Transmigrated As My Former Uncle’s Sweetheart Chapter 761: Beautiful people

After watching Zhao Gan leave, Long Xiao also left Jiuhua Temple with others.

On the way down the mountain, he felt a little heavy.

What Zhao Gan said just now, is not what the emperor meant.

Brother Huang is beating him.

Reminiscing about the prince being deposed again, his heart became heavier.

He pursed his lower lip and looked at the hillside under his feet with far-sighted eyes.

“What do you think of Mr. Wu?” He suddenly asked.

The staff behind him stepped forward slowly, looked at his face, and knew that he was afraid of retreating, so they didn’t answer his question, but said: “My lord, because of the prince’s matter, the child died. Shaken heart?”

Long Xiao looked at the mountains in the distance, and said softly: “The reason why this king wants to oppose the emperor’s brother is because he refuses to accept Long Chi’s position as the crown prince. But now, the emperor has deposed him. And the emperor’s brother He is in his prime and in good health, with his skills, under his management, Dashang will surely become stronger and stronger in the future.”

Mr. Wu nodded and said in agreement: “The emperor is indeed a rare wise king, but has the prince ever thought that if you stop here, those who follow the prince will agree?”

Long Xiao sighed, this was also his headache.

“Now, we are on the verge of getting ready.” Mu Liao reminded.

Long Xiao smiled wryly, “But with Brother Huang’s wisdom, I’m afraid he already knows what we are doing in private. Any changes in us can’t escape his eyes.”

Mr. Wu nodded, “Judging from what Zhao Gan said, the emperor probably already knew about our private actions, but he just asked Zhao Gan to beat the prince, so he didn’t mean to give you a chance.”

Long Xiao suppressed the negative thoughts in his heart, and stood with his hands behind his back, “Mr. Wu continued.”

Mr. Wu paused, and then continued: “In this case, we can only obey the emperor’s will, and stop any action temporarily. Only when the emperor’s heart is at ease, can we plan for the future. Moreover, the prince’s stay in the imperial capital this time is somewhat After a long time, after returning to Beijing, please return to the fief as soon as possible.”

“That’s fine, let’s do it this way.” Long Xiao nodded, thinking of something, he curled his lips, “My imperial brother, he didn’t seem to change his face, but in fact, he was afraid that everything had been arranged. He To suddenly depose Long Chi is to clear the roadblocks for the empress’s child. Although the empress has not heard the news yet, it seems that the emperor really favors his little empress.”

When Mr. Wu heard the words, his heart moved, and he suggested: “beauties can eat people’s bones and grind people’s minds. Why don’t we collect a few beauties and present them to the emperor after we return to the fief.”

Hearing this, Long Xiao felt a little moved when he thought of what Zhao Gan said just now.

Now that the harem is empty, the emperor’s brother is in a year of great energy, and the queen should not be able to satisfy him. At this time, if some young and unique beauties are brought into the palace, the emperor’s brother should like it.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and ordered, “Find some beauties as soon as possible, um, young ones, with looks like the Queen’s.”

“Yes.” The subordinate immediately took the order and left.

Long Xiao narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the Imperial Capital. After a long time, he stepped down the mountain.


Zhao Qian took out the imperial decree and read out the crimes of the Empress Dowager Xiaojing, then winked at the little **** behind him.

The little **** immediately walked towards the Empress Dowager Xiaojing with the prepared dove wine.

The Empress Dowager Xiaojing still hadn’t recovered from the accusation that Zhao Qian had read just now, when she saw the little **** approaching with the dove wine, her eyes were wide open, and she struggled like crazy, “What do you think? What are you doing? Aijia is the Empress Dowager.”

Zhao Gan sneered and said, “When the queen mother attacked the emperor, did you ever think about such a day? For so many years, the emperor has offered you to sit in the queen mother’s position and enjoy everything. You may have uneasy conscience Been?”

“You are talking nonsense, you will die a terrible death if you frame Aijia like this!” Empress Dowager Xiaojing hissed.

During the struggle, her hair had long been disheveled, her appearance was ferocious, and she had long lost her previous aloof appearance.

“Death is imminent, and you still dare to quibble.” Zhao Gan shook his head, “If you didn’t want to dirty the pure place of the Buddhist family, you can still breathe until now?” Wei stepped forward to arrest Xiaojing, and the little **** who brought Jiujiu nimbly squeezed the Empress Dowager Xiaojing’s mouth and poured the poisoned wine into it.

“No, Aijia doesn’t drink… Liu Fu, Liu Fu…” She struggled, and then suddenly remembered that Liu Fu was sent by her to protect Long Chi.

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