Treading Blood to Sky’s End Chapter 1501: Block

The monks from another world did not deliberately lower their voices when communicating. Everyone else listened and were immediately surprised.

They did not realize the importance of Wuli Sanren to Jiuzhou. They only regarded him as a hermit from Jiuzhou, maybe not even from Jiuzhou. This Wuli might be a monk from another world who was reborn, no matter where. Of course, his importance to Kyushu is dispensable.

Although he made a lot of equipment, it just filled his pocket. If he really wanted to think about Kyushu, he would not ask to create a set of equipment for everyone, but at least make all the technology public, but he did not. Those are just the tip of the iceberg, to many people he looks more like a person from another world.

Of course, some people will think that exposing all the technology will become a big disaster. Kyushu does not have the strength to resist the theft of the Star Alliance. However, the current technological level of the Star Alliance can digest the technology of the Sanren in the fog and become the Star Alliance technology earlier. Undoubtedly, the gain outweighs the loss.

From all the angles, no one is willing to lend a helping hand to the Wolisan people, including the Zhang family, no matter whether they are envious, jealous or haters.

Even if you want to speculate, you don’t have the capital.

Zhang Tianliu is most familiar with this kind of Taoism, so he does not need anyone’s help. The only thing he can communicate with is trading.

In his opinion, trading is the cheapest and fastest way to get along with others. How much is it worth to talk about love first?

What changed Zhang Tianliu was not only the loss of relatives one by one, but also the forced assimilation on the road to revenge.

It affected Zhang Tianliu’s life, filling his world with darkness. From wanting to escape countless times, to now becoming accustomed to it, feeling relieved, and even falling in love with this feeling. This is the price of growth!

On the surface, he doesn’t need anyone’s help, but he will do anything to survive!

“A, invade the nine-area missile system…”

After Zhang Tianliu gave his orders, Qiantu fired dozens of smoke bombs forward. After a while, the smoke filled the area for three miles.

At the same time, Lan Zhenyan was very depressed to see that the anti-aircraft missiles he had placed in District 9 for many days and had been useless were launched uncontrollably!

“If you want fire support, tell me, do you need to do everything yourself? Aren’t you tired? Don’t you find it troublesome…”

Facing the smoke, the chasing monks rushed in without any hesitation.

Relying on the protective energy and strong perception ability, it is difficult for Zhang Tianliu to successfully attack in the fog area. The purpose of creating the fog area is to delay their suspicion.

However, not long after entering the foggy area, the loud sound of breaking through the air reached everyone’s ears.

“What sound?”

Everyone was confused.

However, there is still caution, and some people are already using wind techniques.

After the fog area ahead was blown away by a strong wind, eighteen anti-aircraft missiles appeared in front of them.

This was not what they expected, but it was something easy for them to avoid.

But he didn’t expect that Zhang Tianliu didn’t need to hit the target!

Eighteen anti-aircraft missiles spitting fire arrived in an instant, passing by Zhang Tianliu. When everyone behind them also dodged one by one, the anti-aircraft missiles that entered the group of monks suddenly exploded one after another!

Even if no one was hit, the power of the sudden explosion still sent the monks rolling in the void. Several of the monks at the center of the explosion were instantly shaken away from their body-protecting energy and became charred black. , falling from the sky with his clothes in pieces, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

“They don’t have many of these weapons in District 9, so keep chasing.”

The sharp sword broke through the air, and a person silently walked around in front of Zhang Tianliu. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the void. It was like a bolt of thunder falling from the sky. The pale thunder light penetrated into the palm of the man wielding the sword. The strong shock made his figure tremble in the void. .

This kind of trembling is not shivering, but the vibration that occurs during the process of absorbing powerful power. If it were not supported by a flying sword, this person would be struck down by a white thunder.

The twenty gun barrels in Gun Tu’s hands instantly spurted out raging tongues of fire, and the dense bullets formed beams of light-speed and shot straight towards the sword-wielding man blocking the way ahead.

Before the bullet arrived, the white thunder light had turned into a thunder ball and condensed in the palm of Gao Tuo, the swordsman. When he struggled to move the thunder ball towards Zhang Tianliu, he had been ejected into a hornet’s nest by the spirit-piercing bullet, but He still didn’t fall down, and the thunder ball exploded in front of his palm, turning into countless fine arcs to form a sky-covering net and shrouded Zhang Tianliu.

Countless bullets glowed red in the power grid, dissolved, and turned into hot metallic liquid scattered in the void.

The gunfire stopped, and the Black Warrior rushed forward, facing the thunder and lightning net and opening a circular talisman shield with a diameter of ten meters. When the electric shock hit the talisman shield, there was no fierce collision in everyone’s impression, just no trace of it. Irrelevant things pass through each other.

When everyone was wondering why Zhang Tianliu would build such a rune shield, the black warrior stretched out his left hand, and a black substance in his palm spun away, and in an instant it turned into a ball of almost the same size as the rune shield. Spiral black shield.

After the dense arc turned around the rune shield, it penetrated into the black shield without any deviation.

“It’s the spirit refining furnace. Sure enough, no matter how powerful a person’s magic is, it will be swallowed up by the spirit refining furnace because of too few changes.”

“No, Senior Brother Thunder Ball absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth from the boundless sea. Although the luster is white, it is an extremely complex natural force. In such a short period of time, it is impossible for him to tell how many changes this force has undergone. It is he The rune shield has purified most of the lightning changes, leaving only a few, which are just enough for the spirit refining furnace to absorb.”

“It’s so obvious, who can’t see it? Stop talking nonsense and do it.”

At the cost of sacrificing one person, although the powerful thunder and lightning technique released could not harm Zhang Tianliu at all, it slowed him down. Seeing that the encirclement was about to take shape again, Zhang Tianliu’s three armors and sphere suddenly paused in mid-air!

This stop was very abrupt, as if the world had stopped, but just for a moment, the three armors and the sphere started moving again. The whole process was like a delayed screen in an online game.

But the faces of the monks who were chasing him all changed. Find Shuyuanwww.

Lingjue has called the police!

Suddenly, a strange magnetic field was formed within a radius of 500 meters with the Black Warrior as the center. The terrifying suction force quickly attracted a dozen monks who could not react quickly towards the third armor.

Unable to resist, the three armored men took action at the same time. Bullets, sword flashes, and the elusive Bairan assassination turned these people into lifeless corpses in an instant, and they fell miserably from the air.

“Damn it, that’s because he just absorbed the strange power of lightning conversion. Everyone, be careful, make the encirclement wider, and stay a hundred feet away from him.”

The larger the encirclement, the more routes Zhang Tianliu has to break through, but he seems to be focused on going to District 9.

But everyone can see that he is definitely not going to the Ninth District, but passing through the Ninth District to go to the fairy palace ruins high in the sky!

Only by entering the ruins of the Immortal Palace can he have a chance of survival.

Then as long as his path is cut off, no matter how hard he struggles, he will eventually be eaten alive by everyone!

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