Transcending the Nine Heavens Chapter 445: Calligraphy Crazed !

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Middle-aged people who seem to have a very rich temperament and a soft face will have the color of already as the color of pig’s trotters. They stepped forward and grabbed Chu Yang: “That high Daquan, let’s take a step to say Talk! “

Chu Yang hearing this was in the middle of her arms, and said with a frown, “You will finally call my name? I know I won’t forget me. I thought that when we were in front of the tree, there was a wooden sword, a bamboo horse, and an intimate, good, good. There is no news from our hometown. Come and drink, rest assured, I invite you to drink, I treat you. Although it is not so rich now, but when the villagers meet, how can I not be worse Do n’t worry about this, right? Hahaha … “

This laugh is so magnificent!

“This is a good guy!”

“Brilliant! Real man!”

“Really personal! Complaining with grace, real man!”


In the sound of a happy call, Chu Yang frowned and smiled, and his eyes were almost gone, and he even held his fists in hand: “many thanks! many thanks everyone … many thanks … Thank you very much … Everyone is a good person, it should have been Bring everyone, unfortunately, my little brother is shy and weak, so I can only say thank you in my mouth, and wish you good life and peace … “

The middle-aged man next to him twisted a scruffy face and looked at the guy who claimed to be ‘Gao Daquan’, with his teeth biting giggle.

I can’t wait to swallow him.

In fact, how do you say this person is also a generation of super masters? Mind fixation is not a trivial matter. It should not be because of these small things that lead to the collapse of the state of mind. Instability, so stigmatized by Chu Yang, unreasonable, unclear, naturally angered by Chu Yang completely.

He can even clearly feel that his lips are shaking, and his heart is beating fiercely; that is a manifestation of being enraged and very “normal” …

This guy got me to such a point, and he was still very excited, and your boy was fierce …

Thinking this way, the ‘King Old Fifth’ suddenly felt severe pain in the five internal organs; the internal organs, which were almost shattered by the enemy, showed signs of collapse again at this moment …

Hold back!

I must hold back!

No matter how I say, I am also a peak master. I must not be so annoyed by such a wretched guy …

Forbearance! I can bear it, I can’t bear it, I have to bear it again …

Finally wait until the Chu Yang is over and thank you, walk in arms with the ‘King Old Fifth’, and go straight to a restaurant.

“Who is your Excellency? What is the purpose for this?” The man gritted his teeth, and heavily gasped, reluctantly maintaining his grace.

“King Old Fifth … you …” said Chu Yang with a full face of innocent. Today Chu Yang‘s acting skills are really playing at Correct. I did n’t go to be a performer that year, it ’s a huge loss for Correct in the entertainment industry!

“I’m not the king Old Fifth !!! Why can’t you tell me to try the king Old Fifth again?” This man really couldn’t help anymore, and it broke out instantly.

“Well, Wang Old Sixth her brother, how can you do that?” Chu Yang is still improvising.

“Oh ~~ I’m going to be mad …!” The man slammed his head against the wine table, groaning in pain and crying: “What do you want?” Ah !!! “

At the table, Xiao Er, who just came over, was shocked: “Here, this … guest officer, little … little … come to ask the two guest officers what to order …”

“God ~~ where ~~” The man sighed in the sky, his eyes were straight, it seemed that already didn’t know what he was talking about.

Hundreds of thousands of miles in one’s life, once a sword has been a million division!

When have I been treated with such disgusting and terrible treatment …

Until Chu Yang ordered a large table full of wine and dishes, the man still had no eyes and didn’t say a word.

“Come and come, Wang Old Fifth … er, Wang Old Sixth, her brother, meet again after a long period of separation, we must drink a few drinks happily.” Chu Yang enthusiastically raised up wine cup-advise alcohol.

This man woke up as if in the **** of God, breathing a few breaths in a hurry, and suddenly looked at Chu Yang like an eagle, “Who the **** are you?”

Chu Yang smiles: “Who am I? Guess?”

The person’s gaze became deeper from the initial anger, and then he thought about it.

“Of course you won’t be a master!” said the man for sure.

“Well, you’re right about this, very rational judgement.” Chu Yang smiled, raised a glass, and invited wine.

“I’m definitely not the king Old Fifth!” When this person said this sentence, the muscles on his face twitched again, and his eyes became fierce in an instant.

Fuck, why the **** would I say such a bargain, who am I? I **** myself, I do n’t know, do you use others for sure?

“Uh, dare to ask the senior Gao surname?” What was the Chu Yang‘s wink? already knew that the heart in front of him was already moving, so it must not be stimulated again. If you have to ask the next sentence, are you Wang Old Fifth? , Don’t you know it yet? The two sides must be working on the spot. There is no other possibility. They asked in a modest and harmonious manner, and they were just like two people.

“Your image at this moment should be easy-tolerant.” This person turned a deaf ear to Chu Yang‘s questioning, looking at Chu Yang‘s face, coldly laughed: “Although this camouflage is very easy to understand, very natural, There are almost no flaws, but your eyes today are really too clear. With such clear eyes, you must not appear on such a vulgar face. You and I are all practitioner, and you should understand what I said. ”

Chu Yang nodded and said respectfully: “Taught.”

The respect this time is not intentional, but sincerity. Regarding this point, Chu Yang has been thought of before, but it is not as sharp as the person in front said.

“You camouflage, after accidentally found me, right ?!” This person said: “Generally Spirit Sense can’t find the trace of me if you don’t reach the high level of saints.”

“But you can’t understand that level, which makes me confused.”

The person’s inquiring eyes turned to Chu Yang.

In fact, if this is not the point, maybe this person has already known about Chu Yang, because Correct is uncertain about this, so there is an equal conversation between the two

“I really haven’t got that realm yet, and this predecessor is right.” Chu Yang admitted.

“You can’t find that realm but you have the ability to find me, that undoubtedly shows that your Spirit Sense is special.” This person said.

Chu Yang frowned header.

“And the most important point is that you have n’t reached the advanced level of saints, but you have the courage to dare to tease me like this. You should be aware that I was hurt before. In my current state, I ca n’t help you. Is this the guts ?! “the man said keenly.

Chu Yang still did not deny, nodded again.

The peak master is the peak master. Although I was a little bit frustrated by myself for a while, he changed in an instant. After a moment of adaptation, his mood returned to stability immediately.

“Here is Monster Emperor Heaven, which is the foundation of Monster Race, but you are obviously not Monster Race.” This person continued to analyze.

“You have no wickedness at all!” he said affirmatively.

Chu Yang nodded: “Yes, I am not Monster Race.”

“There are never many masters of Monster Emperor Heaven Human Race; Spirit Sense can be as keen as you, and it is so much more than its own cultivation base, it is scarce to the extreme, and it is no exaggeration to say that there is nothing in it.” killing intent was revealed in this person’s eyes: “Although you differ too much from the cultivation base in the rumors … but I think I probably know who you are.”

Chu Yang was silent for a while: “The predecessors are clear-minded and careful, Chu Yang admires it extremely.”

He smiled, but his expression turned cold: “It really is you!”

Chu Yang indifferently said: “Of course it is me, but my predecessor is now incapable even if he wants to kill me. Since he can’t kill me, why not have a drink with me? If there is a fate, how can we not get drunk? “

The man took a deep breath: “I may not really kill you!”

Chu Yang smiles: “You only have at most one blow; under this blow, you can either kill me or cause me serious injuries, but no matter what I do, you are after this blow. No doubt! “

“This is a big sale without any profit. I believe you will not do it!” Chu Yang smiled and raised his glass: “This wine is really good; the food is also good. Even if I die, I live, but today, Why not get drunk here! “

This man looked at him with cold eyes, and for a long time, a rare smile finally appeared in his eyes; “Yes, even if I die, I am drunk today, it’s not bad!”



The two raised their glasses together and drank a toast of the snow.

“Since you have a chance to conspire to get drunk, but you haven’t consulted your senior name, it is really rude.” Chu Yang eating the food.

Why after a word of drunkness, both of them are somewhat relaxed. Many of the previous cautions are now obliterate completely.

Everyone has reached realm each other, and this level of trust is always there.

The same Jiang Hu people, Jiang Hu wind and frost, we all experienced together, a space of peace in the moment and a half can always be created.

“I’m Calligraphy Crazed.” When this person was holding wine cup, it seemed that the momentum of the whole person changed immediately when he said his name.

“It turned out that King of Calligraphy‘s predecessors came to the local area!” Chu Yang said sternly: “Your long-known name is like Lei Guaner, and the moon is empty!”

“Lift me up like this? Are you sure?” Calligraphy Crazed looked at him with a smile: “Not a cliché?”

Chu Yang laughed and groaned: “I do n’t feel crazy after reading all the poems, I have always been the king! Bixiao Wu the sun and the moon above my head, I have a longer heart for longer!”

Calligraphy Crazed sighed softly: “I never thought you really knew me.”

Chu Yang said lowly: “In fact, my favorite poem of my predecessors is only the last five words.”

Calligraphy Crazed muttered: “The road is longer and the relationship is longer …”

“Yes.” Chu Yang smiled, this moment smiled warmly: “It’s a long way to go!”


Fuck, what I wanted to say in this chapter was written in the previous chapter … so I covered my face and walked away. (To be continued. Search, novels are better updated and faster!)

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