Treading Blood to Sky’s End Chapter 1770: Mingtao Continent

Yan Mo once said that Kunhai has seas and mountains. Zhang Tianliu originally thought it was just a larger fountain. Now that Kunhai is not there, it is still Zhenhai. However, what he saw was far inferior to Kunhai, but far better than what he had ever seen. Any mountain range has huge sea cliffs!

From a distance, it looks like a water line lying across the sea. The closer you get, the higher the sea line becomes. When you come to it, the roaring sound like a waterfall is deafening, and the sound of the waves is just like its name.

Looking up, the strange tilt angle of the sea cliff makes people feel dizzy. In the field of vision, the sky seems to have been cut into half, half is blue water, and half is blue sky.

“This perspective is really amazing. The water seems to go around the top of the head and then turn back. Although there is wind, it is not enough to blow the waterfall into a depression.”

As Zhang Tianliu spoke, he raised his hand and swung his sleeves lightly, but it was not vertical, but tilted towards the sea cliff.

“Is it a magnetic field?”

Yan Mo said: “That’s right, use your words to explain, the magnetic field here is disordered, and it changes several times a year. Sometimes the water on the sea cliff can fly into the air and make a 720-degree rotation, and there are often Chaos Spirit Storm, go in quickly and come out early, otherwise you won’t know how long it will take to come out when the storm starts.”

Zhang Tianliu was not a procrastinator, so he immediately flew upwards.

The higher you go up, the more you marvel at the hugeness of this sea cliff.

Even though he saw extraordinary things, he couldn’t see the end left or right, as if the entire boundless sea was divided into layers.

When Zhang Tianliu flew to the top of the sea cliff, he looked down and visually determined that the sea level below was more than 60,000 meters away.

It’s not that high, it’s still 86 million times short of the boundless sea and atmosphere world that Enma said.

But at this height, it is already the limit of the Great Realm monks.

When the lower realm comes here, not to mention the physical body, the soul will be blown away by the strong wind.

Although there is no chaotic spirit storm that Yan Mo said, the vitality of the world is indeed chaotic, and is being carried by the strong wind and swinging wildly. In this case, the protective Qi is like an egg being rubbed by a stone. Once the eggshell is broken, The consequences can be imagined.

Zhang Tianliu is a nanobody, and his inner spirit must be beyond the ordinary realm, and the barrier of the spirit is comparable to the holy realm, so there is no problem.

I floated to the surface of the water and carefully observed the movement of the seawater. I couldn’t see anything unusual. Now my body can’t sense the thin sea aura in the seawater. I don’t know whether there is any evil thing under the water.

No longer hesitating, Zhang Tianliu unfolded his Fu Escape and went deep into Mingtao Continent.

The Balrog had already given him the address. He quickly found a piece of land by locating it through the stars.

It is said to be land, but it is more like a reef island. Stones that have been washed smooth by the sea are piled up like mountains. After flying up for a while, a little ordinary sand appears, but the color is different from the common yellow-brown, neither black nor green. Instead, it has a brighter blue light.

Zhang Tianliu picked it up out of curiosity. After taking a closer look, he found that the sand was white, but it contained many fine blue fluorescent sands.

Zhang Tianliu is not a physical body and cannot sense Qi. However, the system quickly obtained the value of the aura contained in the fluorescent sand after scanning.

“Each pearl contains an average of 16 spiritual energy values, which is comparable to a year’s worth of spiritual beads.”

Although the aura values ​​are equal, the effects are not.

The monks can directly absorb the spirit energy of the spirit beads to refine them for their own use. This is not possible. They have to be extracted and used as auxiliary materials to make elixirs. However, the most common use is to refine weapons, which of course also includes making runes.

Zhang Tianliu liked this kind of particularly low-level but extremely rare material the most. He was immediately rude and with a flick of his sleeve, the nanobugs flew out like clouds and mist, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of tons of fluorescent light were nearby. The sand was swept away.

At first glance, the sand that has lost its fluorescent sand has turned into a gray-white beach.

There is a lot of fluorescent sand in the distance. Zhang Tianliu is too lazy to collect it. He will come back later if it is really useful. Anyway, this thing has been useless here for so many years. To the locals, it is no different from ordinary sand.

A few dozen tons are enough for him to squander.

After another hundred or so miles, Zhang Tianliu finally saw the crowds.

“No, it’s… wolf smoke?”

Looking from a distance, the billowing smoke that curves like silk threads looks like the legendary beacon smoke.

When he took a closer look, he was disappointed.

Nothing exciting.

Although there are swords and swords, they are being beaten.

What is smoking are rows and rows of bamboo hat-shaped kilns. There are several people busy at the entrance of each kiln, including men, women, old and young. Judging from the configuration, there should be one kiln for each household.

The strong men beat the weapons, the women control the heat, the young men either watch and learn, or do the work, and the old ones wash and cook, doing what they can as much as possible.

This wonderful sight left Zhang Tianliu speechless.

After seeing Zisang, he originally thought that this place was similar to Zisang, but the scenery was different.

I never thought that humanities are so different!

“Hey, they used fluorescent sand!” Zhang Tianliu quickly saw the clues.

Among the raw materials used by these people to make iron, they used dozens of tons of fluorescent sand that he had just collected.

Every weapon that is still in the process of being crafted can already reflect a faint blue light.

Zhang Tianliu had something to do and was unable to stay for a long time, so he could only release the nanobugs to monitor him and then go back to the Balrog for advice.

Continuing deeper, after passing through a white fir forest and passing through the mountains in front, Zhang Tianliu recalled the map given by the demon, looked at the direction, and moved forward quickly.

One night later, Zhang Tianliu, who was thousands of miles away, appeared outside a city made of metal.

The entire city seems to be made of various metals and polished like a mirror. Its luster causes particularly serious light pollution in the early morning sun.

It is not like the single light pollution like the Golden City, but more rainbow than a rainbow. It is better for ordinary people. Because of the glare, it is difficult to see much. Zhang Tianliu because of his ability, it seems like he is looking at a kaleidoscope or a bright light. The kaleidoscope inside!

He had to suspect that this was a trap set up by the demon to trap and kill him!

But he knew very well that this was absolutely impossible. Yan Mo would not use such small tricks until he was absolutely sure to kill him. The same was true for Zhang Tianliu in this regard.

There may be temptations, but there is no need to build a city against them.

Zhang Tianliu fully used the light-shielding effect of the nanobody’s eyes, which made him feel much better and could clearly see the people coming and going inside and outside the city.

These people all have one obvious feature, that is, their eyeballs are completely black without any white.

A closer look revealed that they were not natural eyeballs, but caused by martial arts. A method similar to a Gang Qi shield was used to protect the eyes from light pollution.

In fact, it is like wearing sunglasses, but the effect is definitely better than sunglasses.

Zhang Tianliu also turned his eyes black in order not to look different.

Even so, you still have to undergo screening when entering the city.

“Which family and sect, name token.” The city guard used a very primitive method to verify the identity of the people entering the city.

When it was Zhang Tianliu’s turn, he took out the token from Prince Zisangmu’s Palace.

Prince Zisang Mu’s Mansion is naturally the residence of Mu Shushan.

There is no emperor in Zisang, and no one from all the forces in the eight seas, including the nearby mainland islands, dares to call himself emperor.

Zhang Tianliu and Yan Mo are moving slowly. The news of the rise of Zisang Unification and Prince Mu’s Mansion has already spread throughout Zhenhai, and the tokens have been distributed. They encountered three groups of people checking along the way, and they all rely on this token to pass the customs. Now Naturally, he was no exception. The other party would let him into the city after verifying that he was correct.

Zhang Tianliu observed the large array of restrictions in the city along the way, and all the way to the outside of Mishan Residence, he looked up at the signboard. After confirming that it was correct, he carefully looked at this small metal building, which was considered elegant despite the light pollution.

Apart from the fact that the material is metal, the color is no different from an ordinary attic. Even the wooden texture is clearly visible. But no matter how much it looks like wood, it is still metal!

If you like wood, why not make it out of wood?

Environmentally friendly?

What puzzled him was not this, but the fact that Enma clearly said this was a restaurant, but he thought it was a grain and oil shop, and it was not a retail shop, but a wholesale shop, with bags of bulging spiritual rice inside. There are people moving in and out, it could be a restaurant or a restaurant, but there are ghosts!

Please remember the first domain name of this book:. :

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