Transmigrating With a Cleaver Chapter 27: Headshot

“It turns out that she is really my good sister!” Lin Luxi’s eyes lit up in the darkness, “Father guessed correctly, let’s see how this little chef behaves, whether he wants to live or die…”

Qin Luo in the small courtyard fell into an extremely embarrassing situation.

“I’ve been arguing for a long time, so you are a woman?” He said dumbfoundedly, “Hurry up and put on your clothes, why don’t I promise you!”

If Shen Yun wakes up at this time when she is so immortal, will she die?

Lin Huanxi obediently put on her robe again, tied her long loose hair with a red string at will, and stood quietly and pretty in the moonlight, her standard oval face was red to the ears.

Qin Luo breathed a sigh of relief, the women in the Qianyuan Realm are well-developed, and the pair just now almost made him unable to hold on. . .

“How do I kill your uncle?” Qin Luo’s turbulent blood finally calmed down, “Are you letting the cat kill him directly?”

“Of course not, do you really think you can kill him during the day?” Lin Huanxi smiled slightly, “He is a fifth-level swordsman, even in Ningzhou City, he is also a top ten master!”

“Fifth level?” Qin Luo was taken aback, wouldn’t that be as awesome as You?

Don’t mess with me!

If Lin Gaoyi is a strange beast, then Qin Luo is naturally not afraid, the problem is that he is a human!

Qin Luo once experimented when he was bored, Paoding Jieniu can only work on the ingredients approved by the kitchen knife, and it is ineffective on other ordinary animals and people!

As for whether the little orange cat can kill a Tier 5, I always feel that there is little hope. . .

Looking at Qin Luo’s troubled look, Lin Huanxi reminded him in a low voice: “Don’t you have a very powerful dwarf musket?”

“That’s right! I still have 98K!” Qin Luo’s eyes lit up, if he could make an unexpected sneak attack a few hundred meters away, even the fifth-order would probably die!

In the dungeon, You Ke was very afraid of his gun.

At that time, all the mercenaries knew that they had this gun, so it was not surprising that Lin Huanxi could get the news.

“Lin Gaoyi is the deputy head of the Xicheng District, and it is approaching winter now. He has to go to the city wall to inspect every ten days.” Lin Huanxi said, “His team will pass through Dongsi Street every time, and that is you The best chance to start!”

“Then when was his last visit?”



Qin Luo thought about it for a while, and said to Lin Huanxi: “If Lin Gaoyi is killed, I don’t want money, nor your people, I just want your decision!”

Lin Huanxi asked curiously: “What decision?”

Qin Luo smiled slightly and said, “Cancel the baptism rights of all girls in the tenth district, at least when you are in power!”

“Okay, we’ve made a deal!” Lin Huanxi’s eyes flashed, and she smiled, “I’m a woman, so it’s useless to have the right to be baptized. It seems that I have taken advantage of it.”

“That’s not necessarily true!” Qin Luoyi said in a serious manner, “What if one day your sexual orientation changes and you become a lily?”

Lin Huanxi: “…”

After the two reached an agreement, Lin Huanxi hurriedly got in the car and left here in a hurry.

Lin Luxi on the opposite roof looked coldly at Qin Luo who had gone back to sleep, as if looking at a dead person.

Although they were too far away, he didn’t hear the conversation between the two clearly, but judging from the expressions on both sides, they must have reached an agreement that was not good for his father.

“Should I kill you now, or wait until tomorrow?” Lin Luxi said to himself, “Forget it, let’s do it now, so as not to have long nights and dreams!”

He slid down the ground silently and tiptoed towards the small courtyard.

His feet are extremely light, and it is impossible for ordinary people to hear the sound. However, there are always some unexpected things in this world. . .

“Meow~!” Just as he was about to get close to the courtyard wall, a little orange cat was lying on the top of the wall at some point, staring at him with a pair of blue and green pupils.

The night is the main battlefield of thieves, but it is even more the world of cats!

Lin Luxi had already seen how powerful the little orange cat was during the day. To be honest, he was not completely sure that he could kill this pet silently.

If Qin Luo and the others are awakened, it will be even worse. He doesn’t like swordsmen who are just facing the front, but thieves who are good at sneak attacks.

“I’ll take your dog’s life next time!” Lin Luxi resentfully took a few steps back, and then disappeared directly into the darkness. . .

“Who the **** is this guy? Could it be a passing thief?” Lin Luxi didn’t notice that there was a black muzzle pointing at him on the wall.

If he hadn’t retreated and advanced instead, his head would have been blown off by now!

Qin Luo looked at the disappearing thieves, and said viciously in his heart: “Next time you dare to steal things from labor and capital, you will never return!”

The small courtyard finally returned to tranquility, Qin Luo and Shen Yun’s steady breathing came from the room, and the little orange cat was still quietly lying on the wall, watching the snowflakes drifting in from the sky.

Winter has come quietly!

. . .

In the early morning, all the people who got up early turned ugly when they saw the thin snow on the ground. This year’s winter seems to have come a little too early, right?

Lin Gaoyi rode a snow-white horse on Dongsi Street. He was guarded by two light armored swordsmen on the front, back, left, and right sides, and dozens of tall and tall soldiers in full armor followed him.

As the deputy head of Xicheng District, Lin Gaoyi’s face turned extremely pale when he saw the first snowfall.

The arrival of winter earlier means that this year’s beast tide will be even stronger!

If the city wall cannot be defended no one in the entire Ningzhou City can survive. In the history of mankind, there are countless such examples.

Lin Gaoyi sighed, he managed to control the entire Lin family, but encountered such a severe winter, he was a bit unlucky, right?

Just when the deputy head was worried, on the roof of a three-story building 400 meters away, Qin Luo was lying on his stomach and was pressing a green 7.92mm bullet into the barrel of the gun, and then smashed the target’s head Set into the crosshairs of the 8x scope.

Lin Gaoyi didn’t notice the approach of the **** of death at all, he said to the guard beside him: “Aaron, do you still remember when the last early winter happened?”

The guard replied respectfully: “My lord, the last early winter should have been ten years ago.”

“Oh, so it’s been ten years.” Lin Gaoyi said with emotion, “You followed me to defend the city wall for the first time, do you remember how many people died?”

“Of course I remember, more than 63,000 soldiers defending the city, about 120,000 civilians, and nearly half of the city lord’s personal regiment died!”

Lin Gaoyi sighed: “We all crawled out of the corpses back then, it seems that this year we will die a lot…”

Suddenly there was a gunshot in the distance, and the deputy head’s head exploded like a watermelon, splashing red and white all over several guards!

Qin Luo stood up, jumped off the roof, and left East Fourth Street calmly along the muddy alley. . .

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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