Turbulent Times Chapter 633: Competing time with death (3)

Yang Guang looked deeply, and said: “Qin Anhou is indeed a man of heaven, you are destined to be the person sent by the heavens to assist me to achieve great things. I hope you can become the sharp sword and the most solid shield in my hand .”

“Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty, I will live up to your Majesty’s expectations.” Wang Junlin looked excited, and his words were beautiful, but in fact he sighed in his heart at this time, Yang Guang did not answer his words, obviously some of his words , The other party didn’t listen, such as caring for the common people. In today’s world, under the influence of the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System, the powerful and nobles regard the common people as cheap dogs, which has become a deep-rooted thought habit.

So Yang Guang built the canal, built the Great Wall, patrolled the world, and conquered Korea three times. Because he was eager for success again and again, and he didn’t care about the decisions of the people, tens of millions of people died directly. It’s not that he didn’t know that many people directly Or died indirectly because of him, but because he never cared about the life and death of the people.

This is also the reason why Li Shimin put the phrase “the people are water, the king is a boat, water can carry a boat, and it can overturn a boat” every day after the Tang Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty. The profound lessons summed up in “Death to the Second Generation”.

At this moment, Wang Junlin was almost certain that with Yang Guang’s proud and conceited character, he was doomed not to listen to his advice, and Da Sui was doomed to die because of Yang Guang.

Wang Junlin has very good eyesight. He has faintly seen the six thousand imperial city imperial troops rushing towards this side. He knows that Yang Su and Yu Wenshu have already contacted the imperial city imperial army. When it comes, the situation will be reversed.

Wang Junlin stared coldly at the guards at the front hall who were getting closer and closer. More than a thousand guards at the front hall had already surrounded the stupa, but they had not yet launched an attack. Wang Junlin sneered, his eyes were like lightning, he saw Gao Ying and Liu Shu are arguing about something.

“Junlin, why is it so quiet outside?” After the conversation just now, the relationship between Yang Guang and Wang Junlin seemed to be much closer, and even their names changed.

Although Yang Guang led the army many times, especially led the 200,000 army to destroy the Chen Dynasty in the south, the field battle of the army was completely different from the palace coup in front of him, and all the battles he fought were siege and land grabbing. Never defended the city. So he didn’t know much about this specific tactic. Although Wang Junlin gave him confidence just now, after the rebels really surrounded the place, he began to worry again. There are only nine people on his side plus him, but there are more than a thousand people outside. Can he escape this catastrophe?

“Jun Lin, you can use your magical powers to poison or burn these rebels to death.” Yang Guang recalled Wang Qun Lin’s remarkable deeds, and said expectantly.

Wang Junlin smiled wryly in his heart, but on his face he looked confident, and said: “Don’t worry, Your Highness, when the time is right, I will definitely use some means to at least ensure that Your Highness is safe.”

“That’s good, the safety of the palace today is in your hands.” Yang Guang took a long breath and felt relieved.

“His Royal Highness, they seem to have internal differences.”

Yang Guang also saw that Liu Shu was arguing with Gao Ying, but it didn’t take long for the quarrel to seem to have a result. Liu Shu ordered to start attacking the pagoda.

“Your Highness, please sit down, they are going to attack!”

Wang Junlin put the quiver behind his back, and he took out two arrows casually and put them on the bowstring. Although his arrow skills are not as good as Changsun Sheng’s, let alone Nie Xiaoyu’s, he is still considered a top marksman .

Thousands of front hall guards outside the pagoda suddenly yelled, and the blackness began to rush in. Two front hall guards climbed up the wall first. Wang Junlin stretched his bow and drew arrows. A front hall guard who climbed over the wall of the small courtyard where the pagoda is located screamed and rolled down from the top of the wall.

Two arrows could not stop the murderous rebels, and dozens of people climbed up the wall, but Wang Junlin’s one bow and two arrows greatly encouraged the fighting spirit of the other seven military officers. The horse is skilled, the martial arts are not weak, everyone shoots arrows at the same time, and the arrows are not in vain. In a short time, eight or nine people were shot down.

Wang Junlin shot out two arrows, the arrows were like shooting stars, a guard of the front hall screamed and fell to the ground, in a short while, he had shot and killed more than thirty people.

Liu Shu was already very anxious at this time, he faintly heard the horns of the Imperial City Mansion imperial guards gathering outside the palace, and it was only seven or eight hundred steps away from the outer edge of the imperial city, even though the road inside the palace was winding around, but In less than a stick of incense, the 6,000 Forbidden Army of the Imperial City will kill them. Just now he proposed to directly set fire to the pagoda, burning or fuming Yang Guang to death, but Gao Ying resolutely opposed it on the grounds that this place is an important place for the palace, and the houses are densely packed, which would easily cause other palaces to catch fire. In Yang Yong’s camp, Gao Ying has a very special and lofty status, which Liu Shu couldn’t refuse.

In a few breaths, the door of the small courtyard was knocked open, and a large group of guards in front of the hall rushed into the courtyard. Arrows rained down on every window of the pagoda. A military officer on the third floor let out a miserable cry. screamed, but was shot in the neck by an arrow, screaming and fell from the pagoda, the dense rain of arrows suppressed the eight people in the pagoda.

Liu Shu drew out his saber and yelled sharply: “Break open the pagoda gate! The first person to rush into the pagoda will be rewarded with a thousand taels of gold. Killing one person will promote him to three ranks, and he will be named Kai Guobo. Killing two people will be promoted to five ranks.” Class, Feng Kai Guohou.”

A long time ago, a soldier cut down a valuable tree in the palace outside the courtyard. Hundreds of soldiers rushed into the courtyard carrying the five-foot-long tree. Wang Junlin changed another pot of arrows. The one who shoots the wood!”

His voice echoed in the tower, and several military officers at the lower level responded one after another. They concentrated their arrows on the guards in front of the palace who were carrying the wood and were about to hit the tower gate. In just twenty steps, three rounds of arrows were shot from the tower. The twenty or so people in the front were shot by arrows and fell to the ground, but under the heavy reward, there were not a few of the guards in front of the palace who were not afraid of death.

“Boom!” There was a loud noise, like a muffled thunder on the ground, and the whole pagoda shook violently. The bronze door was directly hit by the bolt and broke, but Wang Junlin ordered people to block the back with various sundries , the tower gate did not fall.

Wang Junlin and others took the opportunity to shoot more than 20 people to death.

“Keep banging on the door.” Liu Shu screamed, and another group of people stepped forward holding the giant tree and slammed into it.


“Bump again!”


“Don’t stop.”


Under Liu Shu’s urging, the guards in front of the palace sacrificed nearly a hundred lives, and finally smashed open the tower gate and the things behind it. The tower gate suddenly opened, and hundreds of guards in front of the palace rushed in.

Yang Guang’s expression changed, but Wang Junlin’s expression remained calm, as if he had expected this to happen.

There was a reason why I deliberately chose to escape to this pagoda.

PS: Send it at the third watch, please join me, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a collection, ask for a recommendation ticket——————

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