Turbulent Times Chapter 213: Psychological hint

The other twelve people looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to say. Everyone in the world knew that they were able to make the list, and they were about to become one of the court officials. The Ministry of Punishments brought down Yu Zhongwen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, not to mention the death feud with Yu Guanlong, and he lost his noble official position of supervisory censor.

In addition, as the day when they are going to be officials is getting closer, they feel more and more hostility towards them from the powerful families, especially the rejection of them by the officials of the Manchu Dynasty, even though His Majesty the Emperor has stated that he will be their backing , but the emperor is high above all, they can’t go to the emperor for everything, and the latter has a lot of things to do, and it’s impossible to always focus on them like a nanny. At this time, they need to have a more suitable person to protect them.

It’s not that some of these thirteen people have thought of secretly joining the powerful family or the East Palace and the First Prince, but they are all smart people and know that the result of doing so will be to completely anger the emperor. You must know that the emperor has various scruples about dealing with officials from aristocratic families, so he has to intrigue with his courtiers, and use the sword of Wang Junlin to use means to remove or kill them for extremely legitimate reasons, otherwise it will easily cause a backlash.

But the emperor had to deal with officials from poor families like them, and it was only a matter of one sentence.

Therefore, the thirteen humble scholars who came to visit Wang Junlin today, such as Fang Qiao and Wei Yunqi, may have come here for gratitude, but some of them were purely to find the most suitable backer, and one who was not Will annoy the emperor’s backer. As for this backer, only Wang Junlin is the most suitable in the whole world.

The thirteen people lingered at the gate of the Marquis of Qin’an’s mansion for a long time, and discussed in low voices for a long time, finally dispelled some of the tension in their hearts, and walked towards the Marquis of Qin’s mansion with various moods. For them, servants such as the housekeeper of the front yard came out of the gatehouse, and Fang Qiao quickly handed over the name stickers that had been prepared.

The gate guards and porter butlers had noticed the appearance of these thirteen scholars long ago, and took a look at the name stickers suspiciously, only to find that they were the thirteen candidates who had been passed around for a long time in Beijing recently. poor scholar. Everyone in the Marquis of Qin’an’s mansion knew that his Lord Marquis had shown great kindness and helped thirteen scholars from poor families to win the list, which caused a lot of trouble. It turned out that it was the thirteen people in front of them, so they hurried Respectfully invite the entry room and let them serve tea.

The Thirteen Scholars know that this is the rule of the high family, but whenever a guest comes to the door, he must first drink tea in the porter’s room and wait for the report.

Not long after, a young man wearing a blue scribe gown walked into the hall, saluted the thirteen people gracefully, and said, “I have kept you waiting for a long time, please follow me into the middle courtyard for the banquet.” .”

“Ziming, why are you here?” The thirteen people heard the reputation, and the person who recognized the identity couldn’t help being startled, with a look of surprise on his face, Fang Qiao even asked out loud.

Liu Ziming smiled slightly and said, “I want everyone to know that I am now the first-class staff member of the Marquis of Qin An.”

“Congratulations, brother Liu, congratulations!” Wei Yunqi was the first to react, and sincerely expressed his congratulations by crossing his hands. Seeing this, other people also expressed their congratulations.

“Congratulations! Congratulations!” Liu Ziming accepted everyone’s congratulations.

Led by Liu Ziming, everyone came to the living room of the middle courtyard.

“Everyone, today is the day of the Great Court Meeting. Lord Hou went to the palace early this morning and has not come back yet, but Lord Hou has already explained the arrival of you all. You might as well open up your hearts and have a feast first. The food is delicious.” Drink, and wait for Master Hou to come back.” Liu Ziming arranged for everyone to sit behind the short tables on both sides of the living room, made a bow to everyone, and said with a smile.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, only to realize how lacking their information was, they didn’t even know the period of the Great Court Assembly.

“Since it was arranged by Lord Hou, I dare not obey.” Fang Qiao and Wei Yunqi glanced at each other, the latter spoke out loudly first, and the others expressed their agreement one after another.

Liu Ziming clapped his hands, and a group of beautiful maids came in from the side door with delicious food and wine, and placed them on the short tables in front of them one by one. On behalf of Wang Junlin, Liu Ziming toasted everyone with three glasses of wine, enlivening the atmosphere, and then said: “Food and wine come first, how can we not be accompanied by singing and dancing.”

Everyone came to Qin Anhou’s Mansion today. Although they haven’t seen the benefactor yet, there are objective reasons after all, but the benefactor has already ordered them to prepare delicious food and wine for them. This makes them feel that they are valued Seeing that Liu Ziming still wanted to be accompanied by singing and dancing, he couldn’t help saying that he didn’t need it.

Liu Ziming waved his hand and said: “Master Hou has already explained that you are the pillars of our great Sui Dynasty. If you can come to make the mansion flourish, you should be treated warmly. You don’t have to be polite, let alone look outside.”

As soon as the voice fell, they clapped their hands again without waiting for anyone to say anything, and a group of dancers came in outside the door, and several dancers with musical instruments in their arms also came out in a file, playing the instruments lightly as they walked.

Nine dancers have formed a dance formation of the first four and the last five before the table. The pipa is cracked and the music is loud. The dancers are either flying into the sky, or standing on one leg. The silver bell, when you lift your legs and move your steps, the ringing is crisp and clear, and it actually pierces through the tinkling sound of the pipa, giving birth to a bit of liveliness.

Everyone saw long skirts fluttering, colorful clothes flying, and tender lotus-like arms hurriedly playing various musical instruments. They had never seen such a level of singing and dancing before, and they couldn’t help being dazzled.

With the singing and dancing to add to the fun, the atmosphere in the venue became more and more lively, and everyone unconsciously felt that the distance between them and Qin Anhou’s mansion had shortened a lot.

Especially after the banquet, Zhanpeng brought thirteen steel crossbows and fifty crossbow arrows to each of them, and brought them to the venue prepared in advance to teach them how to use steel crossbows. Let everyone do operation and aiming training on the spot.

Although the people in the Marquis of Qin An did not say why they gave them steel crossbows and crossbow bolts, they knew in their hearts that their official careers would be dangerous at every step in the future, and many of them would assassinate them. The crossbow arrows gave them more or less the power to protect themselves.

The thirteen humble scholars did not wait for Wang Junlin to come back. When they left, Liu Ziming prepared one hundred taels of silver for each of them according to Wang Junlin’s previous instructions.

At this time, the mentality of the thirteen scholars had unknowingly changed inexplicably, subconsciously they had already regarded themselves as members of the Qin Anhou family, so they accepted the money calmly without too many excuses.

PS: The third update is here, and the fourth update——

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