Ultimate Teacher Chapter 245: 、Injured!

Chapter 245, Injured!

It is normal for new students to gather for a meal when the school starts. When Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin had just entered middle school, Yuan Lin, the little rich woman, took the six girls in their bedroom to eat Pizza Hut. The consumption of hundreds of dollars in a meal is really not a negligible amount of money for a middle school student.

According to the source of the teacher, the relationship between Jiang Qin, Yuan Lin, Huang Yida and Guo Nu is actually more intimate than that of the former classmates. Because all four of them belong to the disciples accepted by Mao Xuanping. They are not just classmates, but also brothers and sisters. In the future, we should support and care for each other.

Be aware that in the current entertainment industry, the proportion of students graduating from two famous schools, Shanghai Film and Chinese Film, is extremely high. They hugged each other and echoed each other. There were many small circles in the big circle. Helping each other to hype easily became red.

Guo Nu is a great brother and naturally has the responsibilities and obligations to organize a dinner. And he was very talkative, and he moved out all the teachers of Mao Xuanping. If Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin still refused at this time, it would be inexplicable and inexplicable.

Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin looked at each other, and Jiang Qin said with a smile: “Okay. This should be.”

“I’m the host. What do you want to eat?” Huang Yida was so cool with her face open that she was very fond of talking.

“It doesn’t matter what you eat.” Jiang Qin said with a smile. “However, we have to call Teacher Mao. Brother Guo just said that this is our first meeting. If such a meaningful gathering is not called Teacher Mao, how sad is he?”

“Call the teacher?” Guo Nu and Huang Yida repelled. Who wants to eat with the teacher?

“Yeah. We like to eat with the teacher.” Yuan Lin said happily.

The eyes of the two girls became brighter. The teacher they like to eat together is called Fang Yan.

“I’ll call.” Jiang Qin finished talking, and then touched the phone of Mao Xuanping from his pocket.

Mao Xuanping was just separated from the students. He was also surprised when he received a call from Jiang Qin. Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin were recommended in the summer. He valued summer very much, as did Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin.

After listening to what Jiang Qin said, Mao Xuanping smiled and thanked him, but he still refused the invitation to eat. He is a well-known musician in China, and he has a busy daily entertainment. The dinner tonight was scheduled a week ago.

Hang up the phone, Jiang Qin put the phone in his small bag, looked at Guo Nu and said: “Brother Guo, Mr. Mao has no time tonight. Ask us next time.”

“Then let’s eat it first.” Guo Nu expressed regret on his face, but he was very happy.

“This is not good.” Jiang Qin said. “Since Teacher Mao said next time, let’s wait until the next time to get together —– it just happens that Yuan Lin and I are going to meet a friend.”

“Yes. It’s also an appointment in advance.” Yuan Lin nodded again and again. “Two brothers, sorry.”

The two girls leaped away, and Guo Nu and Huang Yida stood staring at their backs in a daze.

“What a smart little girl.” Guo Nu said with a smile. “It’s not very young, and I have a lot of eyes. Rejecting us and leaving us with nothing to say.”

“This treats us both as wolves.” Huang Yida said with a bad face: “Ms. Mao has no time and they have no time? With Mrs. Mao absent, do they even have the guts to eat with us?”

Guo Nu looked at Huang Xuanping with a smile and said, “Are you a wolf?”

“How about you?” Huang Yida asked back.

“The revolution has not yet succeeded.”

“Comrades still need to work hard.”

The two waved their hands, walking left and right in two opposite directions.

The dead leaves are scattered, and there is a thick layer of leaves on the ground. I don’t know if the cleaners were too lazy or deliberately added a romantic touch to the fall. No one swept those leaves into the trash can.

So, couples on campus stepped on the leaves holding hands and clicked, every foot made the whole body cheerful and happy.

The naughty girl ran on the leaves, and with her toes, countless leaves flew all over the sky.

Jiang Qin also likes to kick the leaves, stepping deeply on every step, and kicking the leaves in front of the toes. It’s like kicking out the troubles in my heart.

“You don’t like them?” Yuan Lin took Jiang Qin’s hand and walked quietly to her right.

“What?” Jiang Qin was thinking about his thoughts, and didn’t hear his friend’s words clearly.

Yuan Lin was a little angry and raised the volume and said: “I ask if you don’t like Guo Nu and Huang Yida.”

Jiang Qin thought for a while and said, “I can’t talk about dislike, nor can I talk about like—-“

“Shouldn’t you like it? Otherwise, people say that you have refused to eat a meal with your classmates?”

“Yuan Lin, you didn’t notice that when you were playing the kite, Huang Yida looked at you with a strange look—-“

“I found it too. When you were playing the kite, Guo Nu looked at your eyes a little strange, just as if you blinked your lashes, it will come out with tenderness and affection. I thought it would be like me alone. It feels like, you also have —–“

Jiang Qin looked at Yuan Lin and said: “We are still young, don’t think about falling in love. Since we chose to learn classical instruments, since Teacher Fang Yan and Summer Sister have such high expectations for us, then we must do our best Well, they must not be disappointed.”

Yuan Lin sneered again and again, “Hum, Teacher Fang Yan didn’t have any expectations for us. He said that if he couldn’t keep up, he would pack it back at any time, but he didn’t have to be a musician, but his sister in summer had a great deal for us. The expectation, she is still learning piano till now, it is harder than us—–if the partner is Fang Yan, wouldn’t you say that you can’t fall in love now when you are young?”

“Your dead girl, I tear your mouth—-” Jiang Qin threw angrily towards Yuan Lin.

The two girls snarled in the pile of leaves for a while, then panted away side by side again.

“It’s strange.” Jiang Qin said. “When I was in school, I always felt that the boys were too naive and did not have the stable maturity of Teacher Fang Yan. Now that I am here, I feel that Guo Nu and Huang Yida are really bored with the adults in the racks all day—–“

“I think so too.” Yuan Lin nodded. “Why do you always look at them as unsightly? I want to rush up and beat them up.”


The two girls sighed gently.

“I don’t know when I will see Fang Wei teacher again.” Jiang Qin said. “I left home for the first time, and it was so far away-I really miss my mom’s braised pork dad dumplings and Teacher Fang.”

“Teacher Fang said that he is from Yanjing. When the students are on holiday, he will definitely come to see us.” Yuan Lin said comfortingly.

“Teacher Fang will use his head to solve the problem after saying it.”

“You just did a good job just now.” Yuan Lin said. “What did he use to solve the problem?”


The two girls looked at each other and laughed.

Jiang Qin no longer speaks, and Yuan Lin is silent.

They walked hand-in-hand towards the lively places on the street, so that they would not appear to be too lonely in this city.



“No. 3, No. 3-Liu Jing, go to Fang No. 3 —–“

“Twenty-eight on the layup, stop him—-“

“Huang Haoran, rush —–“


In order to develop students’ moral, intellectual and physical development, the school often organizes some competitions. Now the Suzaku Senior High School Inter-school Basketball Tournament is being held.

This is the first round of the preliminary round. According to the rules of the competition, the first is the competition between grades, and then the first, second, and third grades each send a winning team to **** the school championship team title.

Fang Yan’s hands were smelly, and he went to the office to draw lots, but he drew class 9 and the eleventh class with the highest basketball level.

The eleventh class is a special recruitment class. What is a special recruitment class? Just have a skill, and then add points to enter Vermillion Bird High school to study.

Some people are better at drawing, some people have musical talents, some people have beautiful writing brushes, of course, the most are sports specialties—–

Because when you said that you were drawing well, you had to draw a picture. You say you have a gift for music, then you have to roar a few voices. If you say the words you write are beautiful, then write a splendid article.

However, if you say that you have sports specialities-as long as you have enough strength, that is your extra points specialty ~ IndoMTL.com ~ So, there are several big and eleven meters in Class 11 Tall man. They walked together in the school is a ‘beautiful’ scenery.

The ball was very hard to play. class 9 did not have a very good basketball master, and the school activities could not be absent. The five-person team was still reluctantly joined together by Fang Yan. The only substitute was because of him The size also has some advantages. He himself said that he would not play. Fang Yan did not believe it or said he did not want to believe it. He pulled it to the court and tried it. When he was nervous, he ran away with the ball in his hands. Fang Yan had to believe this time.

It’s only the third quarter, and the score has already been opened by more than thirty points. Fifty-eight than twelve one, almost all of class 9‘s 21 points were scored by Huang Haoran. He is not tall and has a deep myopia, but his 3-pointer is very beautiful.

Huang Haoran got the ball again, sprinted, his feet were already jumping—–

Fang Yan clenched his fists.

He knows that as long as Huang Haoran has the chance to get the ball, these three points can be scored.

Although Fang Yan himself knew that they had lost the game, he did not want to end it.

He can teach anything, not that he will not teach his students to ‘give up’.

“Huang Haoran, come on —–” The girls cheerleaders finally got a little spirit. They were also stunned by the students in Class 11. The gap was getting bigger and bigger, and their voices were getting smaller and smaller. There was no sound at the end. If it weren’t for Fang Yan’s strict requirements on discipline, they wouldn’t want to continue watching.

Huang Haoran raised his arm and gently hooked his wrist—–


A Big Mac appeared in front of him, slapping the ball on Huang Haoran’s face.


Huang Haoran’s body fell on the solid concrete floor without moving.

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