Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 792: Final entry

Original Chapter 792 final entry

In the process of Luo Fan doppelganger, he passed the time he felt himself

And the mystery of this channel directly separates the Space and Time changes in the channel from his feeling of time. Although he feels that a long time has passed, this channel has not entered with him. There is no difference in this passage.

Even, even his own body did not seem to have moved at all. It seemed that during the long time he had broken through layers of Space and Time, and the feeling of advancing a very long journey seemed to become an illusion.

In a trance, in the sense of Luo Fan‘s avatar, 360,000 years have passed.

On this day, the infinite energy around the Luo Fan avatar suddenly stagnate, and suddenly disperse silently.

Even because of foreign objects, the energy fluctuations that are ten times stronger than when nothing passes through the channel have disappeared without a trace, as if there were no external substances in the channel at this time. .

The cessation of this energy reveals the Luo Fan avatar that has been encased in energy for 360,000 years.

It is a strange body. The head of this body is larger than that of Innate Dao Body, the arms are several points longer than the normal Xiantian, and the body is slightly smaller than Innate Dao Body.

The combination of these changes makes this body look like a big orangutan, but it is similar to the image of that person. Although the appearance is still the appearance of Luo Fan, it is complete. Almighty can be regarded as the soul of heaven and earth.

This body is naturally the body formed after Luo Fan practiced the two practice methods.

This body not only looks completely different from his True Body, but also inside, and is completely different from his True Body.

Luo Fan sensed his body slightly, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

Although this body is fundamentally different from Innate Dao Body from the inside out, it is also flawless, and it also contains some incredible mystery, which fits a certain supreme magic, and its magical use for practice Innate Dao Body is not weak at all, and even wins a point in some angles.

“This should be to open up the existing body form of Tianyuan Datiandi.” Such thoughts flashed between Luo Fan‘s mind and mind.

This body is a form suitable for practice after he completely replaced the mysterious qualities of his own mind from the Great Desolation heavenly zone with the mysterious qualities of Tianyuantiantiandi.

The determination of this form is just like the determination of Innate Dao Body by Luo Fan between Great Desolation heavens and earth is a body suitable for spiritual practice, it is the body of the practice of Tianyuan Datiandi, or Innate Dao Body of Tianyuan Datiandi. The appearance of a world suitable for spiritual practice is naturally determined by the pioneers of the world.

The reason why the Great Desolation world is Innate Dao Body is suitable for practice, is because the Pangu that developed Great Desolation is the appearance of Innate Dao Body.

Inferred from this, the reason why Yuanda Heaven and Earth was suitable for practice at that time was that the appearance of Luo Fan‘s avatar at this time should naturally be the appearance of the existence of that great world.

However, at this time, Luo Fan is in such a state, what is the appearance of the body can no longer hold his heart. Not to mention that only the proportion of the body becomes different from the past, but the entire flip becomes mole crickets or ants.As long as it is also suitable for practice, Luo Fan will not care at all, and will not feel any discomfort with this. Keep your familiar body shape.

So, after expressing his emotions about the roots of this body, he put it aside.

At the beginning of my thoughts, I found that the two meditation methods in my body were inexplicably connected with past and future, but they were extremely vague, and there was no way to truly break through the limitations of past and future.

Knowing that I was still one step behind, I couldn’t let these two practice methods truly break through Space and Time, Standing Aloof past and future, and only sighed secretly.

However, this sigh did not make him too frustrated. After all, his initial goal has also been completed.At this moment, he is not only thinking that all the essence of divine soul has been completely assimilated with Tianyuan Datiandi.In the future, he will enter Tianyuan Datiandi as if dripping into the sea. Be careful, but it will not be easily noticed by the sage but is a visitor from outside the world.

And this body is mysterious. Not only does it have the qualities suitable for practicing in Tianyuandatiandi, it also contains the infinite rules and rules inside this channel, and even the misty Great Dao, which is completely self-contained, just like a small independent world, Blending with all the rules, rules, and Great Dao in the surrounding passages, its movement is like the natural circulation of rules, rules, and Great Dao, and there is no trace of inharmony at all.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that although this body is more solid than the avatar that was condensed from the idea of ​​360,000 years ago, the power it possesses is many times stronger, but it never inspired this channel. Instead, the reaction of internal energy is like the void of no substance and no matter. Let the infinite energy run through, and it will not cause any special energy fluctuations.

Besides, he felt that the two practices were extremely complicated three hundred and sixty thousand years ago. The incomparably profound mysteries have already fully understood their origins, and even engraved those two practices completely on his own. In the source of life.

This achievement is quite amazing, and it has even reached an incredible situation.

If it is to be expressed, it is, if at this moment, all his memories of these two practices, even if they are associated with any trace of the two practices, are completely erased, He was also able to recreate these two practice methods in a hurry, and even the created practice methods may be more refined and streamlined.

At this level, Luo Fan has no doubts about these two practices.

The heart is touched, knowing that this is the moment to deliver these two cultivation arts to True Body and let your past practice the two practices.

Therefore, from the beginning of his mind, he has a very mysterious, even mysterious connection beyond Space and Time established between this avatar and True Body.

After a little enquiry, I knew that what I was in contact with was True Body before I had obtained these two practices. Without any hesitation, I passed the two practices directly.

Luo Fan‘s True Body is naturally inexplicable to this, but Daoheart is after all tough to be almost immortal, so there is not much reaction, and there is not much communication with the avatars at this time, and these two practice methods After that, the connection between each other was cut off directly.

The avatar of Luo Fan finally feels relieved after True Body‘s connection with the avatar is completely cut off.

Although from the perspective of obtaining these two practice methods in the past, he must pass them back before leaving this passage, but this is after all a strange process of reversing cause and effect, even if he is Daoheart tough The soul is perfect, and it must be quite stressful before this causality is completely completed.

Therefore, at this time, the cause and effect are finally completed, and the other side will be much easier.

Relaxed for a while, he was agitated and born in his body, which is completely different from his previous magic power, but the level has reached Great Principle Scattered Immortal Peak.

Because his body and strength have completely merged with the countless singular Space and Time inside this channel, he really seems to be a lot easier than he used to be in this channel, so it takes a lot of time to break through. At this moment, Space and Time seems to be non-existent, let him pass through at will, without any resistance to him.

Therefore, he was in this passage for the first time feeling that he was advancing and that the distance from the other exit of the passage was shortening.

“The time of 400,000 years is not in vain.” The thought of the Luo Fan avatar could not help but such a thought.

But it was just a thought.After that, he realized the two practice methods with his heart, worked hard to absorb the energy of the outside world, tempered his body, his own divine soul, his own ideas, and strived to improve The body, divine soul, the purity of the idea, and strive to deepen their integration with the outside energy.

Although he was initially qualified to integrate into Tian Yuan Da Tian Di at this time, it was only preliminary. To really make a difference, to enhance one’s own strength, it is inevitable to enhance one’s own Magical Abilities.

Because two basic problems have been solved, this avatar no longer needs any help from True Body in Great Desolation heaven and earth, and there is nothing to pass to True Body, so in the process of passing through the channel afterwards, He never contacted True Body again.

This time is not too long, or it is not too long compared to the previous 400,000 years.

In his feelings, about eight hundred years later.

Somewhere in his sight, suddenly there was a dark darkness, like a bottomless abyss, leading to an unpredictable cave.

This cave looks very similar to the entrance of the tunnel that was seen in the small world of Great Desolation world, even if it feels like it is the same!

At this moment, Luo Fan instantly understood that he had reached another entrance to the passage.

“Behind that, Tianyuan is the world.” Luo Fan stopped his body, an emotion of excitement, anticipation, and anxiety filled his mind, making him almost unable to maintain a calm attitude.

Of course, after all, he is a spiritual and Daoheart consummate existence. After a while, he completely stabilized his emotions.

His thoughts moved slightly, his figure gradually disappeared, and gradually disappeared between the invisible, where only the endless energy flowed like the running water, where he existed. All traces disappeared in an instant.

This method is not the other, it is a hidden search method that he extended from those two practice methods.

Although the two practice methods are divided into two parts, the essence is the only one. They both realize the essence of the heaven and earth, and are all integrated into the power of the heaven and earth.

This kind of method naturally possesses a hidden search method that is fully integrated into the energy of Tianyuan. How much power does this method of concealment have, can it hide the existence of the saint level, this point Luo Fan is naturally unsure, after all, what incredible magical power does the existence of the saint level have, he can’t even imagine at this time . However, this method of stealth has reached the extreme of what he can do, he can converge, everything that can be hidden has completely converged, completely hidden, can be merged with the surrounding energy with the help of energy surge shock Have already merged into it.

If it is still not possible to escape the sense of existence at the saint level in this case, then there is no way for Luo Fan, only to discard this avatar.

The so-called do your best to listen to God, but that’s all.

The thoughts in my heart are teleported, and an inexplicable connection is established between Doppelganger and True Body.

This time it was established but it didn’t deliver much. It directly shared all its own perceptions through various complicated processes, so that True Body felt like everything it could feel.

At this moment, the True Body contacted by the avatar was one day after the avatar entered the channel three thousand years later, and also the longest distance between the avatar and the True Body.

The True Body of Luo Fan was still sitting at the entrance of the passage at this time.

Suddenly sensed that the avatar contacted through the channel of spiritual connection, and knew that it had reached the exit of that channel. Can’t help but extract most of the ideas that he has already entered into the void Everlasting Palace to realize the inspiration of the soul, return to True Body, and lock the mysterious spiritual connection, and strive to perceive the variety passed from the avatar.

The avatar and True Body are the same self, the same wisdom, and the same mind.Therefore, True Body naturally has no doubts about the purpose of the avatar, but it does not need any words at all, and then understand that the avatar is good and bad. The intention-if it is noticed by the saints, it will pass back the scene of the moment when the saints might encounter, so as to avoid any gain in case.

“However, it is not too likely to want this saint’s shot.” Although it is a bad plan, the True Body of Luo Fan does not think that this kind of bad may appear.

The saints are omnipotent. If they really value Great Desolation heaven and earth, and pay attention to this channel, where would that person let that person alone enter the Great Desolation heaven and earth through this channel? Even if this channel is only Great Principle Scattered Immortal level cultivator, there is hope to pass, more How about sending dozens, hundreds, and thousands of Great Principle Scattered Immortal? He can’t do that. There is no such amount of Great Principle Scattered Immortal under the sage.

Therefore, from the perspective of Zun Zun entering Great Desolation alone, the saint should not pay much attention to this channel.

Since it is not very important, it will naturally not pay attention to it all the time. It may be that some Great Principle levels are arranged to protect this channel.

In this way, although you still have to take a lot of risks to enter the Tianyuan world, but after all, it is not impossible to succeed.

True Body is thinking of lightning here, but Luo Fan’s avatar has begun to slowly move towards the entrance of the channel.

This passage is very mysterious, but after all, it requires infinite energy to maintain, and it can even be said that it consumes endless energy every moment.

Therefore, the entrance looks dark and dark, as if no light can enter the general, but in fact there must be an infinite amount of energy flowing in from it, constantly supplementing the consumption of this channel. Only in this way can the integrity of this channel be maintained.

In this case, the power at the entrance of this channel is surging, and naturally there are countless energies that are impacted and changed to change the direction of flow, so there are still many outflows when the infinite energy is influxed.

So like this, Luo Fan uses energy to leave this channel but it is not too abrupt, it will not be impossible without success.

The avatar of Luo Fan slowly moved to the entrance of the passage, and after hundreds of breaths, it was already a wonderful barrier to the entrance of the passage.

Although this channel has to enter into it from the infinite energy of Jieyin in Tianyuan Datiandi to maintain its integrity, after all, it becomes Space and Time in the channel itself, which is fundamentally different from Tianyuan Datiandi outside the channel.

Therefore, there is still some kind of barrier between the two. Although this kind of barrier does not prohibit the entry and exit of energy, it is also quite tough.

Contacting this barrier, Luo Fan felt an indescribable majesty penetrating the bone marrow.

This kind of majesty is endless and has incredible power. It seems that as long as a trace of it is revealed, the Luo Fan avatar, the True Body in the world of Great Desolation, and all the existence related to him can be completely obliterated.

Sensed the power of this barrier, Luo Fan couldn’t help but feel nervous.

From the perspective of this barrier, if you trigger a counterattack on this barrier, not only your own avatar, even True Body will be wiped out, but it is different from what he had previously thought, how can he not be nervous?

It’s just that the arrow is on the string, but I have to send have come here at this time, how can Luo Fan give up without a try? Therefore, his avatar gnashed his teeth and hit it like running water. To that barrier.

The barrier does not have any blocking effect on the energy at all, but in an instant, the Luo Fan‘s avatar produces a feeling of passing through the infinite Space and Time, an incomparable vicissitudes, incomparably vast, and incomparably profound mysterious breath came to the face, instantly he Everything around the body, inside and outside the body, from the core of divine soul to the end of the hair is completely saturated.

“It turns out that this is Tianyuan Datiandi. Sure enough, this is Tianyuan Datiandi…” Can’t help it, Luo Fan gave out an inexplicable emotion.

No matter how detailed the description of the previous respect is, no matter how much he has obtained from the respect for Tianyuan Datiandi, after he really entered Tianyuan Datiandi, he found out how pale the language is, the real Tianyuan What a great shore, how vast, how mysterious Datiandi is.

Therefore, there is such a complex emotion at this time. Unfinished Book Renewal

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