Turbulent Times Chapter 330: Imperial Storm Center

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How could the censors of Yushitai let go of such a great opportunity, not to mention that more than half of these censors were originally from aristocratic families or dogs raised by aristocratic families.

So, regarding the snow disaster in Yongzhou, the allocation of disaster relief food hadn’t been put on the agenda, and the rumor that anyone with a discerning eye knew what was going on was brought to the court by these censors to talk about it.

From the hazards of the snow disaster, how many disaster victims appeared, how many rioters caused, and the court society was shaken, and then Wang Junlin was listed with ten crimes, and finally asked the emperor to order Wang Junlin to be taken down, or even beheaded, in order to appease public anger. During the period, a censor said conclusively that as long as Wang Junlin was killed, the people would not be in chaos, otherwise there would be a rebellion in Yongzhou, and hundreds of thousands of Turkic cavalry took the opportunity to go south, shaking the country and endangering the country.

In short, how to exaggerate how to say, how to shout how serious, it can be said that words are like knives and reprimands are like arrows. As for the crying, screaming, kowtowing and bleeding, and other passionate performances that some people mentioned in the process, the acting skills are superb, definitely at the level of a movie king.

In addition, the victory over the Tuyuhun and Dong. Except for a small number of generals such as Pei Shiju and a few humble officials who were protected by Wang Junlin in the imperial examination last year, no one mentioned Wang Junlin’s meritorious service.

In short, the wind and waves rose suddenly, and the city was full of wind and rain, and Wang Junlin was on the cusp of the storm.

Shangshu under the joint name of 21 censors, and asked Yang Jian to make an order to take down Wang Junlin, so as to anger the common people and secure Yongzhou.

Two days later, the incident became more and more troublesome. It seemed that there were more and more courtiers who couldn’t see it. Gradually, headed by Yang Su, Duke of Yue, there were hundreds of ministers from the court one after another. Ask Yang Jian to make an order to take down Wang Junlin.

Rumors abounded in the city of Chang’an, and the subjects talked about it openly and secretly. Wang Junlin became the center of the storm in the court of the Sui Dynasty without his knowledge.

After Wang Junlin and Shen Guang escaped from the mysterious Taoist nun, they brought a little beauty named Su Meier to meet Xu Jingzong. The group dressed up as a caravan and went to Jincheng, the prefectural city of Yongzhou. Su Meier was alone. Sitting in the carriage.

It’s just that as they approached Jincheng, everyone’s mood became heavier.

There are a lot of refugees on the road, densely packed and endless. When you ride on a horse and look around, the whole road is flooded with refugees. Everyone has different appearances, but they have the same sorrow and deep worry about the future on their faces. .

Drawing their families with them, carrying simple or heavy luggage, the low-pitched cries of women and children, the heart-piercing wails of children, or the slightest hint of distress from the heads of the family can be heard in the numb walking crowd. A heavy sigh with faint traces…

The most important thing is that the weather shows no signs of clearing up. Although the snow has stopped, the sky is still gloomy. Under the sky, the cold wind is still howling like winter, biting the bones, and the refugees walking are freezing Shivering, many people still wore thin cloth shoes or even straw sandals on their feet. Pairs of dark bare feet were exposed in the cold air, revealing a deep sense of suffering.

Wang Junlin had no expression on his face, his expression was even more gloomy than the weather, and Shen Guang and Xu Jingzong’s expressions beside him were also extremely ugly.

At this time, there was crying and shouting in front of them, and everyone looked up in surprise, only to see the bridge head of the river not far away, densely packed with people who did not know how many people were blocking it. More than 90% of them are ragged, disheveled refugees. And the remaining less than one adult are the officials, tourists, and merchants in the past. They are separated from each other by an invisible wall, as if they are not of the same kind at all!

“Hou Ye, Lord Inspector Wang has opened more than 20 porridge sheds outside Jincheng. Therefore, victims from all over the world are scrambling to come to Jincheng.” I understand, “However, when Beizhi left Jincheng a few days ago, the river bridge was not separated by railings.”

Wang Junlin and Xu Jingzong heard the sound and looked carefully, only to find that the river bridge was divided into left and right halves by people using railings. About 80% of the bridge surface is on the left side, which is used for officials, travelers, traders and other well-dressed people with clear roads to pass. The 20% on the right was provided to the refugees who went to Jincheng in order to have a few hot porridge to satisfy their hunger. The invisible wall under the bridge is actually an extension of the railing on the bridge. From the front of the person’s eyes, it has been poked into the heart.

Wang Junlin frowned when he saw this scene. Although he is now the Marquis of Qin An, because he came from a later age, the respect between people is completely different from that of people in this era. He is also a cruel and merciless person, but he can’t remain indifferent to the wailing at the head of the river and bridge at this moment!

“Master Hou, why would someone set up railings to make the passage for refugees so narrow on purpose? I’m afraid this matter is not simple.” Xu Jingzong frowned and said in a low voice.

As soon as Xu Jingzong finished speaking, an official at the bridgehead shouted loudly: “Listen up, you untouchables, the establishment of this railing is the order of General Zhenyuan, Qin Anhou, Qin Anhou is a powerful man who is not afraid of even the sky. , Countless souls were burned to death with a single fire, if you dare to be disobedient, be careful that Qin Anhou sends someone to burn your whole family to death.”

When these few words came along with the wind, Wang Junlin and his party’s expressions changed drastically, and all of them turned livid. Obviously, someone spared no effort to tarnish Wang Junlin’s reputation and make the refugees hate Wang Junlin to death. This bridge is the only way to go to Jincheng from the west. I don’t know how many refugees pass by every day. In this era, most people lack the ability to judge.

“What a vicious method.” Wang Junlin laughed back angrily, “Go and smash the railing with four people, and then arrest the official who spoke just now.”

The four guards agreed, and they rushed over with their horses.

“Wait a minute!” Xu Jingzong stopped with a voice, “Master Hou, this humble official thinks that the other party did this intentionally. Apart from slandering Master Hou’s reputation, he is forcing Master Hou to reveal his whereabouts. Please think twice.”

Wang Junlin took a deep breath, calmed down, and pondered: “Jingzong’s words are reasonable, I was impulsive. I guess things like this have been happening in Jincheng County these days. Shen Guang, ghost eyes How many people are there in Jincheng County?”

Shen Guang cheered up, and said: “Reporting to Lord Hou, after I learned that someone had slandered Hou Ye with rumors a few days ago, I specially mobilized 300 people from Guanzhong. Mobilize five hundred masters.”

“Rarely, within three days, all those who dare to talk nonsense and slander me like this official will be secretly arrested in Jincheng.” Wang Junlin’s voice was icy cold, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

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