Ultimate Teacher Chapter 124: Butterfly!

Chapter 124, Butterfly!

Fang Yan tied Li Yang behind him, grabbing Fujisuo and slowly carrying him back.

After that, he went down again and learned to transport Chen Tao.

Chen Tao grabbed Fang Yan’s arm and cried out, “Teacher Fang, my hand is broken, my hand is broken, please help me quickly–I’m going to die.”

Fang Yan touched Chen Tao’s arm and asked, “Are you afraid of pain?”

“Afraid.” Chen Tao said.

“That’s good.” While Fang Yan was talking, one hand supported his arm, the other hand pushed and pulled hard, and only heard a “pop” sound, and then heard Chen Tao Chen Tao’s hand was already picked up by the hoarse howling.

“If you are not very busy, can you try to move your arm first?” Fang Yan said to Chen Tao with a screaming mouth.

Chen Tao shook his head, crying even more miserable, and said: “Mr. Fang, this time it was really broken—–It hurts.”

Fang Yan saw that Chen Tao did not dare to move. He grabbed Chen Tao’s hand and pulled it back and forth and made him raise it like a beckoning cat and waved and said, “Pick up.”

Chen Tao opened his eyes and looked at it. Although it was painful, his arms and fingers were able to move freely. Unlike the time when he was below, he was completely unconscious, and his brain could not control them.

“Teacher Fang really picked it up, really picked it up—–” Chen Tao said happily. No matter what contradiction he had with Fang Yan before, how much hatred he had against him in his heart, but at this moment, he is sincerely grateful to Fang Yan.

At a critical juncture, a man **** with tree vines pulled you back from the danger of death. How can you resist and ignore such help?

Li Yang sat on the ground and looked at Fang Yan, who was helping Chen Tao to treat his arm. His eyes were hollow, and I wondered whether he was thinking or did not wake up from the nightmare that happened tonight.

Fang Yan stood up and said to Chen Tao and Li Yang: “Can you both walk?”

Chen Tao stood up and walked a few steps and said, “Teacher Fang, I’m fine.”

“I’m fine,” Li Yang said.

“Then go back,” Fang Yan said.

“Go back?” Chen Tao and Li Yang looked at Fang Yan with a surprised expression. So go back? What about Zheng Guodong? He still didn’t come up below.

“Teacher Fang, Zheng Guodong is still below.” Chen Tao said anxiously.

“Who is Zheng Guodong?” Fang Yan asked.


Because Fang Yan did not lower his voice, Zheng Guodong lying down below heard Fang Yan’s words clearly.

I heard Fang Yan let Chen Tao and Li Yang go back, but completely ignored his existence. He was so angry that he broke the curse below and shouted: “Fang Yan, you bastard, you beast, you **** — -You want to kill me. You are a communist enemy, you just want me to die-Fang Yan, I won’t let you go when I’m a ghost, my dad won’t let you off, and the police won’t let you off- —-“



Dead and quiet!

In addition to the roaring mountain breeze and occasional bird call insects, Zheng Guodong’s yelling did not receive any response from anyone.


Really gone?

Zheng Guodong is almost going to collapse.

“Fang Yan, you bastard, you want to kill me, you want to kill me—-Li Yang, you traitor, you are ungrateful, you are not a thing—-Chen Tao, you dare to take I left myself and ran away. When I went out, I wanted you to look good, and I wanted you all to die well—–“

Fang Yan stood on the edge of a mountain cliff and looked at the two young students who stood pale in front of him and said, “Is it clear who he is now? You were not clear before, I can understand it. Now If you are unclear, it can only prove that you are stupid. It’s okay to be simple and stupid, but if it’s stupid, it’s harm to others—–“

Chen Tao’s mouth opened and opened, and he couldn’t say anything after all.

Li Yang looked at the cliff below, looked at Fang Yan again, and said in a weak voice: “Teacher Fang, let him rescue him — anyway, he is your student.”

“I don’t think so.” Fang Yan sneered. “I can’t be everyone’s teacher, but not everyone deserves to be my student. I have a reputation to cherish, I have feathers to cherish. My grandfather is selfless, and I am willing to teach you the selflessness I have learned. Selfishness, unwilling to nail himself to the stigma of history because of a fly.”

Fang Yan glanced down the cliff and said, “I think he certainly would not like to recognize me as a teacher.”

Li Yang and Chen Tao are silent. They understand Zheng Guodong’s personhood, and they also know what they have done to Fang Yan.

If these things didn’t happen tonight, they might be conspiring with Zheng Guodong how to expel Fang Yan from school?

“However, I will still save him.” Fang Yan said.

“Thank you Teacher Fang—-” Li Yang said. “You are great. In the past we—–we are so sorry for you.”

“Teacher Fang, we did a lot of wrong things-I hope you can forgive me —–” Chen Tao also said with guilt.

“I can’t save it.” Fang Yan smiled bitterly. “He brought it from me, and I have the responsibility to take him back. No matter how much I dislike him.”

“You two are waiting for a while.” Fang Yan said. Then tugging at Fujisuo again, crawling down to save the guy who was still yelling and yelling.



The sky is just showing a bit of fish belly, and class 9 students have already joined at the door of the hotel. When Huang Haoran named his name, Zheng Guodong and his two great diamonds Li Yang and Chen Tao did not show up, and everyone was familiar.

The three of them are aliens of the school, and they never take the class rules and school records in their eyes. Because they are tough and the teachers of the school have no choice but to let it go.

“Teacher Fang, Zheng Guodong, Li Yang, and Chen Tao did not arrive, all the others arrived.” Huang Haoran ran to Fang Yan to report. Jiang Qin and Yuan Lin are also in the student team, but they are not on the class 9 list.

“It doesn’t matter.” Fang Yan said with a smile. What happened last night is temporarily kept secret and cannot be known by other students. Zheng Guodong, Li Yang, and Chen Tao were shocked. It was not easy to go home without arguing that night. Now they are reluctant to come to the event, and they are also willing.

At this time, I saw Li Yang and Chen Tao trotting out of the hotel. Chen Tao zipped the hoodie while running.

The two of them ran quickly to Fang Yan and apologized and said, “Teacher Fang, I’m sorry, we got up late—–“


Everyone looked at Li Yang and Chen Tao with strange eyes. Didn’t they have anything to do today? Are they not with Zheng Guodong? And because of the evening, I apologized to Teacher Fang Yan?

It’s weird!

Fang Yan looked at Li Yang Chen Tao and asked, “Are you all right?”

“It’s okay.” Chen Tao said. “We also want to follow everyone to watch the sunrise.”

“Let’s go. Let’s go to the first line gorge.” Fang Yan said with a smile. “However, I have a condition. I promise you to watch the sunrise, and you have to help me take care of your safety. Can you?”

“Teacher Fang, rest assured. We will definitely pay attention.”

“Yes, everyone is not allowed to mess up. Don’t trouble Teacher Fang—-“

“What Teacher Fang said, we will do it—–“


Fang Yan waved his hand and said with a smile: “Everyone need not be nervous. I just remind you in good faith. You enjoy this rare scenery, I will always be with you.”

So, Tang Cheng led the team in the front, Fang Yan was in the back, and a group of people walked toward the best scenic spot, the first-line gorge.

When the dark sky was torn apart, the white of the fish belly became white of fish scales, white of the fish body, white became goose yellow, goose yellow became light red, and light red became dark red. Above the horizon.

The students exclaimed, more people took out their phones to take pictures. Others stood in groups in groups of three or five, and other students helped take pictures. Everyone had fun.

Fang Yan stood behind the railing and watched the mist rising around the rising sun in front of her. There was a feeling that a seed was germinating and the grass was growing wildly.

A beautiful picture of clouds rising from the sun rising in his mind also appeared in his mind.

The Dantian area became hot again, and the The Heart of Tai Chi, which had been immersed for a while, turned again~IndoMTL.com~ Moreover, this time the rotation speed is faster and it is more clanging. Instead of being intermittent and sometimes absent as before, it became a thin long line. This long line runs through the whole body, and every stream in the body hits every acupuncture point of the body with a pulse.

Ma Ma, itchy, like sunbathing.

Fang Yan is extremely comfortable. Every pore in the whole body is in a state of excitement.

He has a strong impulse, he has a strong impulse to play a circle of Tai Chi on the top of this mountain.

He thought so and did so.

His toes are drawn round, his hands are round, and his body stretches out infinitely.

One foot is the core, dancing slowly along the rotation of The Heart of Tai Chi.

“In the center of heaven and earth, there is nothing like a pole.”

Fang Yan recites the chanting, pushing his hands in a circle.

“The spirit machine moves Tai Chi, and the luck is four squares and four corners.”

Slightly turn around and turn around, arms folded. The left and right palms flew up and down, which was difficult to discern with the naked eye.

At this moment, an early butterfly landed in the center of his palm.

Every grass and tree has life.

One insect, one fish, all have spirituality.

Fang Yan smiled at the butterfly, and then let the butterfly rise and fall in his palm.

He stretched out his hands flat, shaking his arms up and down according to the frequency of the butterfly flapping his wings, heaving ups and downs, leveraging his strength.

Every time the butterfly spreads its wings, it just happens to be removed by his strength. When the butterfly’s body fell, he was pushed back to the sky by his rebound force.

Cangshan Bishui, a photo of the early sun.

Fang Yanfeng, dressed in white, is handsome, elegant, and elegant, just like a handsome son in the dark valley.

(PS: I participated in the activities outside these two days, and I was exhausted physically and mentally for the copyright expansion of the novel. The update is not timely and I apologize to all the friends who support Lao Liu! Bow!)

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