, he did n’t understand why his master was a one-eyed layman. Later, he realized that the master was also a snake slave of others. It ’s just that he does n’t know until now, who is the master who can tame his master?

The snake eye is like the legendary dragon ball. Of course, the dragon ball is hidden in the belly, and the little snakes that do n’t become organs can only practice one of their eyes into beads. These are their natal beads, and they will hang if the beads break.

Of course, what is the effect of this bead Fang Yan is temporarily unknown.

Fang Yan specifically saw just now that the snake eye of the snake king has a tendency to crystallize, proving that he has really practiced for decades. He dug this thing out to Fang Yan, which was tantamount to self-destruction.

Fang Yan sighed softly and said with regret: “If there are two of them, we can first crush them and make an experiment —–”

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