Ultimate Teacher Chapter 230: , 1 born!

Chapter 230, A Pair Made for Each Other!

The wild fruits were not really taken back by Qin Yitian to feed the pigs. Besides, their family did not raise pigs.

The fruit called Fang Yan, known as wild plum, was washed with fresh spring water, and a bite was chewed and chewed in the mouth. A sour and astringent juice immediately flowed into the mouth and then opened to the five internal organs. Liufu spread. At that moment, the person’s body will be hit with several spirits in a row, and the body will shake continually, just like being poured into a pot of ice water in winter.

After you gradually get used to this taste, your mouth also regains consciousness. The sourness is still that sour, but there is a little more sweetness, which shocks the spirit.

On a large stone, Fang Yan and Qin Yitian were eating this wild fruit with great mouth.

“This kind of wild plums must be eaten with steak.” Fang Yan said. “I knew I had listened to them just now. I packed a steak here. I picked a few wild plums and washed them. I took a bite of fatty beef and took another bite. It must be very good. Unfortunately, I did not know that there are such feng shui treasures, and such fairy fruits on earth.”

Qin Yitian swallowed the flesh in his mouth, looked at Fang Yan and said, “Even if you know in advance that there is such a feng shui treasure place, there is such a kind of human fairy, if someone asks you to pack it, you will not pack it Will not give way—- Fang Yan, you are proud.”

“Proud than you?”

“Proud than me.”

Fang Yanxiao said, “Qin Yitian, I know you are smart, so I can’t tell you to study hard and don’t waste time. I know you are rich, so I can’t tell you about future and Hard work and hard work in the future—-To be honest, I’m under great pressure to be your teacher. Because I found that I really have nothing to teach you. I have, you have. I don’t have, you also have. A student Too much better than a teacher, which is a disaster for the teacher.”

“Although I am not your actual teacher, I am the teacher in your name. So, you have to respect me, and I will love you —–Teachers and students should be like this, but only So. Do you understand what I mean?”

Fang Yan shook his head with a smile, and said, “You are so smart, you will understand.”

Fang Yan feels that some things should be clearly explained to Qin Yitian. Even if he is not a qualified teacher, Qin Yitian is not an ordinary student. However, the teacher is the teacher and the students are the students. From his standpoint, he will choose to stay away from these students.

He promised to come out to eat with Qin Yitian for exactly this purpose.

Qin Yitian stopped chewing in his mouth, threw half-eaten wild plums into the canyon, and walked to the creek to wash his hands.

She squatted beside the pool, looked at Fang Yan not far away, and asked, “Fang Yan, do you think I will listen to you?”

Fang Yan was taken aback for a moment, thinking about it and answering honestly, “No.”

“The answer is correct.” Qin Yitian said.

“——” Fang Yan felt very helpless. Those words just said in vain.

“Fang Yan, you have an excuse for you to escape, and I have a reason for my perseverance.” Qin Yitianyun lightly resolved the kind of Fang Yan’s posture. Hello everyone. In her eyes, these are not a matter. “I know that on my birthday, a girl’s eyes should be regarded as the most important holiday —– pulling you out to eat and chat, which puts a lot of pressure on you. You worry about being exposed to attacks To blame, you fear the rumors and rumors of the world, you want to maintain the current state of mind and ease of life-I can understand all these.”

“I don’t want others to accompany me on my birthday, because I don’t like that false flattery to please the imaginary paper drunkard. Others are tired of me and tired, why bother to embarrass others and to embarrass myself? This day is no different from all other days-but, after all, I hope it will be a little different.”

“I have no friends in Huacheng, and the first one thought of you—–I don’t tell you my birthday today because I don’t want you to think about the age gap between us. I don’t need you to send My gift, you can come to accompany me for my birthday and it is already the best gift —– saying so many words really affects the image of my goddess. But what I want to tell you is that I am happy and regretless, and I also ask you to be happy .”

The next sentence jumped Fang Yan’s feet, hoping to jump off the stone he was sitting on and fell to the ground.

Qin Yitian glanced Fang Yan lightly and said, “Because, opposition is invalid.”

This is Qin Yitian. No one can change what he has decided.

You can say that she is stubborn, she can also be said to be stubborn, and even she can say that she does not know how to love or care about the feelings of others—–but she is Qin Yitian.

She has countless advantages and disadvantages. Others call her the goddess, but when she is happy she will laugh and get angry and expect something to change. She desires some little girl who is romantic and alive.

You can’t order love or not, it’s all about destiny.

Suddenly, Fang Yan’s scalp tightened, and his body rushed toward Qin Yitian, who was standing not far from the water stream.

Like rabbits in the gossip!

Qin Yitian was shocked, just a few words, so angry?


Fang Yan hugged Qin Yitian and hugged their bodies into the stream.


Qin Yitian just stood on the ground, and a black bird flying above his head suddenly burst apart, rumbling and flames.

More scary, the body of the black bird exploded, and green liquid splashed around. Mountain stones and trees, where there is contact, are immediately burned into black charcoal.

This shows how amazing the destructive power of the venom is. If Fang Yan failed to push Qin Yitian away in time, I am afraid that the charming Qin Yitian has now been baked into a small piece of black bone.

Fang Yan and Qin Yitian’s bodies sank to the bottom of the stream, and the explosion sounded for a few seconds before they floated out of the water.

Looking around, no dangerous situation was found, and then the Qin Yitian under the water was pulled up.

Qin Yitian was pushed down the stream by Fang Yan unpreparedly, and his back was facing the ground. His mouth and nose were filled with several sips of water. After being pulled up, he coughed violently.

The clothes on her body were soggy, wrapping her delicate body more crowded. There were also several leaks of spring light, and Fang Yan quickly turned his attention. He took off his own coat and unscrewed the water over Qin Yitian’s shoulder.

He saw the burnt trees and stones, and then looked at the few green liquids floating on the water.

If these liquids drip through the water and hit the two of them, I am afraid that the consequences will be severe now?

“They should have an underhand.” Fang Yan said. He took Qin Yitian’s arm and said, “We will return to Yizhangyuan Restaurant.”

The nearest building is Yizhangyuan Restaurant, where there are so many people with eyes, and presumably the killers don’t dare to act too brazenly.

If you want to run down the mountain, it will create more space and opportunities for the killer to attack.

Qin Yitian did not panic or resist, and her eyes had just opened. Only led by Fang Yan quickly ran towards the foot of the hillside.


A crisp sound came.

Qin Yitian frowned slightly and said, “Heel is broken.”

In order to celebrate this romantic birthday, in order to make Fang Yan have a stunning feeling at first sight, she is wearing a beautiful little dress with high heels. Now the heels of high-heeled shoes are twisted and broken in the stone gap, so it is difficult to run.

Fang Yan was too late to help her change her shoes and rub her feet. She quickly turned around, picked up Qin Yitian in the form of a princess hug, and rushed to the foot of the mountain with her body short.

If he is alone, he has 10,000 ways to solve problems.

However, there is a Qin Yitian in his arms, so there is only one way to solve the problem: escape!


A large rock on his left was smashed, and a fist-sized rock was blasted out.


There are snipers!

Fang Yan dare not carelessly, nor dare to go straight.

The body shakes from side to side, the route is drunk and sweating, but people run like rabbits~IndoMTL.com~ Bang!

Fang Yan had just landed a stone again.

Fang Yan runs very rhythmically, but the sniper’s sense of rhythm is very good.

No hurry, every shot can bring great pressure to Fang Yan.

Fang Yan did not dare to run anymore, but found a stone forest to hide.

Don’t fight rhythm with snipers, let alone think about speed with them.

If your rhythm is controlled by them, there is only a dead end waiting for you.

Fang Yan stopped, and the sniper rifle also went out.

Fang Yan can’t see the position and movement of the sniper, but Fang Yan knows that the sniper must use the sight to see everything around them.

The snipers are high, they are low. They have sniper rifles, and Fang Yan only has Qin Yitian.

This is an unfair war!

Qin Yitian’s body leaned on the big stone, and Fang Yan blocked her in front of her.

This has nothing to do with love, it has something to do with morality.

He is a teacher at Suzaku High School, and Qin Yitian is his student. Even a bad student like Zheng Guodong, Fang Yan is willing to cuddle him up carefully from the mountainside, and Qin Yitian is no exception.

The teacher protects the students, right and proper. Unless he is dead, or someone else wants to move his students. No matter what kind of name those people have for what purpose.

Qin Yitian blows his breath like blue, staring at Fang Yan with a languid face.

“What are you looking at?” Fang Yan asked. He was uncomfortable by the girl’s bold eyes. The whole body was vigilant at the same time, still could not help asking.

“You are a hero and I am a beauty. Even if you die today, others will say that we are born to be a pair—–” Qin Yitian said with a grin. “I really want to hear people praise me like this.”


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