Turbulent Times Chapter 34: Great opportunity

According to what Wang Junlin heard from Yujuluo, in the next half a year, 3,500 households of Han people will be forcibly relocated from other directions in Yongzhou.

Walking around the city wall, Wang Junlin went to the barracks. As soon as he entered, he found that there were more than 300 wounded soldiers in the barracks. These wounded soldiers were injured during the last few battles with the Tuyuhun army. In this era, the wounded could not withstand long journeys, so they could only stay here nearby to recuperate. It is said that it is recuperating, but in fact it is no different from waiting to die. Even some of the more seriously injured have begun to issue pensions to their relatives behind.

Wang Junlin frowned, and looked at the two butcher-like military doctors for a while, stretching out a pair of dirty hands to deal with the wounded soldiers rudely, and he really couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Damn it, it’s called treatment. This kind of treatment can turn a minor injury into a serious injury. If you can live a few more days, you will be killed by you.” Wang Junlin couldn’t help but swear, but he was very arrogant on weekdays The two military doctors were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and trembled, not daring to make any rebuttals. It was at this time that Wang Junlin really realized how powerful his reputation is now.

In fact, Wang Junlin is not a doctor either, but as a top mercenary of later generations, he naturally knows the most basic treatment and nursing methods and methods, such as the simplest high-temperature disinfection, and the cleaner the patient’s living environment the better.

Therefore, he ordered people to burn a lot of clean water, and asked them to wash the two military doctors who didn’t wash their faces and hands for ten and a half months, and then strictly ordered the two military doctors to see every wounded patient. They all washed their hands once with willow branch water, and if they missed washing once, they would be fined ten times with military sticks.

The army of the Sui Dynasty was no better than that of the Song, Yuan, and Ming dynasties. The status of doctors in the army was not high.

In the eyes of many soldiers, whether there are doctors in the army is not very important, because the things these doctors in the army can do are too simple, without any technical content, and there are no veterans in the army who can’t.

This is not to say that there are no smart doctors in this era. The main thing is that smart doctors will never serve in the army. Absolutely will not make a move.

So, once a soldier is wounded on the battlefield and enters the wounded barracks, it depends purely on whether his life is hard or not.

After Wang Junlin learned about the medical conditions in this era, he strongly ordered that all external wounds must be washed with thick saponin water first, then washed with salt water, and finally sewed up with silk thread. OK.

Sew small and shallow wounds to death, wide and deep wounds should be stitched twice, and larger wounds should be stitched three times. Finally, apply honey on the wound, and wrap the wound with boiled sackcloth.

Wang Junlin found that there are many advantages to his reputation. For example, almost no one would dare to disobey his orders for those with lower official positions than him.

The two military doctors are too busy to do these things, and they can do them in a general way, especially these two guys are very clumsy, and their wound sewing skills are really horrible.

Tuyuhun plundered tens of thousands of Han people from Jincheng County, most of them were women, and a small number of men were all Tuyuhun and Turks, the craftsmen who were most in short supply among the horse races. Nearly half of the captive Han people were rescued, and there were more than a thousand women and nearly a hundred craftsmen of various kinds stranded in Gaotai City.

The marching chief Yu Juluo and the governor Chen Sansi didn’t have any extra food or money to give these people, let alone send troops to **** their hometown.

However, from Gaotai City back to Jincheng County, the road is sparsely populated and thousands of miles away. These people don’t have enough food and money, and they don’t have horses to travel. It is also difficult to return home.

So I can only barely survive in Gaotai City relying on the government to eat one or two meals of gruel every day. To put it bluntly, they have now become the most pitiful type of people in the world – refugees.

Wang Junlin felt inconceivable that the imperial court and the government were so indifferent to these people at first. He believed that in the Tang, Song, and Ming dynasties, they would never have treated the people so badly. But after further understanding the characteristics of the social class composition of this era, he discovered that this is the deep-rooted concept of the high-ranking aristocrats who rule this country-the common people are as cheap as dogs.

This is also the time when Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, why built the Grand Canal, the emperor and the court could exhaust millions of people to death, and building a Great Wall exhausted millions of people, Yang Guang inspected the world, exhausted to death Millions of people without much psychological burden. As a result, the people were separated, the world was in chaos, the heroes rose up, and the second generation of the Sui Dynasty died. Li Tang learned this lesson in history, so Tang Taizong Li Shimin often said that “water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it”.

“Go to the refugee camp, recruit fifty women who are good at work and needlework, wash them and send them to the wounded barracks.” Wang Junlin frowned after seeing the wounds stitched by the two military doctors ordered.

His order was quickly implemented. Fifty fifteen to thirty-year-old women were escorted to the wounded barracks by the soldiers tremblingly. Hundreds of wounded soldiers, even some wounded and crippled like birds, were still alive when they saw the women. The eyes light up.

Actually, they can’t be blamed for this. In the past, in order not to chill the soldiers’ hearts, the generals in the army would meet some of the needs of the wounded soldiers before they died. And these women also thought the same way, even if Wang Junlin hadn’t explained that he wanted to work quickly, and women who were good at needlework came to pick the soldiers who escorted these women, they would probably think the same way.

But then, what Wang Junlin asked these women to do surprised everyone.

No matter what their identities were before, these women have already experienced the cruelest sexual torture in the world, and they have lost much restraint and even shame. Therefore, when Wang Junlin ordered them to cover the lower half of their faces with a piece of cloth in return for food and the protection of the army, and then stripped and washed the dirty wounded soldiers one by one , they don’t care at all.

Even after they gradually became familiar with the work they were going to do, they were bolder and more aggressive, and while cleaning the wounded soldiers, they also pointed and commented on each man’s body, skin color and so on.

I have to say that in this era, every soldier who has fought many times on the battlefield is very tenacious in life, and his will is extremely strong. He chopped off his arm and sealed the wound with a hot iron. There were several screams, and few even passed out. After resting for a few days, I started to eat and drink in good spirits again.

In this way, on the first day Wang Junlin came to Gaotai City, he forcibly built a crude hospital, and these fifty women were naturally nurses.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is late autumn and the weather is getting colder. Wang Junlin has also served as the guard in Gaotai City for more than a month.

For more than a month, Wang Junlin not only treated the wounded soldiers, but also led the soldiers and civilians in the city to do one thing – to repair the city wall.

According to past practice, among the more than 300 wounded soldiers, less than 100 survived, and more than 200 of them would die within a month. However, only three soldiers with internal organ injuries died in this month.

In fact, most of these soldiers have been abandoned by the army, and even the imperial court has sent them to their homes according to the compensation money and food for those who died in battle. Therefore, their military status is gone.

Wang Junlin is now a military general of the fifth rank, with 5,000 people under his command, which can be regarded as a high position at the border, especially now that he is the founder of 500 households in Shiyi. Although he has no foundation, he is already a real man. nobleman. How can a nobleman not have his own mansion, servants, generals and guards.

There is no need for Wang Junlin to speak, there are smart people among them. When the first smart person stood up, knelt down and expressed his willingness to serve Wang Junlin and serve as a guard in Wang Junlin’s mansion, all the wounded soldiers who had been dismissed from the army They all knelt down and expressed their allegiance to Wang Junlin, and guarded the house for Wang Junlin.

To be honest, only two-thirds of these people can still fight with knives and guns. But in fact, they hardly have any illusions about being taken in by Wang Junlin.

However, contrary to everyone’s expectations, Wang Junlin agreed to the request of these people after a little thought, and said that he would accept all the wounded soldiers who had been dismissed from the army. Jun Lin accepted him as his trilogy and family generals, among the remaining 157 people, those who could fight were the housekeepers in his house, and the remaining soldiers who were more or less disabled were considered servants servant.

Wang Junlin can’t be regarded as a bad person, of course he made a decision after weighing the pros and cons.

These wounded soldiers are all elite soldiers who have been on the battlefield, fought vicious battles, and passed through the gate of hell. The one hundred and sixty-one who recovered from their bodies would never become Wang Junlin’s private soldiers under normal circumstances. , but right now is an excellent opportunity. Because they had already been expelled, and Wang Junlin saved them. These people repayed their life-saving grace and followed Wang Junlin. This was a matter of course and normal in the Sui Dynasty when the nobles could have certain private soldiers.

Even the disabled one-third had rich experience in fighting on the battlefield, and was able to do most of the most basic tasks. Even if someone came to the house, these people were still capable.

PS: Two more updates, please support, please collect, please recommend————

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