Turbulent Times Chapter 1109: Field battle

There are a lot of defenders in Baishan County. The defenders didn’t want to see the Dashiling army stronghold lost, so they led their troops out of the city and lined up outside Baishan County. Dashiling Military Village.

Actually, the Baishan County guard’s move is a desperate move. After all, if the Dashiling military stronghold is lost, they will become an isolated city to a certain extent. Because of the terrain of Baishan County, reinforcements need to come in large numbers, and the only way Now that Black Snake Ridge is lost, if Dashiling is also lost, instead of waiting for the Sui army to break the city, they might as well leave the city to fight while Dashiling is not lost.

However, the guard of Baishan County didn’t know that Guan Xiaotong didn’t try his best to attack the Dashiling army stronghold. Much easier than attacking a city.

Seeing that the defenders were lured out of the city as planned, Lu Han began to mobilize his troops with a look of fighting spirit. There were more than 4,000 enemy troops leaving the city, and he only had less than 3,000. The determination and confidence to win.

Wang Junlin did not stay in Daluo City, he followed Lu Hanhan and Guan Xiaotong ten miles behind the army of 200 special forces led by Zhang Tiangang, and rode forward calmly.

At this time, he led people across a mountain, and looking around, he saw a dense crowd of people and horses and flags like clouds on the south side of a city under the mountain. Under his feet are Lu Han’s 3,000 troops, who have completed the layout of the battle formation. And four or five hundred steps away, the Baishan County defenders also completed their formation.

The flags of both sides were fluttered by the north wind, and the fighting momentum on the battlefield was astonishing.

The battle formation that Lu Han laid out seems to be a conventional Yanyue formation, but it is actually very different from the traditional Yanyue formation. Moreover, Baishan County is a typical mountain city, but the surrounding width is limited, and the front can only be placed With the next eight centuries, the two wings of the Yanyue Formation are thicker.

Wang Junlin picked up the binoculars to look, and found that there was a group of people surrounding a general on the tower of Baishan County. , but the other party doesn’t have a telescope, so they can’t see clearly from this distance.

Wang Junlin’s heart moved, and he turned to Zhang Tiangang and said, “Take a few people on horseback to challenge the other generals who go out of the city to command the army. If the Goguryeo people refuse to fight, their momentum will be weakened. If they challenge you, you will kill the people who challenge. Weakened their momentum and boosted our morale.”

Zhang Tiangang’s eyes lit up immediately, he smiled bloodthirstyly, and clasped his fists together and said: “Don’t worry, my lord, the humble job will definitely fulfill its mission!”

Just as Zhang Tiangang was about to leave, Wang Junlin pointed to the front right and said, “The formation on the enemy’s left flank is relatively chaotic. It should be the local civilian bravery or private guards of the nobles. The discipline is obviously much worse. As soon as the battle begins, you will lead two hundred special forces to strengthen the right wing, and take the lead in breaking the right wing directly.”

Zhang Tiangang agreed, holding the big long knife specially prepared during the horse battle, and rushed down with two hundred subordinates.

Zhang Tiangang first went down to convey Wang Junlin’s order to Lu Han, and then he took a few cavalry and carried the flag to the battle, and ran 200 steps.

Goguryeo shot arrows sporadically in front of Goguryeo. Zhang Tiangang and others reined in their horses and laughed wildly, shouting: “Your citizens of a small country, we are ordered by the emperor of the Sui Dynasty to kill you and other small country traitor Yuan Taizuo, you We will never embarrass those who put down their weapons and put them to work, but if they block the king’s teacher

, Never give up! I am Zhang Tiangang, the commander of the Sui Sea Route Army Commander Wang Junlin’s personal special forces team, who is the commander of the army, dare to come out and challenge this general, if not, you are a coward and a woman. “

The Goguryeo side was suddenly noisy and there was a lot of cursing, but most of them were in Goguryeo, which I couldn’t understand at all.

But Wang Junlin was not worried that the other party could not understand what Zhang Tiangang said, because the nobles and officials of Koguryo must be able to speak Chinese, which is the most basic requirement.

Sure enough, not long after, a Goguryeo general rushed out with two cavalry.

Wang Junlin knows that challenging the opposing general in front of the soldiers of the two armies is a conspiracy. If the opponent does not accept the challenge, it will definitely affect the morale of the opponent. Unless the general is really as timid as a mouse, he will take over Challenges, not to mention the generals who won or even beheaded the opponent’s challenge, can boost morale, and both sides have equal opportunities.

The Goguryeo general came out from the opposite side and shouted. His Chinese was not very standard, and he spoke Liaodong dialect. Wang Junlin couldn’t hear it very clearly. He could vaguely hear some words, but he didn’t understand the meaning of the whole sentence.

Then I saw Zhang Tiangang pointing at the opposing military general and yelling at him. Both sides cursed, and then raised their weapons to confront each other. The horses fought back and forth for two rounds. In the third round, the Goguryeo general was slashed by Zhang Tiangang. The horse dragged the headless corpse forward for a dozen steps before the corpse fell off the horse.

The Sui army roared excitedly, and when Zhang Tiangang brought people back, the roar became louder and louder, echoing in the mountains on both sides, like a giant dragon roaring in the mountains, shaking the ground, The morale of the army was instantly strengthened.

On the other hand, Goguryeo was in a mess, some cursed, some ran out to grab the body of their own general, and some silently watched the Sui army. In short, the morale had been weakened unknowingly.

Wang Junlin had already ordered him to attack Baishan County. Generally speaking, he would not interfere and handed it over to Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong. Attack!”

The two soldiers next to Lu Han puffed up their cheeks at the same time, and blew the big bull horn with all their might, and the vigorous sound of the horn was blowing with the wind. The countless spears in front were leveled, and the army was surging. Immediately after the sound of drums, the seemingly densely packed army advanced forward, like a knife light pushing steadily and flatly, or like a huge black wave rushing forward.

Drums were beating loudly among the mountains, and the voices of people were noisy. Both sides were dominated by infantry, and they approached slowly like waves. Wang Junlin on the hillside watched the impending head-on collision with a calm expression.

“Swoosh, swish…” A black speck roared in the air. Wang Junlin looked up, and saw the countless black shadows of Chang Haloxy gradually slowing down from a high place, and then speeding up and pouring down. The jingling sounded like a hailstorm, and there were screams everywhere, and people kept falling to the ground and screaming in pain. The rain of arrows continued, and countless angry roars became louder and louder in the valley.

The armor of the Sui army is excellent, everyone is wearing iron armor, and there are even iron masks in front of the helmets. Except for a few soldiers who were unlucky enough to be shot in the eyes or the gaps in the armor, other arrows fell on them at most. Just let them have a physical meal.

On the other hand, in the Goguryeo army formation, nearly half of them were wearing leather armor or rattan armor. In addition, the Sui army fired fast crossbow arrows one after another. .

Hundreds of distance

When he was stepping, Lu Han yelled, and led three thousand people to speed up suddenly, rushing to kill the Goguryeo army in front, and the Goguryeo army also started to speed up, howling and rushing forward.

Wang Junlin stood on the hillside condescendingly, watching the lighter-colored ground in the middle being swallowed up by the two armies, and getting smaller and smaller. With the dust flying, the two armies fought together.

Wang Junlin could see clearly from a high place that Lu Han led three thousand people in a seemingly disorganized manner, but the overall battle formation was divided into three battle formations: left, middle and right, and these three battle formations were divided into several battle formations. There are battle formations, and there are battle formations within the battle formations, one ring after another. The smallest battle formation is a group. The cooperation between each equal battle formation is very tacit, and it seems a bit strange. Goguryeo soldiers rushed into the Among them, it seemed to be swallowed by a monster and turned into a corpse.

At this moment, Zhang Tiangang led two hundred special forces soldiers and charged into the left flank of the Goguryeo army on horseback. Each of them scored at least one to ten. So he pierced into the left wing of the Goguryeo battle formation, and soon cut through the left wing directly.

The crowd on the left wing of the Goguryeo army suddenly panicked, and many people fled everywhere, shaking the surrounding formation like a plague.

The two armies also began to fight in the front. Although the Goguryeo people were killed and injured much faster than the Sui army from the beginning, they had a large number of people, so the fighting front did not waver much; but after the left wing was pierced by Zhang Tiangang, It’s like a pot is blowing up here.

And Lu Han discovered the flaws in the left wing of the Goguryeo battle formation at the first time, and commanded a large group of troops on the edge of the fan-shaped fan to rush into the boiling and chaotic left wing battlefield. At this time, it was like adding fuel to the fire, and the festering place of Goguryeo was greatly torn open, and the gap spread in depth. The originally stalemate front began to waver rapidly.

“The overall situation has been decided.” Wang Junlin said with a sigh of relief and smiled.

The originally fairly neat formation in the Goguryeo army was constantly being dispersed by the rebellious soldiers like a neatly piled dam, and was only slowly eroded at first. All of a sudden, the left wing, which was assembled by noble private troops and guards, and had not been trained for a long time, finally collapsed. Once the first one turned around and ran away, there would be a second, a third, until everyone collapsed run away.

At a certain moment, the left wing of the Goguryeo battle formation completely collapsed, and everyone dispersed.

The big defeat on the left wing immediately affected the battle formation of the Chinese army. Some soldiers began to flee, and the Chinese army also began to be defeated. It didn’t take long for the right wing of the Goguryeo battle formation to also start to be defeated.

Goguryeo’s defeated army ran towards the gate of the city in a mess, but because they refused to give in to each other, they huddled together. Under the rain of arrows, the Sui army was blocked for a while, but Goguryeo’s own chaos on the battlefield could not be seen directly.

The Goguryeo people rushed to enter the city, but the speed of entering the city was very slow. Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the Goguryeo soldiers who ran behind dropped their weapons and knelt down and surrendered.

All those who did not surrender were shot to death by the Sui army with rapid crossbows. Seeing that the situation was not good, the city lord of Baishan County was worried that the Sui army would follow the rebel army and rush into the city. The city gate was closed decisively, and the city wall was lined with knives and guns, sitting and watching nearly a thousand Goguryeo soldiers outside surrendering to the Sui army.

PS: Sorry, there are some things at home tonight, and there is only this chapter of more than 3,000 words tonight, I am very sorry———

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