Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 656: Replace it?

. Chapter 656 replaced it?

At this moment, Luo Fan is at a time when it is about to leave. Although this state is not the most vulnerable moment of Luo Fan, it is the most relaxed moment in his heart compared to other moments. First: Send

The golden light did not contain any power, but its own special ng is almost in line with Great Dao. All power and all defenses have no effect on it.

It is untouched and seamless in Luo Fan that can prevent him from being affected by any foreign things, and it has no effect on this golden light.

As you can see, in an instant, the golden light had already passed through the circle of influence of untouched and seamless, directly rushing in from Luo Fan’s eyebrow Niwan Palace, and in a blink of an eye grasped the roots of Luo Fan practice, followed directly Somewhere in Niwan Palace, the mysterious position of darker than black is directly drilled into his Sea of Conciousness

The moment Luo Fan came to the body, it was already reacted, knowing that something had to invade his body.

It is just that although his reaction speed is extremely fast, the speed of the golden light is faster than his reaction speed, and the golden light contains a breath of Great Dao blessing, which directly disintegrates his body. All defenses, before he began to resist, had penetrated into his body, and then into his Sea of Conciousness

“This is the Spiritual Consciousness of that existence.” At this moment, Luo Fan has reacted, and the thought flashed between the mind and the mind.

His Sea of Conciousness world is now filled with that huge Qingyun, then the Fusing Dao three huā are scattered people, and the whole Sea of Conciousness world is calmed. It can be said that the stability of this Sea of Conciousness world, even if it is not comparable His True Body in the world of Great Desolation is definitely not much different.

However, in this Sea of Conciousness world, under that Spiritual Consciousness, it is like a sieve, and it cannot resist the shuttle of Spiritual Consciousness.

I can only see that between the flashes of the Spiritual Consciousness, it has not touched any Qingyun at all, nor has it spurred the Fusing Dao three huā of the solid heaven and earth people, and appeared directly before his divine soul, and easily broke Kai Na’s untouched and seamless range of influence is much larger than his in vitro strength, and he has penetrated into divine soul.

At this time, Luo Fan just then sensed all the movements in the Spiritual Consciousness, convinced that that golden light was indeed the Spiritual Consciousness that existed like the repair of the Xiantian Great Principle before it was destroyed by the air and the entire planet

“This body will be so wonderful, it seems that it is only one step away from breaking through the shackles. It is as strong as my original body. I occupy this body and may be able to truly break through the shackles of the original source and become a real cultivator. The unspeakable joy of the realm of power is revealed from that Spiritual Consciousness.

This Spiritual Consciousness way of revealing darker than black is not an ordinary creature’s Spiritual Consciousness that usually exudes ideas, but it is revealed through some kind of way that cannot be described in words by virtue of the special ng that is in line with the Tao.

If it is outside, with Magical Abilities of Luo Fan, it is impossible to feel the dissipation of ideas in this way. After all, if that idea can be sensed, how can Spiritual Consciousness invade his body without his perception?

However, the situation is different now.

At this moment, the Spiritual Consciousness has entered the depth of divine soul of Luo Fan. Under these circumstances, any changes in the depth of divine soul are in his perception, no matter how the idea is revealed. It must be revealed that under the circumstances that everything is limited to the depth of its divine soul, he can easily be perceived by him.

“Is this one of those Spiritual Consciousnesss that escaped before, or the Spiritual Consciousness that escaped from the destruction of the planet?” Luo Fan is not panic even in such a dangerous situation, even there are still I thought so.

Even, there was a faint smile on his face.

“It’s just a Spiritual Consciousness without power. Even the Spiritual Consciousness, which is similar to the Xiantian Great Principle repair, is just a Spiritual Consciousness. If so, Spiritual Consciousness can occupy my body, then I would rather “suicide” directly. “” Luo Fan murmured in his mouth, his thoughts moved slightly, and he suddenly produced countless incredible changes in the depths of divine soul.

Hundreds of millions of worlds were created out of thin air, instantly filled his entire divine soul, and directly wrapped that Spiritual Consciousness into one of the worlds

These worlds are not the real world, but only a change of divine soul. Its essence is still divine soul and Luo Fan’s spiritual origin.

It’s just that these worlds have been transformed, and his divine soul has become more complex than all living creatures’ imagination. Compared with this magnificent Earth Universe, it is even worse than a truly complete world.

However, it also made his divine soul more complicated than it was before.

Using divine soul to transform the world. This may be unimaginable to other creatures. Even if some cultivator with higher Magical Abilities can barely do it, the transformed world must only be constructed from its memory. Even if the resulting world is complicated, it will definitely not make divine soul more than ten thousand times more complicated.

But Luo Fan is different. Luo Fan has long been familiar with the divine soul transfiguration world. It is exhausting the entire Earth Universe. There are hundreds of millions of years in the past. All cultivator can’t be compared with it. You know, I don’t know For thousands of years, Luo Fan has evolved divine soul into countless worlds almost every moment, to test the immortal brand that is deep in his divine soul, and through these world transformations, it almost contains the immortal brand All the Great Dao Xuanao are converted to Character Script. With such a sparring object, Luo Fan originally knew nothing about the divine soul fantasy world, and now it can definitely surpass all the creatures of this Earth Universe, not to mention that Luo Fan originally opened thousands of Little Wide World, Intermediate Wide World between Great Desolation heaven and earth. The understanding of the nature of the world is beyond the imagination. Using divine soul to transform the world is simpler than real development. I don’t know how much. How can he know nothing about the divine soul fantasy world?

In this case, although the Spiritual Consciousness has an essence that surpasses Luo Fan divine soul, it can only be constantly moved and continuously moved in the world transformed by divine soul, and is eventually changed by all kinds of changes in those worlds. Entwined, can only shuttle one world after another, but can’t break through these worlds at all. Really come into contact with the origin of Luo Fan‘s divine soul, can’t enter the place where Luo Fan divine soul is deep enough, really obliterate the origin of Luo Fan, and replace it

Even, this Spiritual Consciousness is constantly showing all kinds of incredible magical powers in the process of constantly traveling through those worlds, reflecting some kind of realm that Luo Fan dreamed of, allowing Luo Fan to have an in-depth and detailed understanding of that realm. , So that he may even realize that realm in the end, let his Magical Abilities realm achieve a breakthrough beyond imagination

It can be said that when the Spiritual Consciousness is entangled in the infinite world transformed into the depths of Luo Fan divine soul, it has become the existence of an immortal brand similar to the depth of Luo Fan divine soul, and the threat to Luo Fan has been weakened. Nearly zero

After temporarily solving the sudden Spiritual Consciousness, Luo Fan just then will bet on the outside world and carefully observe the surroundings.

It was discovered that at this moment, he was no longer in the mother-child system.

But, likewise, he is not locked before him, the lonely, stable planet he wants to reach, but in a place of incomparable silence, surrounded by emptiness, I don’t know how many light years there is Among any stellar Void of the Universe.

Even the Void of the Universe here is full of primordial qi and all kinds of free energy, which are all the most common and the most common Void of the Universe he passed in the past.

Without stars, there is no planet reference.

And primordial qi is no different from the other most common Void of the Universe, so naturally there is no primordial qi reference.

Without any reference object, in this endless earth Void of the Universe, I don’t know where I am

In other words, the Luo Fan at this time has been lost in the infinite void of this Earth Universe.

Discovering this, he could not help but smile bitterly: “I didn’t expect an inattention, it was the way.”

Before, he was being invaded by the Spiritual Consciousness in the moment he was traveling through the void, and he was almost replaced by the Spiritual Consciousness, taking the body. In this case, even if he is determined and Daoheart is successful again, he can only concentrate all his attention on his body and the depth of his divine soul.

Therefore, for the changes in the outside world, it is impossible to control at all, and can only let himself be used to send him randomly, and can not lock his destination at all. In the end, just then shuttled for some unknown light years and appeared here. In a void.

If he had just appeared in this void, he recovered and directly grasped the movement generated by the shuttle void, and naturally could flow upstream and move back to the mother-galaxy again against the space. However, just then all his mind was concentrated in the depths of his divine soul. Although it was not a very long time, it had at least a few days. This empty movement has already subsided, where are there any traces left? Where else could he return to the son-mother galaxy with the remnants of this space motion?

After a bitter smile, Luo Fan did not panic much.

For him, there is no essential difference anywhere in this Earth Universe, in any space. In fact, there is not much difference between him and his original target.

In addition, he has countless means. If he insists on recognizing his position at this time and insists on returning to the mother-child galaxy, it is not impossible, but it takes a little more ng effort.

As soon as it comes, Luo Fan quickly adjusts its mentality, looking at all directions from up, down, left, and right in this Void of the Universe, without any gravity, naturally there is no real Up and down, real left and right, real front and back, but Luo Fan needs a direction, naturally it will directly determine the up, down, left and right, back and forth in its own posture at this time.

After the binocular vision condenses, Luo Fan‘s eyesight is more than ten thousand times stronger than before.

The light from the stars beyond the extremely distant void that was not visible before was finally caught by him.

The thought moved slightly, he locked his right front, his eyes were condensed again, and he faintly saw a spiral-shaped light spot exist beyond some tens of thousands of light years.

This spiral shape is extremely familiar to Luo Fan. After thinking a little, he suddenly realized that it is the so-called Milky Way…

“It turned out that I had left the galaxy unconsciously.” Luo Fan smiled slightly and shook his head.

Turning his head, he looks upwards obliquely-there is also a light source there.

Increase his eyesight, he finally saw a light spot similar to a conical top. Although the light spot at that spot is much weaker than the light from the Milky Way, the size of the light spot is much larger than that of the Milky Way. Obviously, it is a river system farther away than the Milky Way, but on a larger scale.

When I saw this river system, Luo Fan faintly felt that there was a certain existence in the river system related to myself.

At the time when Luo Fan is in this state, just then is the most credible feeling that cannot be described in words. Therefore, although it has long been decided to retreat somewhere, Luo Fan instantly changed the originally determined retreat location and locked its retreat location in that river system.

It has been decided that the thought of Luo Fan is slightly moved, and the void is directly torn open and penetrated into it.

This ability to tear apart the distance from the sky to the far distance is naturally not limited by any distance, but in the realm of Fusing Dao three huā, this limitation has reached a huge scale relative to the entire Earth Universe Above.

Obviously, the entire Earth Universe contains an unknown number of billions of rivers. The distance between the two rivers is insignificant for the entire Earth Universe. The location of Luo Fan at this time is the same as that of the river. Distance, it is naturally impossible to really touch that limit-if not, Luo Fan cannot directly tear the void from the child-mother galaxy in the Milky Way and randomly shuttle here…

Therefore, after tearing the void, just after a few breaths, Luo Fan passed directly through the boundless void and came directly out of the river system like a conical top.

When truly standing on the edge of this river system, Luo Fan just then truly felt the hugeness of this river system.

At just then and other extremely distant locations, he saw the river system as a cone-shaped gyro, but when he came here, he saw a huge, unmatched, dense, star-filled starry sky

With his eyesight, he can’t see the whole picture of the river system at all, nor can he see that he is in the shape of a conical top.

“Compared to Great Desolation heaven and earth, the creatures in Earth Universe can feel their own insignificance more. They can also produce awe.” Luo Fan could not help expressing such emotions in his mind.

The vastness of the Great Desolation heaven and earth may be no less than that of the Earth Universe, but between the Great Desolation heaven and earth, the creatures are looking at the endless earth, the endless mountains and rivers, and the difference from ordinary people looking around on the planet is not counted Too large, so the shock is naturally similar to ordinary people imagine the planet on the planet.

But in this Earth Universe, standing between these Void of the Universe and looking around, the tiny and insignificant brilliance in the distance and far away is a huge, enough to tolerate the unknown billions of stars, A circle of light that appears in the starry sky may be a river system that can accommodate an unknown number of billions of such stars, or even a hazy light and fog somewhere, a river that accommodates an unknown number of billions of river systems. Lineage…

I can imagine the strength of this shock.

Even Luo Fan suspects that it is a saint, afraid that he can feel his own insignificance from this shock, and thus awe of the entire Earth Universe.

This difference in awe may be the reason why the saints of the future generations of Great Desolation and the saints of Earth Universe have different styles.

According to legend, the saints of Great Desolation heaven and earth only regard Great Desolation heaven and earth as a chessboard. For their own benefit, they can even break the chessboard and split Great Desolation heaven and earth into countless parts.

And this saint of Earth Universe is what Luo Fan understands, that is, the entire Earth Universe is regarded as the supreme existence that needs to gather the power of all the saints to fight, even to reverse the cháo current of the times, only in the times On the occasion of change.

The difference in behavior between the two is evident from this.

After flashing this inexplicable comparison between the mind and the mind, Luo Fan directly left these thoughts behind. The sage is the realm above Great Principle. For the Luo Fan, which is still seeking Great Principle mystery at this time, it is too far away, and it has far exceeded his limit of understanding. It can be said that no matter how confident Luo Fan is at this time The idea, even if he is willing to use ng life to be angry with real ng, compared with the real facts, there may be a world difference.

In this case, he guessed that the various realms of the saints were simply self-seeking troubles, and he would naturally not spend too much money on it.

When I came to this river system, Luo Fan felt that the place that was hidden in his connection was still so is still traceless?br/>

After all, this river system is really too big. There is not much difference between the river system and the river system compared to the huge scale of this river system.

It can be said that in such a huge river system, among so many stars, even with the power of Luo Fan, even if there is a faint induction, if you want to find a certain place in it, it is still Needle in a haystack.

After realizing that it was impossible to reach that place directly by this kind of induction, Luo Fan shook his head and carefully sensed some nearby stars.

Finally, the most stable star was selected, and the virtual span was stepped up, which directly crossed the distance of tens of light years and came out of that galaxy.

The central star of this galaxy is about ten times larger than the sun, and there are more than three hundred planets in the galaxy.

It’s just that there are many planets, but no one can form a suitable ecological environment, and there is no life on any planet at all. This is not surprising. This Earth Universe is so vast. The planet with life is only after all. Very few, very few, this inanimate star system just then is the most common.

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