Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 691: Big 0 world

At the moment when he gave birth to this kind of enlightenment, some darker than black thoughts were passed through the mysterious channel beyond which he could not find any traces beyond the infinite Space and Time, which is unknown far away! Win the call fee

These are the ideas from True Body in Great Desolation world

When receiving these memories, in an instant, there was an infinite scene flashing between his mind and thoughts, and in a trance, his memory added intermittently, just before it was perfectly completed. What we feel is weird missing memory

“It turns out that all traces of the existence of the sword maniac have been completely erased by the Earth Universe‘s anti-bite force. If it was not True Body, it was not in Earth Universe, and if I reacted quickly, maybe it was already like the Rainbow Shadow Lord. “After receiving these memories, Luo Fan is completely clear about why he felt so weird before.

It’s just that, although it is clear, he dare not put it into words, and there is no way to activate Hong Yingzun’s memory of the sword maniac

After all, this erases the existence of the sword maniac in any soul memory, whether it exists in any Space and Time or not, it is this magnificent Earth Universe with infinite power. When the sword maniac opening heaven fails, it’s all After the traces are erased, it has become a supreme rule and rule of Earth Universe

In this case, Luo Fan can use the True Body in the Great Desolation world to re-remember everything about the sword madman. It can be said that it violates this kind of supreme rules and rules. These memories can not be erased, It is already a blessing that the connection between the True Body splits is mysterious. If he dares to declare these memories to his mouth, even if the connection between True Body and the splits is in the mysterious, the supreme rules and rules of Earth Universe are also Will definitely be touched

When you reach the eyelid, your own supreme power comes, and his memory will be completely erased by the person who heard these words

At the time of introduction, he was able to retrieve these memories again through the connection of the True Body split. Other people who heard these words would never have this opportunity

As a result, he will not declare these words to his mouth, the result is general, and it has no meaning at all. In this case, why should he say it?

With a slight sigh, Luo Fan can only express regret to the sword maniac and Hongying Zun

Sorry for the sword maniac, that is naturally because he managed to open up a small and unstable world at the last moment, but he eventually failed, and all the traces of existence were erased by Earth Universe

The regret for Hong Yingzun is that he lost all his memories about the sword maniac, and naturally he also lost all the insights he had gained while watching the sword maniac opening heaven, and lost all the information he received at the time. And those insights, those messages are extremely precious to any Xiantian Great Principle cultivation, even enough to let them see the existence of a breakthrough road. How can this make Luo Fan not regret it?

After regret, he will not waste time

The thought moved slightly. He already knew where he was at the moment and the time had passed. At the moment, the position where he appeared was that the world of swords that the sword madman opened up in the Space and Time gap corresponded to this Earth Universe. The location and the time of his appearance are almost three years from when he first entered the Space and Time gap

In other words, if the sword maniac has not been erased from all traces of Space and Time, he may still be able to see the world of the sword when he enters the gap of Space and Time at this time. He can even see Earth Universe in the world of sword. The origin of the universe

However, this kind of nature is impossible

Luo Fan‘s thoughts turned, and his figure became nothingness, completely integrated into the void

After an instant, it has appeared somewhere in the middle of the river system some tens of millions of light years away

There is a huge black hole in the middle of this river system. This black hole has a strong and unmatched gravity. The internal Space and Time has been completely changed by the strong gravity of this black hole, and it has become a very strange, very mysterious and strange form.

This form of Space and Time exists, as if time has been suspended, and it seems that the outside world is equivalent to millions of years inside! The space for winning calls is extremely compressed into a subtle size that can hardly be described by the size. Small point, it seems to be a vast space that has been expanded to hundreds of millions of times.

It’s mysterious-it’s almost impossible to describe with words

If Luo Fan is met with a sword lunatic, it’s an intrusion from a building    寙 from the fierce 獪 獍 threshold  Rui   arrest ㄈ blaze rock Yue Yong   Yan Yue ?br/>

But after he met the sword maniac, through the memory of the sword maniac, through the realization of his whole process of opening heaven, the black hole has no secrets for him

Using this black hole·Nature is not a difficult task

Therefore, at this moment, Luo Fan has no hesitation at all. His body was shocked, and he stepped on a virtual span, and then directly stepped into this black hole with infinite gravity, and even the inside of it was completely changed by Space and Time. Medium

It seems that his way of entering is just a direct one, but the whole process is full of an indescribable mystery. In a flash, his body looks like a mark, the whole Earth Universe It seems to be loaded on it at this moment, making the endless gravitation of the black hole seem to be non-existent to him, so that he hardly received any impact, and he easily walked out of a darker than black trajectory and entered Among the black holes

As soon as he entered the black hole, a confusing feeling of Space and Time flooded into Luo Fan‘s heart. He felt as if he had lost all his strength and was thrown into the gap of Space and Time, which could only be involuntarily under the action of infinite Space and Time. Waves drifting in general

The black hole has no secrets for him, so he naturally expected it

So, when this feeling appeared, the Great Principle behind his head was slightly shocked, and there was a stream of air flowing away from the Great Principle behind his head, starting to follow some kind of mysterious complexity around his body. The way began to circulate

As these air currents rotate, an indescribable force acts on the surrounding Space and Time

Under the influence of this force, the surrounding Space and Time began to gradually change, and an extremely stable Space and Time with only a hundred square feet was directly formed

The body of Luo Fan is suspended between the Space and Time of a hundred square feet. Around this Space and Time, the colors of fantastic oddities of every description are in a seemingly chaotic manner, but in fact, they flow in accordance with some extremely deep rules. The Space and Time is constantly circulating around

At this moment, the Spiritual Consciousness avatar of Luo Fan suddenly appeared out of thin air in this Space and Time

The Spiritual Consciousness avatar of Luo Fan did not follow him when he accepted the invitation of the sword madman to enter the Space and Time space. Instead, he followed him in a unique way of the Spiritual Consciousness avatar, and finally went to the sword madman’s sword world. Earth Universe corresponding location

In the next three years, he has stayed there, realizing the anomaly of that position and realizing all traces of the sword world

Of course, the ultimate harvest is naturally quite small. After all, the sword realm developed by the sword madman is between the infinite Space and Time gaps, and its hidden depth is extremely deep, even if this Spiritual Consciousness avatar can observe everything from the perspective of the power of the nearly Earth Universe origin, But it is also difficult to find the sword realm hidden in the extreme depths

This situation continues until the time when Luo Fan breaks away from the sword realm

When Luo Fan retrieved all the memories related to the sword maniac, this Spiritual Consciousness avatar naturally retrieved all the memories, and the same · because of this, he possessed all the insights that Luo Fan gained in the sword world, although I did not really fully understand the mysteries that Luo Fan learned when watching the sword madman opening heaven-but it was enough to make his magical powers further improve

This enhancement of power makes this Spiritual Consciousness clone easily follow True Body, and easily enter the black hole with True Body behind

The Spiritual Consciousness avatar appears at this time, and it’s not just to show its existence

This Spiritual Consciousness doppelganger is also Luo Fan. Naturally, there is no need to communicate with True Body. The thoughts between each other are understood. I have already understood what it is for me to appear

At present, two groups of darker than black‘s bizarre brilliance flashed in the eyes

These two groups of brilliance seem to be from the most refined to the pure, incomparably close to the power of the universe’s origin. After they appeared, they were operating every one of this process in an incomparable mysterious way every time. The subtle movements seem to project some kind of Earth Universe hidden Great Dao profound mystery. During the whole process, it seems that the Great Dao is projected on these two groups of brilliance in a strange way

After the appearance of Guanghua, the Spiritual Consciousness avatar of Luo Fan raised his hands and slowly outlined in the void

His movements are so slow, as if they were just ordinary movements of ordinary people, without any power. But these movements are engraved between Space and Time. As engraved on Great Dao, every movement passes, and the void is natural. Condensing strange powers that are invisible and cannot be described by words

These forces include time, space, earth Water-Fire, wind and yin and yang five elements, all qi, gang qi, and infinite Stellar Essence Qi, almost all power forms that exist in Earth Universe are included in Among them general

These forces seem to contain the entire universe

There are more and more movements of the Spiritual Consciousness avatars, and these natural cohesive forces are more and more. In the end, a trajectory cannot be described in the void that can not describe its complexity, forming a square Space and Time Strange three-dimensional pattern full of densely packed

At the moment when the three-dimensional pattern completely filled the entire Space and Time, the Spiritual Consciousness clone twitched its hands and suddenly jumped out one point

In an instant, this three-dimensional pattern has skyrocketed hundreds of millions of times, directly breaking through the limit of this square Space and Time, breaking the Space and Time barrier in an instant, constantly expanding outward, and continuously expanding the scope of its influence.

As this pattern, which cannot describe its complexity, continues to expand, the endless colorful singular existence around Space and Time is gradually incorporated into this pattern in some obscure and mysterious way

With the endless colorful and strange existence included in this pattern, a larger and larger Space and Time was gradually opened up

This Space and Time directly replaces the Space and Time that was originally developed by the True Body at random. Its spatial stability and time stability are far beyond Earth Universe. After all the holes he has seen, after Intermediate Wide World, directly Reached the level of Great Wide World

With the expansion of this Space and Time, there is gradually an infinite Innate Primordial Qi derived from this Space and Time, which gradually fills every inch of the Space and Time, making this Space and Time gradually become a dream of cultivator coveted holy place

The pattern keeps expanding

I don’t know how long after that, the pattern finally expanded to the extreme and finally completely stabilized

At this time, the entire black hole has been completely replaced by this Space and Time. The entire Space and Time has a total of 30 million square meters. Among them, there is a land of 10 million square meters outside the land. It’s a sea of ​​20 million miles.

On this land, there are alpine mountains, grasslands, forests, long rivers and lakes in the plains and mountains. Almost all the existence that a complete world should have, there exists on this land

It is above the ocean, dotted with countless large or small islands

The terrain on these islands is very similar to the terrain on the central land. It is also the existence of everything a complete world should have, just like a miniature world

The changes in the whole world have not stopped changing at this time. The endless Innate Primordial Qi is still continuously derived from the sky and gradually filled between this world, gradually making the concentration of Innate Primordial Qi in this whole world become more and more The higher it is, the more horrible it is

Finally, when the concentration of Innate Primordial Qi reached the limit, and even the Chaos Primordial Qi was derived, this kind of Innate Primordial Qi was born out of thin air just then stopped

At this time, the huge and unmatched pattern spreading across the entire Space and Time and the entire world seems to have collapsed as if it has never appeared in general. It has not transformed any power at all, but directly transformed into nothingness

“Sure enough, it is still somewhat reluctant to develop Great Wide World” At this time, the Spiritual Consciousness avatar of Luo Fan suddenly sighed with emotion

After the emotion, the whole body was shocked, and the whole body collapsed in an instant, which was directly transformed into two strange airstreams

The two streams of air are extremely light, as if they are completely weightless, but they will instantly rise to the highest in the lightest primordial qi, indicating that the other stream is extremely heavy, as if it is the hardest and heaviest No matter can stop its sinking, it will be crushed by it and let it sink directly to the bottom.

As soon as these two airflows are generated, the light airflow will soon rise upwards, and in a flash, they have reached the top of the sky and earth, and at the moment when they reached the top, they produced some incredible change, and finally For the starry sky to become the huge and unmatched, to provide the entire sky and earth with an infinite amount of bright sun and moon

The incomparably heavy airflow went down in an instant, and finally broke through the barrier of the earth, and landed directly to the deepest point of the entire heaven and earth. At the same time, when it reached the deepest point, it produced incredible changes and directly turned into one. The long river is earthy yellow, and there are countless to cloudy to turbid, bizarre primordial qi that condenses into a substantial liquid, and among these bizarre primordial qi, countless bizarre souls are constantly in accordance with some very wonderful-rules Is born

After the birth of these souls, after traveling in this strange river for a period of time, they will touch some wonderful-rule and disappear in this river

When it disappears, there will be a creature born with either complete Spiritual Consciousness or no Spiritual Consciousness in the world above it

And when any creature in the above world dies, a soul will naturally be born in the bizarre river, and a very profound mysterious reincarnation will form between the two.

The thought of Luo Fan suspended in this world is moving, and the time flow of this whole world will be accelerated to tens of millions of times outside

One year outside, tens of millions of years have passed in this world

The whole world has undergone countless earth-shaking changes during these tens of millions of years. Hundreds of highly intelligent civilizations have been born and destroyed, prosperous and declining. After tens of millions of years, they are now returning. The scene just before creation

There are only a few low-level, ordinary creatures in the whole world, barely exist

If you insist on being different, it is that the number of souls in the river at the bottom of the world has increased to an incredible degree, and it is almost densely filled with that strange river. In addition, by this time, the ability of the strange river to derive souls has completely disappeared. All souls born in this river can only be supplemented by the death of the souls in the upper world

The reason for this change is obviously that the number of creatures that this world can carry has reached the limit it can bear, and no more creatures can be added

At this Fan just then‘s thoughts are slightly moving, the time flow of this world is slowing down, and finally it reaches the level of Earth Universe‘s time flow. just then stopped.

After stopping all this, Luo Fan exhaled for a long time, and his pale face slowly faded due to the excessive consumption of power by accelerating time, and the ruddy gradually reappeared on his face

“My abilities are really inferior to sword madmen. Sword madmen can barely develop a small world of the same level as Earth Universe in the state of chaos. I just developed a Great Wide World. I have to pay the price of avatar. “Luo Fan smiled bitterly and thought

This world is a fairly complete Great Wide World

This point can be seen from the natural evolution of Great Wide World in the past tens of millions of years. If this Great Wide World is not complete, the evolution of these tens of millions of years is enough to make a huge change in the entire world. Even the whole collapsed directly

At this time, the entire world is still able to maintain the state it was in when it was first developed, and even Innate Primordial Qi is not much different from the original. This is absolutely impossible if it is not a complete Great Wide World

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