Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 504: Robbery (4)

Chapter 504 The Extermination (4)

This huge heart is crystal clear, and the whole body is shining like diamonds. Although it has infinite colors, it is very strange and transparent.

In the center of this heart, there is a volatility and change, like a silhouette with hundreds of millions of changes at all times sitting on its knees, stretching out hundreds of millions of bonds behind its head like a bond The strange light belt communicates every inch of this huge heart and controls the most subtle changes in every point of this heart.

“So powerful, it must be the great magician. However, even if you can get here, it is impossible to break my “Great Freedom of the Magnificent Heart”. It is a kind of supernatural power passed by the last sage Lord in the magic, but it needs to absorb at least one of the heavens and places can be cultivated, and it needs to take the mirrors of the heavens as the core. The original deity thought that this superpower is never There may be a chance to refine it, but I don’t want to have this opportunity today, but it is thanks to you.” There was such a voice in the heart that shocked all living creatures divine soul.

“Originally absorbing one heaven and earth can be cultivated. Now you have absorbed hundreds of thousands of heaven and earth. If you want to come to this magical power, you should have begun to refine the spirit and close the path, but it is also enough to use.” Luo Fan looked at this “Great Freedom” “Go to Universe”, finally answered the words of the free devil in front of him for the first time.

The magical power and the law are the existence of using one’s own power to achieve one’s own purpose through various powers Jieyin and supreme Great Dao.

Any magic power and any magic formula have different realms.

Normally speaking, the magical powers and tactics that have just been successfully cultivated, although they can make Jieyin out of a certain kind of power of Great Dao, but they are just barely. I want to really push this power to the limit, completely It is almost impossible to achieve the effect of this kind of power by the supreme Great Dao itself.

And if you continue to practice this magical power and magic formula, and continue to refine it, you will one day be able to refine this magical power and magic formula to the Peak realm.

After reaching Peak, this magical power and law will change mysterious and strange. From the original Jieyin out of the supreme Great Dao some kind of power really turned into that power itself

Then, it’s the magical powers that come back from the void and become enlightened

This process has a name, that is, refining the spirit and resolving the virtual.

In fact, after this magical power and the magic formula return to the virtual and the Tao, there is still a realm, that is, the Tao.

This state of darker than black cannot be described in words, and its power is also unimaginable before reaching it.

For a magical power and a magic formula to truly achieve such a realm of Taoism, it requires not only the practitioner to expend infinite energy to practice and refine, but also the exquisite mystery of the magical power and the magical formula itself to an extremely high level. Only.

According to the various magical powers that exist in the world of Great Desolation today, there are really thousands of magical powers that can truly have the opportunity to fulfill the realm of Taoism.

And most of them are magical powers created by Luo Fan. Even if it is not created by Luo Fan, it is also obtained by other Innate God with the help of Pangu Origin Spirit.

Even Luo Fan, in addition to the main magical powers and tactics recorded in the “Dao Fruit Great Dao Sutra”, like the “Strongman Summoning Secret Art“, “Yin-Yang Surveying Algorithm“, “Heavenly Kill” that he used before The magical powers of the gods cannot even meet the requirements of the Tao.

This “Magnificence of Great Freedom” is the first time Luo Fan has seen the supernatural powers that can rejuvenate and subvert the imagination.

Although there are some magical powers created by other Innate Gods in the Great Desolation heavens and earth that can qualify for Taoism, except that he is very deep because of the Magical Abilities realm, he can practice a magical power tactic every time and can promote it to return to the virtual. Outside of the realm of enlightenment, he never saw any Innate God able to advance the magical powers and tactics he had learned to return to the realm of enlightenment and enlightenment. As for the more advanced Taoist realm, even Luo Fan itself cannot be achieved because it does not put too much thought on a magical power, let alone other Innate God.

It is for this reason that when I saw this great supernatural power, Luo Fan gave birth to a lot of interest that was not originally there.

“Practice the gods and make them imaginary? I didn’t expect that spiritual practice would have this state. It seems that the previous Saint Lord did not impart all the unreserved deities.” The free devil heard Luo Fan and said with a sigh .

“There are generally three realms of magical powers and magic formulas, initial success, deficiency, and Taoism. As long as they are magical powers and magical powers, they can generally qualify for initial success. However, there are only some subtle magical powers, In order to be able to dissolve the deficiency, you must be at least a supernatural supernatural power to be able to dissolve the Tao. To qualify, your so-called “Great Freedom of the Great Devil’s Heart”, although there is the word “superior” in Above, it is not a real supernatural power, at most it can only achieve the realm of emptiness and enlightenment. From the naming of supernatural powers, you can know that the previous Lord of the Lord said in your mouth does not know how to correctly convert supernatural powers, The law is classified, but it is not that he has reservations for you.” Luo Fan smiled faintly.

At this moment, in front of the so-called “Great Freedom of Heaven and Earth”, he felt no pressure in his heart.

For him, the supernatural power of entering the process of refining the spirit and deficiencies was too low for him. Even if it absorbs more power, there is not much threat.

Not to mention that at this moment, he is a body generated by Blood Drop Rebirth, and also has Taiyi Dao Fruit in Dantian. Although he can exert all kinds of powers compared to True Body, he can also play True Body. One thousandth of the power, far exceeding all Innate God between Great Desolation heaven and earth, is to destroy the world and just wait for leisure, how can you fear the free demon in front of you?

“It turns out that. Since you are so kind to explain the misunderstanding between the deity and the previous generation of Lord, the deity sent mercy and let you die happily.” Na Zi said in his mouth.

Say, the huge heart trembles suddenly.

Next, the light of mysterious and strange, which was flooding the infinite void around it, suddenly turned violently. And after a short time, it will contract violently at an extremely fast speed.

In a blink of an eye, a huge spherical existence wrapped around this magic heart, showing the scene behind the mysterious and strange light.

It’s an endless void, with infinitely distant lights above and beyond.

It looks like Void of the Universe in the virtual world, but it is fundamentally different from Void of the Universe.

Although there is nothing in Void of the Universe, there is still space and time. The location here is that even this space, time does not exist. It is like nothingness.

And what seems to flash in the infinitely distant place is not the stars, but one after another Foreign World

Stepping on this void of nothingness, Luo Fan could not help but understand somehow. It is naturally known that the seemingly infinitely distant light is actually no distance from the location here.

As long as he wants, he can take a step and go around that little light, or even walk directly into that light.

After all, there is no space at all in this void, and there is no time. For there is no space, where there is no time, distance, length of time, naturally there is no meaning. It seems that no matter how far away, there is no difference from being close at hand. It seems that it takes a long time to achieve it, and there is no difference in location here.

“Originally, no wonder achieving Taiyi Dao Fruit was so easy before…” Luo Fan suddenly realized.

Before Luo Fan was a little surprised, after all, it seems that achieving Taiyi Dao Fruit even the Magical Abilities realm with the half-step Taiyi True Count of True Body seems not so simple to be able to do. According to the original calculation of Luo Fan, it will take at least 10,000 years to truly consolidate into .

But it was only for a moment before, almost he could do it in a moment, and it was very different from that calculation. At that time, although Luo Fan did not directly consider this point, in fact, there was a little doubt in the heart.

Until this moment, he really knew the nature of this piece of void in front of him, and he just then really understood the mystery.

At the same time, he also understands why the “Great Freedom of the Great Devil’s Heart” is so fast that he can begin to refine the spirit from the initial state, and even reach the high state of the near path.

“It seems that practice is a good choice here.” So moving in his heart, he folded his hands together and gently pulled out.

In the blink of an eye, a gray light slowly condensed from his hands.

This gray light is like substance. Although it is just a light, it makes people feel that this light seems to have existed here since ancient times, and will continue to exist forever, no power can Get rid of it, or even shake it

“Sure enough.” Luo Fan smiled at the light.

This ray of light is a supernatural power, a supernatural power of “Variety and Magical Magic Soldier” created on the scene of Luo Fan.

The complexity of this god, even if it is placed in all the magical tactics of Luo Fan, is also a first-class existence. Even if it is not comparable to the “Three Thousand Worlds”, it is no less than the “opening heaven Land Breaking Law”.

According to normal, if you want to cultivate this magical power, Luo Fan That half step Taiyi True Count The power of it will take at least ten thousand years just then It may be repaired.

But at this moment, it just took a few breaths, and it was already fixed at the moment when he put his hands together and then separated. And it still directly crosses the realm of initial success, and directly cultivates the realm of imagination and becomes enlightened

From this, you can know how mysterious and strange there is no time and no space here, and how strange it is.

When any magical power or magical law crosses the realm of virginity and enters the realm of virtues to become virtual, its power can be improved by a thousandfold or the next is that the ultimate thing is that this magical power will have some kind of similarity. The immortal nature

The supreme Great Dao is born with the birth of heaven and earth, and mysterious and strange that disappears with the annihilation of heaven and earth.

And when a magical power reaches the state of emptiness, it is in fact that it has achieved some kind of power of Supreme Great Dao. To some extent, it has formed a certain very mysterious and strange connection with Supreme Great Dao, and naturally has Some kind of supreme Great Dao characteristic.

Want to destroy this kind of magical power, unless the practitioners disperse or crush it with stronger magical powers and magic tricks, otherwise, it will always exist and never be destroyed.

That is to say, if at this moment, if Luo Fan casually discards this “Variable Thousand Fantasy Magic Soldiers” in any heaven and earth, then this magical power will exist forever and never die until Great Desolation heaven and earth Before destruction, it will exert its unpredictable power.

Luo Fan raised his hand with a light stroke, and the gray light suddenly rushed, and immediately came to the top of his head three feet, twisting and changing, and there were millions of forms constantly changing every moment. Changed, even a person with even stronger eyesight can’t really tell what form it is.

And at this moment, the light in front of Luo Fan that envelops the magic heart has condensed into a three-headed six-arms, standing in the void, with two nine-headed giant snakes at their feet, each pinching six different kinds of six hands Giant in the form of a handprint.

The giant is extremely tall and corresponds to the previous magic heart.

Comparing the size of the giant with the size of the giant, the heart of a normal person is compared with the whole person.

The three-headed, six-armed giants have different looks on their three faces, one indifferent to ice, one smiling, and one glaring. That indifferent face made anyone look at the involuntary heart like stagnant water, afraid that even if his father died in front of him, he wouldn’t be moved. And that smiling face can make anyone look at it and have joy from the bottom of his heart, even if the whole family is dead. And the glaring face can make anyone feel angry from the bottom of my heart, even if it is a cave flower candle, a gold list title, a long dry season, and it is the same in other countries

This giant is formed by the ray of mysterious and strange.

That magic heart is at the heart of this giant.

Although the whole giant is condensed by light, it looks like real flesh and blood, and there is no difference between it and real flesh. Even Luo Fan can sense the boundless blood from the giant, the strong Life Qi.

“Come to death.” The giant opened his three mouths at the same time, and the voice of indifference, joy, and anger together showed some kind of alternative charm.

After speaking, the handprints pinched by the giant’s six arms slammed toward Luo Fan at the same time.

There is no distance in this void, almost just a moment, the handprint has reached the top of Luo Fan, like six huge heavens and earth rolling down towards Luo Fan.

Luo Fan faced these six huge handprints, but his face did not move. With one finger, the gray light above him shook suddenly, and turned into a giant punch, which turned into six giant hands and pinched six fingerprints upward.

The six handprints created by this magical power are tougher, more mysterious and strange, and more powerful than the six handprints above it.

The twelve fingerprints collided two by two, and a shocking explosion occurred in an instant.

There is no time, no space, there is an infinite thunder from the void, the shock wave of the explosion is far and near, and it is instantly transmitted to the infinite distance, so that the infinite world that can be seen by the naked eye tremors violently, It seems that it will collapse soon.

Three murmurs superimposed in one place.

The six handprints of the giant collapsed, and the six handprints of the magical power of Luo Fan directly shattered the six arms, and followed the six arms upwards, and blasted directly at the body of the giant In the past

The magical power of Luo Fan‘s “Hundred Thousand Fantasy Magic Soldiers” has become virtual, and the magical power of the free devil, “Great Freedom of Heaven and Earth, Devil’s Heart”, is only refining the power of the virtual, but only the near Dao, the distance from the Dao. There is one final tip. The two are in two completely different realms, but the gap between them is quite conceivable.

Even the “Great Freedom of Heaven and Earth” has absorbed all the power of hundreds of thousands of Foreign World, but it cannot close the huge gap of this realm. At the moment of collision, the magic heart condenses The attack naturally collapsed.

The free devil obviously didn’t anticipate this incredible change. With a roar, the huge body revealed a ray of mysterious and strange.

One thousand arms condensed in an instant, and the mysterious handprints of the respective strong mysterious and strange were directly printed on the six handprints condensed by Luo Fan supernatural powers

Know that this “Great Freedom of the Heaven and Earth” has absorbed all the power of hundreds of thousands of Foreign World. In terms of power alone, it is stronger than “Hundreds and Thousand Fantasy Magic Soldiers”. Such a handprint that consumes infinite power is more than twice as natural as it is.

Luo Fan looked at the thousand handprints, smiled slightly, and turned around. The positions of the six handprints changed slightly, and a mysterious and strange battle array was formed in an instant, with an eternal power generated in this battle array out of thin air.

This eternal power, mysterious and strange, has no place. Once generated, it exerts its supreme power, in a wave.

Thousand of fingerprints suddenly stagnate, and they are instantly frozen.

At this moment, the six fingerprints condensed by “Hundreds of Changed Fantasy Soldiers” directly pass through the gap between these thousand Press directly towards the giant.

There is no time or space in this location. After losing all barriers, the handprint directly pressed the giant’s body.

Another earth-shattering sound, like the destruction of heaven and earth, like the creation of the world, and the loud noise of the collapse of the universe from the places where these six fingerprints touched the body of the giant.

Next, one world after another emerged out of thin air. This endless, empty space without time and space was replaced by one world after another. The surrounding environment is constantly changing, he transforms into Unrestrained Heaven, revolves supremely, Nirvana annihilates the sky…

One world after another exploded from the body of this giant, and another force rushed out of the body of the giant as these worlds exploded.

As the world and power flowed out of the giant’s body, there was still a powerful impact that could not be described

Under this impact, one side and another from the giant’s body and the other side collapsed into infinite fragments, forming unknown vortexes of mysterious and strange through unknown locations , Swarmed in and eventually disappeared.

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