Transmigrated As My Former Uncle’s Sweetheart Chapter 83: Notorious


Lu Yunshuang almost fell to the ground, but fortunately Hong Xiu had quick eyes and quick hands and supported her.

Lu Liang looked at her worriedly, “What’s wrong with my sister? Don’t scare me!”

Lu Yunshuang glanced at her, seeing her worried and frightened expression, a fishy sweetness welled up in her throat.

Seeing this, other people gathered around one after another, “Prince Princess, please take care of yourself…”

Lu Yunshuang wanted to maintain the noble and dignified image of her concubine, but right now she was powerless.

It was really Lu Liangwei who brought this news, which was so unexpected that she couldn’t accept it for a while.

Something happened to my mother, why didn’t anyone send to tell her?

She didn’t know at all that Lu Hetian had people block the news, and Aunt Zheng’s confidant was also under surveillance, so naturally she couldn’t pass the news to her.

When Lu Yunshuang came back to her senses, there was only a forced smile on her face, “I’m all right…”

“Is my sister really okay? But your complexion is ugly, do you want to invite the imperial physician to come and take a look?” Lu Liangwei looked at her very worriedly.

The fingers under Lu Yunshuang’s sleeves were quietly clenched.

With Lu Liangwei’s attitude, those who didn’t know it thought that the relationship between the two sisters was very good.

She suddenly held Lu Liangwei’s hand, and said in surprise, “What you said is true, Auntie…”

“Of course it’s true.” Lu Liang nodded slightly, and then comforted, “Father didn’t let anyone notify you, probably because he was afraid that you would worry, but this time Aunt Zheng did too much and offended father. You just got sent away, so don’t worry too much.”

Lu Yunshuang frowned.

I don’t understand what Aunt Zheng did to anger her father, and she was sent away without a sound.

She was anxious and worried, but also worried about the occasion at this time, so she could only forcefully press down.

She wasn’t really worried about what would happen to Aunt Zheng, but now that she was a princess, her biological mother was sent away because of a crime. This would definitely make her a laughing stock in private.

Thinking, she was a little annoyed.

Why did Aunt Zheng make such a fuss at this juncture?

At first, she wanted to try to get her father to straighten her up.

But now…

“Sister’s complexion is ugly, why don’t you go and rest for a while?” Lu Liang’s worried voice sounded again, interrupting her meditation.

Lu Yunshuang glanced at her, and when she noticed the strange hidden gazes of everyone present, her heart tightened, and she responded, “Alright, I’ll go to rest for a while, and the banquet will start later, I’ll come over to accompany you Sister speaks.”

Lu Liang shook his head slightly, very considerate and well-behaved, “Sister’s body is more important, don’t force yourself if you feel uncomfortable, anyway, there are quite a few people present, I can play with them.”

Hearing this, Lu Yunshuang secretly sneered.

With Lu Liangwei’s notorious reputation, it’s too late for others to avoid her, so who would want to play with her?

“Well, here, please ask my sister to take care of it.” Lu Yunshuang smiled.

“Okay, sister, go slowly.” Lu Liangwei also smiled at Yanyan.

Lu Yunshuang took a look at her, then left holding Hongxiu’s hand.

After returning to her bedroom, Lu Yunshuang couldn’t bear it any longer, and knocked the high-quality porcelain on the table to the ground.

Hongxiu was taken aback, knowing why she was so angry, she calmed down quickly, and quickly comforted: “Prince Princess, don’t worry, I still don’t know what’s going on, wait for the servant to find out, then Decide.”

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