Ultimate Teacher Chapter 110: , please!

Chapter 110, please!

At that time, the red sun of the sky had just radiated a warm glow, and the brightly colored red flowers of Bougainvillea climbed the gray mottled wall. Unknown birds sang in the tall and tall sycamore trees, accidentally shaking off the dew on the leaves while combing their feathers, and they splashed on the students’ faces. Icy, with leaves of Qingxi.

This is an enchanting morning.

The audience is quiet!

No one speaks, and even breathing slows down.

Everyone is watching the man standing in the middle of the crowd, the man who is invincible.

He is beautiful and handsome, and his face is abominable.

He is gentle and gentle, he is arrogant and arrogant.

He is cruel and merciless, he is compassionate.


He knocked down the brilliant ace coach. He said that the brilliant students are useless. Everyone should hate him for repelling him, but from the depths of his heart, he has a different perception of him-from the beginning to the Now, he has not seriously injured any of the students who besieged him. Even if he speaks too straightforwardly, does this just prove that he is a frank and sincere man?

The people who practice martial arts most admire the stronger than them.

Fang Yan has conquered them with his mighty strength and won their inner respect.

Apart from Fang Yan, who can be like him?

Qin Yitian’s head was slightly raised, and under the direct light, his beautiful eyes gleamed. She looked at Fang Yan in the distance and said with a smile: “Look, this is the man I like.”

“——-” The smile on Tangcheng’s face instantly solidified.

He turned to look at Qin Yitian’s delicate and flawless profile, and said, “Don’t always say such words, OK? I’m very uncomfortable to listen to. Teacher Fang is indeed very powerful, and I am now proud of him — –However, you destroy the good mood of others in one sentence, do you know?”

Qin Yitian still stared at Fang Yan and said without looking back: “But, what should I do? I don’t like lying and pretending.”

“——-” Tang Cheng felt like he was about to cry.

Fang Yan walked out of the crowd and walked towards the gate of the magnificent martial arts school, surrounded by Fang Hero and Fang Haohan, and with the bald tail and company.

The bald man has never felt as pretentious as he is today. He feels that his bald head with only a few hairs must now be so shiny that they can’t open their eyes.

He waved at the brilliant student who was watching behind him, and said, “Go back, go back-don’t give it away.”

Thinking about it, I added another sentence: “You little rabbits, dare to go to the Vermillion Bird High school door next time to make trouble, and see how I can clean up you——I can’t clean up you, let Teacher Fang Yan clean up you– —“

The students of the magnificent martial arts school laughed happily, and did not put the threat of baldness in their eyes at all.

“Still smiling—-dare to laugh—-Look at me not tearing your mouth—–” the bald man shouted angrily, feeling he had no face.

I didn’t see me wearing a big tiger skin, why are you guys not scared at all? It’s really not a worry for you.

“Bald.” Fang Yan could not help shouting.

According to Fang Yan’s script, he should not have spoken again at this time after the remarks just ended.

All he had to do was hold his head up and put a warm, humble, pure, and unpredictable smile on his chest. Under the protection of the two bodyguards, he walked through the crowd and strode out of the school gate.

Of course, the image of these two bodyguards is really too bad. One is short and fat, and the other is tall and thin. It would be better if they could be changed.

They are not worthy of the noble force created by the beautiful mood that they show. Although the red leaves need green leaves to match, Fang Yan has every reason to believe that even if he is placed in the middle of a group of red leaves, he can still give a unique feeling.

Yes, he is such an ordinary, uncommon, simple and unclear man.

If the appearance of Hero Fang and Hero Fang is barely acceptable, then it is really unbearable for a bald man to sell a cute treasure behind his butt.

Please, you just lose your hair and are not blind. How can you say such a thing at this time?

So, Fang Yan had to speak out.

By hearing Fang Yan shouting his name, the bald man is even more proud. He glanced triumphantly at those glorious students. A picture of you, don’t offend me, offend me, I will hit your eyes, trot to Fang Yan, and say, “Mr. Fang, are you looking for me?”

“Don’t talk.” Fang Yan said.

“Hey.” Bald nodded in agreement. After thinking about it, I asked, “Why?”

“Don’t talk.”

“Okay, I don’t speak. But tell me why?”

“Hero Fang, beat him up.”



“Fang Yan.” a hoarse voice shouted loudly.

Fang Yan suddenly turned around and saw that Zhang Chen, who had just been knocked down by the ground, walked towards himself with the help of several students.

Fang Yan’s eyelid has a tiny eyelid. I don’t know what Zhang Chen is catching up with at this time. Is he not convinced yet?

Hang Fang and Fang Haohan looked at each other, one left and one right in front of Fang Yan.

The bald man slowed down a bit and blocked his hero and hero with his thin body.

“——” Fang Yan had the urge to kick them all away. Zhang Chen was hurt like this, what do you mean you are in front of me? Don’t take the limelight so naked?

“Coach Zhang, are you okay?”

“Coach, how are you hurt?”



Where Zhang Chen went, the students respectfully greeted him. It was not because he failed in the battle with Fang Yan that the students had any contempt for him. On the contrary, after seeing the true strength of Fang Yan, the students of the glorious martial arts school respected and admired Zhang Chen even more.

Know that not everyone can persist for so long in front of Fang Yan. Ask yourself, they can’t do it themselves.

Zhang Chen ignored the students’ concerns and walked directly to Fang Yan.

His body bowed slightly, apparently because of a shoulder or spine injury. There will be some difficulty when stepping on the right leg, it should be injured or injured.

His face was covered with blood, his hair was messy, and his clothes were crumpled, covered with dust, and looked miserable.

However, his eyes are still bright and sharp.

His eyes stared at Fang Yan without blinking, fearing that Fang Yan would disappear when he blinked.


Zhang Chen finally stood in front of Fang Yan.

He raised his head and looked at Fang Yan’s eyes with a serious expression.

Fang Yan does not speak, nor does Zhang Chen speak. The two looked at each other so affectionately, as if they were about to leave.

Fang Yan was really uncomfortable after being watched by a man with such eyes for a long time. He arched his hand to Zhang Chen and said: “The sword is blind, the fists and feet are ruthless, and sometimes you want to close it in the competition field. If you have a heavy shot, please ask Coach Zhang to forgive me.”

“I want to worship you as a teacher.” Zhang Chen said.

“What?” Fang Yan did not believe his ears.

“I want to worship you as a teacher.” Zhang Chen said again. The voice is louder than last time, and the expression is more determined and persistent. “Please accept my apprentice.”

The teachers and students of the magnificent martial arts school were all stunned.

Zhang Chen wants to worship Fang Yan as a teacher?

Zhang Chen is their coach and their teacher. If he worships Fang Yan as his teacher, what should they call Fang Yan?

The relationship is so intimate, how can you beat someone in the future?

Fang Yan looked at Zhang Chen’s eyes and knew that the man was not lying. He really wanted to worship himself as a teacher.

Fang Yan refused and said: “Coach Zhang, don’t be kidding. How can I qualify as your teacher? Coach Zhang has sufficient physical strength and rich fighting experience. As long as he diligently practices, he will definitely achieve more extraordinary achievements in the future. “

“I’m not kidding. I really want to worship you as a teacher, I must worship you as a teacher~IndoMTL.com~ Zhang Chen said with a heavy voice. Because his emotions were too excited, causing a wound in the chest cavity, I also coughed a few times with my mouth covered. “Before, before comparing with you today, I thought I had extraordinary strength, rich fighting experience, and Huacheng had almost no opponents-but only after I compared with Teacher Fang. Know how ridiculous your thoughts are. “

“There are people outside, there are days outside. The ancestors never lie to us–I know how big the gap between me and you is, higher than the sky and deeper than the sea. You are qualified to be my teacher , I’m afraid I’m not qualified to be your apprentice.”

Zhang Chen bowed his head and bent, almost saying in a begging tone: “Teacher Fang, please accept my apprentice.”

Fang Yan sighed softly and said: “Coach Zhang, I can’t accept you as an apprentice. I’m just a teacher, a teacher of Chinese language—-The boxing and kung fu I learned is just to strengthen my body, not thinking What to do with it-I am a low-key person, I don’t want to make my life too complicated. So, we keep the status quo. You continue to be your brilliant martial arts coach, I do mine Vermillion Bird High school Chinese language teacher, when it’s empty, let’s get a drink together—–it’s that simple.”

Fang Yan waved his hand and said, “I have to go back. The next two sessions are Chinese lessons.”

Zhang Chen worked hard to straighten his back and said to the students holding him on the left and right: “You let go.”


“Let go.” Zhang Chen shouted.

The students didn’t dare to be rebellious and had to let go of his arm.


Zhang Chen fell to his knees.

Under the attention of hundreds of brilliant teachers and students, under the surprise of hundreds of brilliant teachers and students, he knelt down on the stone road and knelt in the middle of the campus.

“Please,” Zhang Chen shouted to Fang Yan’s back.

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