Transmigrated As My Former Uncle’s Sweetheart Chapter 1648: The person next to me was replaced by Long Yin

He Xin’s eyes widened, and he looked at the artist who was breathing flames in surprise.

I don’t understand how he did it.

The sound of applause and applause seems to be breaking through the sky.

Everyone was attracted by the artist’s performance.

He Xin is no exception.

Her eyes were wide open, showing great curiosity about the performance in front of her.

At this moment, a strange thing happened.

The flame in the artist’s mouth was getting bigger and bigger, maybe he didn’t control it well, and it actually burned the hair of the few people closest to the front row.

There were terrified screams at the scene.

The crowd who had been enjoying the performance also became agitated, pushing and shoving, and it was extremely chaotic.

Before He Xin had time to react, a burst of flame suddenly shot towards her.

She wanted to retreat, but the flames spouted faster, and there was another person standing behind her, so she couldn’t retreat at all.

Seeing that she was about to be burned, suddenly, her eyes went dark, and a wide sleeve spread out, blocking the ferocious flames.

At the same time, there was a scream, and it was the fire-breathing artist who was knocked to the ground by the internal force of Long Yin.

Just as He Xin was in shock, he saw that Long Yin’s sleeve was wrapped in flames and burned quickly.

She screamed and rushed over.

“Brother Long Yin, your sleeve is on fire—”

The fire was very fast, and within a short while, it burned to the hem of his clothes.

Seeing her rushing forward, Long Yin stopped her in a deep voice, “Don’t come over.”

Being intimidated by his aura, He Xin did not dare to move forward.

I saw the young man, calm in the face of danger, and decisively took off his outer robe.

“My lord, are you alright?” Qi Heng and Long Huaiyuan managed to push through the crowd and rushed over.

“Nothing.” Long Yin said, seeing that the scene became very chaotic, his complexion changed, and he quickly ordered, “Hurry up and protect Miss.”

Long Huaiyuan took the lead in running to the direction where Yaoyao was standing.

However, when he rushed away, Yaoyao was nowhere to be seen, the two guards responsible for protecting her had already fallen to the ground.

But Baoyu and the little monk disappeared.

His heart sank, and he quickly returned to Long Yin’s side, daring to report: “Miss is gone!”

Long Yin’s pupils shrank, but he calmed down quickly, and quickly sorted out what happened.

The conclusion reached is that the artist purposely sprayed fire on He Xin who was beside him just now, just to divert his attention, and took advantage of his distraction to quickly dispel Yaoyao, Baoyu, and Xiao who were scattered by the crowd. The three monks were taken away.

Thinking of this, he ordered in an orderly manner: “Qi Heng, control these artists immediately, Huaiyuan, you bring someone, and immediately go out of the city to chase them.”

Qi Heng and Long Huaiyuan respectfully responded, and quickly made arrangements.

He Xin, who was standing aside, also quickly thought of the cause of the incident.

Can’t help but feel guilty.

If brother Long Yin hadn’t been trying to save him, sister Yaoyao wouldn’t have been taken advantage of the chaos.

“It’s nothing, you go back to the inn and wait.” Seeing her face showing self-blame, Long Yin ordered, and then said to his subordinates, “Escort Miss He Xin back to the inn.”


He Xin knew that if she stayed, she would not be of much help, but would only add to the chaos, so she obediently returned to the inn.

At this time, Yaoyao, Baoyu, and the little monk Kongming, who were stunned, were being transported out of the city in a carriage.

The carriage quickly left the city.

The drivers are two unattractive men, but they are very tall.

“Master, should we go back to Danjue directly now?” The man pulling the reins to drive the car asked the man beside him for instructions.

“Well, go back to China directly.” The man responded lightly.

This man is none other than Wanyan Jin.

That day in the small town, he wanted to take Yaoyao away, but after the master and servant made arrangements in the small town, Yaoyao did not appear. After inquiring, I found out that Yaoyao went back to the capital.

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