Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 849: heavenly fire

Therefore, in this more than one month, this place has not had the place where the souls have stepped on the inspection in the past few years, but it has ushered in dozens of inspections successively

Almost every day, people arrive here several times to check the brain life

However, no matter what method these lives use to check this brain-brain life, no matter how detailed their examination is, they can’t find any traces of Luo Fan and his power. They can’t detect that brain-brain life is doing at this time. What is it?

After all, no matter what means they use and what kind of instruments they use to check, they are only confined to the realm of mortal things, not to mention Luo Fan, that is, the intellectual brain life, has exceeded their cognitive limit. In this case, as long as Luo Fan and this brain-brain life do not want them to notice any traces, they will absolutely not be able to detect any traces

It is precisely because of this that there are all kinds of things that have happened over the past month

The intelligence that created the intellectual brain life is extremely mysterious, which contains infinite mysteries, and contains countless kinds of powers such as mysterious and strange changes at the level of thinking will. For mortals, such as this intelligent brain life , Perhaps it takes some tens of thousands of years to spend time just then can barely research out its various properties

But for Luo Fan who practice Great Principle Daoist Venerable heritage law, wanting to fully understand this intelligence, more than a month, is more than enough.

On this day, at a certain time one month and nine days after Luo Fan entered this space, Luo Fan suddenly opened his eyes suddenly, and the one he sent out was extremely mysterious but the quantity was extremely The insignificant power has been completely transformed into a kind of intelligence containing similar ideas and mysteries, a power that is generally the same as the intelligence existing in the body of the mind brain

After such intellect appeared, that brain suddenly felt his body, his thoughts, and all of his own, suddenly encountered a force that is not known to be tens of thousands of times stronger than before

In an instant, everything is out of their original position

Here again, he suddenly found that his body had completely disappeared, raised his head and looked around, and found that he had become a phantom of a brain with a diameter of only one foot, and not far away, a huge , The brain-like Fleshly Body is languishing with the naked eye, as if all Life Qi were completely deprived in a flash

An unspeakable and easy moment that occupies all the feelings of this intellectual brain life

It instantly understood that he was already out of the shackles of Fleshly Body, he had become a spiritual life, and was no longer confined to the artificial life deep below the core of the planet

Understand here, it suddenly feels a kind of joy that is almost crazy, and the body also changes with its violent fluctuations, and finally gradually transforms into a human form similar to this planet.

“This is the form that you are most familiar with” at this time, a voice was introduced into the mind of the mind brain life

That’s the sound of Luo Fan

That wisdom brain life converged its joy, looking at the source of the sound, it was found that Luo Fan was still the same as when it just appeared more than a month ago. It quickly landed its body and fell in front of Luo Fan. just then said: “I have already Free, you have fulfilled your promise”

“It’s barely free, but it’s not too much. I’ll find you a Fleshly Body” ​​Luo Fan with a smile, said

Fleshly Body? It seems that I don’t need it anymore. I am very satisfied with this form of existence. Without physical drag, without the influence of Fleshly Body feeling, I can fully exert my wisdom, think perfectly, and even control in a quick way. Everything on this planet, therefore, Fleshly Body doesn’t need to be “the brain of life is the appearance of a young man

However, this young man’s face is indifferent, or stiff, the whole person standing there is like a robot, there is no any small movements that normal intelligent life should have, and it can be distinguished from this intelligent life at a glance. Come on

Luo Fan is naturally indispensable. It is only a small matter for him to give this mind-brain life a thing. He can even condense such a body at will. If he wants to go to other places to find it, I am afraid it will increase. Simple and convenient

However, since this intelligent life is unwilling and extremely satisfied with the existence of such a spirit, he will naturally not insist on it

“As long as you want, you have to be mentally prepared. Your spiritual life cannot resist the natural environment like Fleshly Body. If you want to leave this planet, it’s better to get one With a sufficiently powerful Fleshly Body and the existence of such a spiritual life, the lifespan may be ten times shorter than your original Fleshly Body. Well, according to my calculations, one hundred thousand years should be the limit of the lifespan of a spiritual body like you. Unless you can break through the limitations of mortals, maybe you will find a long-life Fleshly Body to attach to, then you may have a long life.” Although it does not care, but when sending Buddha to the west, Luo Fan will still maintain such a spirit. Tell the weaknesses of the body and body

That wisdom brain life listened to the words of Luo Fan, and there was no slight change in his face, no change, not because of stiffness but no change, but because its emotions did not change because of Luo Fan’s words

“I understand that it’s not enough for 100,000 years, it’s enough,” said the wisdom brain life.

“It seems that you don’t plan to leave this planet, do you change your mind?” Luo Fan asked

“I didn’t change my mind. What I asked for was still to be free or free, but I suddenly realized that this state is already free and free. I don’t leave the planet without leaving. Any difference” that wisdom brain life says so

When Luo Fan heard it, he smiled slightly and said, “Since this is the case, let it be yours”

Speaking, I don’t say goodbye to that brain life. I took a step forward with a smile and then traversed a long distance and came out of the planet’s atmosphere

Look down and look at the planet, eyes through the thick atmosphere, but find that the conditions in the planet are still orderly, or more stable than the order added more than a month ago

At first glance, Luo Fan knows that although the intellectual brain has acquired a body like the spirit, it has not given up control of the planet itself, but because of the change of the body, it has lost the shackles of Fleshly Body. The depth of control, the smoothness of the addition

“It seems that it has regarded this as his home. I didn’t expect a kind of life born of intelligence to have such courage to do this” Luo Fan sighed

With his wisdom, how could he not know how the mind-brain life was planned? He knew as long as the mind-brain life did not give up control of the entire planet after leaving the Fleshly Body. After the brain-brain life was freed from Fleshly Body, the decision he made was not to leave alone to pursue more. To pursue above all things, but to decide to reverse the trend of the times, to lead this planet above all things, to take this planet to get rid of

So knowing that you can’t do anything, you can see that it has such feelings for the planet, and you can feel its unimaginable courage

Such emotions, such courage, make Luo Fan have to be moved

“Unfortunately, how can the trend of the times be so easily reversed? Even the sages must use the trend of the times to accumulate countless years to reverse the trend and want to lead a planet to reverse the trend of the times. Isn’t it so simple?” Luo Fan sighed and just wanted to leave here. Suddenly he moved, stopped and looked up towards the sun in the center of this star system

The sun looks very ordinary, and it emits infinite light and heat in all directions all the time

At this moment, when Luo Fan suddenly looked towards the sun, the sun suddenly changed, and a large hand formed by a flame condensed from the sun’s surface, which was as unimaginable as possible. Rushing out of the surface of the sun, with a long stream, walking through the light will take tens of minutes, and suddenly covered the Luo Fan down

This big hand has a hundred feet diameter

It’s extremely huge for Luo Fan’s conceptual avatar, but it’s so insignificant compared to the astronomical scale that even life on many planets in this galaxy can’t detect its existence and can’t see that huge. Incomparably great hands

This big hand is very cohesive, the light above becomes extremely restrained because of the extreme cohesion

Therefore, the long stream dragged out by this big hand is still shining in the beginning, within a fairly long scale range, but when it comes closer to the place where the idea of ​​Luo Fan is located, it becomes dull. Black holes that look almost dark

“The existence of Xiantian Great Principle” instantly, Luo Fan understands what kind of existence this shot is.

If such an existence appears in person, there may be many dangers for him, but it is just a little strength passed from the distant Space and Time. For Luo Fan, even if this idea is a split, it is basically every With any danger

His thoughts were just a move. In an instant, the big hand around the void change had the mystery of great consummation, which could almost change everything and affect everything, but there was no way to change the void, and it seemed to be separated from Luo Fan. Two completely different Space and Times generally pass through Luo Fan, but they can’t touch Luo Fan at all

Grabbing around randomly several times, smashing the void to pieces, producing a violent energy storm can’t affect the Luo Fan that seems to be there in the phantom, then the big hand shrank slightly, so it was not in Luo Fan Stopped in the distance

Then its shape gradually changed, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a flamboyant body

After the body of the fire is formed, it compresses quickly, and in a blink of an eye it compresses into a normal human body as high as Luo Fan

This man is the Innate Dao Body look familiar to Luo Fan, but a middle-aged man in a fiery red robe. The man’s hair is like a burning flame, burning the surrounding void, which is changing from moment to moment. In my own form

This middle-aged Daoist looks angry at this moment, and screams when he appears: “Your Daoist is so rude, and the poor Dao has been waiting here for millions of years. It is easy to establish such a test site containing many civilizations. You As soon as I break the balance, and make millions of years of poor efforts into a bubble, what do you say?”

Luo Fan smiled when it heard this person’s words, and said, “How do you say this person’s arrogance for what purpose but can be said directly, if it makes sense, I don’t care about what you just then did to me, if Unreasonable, I would blame you for being unkind”

As soon as the middle-aged Taoist heard Luo Fan‘s words, his face was slightly irritated, and then he became angry again, saying: “Your Taoist actually wants to quibble at this moment, really think that the poor can’t be bullied? Come and let the poor know how unkind you are”

Say, this person is full of vitality, and he is overwhelmingly facing all directions

When such an Xiantian Great Principle momentum is triggered, the range covered by it will spread to the entire galaxy in an instant, covering every planet in this galaxy, so that all the creatures in this galaxy are in a flash At this time, I realized that there was a terrible, high, and extremely perfect existence in the position of Luo Fan and this person.

For a time, the entire galaxy was silent, almost all the activities of the creatures stopped, and for a time, the entire galaxy became silent

This terrifying power shows how terrible and how out of existence Xiantian Great Principle is in this Earth Universe

Luo Fan frowned, said: “Does the Taoist think that such a school can hide the existence of the same level as Xiantian Great Principle? What do you say or say it directly? If you do it, the result may be changed. Too irretrievable”

The words of Luo Fan are still indifferent, but the momentum of his whole body is already entrenched. Although he hasn’t come out yet, he is always ready

The existence of Xiantian Great Principle may be higher in the realm than he is at this moment, but it is just that he is at the level of True Body of Earth Universe

This Magical Abilities realm, such supernatural powers, is that True Body comes in person, Luo Fan is not very scared, and can stand on top with him, not to mention here is just a little power projection, or it is How could he be afraid of him with a Clone?

Don’t say that he still has True Body in the back, his son is just a conceptual doppelganger. In front of him, this Clone has a backer, he also has and is also very stable, and it is also too powerful to imagine in this situation. Naturally, he wouldn’t be kind at all

His unremarkable words made the middle-aged Daoist on the opposite side slightly stagnate for a while, and he fell into hesitation for a while

His various styles, all show that he must not be as angry as the surface and must have other things to find Luo Fan. If not, since the star system is his testing ground, since he is entrenched here For a million years, how could it be possible for Luo Fan to stay for more than a month without discovering his existence?

Know that the arrival of Luo Fan does not have too much cover up, too much concealment, that is, the intellectual brain life generated by intelligence can also find traces of his existence through various speculations, not to mention the existence of the generation of Xiantian Great Principle

In this case, if this person is really as angry as he said, and he cares about the balance of this galaxy as he said, where could Luo Fan be allowed to act at will? In this more than one month, he can say that he has countless attempts to stop the shot, and any one of them is much better than it is at this moment

Since he has so many good opportunities, he does not choose and chooses such opportunities at this time. Where could his purpose be as simple as he said?

“You Dao…” The middle-aged Daoist hesitated for a while and suddenly smiled, saying that the vitality that enveloped the entire galaxy suddenly and suddenly recovered, and recovered within the body

As his momentum regained, everything in the entire galaxy returned to its normal trajectory, the entire galaxy became Life Qi, and became heavy and lively

Of course, this kind of hilarity is different from the one that hasn’t experienced the just then before. It’s much more hilarious at this time. The hilarious life after the disaster can be expected. Since today, everything in this galaxy All creatures will have more awe, awe of heaven and earth, of the universe than before

However, these have no meaning for Luo Fan

After seeing this person acting like this, Luo Fan also smiled, knowing that this person has changed his previous thoughts, and does not intend to start anymore, but has relaxed a lot for a while

Although he is not afraid of this middle-aged Taoist, but he has not practiced Great Success at this time, that is, the vigorous inheritance method of Daoist Venerable can only be regarded as just getting started, and his own magical power has not been improved to what he can do at this time. The Peak achieved at this moment, his fighting ability can’t be fully exerted at all. When fighting this middle-aged Taoist, if he leads his True Body after all, he still has a greater chance of running away, even if it is Luo Fan And won’t like to run away. Therefore, it’s better not to fight if you can’t fight.

“Poor way heavenly fire, I don’t know what to call Fellow Daoist?” The person smiled

“My name is Luo Fan, I have seen heavenly fire Fellow Daoist“, and since this person has already introduced himself, Luo Fan must naturally respond

“It turned out to be Luo Fan Fellow Daoist, just then is a poor way to see the same people for a long time, so it was a itch for a while, just then pretended to be angry, Fellow Daoist shot, rudeness, I hope Fellow Daoist don’t want to care” The heavenly fire Taoist salutes Luo Fan Road

“So it turns out, just then heavenly fire Fellow Daoist surprised me,” seeing this, what else can Luo Fan do? I can only laugh at the matter, or can I still grasp the attitude of this person before, insisting that this person give him no explanation? To be continued)


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The 849th chapter of the extraordinary Great Desolation heavenly fire

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