Turbulent Times Chapter 62: Gaochang City

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Wang Junlin covered the changed clothes in the hot sand. After the sand cooled down, these clothes could be worn as clean clothes.

Then, some Turkic cavalry also tried to heat the sand, and they did it according to Wang Junlin’s method.

Wang Junlin watched these Turkic cavalry finish the whole procedure, sitting by the fire one by one, eating dry food and barbecue, refreshed, and looking into his eyes, the hostility weakened unknowingly Quite a lot.

Wang Junlin was delighted and thought that his work was not in vain.

Of course it’s not that Wang Junlin really can’t bear this kind of filth. In order to snipe and kill a person in the later life, he can hide in the mud or even sewage for three days. This kind of filth is nothing. Naturally, he did this intentionally, in order to weaken the hostility of the Turkic cavalry towards him. Directly approaching the Turkic cavalry on purpose and blending in with them is too obvious. King Bo Duo must be able to see his intentions, so he can only use this extremely subtle method.

Out of the Turkic Grassland, as we approach Gaochang City, we will see the boundless Taklimakan Desert on the right for hundreds of miles, while the Gobi Desert is still invisible on the left.

Only the junction of the Gobi Desert and the desert is the most suitable road for camels and horses to walk through. There is neither quicksand nor rocks. , silently.

King Bo Duo decided to stay in Gaochang City for a period of time to completely eradicate all unstable factors in Gaochang City before returning to the royal court. Wang Junlin liked the decision of King Boduo very much, and he also liked Gaochang City, because it was here that he could escape.

In the northwest where Yongzhou is located, a city with a population of 100,000 people is already considered a big city, while in the Western Regions further west, a city with a population of 50,000 people is already considered a big city.

The city of three miles and the country of seven miles are the true portrayal of Gaochang City, but this city is too dilapidated.

Just like the Western Turkic people don’t know how to manage cities, they only know how to destroy a city, but don’t know how to build a city, so Gaochang City is much more dilapidated than the most dilapidated city in the Sui Dynasty.

After entering Gaochang City, Wang Junlin realized that this city is synonymous with chaos.

Gaochang City is a veritable important town in the Western Regions, and it is also a distribution center for news. Not to mention the Turks, Tuyuhun, Tubo, Sui, Persians, etc., any ethnic group in the Western Regions has a stronghold here.

The sand robbers and horse thieves can openly appear here to find women, buy houses, buy food and weapons, and of course sell stolen goods. Merchants of all races can open shops here, sell goods, and purchase some unique goods from the Western Regions.

Of course, the most powerful force in this place has always been the Western Turkic army. It is just that the Western Turkic army, which can only fight, is expected to govern a city, just like a sow climbing a tree. In fact, the Western Turks did not have much awareness of governing the city at all, and the existence of the army was only to be able to forcibly collect taxes.

With such a complex composition of residents, it is doomed that this city cannot be a safe and peaceful city. Wang Junlin heard from Deng Yuzhuo that as long as they were ethnic groups living in the Western Regions or larger bandits, they would definitely leave their eyes in Gaochang City.

As soon as Wang Junlin entered Gaochang City with Bo Duo Fawang, he was directly welcomed by the guard Tong Yehu, a ten thousand head, and went to the city lord’s mansion. Wang Junlin and Gaochang City except the Turks were ruined All possible contacts. This made Wang Junlin extremely depressed.

While King Boduo was busy appeasing the Turkic generals in Gaochang City, Wang Junlin tentatively asked King Boduo to go out for a walk. To Wang Junlin’s surprise, King Boduo agreed to his request. Ten Turkic warriors followed him.

Although the ten Turkic cavalrymen were strong, Wang Junlin had too many ways to kill them, but then what! It is still difficult for him to escape from Gaochang City. In order to collect city taxes, the Turks deployed heavy troops at the four city gates. The most important thing is that he does not believe that King Bo Duo really only arranged ten Turkic warriors around him.

When the Great Sui Mission went to the Western Turkic Court, they did not enter Gaochang City, but took a shortcut to the Turkic Grassland, so Wang Junlin was not familiar with Gaochang City at all, but he knew that there must be something he was looking for. He didn’t ask his subordinates to save him immediately in Gaochang City, he just wanted his subordinates to secretly create chaos in Gaochang City. It would be best for Ashina and Hulu Nubi to seize the opportunity to send troops to Gaochang City . Only when there is a big enough disturbance, can he escape from the fire and escape from the hands of the old fox, King Podo.

Turning around, Wang Junlin saw a flag hanging at the entrance of a restaurant with the words “Three bowls out of the city” written on it. After narrowing his eyes, he stopped and said to the ten Turkic warriors: “Everyone! Brother, you have worked hard with me, let’s go, I invite you to drink and eat meat.”

Someone invited them to drink and eat meat. The ten Turkic warriors would not be unwilling. Anyway, Bo Duo Fawang did not tell them what to do with Wang Junlin, but just let them follow.

Wang Junlin was very generous and ordered the best meat and the best wine.

King Bo Duo did not take anything from Wang Junlin, including the steel crossbow. So Wang Junlin still has the fifty taels of gold he brought from Gaotai City with him, and he is not short of money.

There are quite a few people in the restaurant, but few of them are alone, and there are at least two of them, and they are all grown men. Among them, the six burly Tuyuhun people are the most conspicuous, occupying the window seats on the second floor The best two tables.

“I originally wanted to eat meat and drink while watching the people of various ethnic groups passing by, but now there is no place, let’s change to another one!” Wang Junlin glanced at the six Tuyuhun people, and said casually with regret. At the same time, he made a gesture to leave this family.

Ten Turkic warriors came in and saw that the wine and meat had already aroused their appetite and wine worms, so they were willing to run away and delay, not to mention that Gaochang City was their Turkic territory, how could the Tuyuhun people “drive away” them.

“Don’t bother the poisonous generals, just watch our brothers drive these Tuyuhun people away.” The Turkic warrior who led the team looked at the Tuyuhun people with disdain and said.

Wang Junlin was stunned for a moment, and said, “I almost forgot, this is our territory.”

This team of Turkic soldiers also knew that the national teacher wanted to accept Wang Junlin as an apprentice. Wang Junlin said that it was our territory. They were not surprised, but felt like they were their own.

After Wang Junlin finished speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the six Tuyuhun men, followed by ten Turkic warriors.

The six Tuyuhun people saw a group of Turkic people approaching them with malicious intentions, and knew that they had taken a fancy to their position, and knew that they could not offend the Turkic people in Gaochang City. They gave up their seats, but as soon as these people got up and the leader Tuyuhun opened his mouth, Wang Junlin kicked him out and scolded at the same time: “You mother, you still haven’t taken the initiative to get out.”

Tuyuhun people have always had a bad temper. Seeing Wang Junlin bullying others like this, his eyes immediately turned red.

One of the angry Tibetans threw a stool at Wang Junlin.

Wang Junlin twisted his body and grabbed the Turkic man’s wrist holding the long bench. At the same time, a sharp knife appeared in his left hand and cut the man’s throat like lightning.

Wang Junlin threw away the stool in his hand, and the Tuyuhun man also fell to the ground, twitched meaninglessly on the ground, and then died with his eyes open.

The other Tuyuhun people and the Turkic people behind Wang Junlin were stunned for a moment, then each drew out their knives and rushed forward.

Wang Junlin took the opportunity to step aside and said, “Don’t be in a hurry, brothers, take your time. I’ll go get us some wine and meat.”

As he spoke, Wang Junlin had already come to the counter, talking about all kinds of meat dishes and drinks, but he had already handed a roll of paper to the shopkeeper in an extremely cryptic manner.

When Wang Junlin came back, the six Tuyuhun people had all been knocked down, and none of them survived. The Turkic people, like Wang Junlin, were ruthless and threw their bodies out of the window.

Several clerks stepped forward to clean up the table, wiped off the blood on the ground, and delivered the best wine and the best meat dishes as quickly as possible.

The ten Turkic warriors were very satisfied with Wang Junlin’s generous treat, and began to gobble it up.

Out of the restaurant, Wang Junlin was content to take ten Turkic warriors back to the city lord’s mansion, but not long after he left, he saw five hundred Turkic warriors coming out from nowhere and rushing towards the place where he was eating. Restaurant.

Wang Junlin did not show his expression, but his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and his heart was full of murderous intentions towards King Bo Duo.

Obviously Wang Junlin was released this time very generously. King Boduo has two goals, or he has achieved two goals. One is to successfully test Wang Junlin and see that Wang Junlin has no He doesn’t believe in Nestorianism at all, and just wants to escape. The second is to use Wang Junlin to draw out his influence in Gaochang City, and then eradicate it.

Wang Junlin had to admit that although he tried his best to confuse Bo Duo Dharma King these days, the latter also confuses him, making him ignore the other party’s cunning and viciousness.

I have to say that Dharma King Bo Duo is a very extreme person. I saw Wang Junlin showing signs of admiration for Nestorianism before. In view of Wang Junlin’s natural ability, he treated Wang Junlin as a real apprentice and the next generation of His Holiness the Dharma King. . However, now that he learned that all of this was Wang Junlin’s illusion, he not only grounded Wang Junlin directly, but also directly ordered Wang Junlin to be thrown into the dungeon.

Obviously, unable to subdue Wang Junlin spiritually and ideologically, King Bo Duo planned to destroy Wang Junlin’s defense line physically.

A small black room with a length and width of one meter, the silent needle drop can be heard, the iron door is tightly closed, and there is a ventilation hole in the corner, but it is so narrow that only mice can pass through.

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