Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 366: 1333325!

Chapter 336th chapter 133,330,325!

In an instant, the body of Everlasting Child Attendant sitting cross-legged on the fetal egg suddenly exploded with billions of light.

The hundreds of millions of light is flooding the mysterious place developed by the whole “Three Thousand Worlds”, which is constantly impacted and fused.

This singular existence of extreme distortion of time and space is changing rapidly in this process, but in a flash, it has been transformed into a wide hall of darker than black

At this same moment, the entire Summit Approaching Palace within Little Wide World was slightly shaken, and then completely disappeared within Little Wide World.

After the disappearance of Summit Approaching Palace, that sacred mountain that stood like able to support both heaven and earth in the middle of the Little Wide World continent became an ordinary pole peak.

Even the cloud that was originally shrouded on the mountain and the mysterious and strange battle array that prevented other creatures from stepping on the sacred mountain and disappeared completely in a flash

As the Summit Approaching Palace disappeared within Little Wide World, the mysterious and strange formed by the profound strength of the “three thousand worlds” was transformed into a wide hall, and the details in this hall were awesome It is the scene within that Summit Approaching Palace.

The hundreds of millions of light in Everlasting Child Attendant gradually disappeared as the palace became more and more complete.

When the light on his body completely disappeared, the true shape of Everlasting Child Attendant finally appeared.

At this moment, although Everlasting Child Attendant is still ten years old, it looks like a vicissitudes of time.

He seems to have some kind of close to the limit to the supreme Great Dao in the underworld. It seems that it only needs his first thoughts and one opening, then the supreme Great Dao will change the world and respond to the changes, letting nature change .

“It really is Taiyi…” Luo Fan saw a faint smile on his face.

The performance of Everlasting Child Attendant is so impressive that it is the limit of Taiyi and Standing Aloof treasures of fairy roads

“Thank you master for your success.” Everlasting Child Attendant stepped forward to Luo Fan after converging the light, and bowed down and thanked.

Luo Fan smiled slightly, raised his hand and flicked, and a huge force was generated, holding up Everlasting Child Attendant, saying: “Why don’t you thank you, you have made progress, and it is also a great benefit for me. You only need to control me in the future. Intermediate Wide World and Little Wide World are enough.”

“Wuji Promises.” Everlasting Child Attendant‘s eyes seemed to flash a little, and he bowed again.

Luo Fan nodded and raised his hand gently, then Lightning Pond in the depths of this temple suddenly turned up countless waves.

The transformation that was originally suppressed during the waiting time erupted completely burst out

In the blink of an eye, the water in the entire Lightning Pond broke through the limits of Lightning Pond, and its volume increased by hundreds of millions of times, quickly spreading its impact in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, the entire palace has been directly submerged, even the fetal egg representing Intermediate Wide World, and even Luo Fan at the foot of Everlasting Child Attendant is no exception

After the Lightning Pond pool water submerged the ground of the temple, it rushed violently, and it seemed that there were countless strange sounds coming out of it.

Luo Fan took a light step, and then came to the temple with Everlasting Child Attendant. His feet were just the Intermediate Wide World fetal egg (Little Wide World was in this fetal egg, but needless to say).

The area of ​​this hall seems to be very large, seemingly endless, but it seems very narrow, only a few feet square. The height is the same, it seems to have infinite heights, but it seems that there are only less than one person…

The location of Luo Fan at this time is directly above the middle of the temple, looking down, it seems that every inch of the entire hall, every room appears in his eyes, but it seems very low, just under the feet The endless waves are all liquefied electricity waves, which may be destroyed by the waves at any time.

The thought moved a little, he left a hood, Lei Jiuyi, Rayling and his ten Yellow Turbaned Strongman were all included in Qiankun within sleeve.

At this moment, there are countless Life Qis in the liquefied electricity condensing quickly.

Like the sea, the world is changing.

At the blink of an eye, liquefied electricity has transformed countless strange creatures condensed by pure earth-moving thunder

The strange creatures condensed by Tu Xinglei are not fabricated by Luo Fan, but are naturally condensed by Lightning Pond pool water, but they can also be called Xiantian creatures.

Such Xiantian creatures naturally contain great mystery-the biggest performance is that there are mysterious and complicated 3D Character Seals in the body of each strange creature

The 3D Character Seal in these creatures contains the origin of thunder, any one of which 3D Character Seal is enough to form a mysterious and very thundering method, containing incredible power.

Luo Fan raised his hand in a false grasp.

A thunder dragon-like creature appeared in his hand.

The Thunder Dragon Spiritual Consciousness is chaotic, hazy, and it has a terrifying power in one shot, but it seems quite gentle to the Luo Fan, tame, wriggling slightly in the hands of Luo Fan, following the arms of Luo Fan It is entangled upwards, and looks extra dependent.

Every body of light flickered around it, and each light contained enough power to turn a gigantic peak into powder, hitting Luo Fan, but did not make Luo Fan feel a little bit of pressure…

A faint look appeared on Luo Fan‘s face, and the real pupil of Sun and Moon flickered, already seeing the complex 3D Character Seal in this Thunder Dragon’s body.

“Originally, it is the lightning method I realized…” After seeing it clearly, a trace of a sudden flickered in the mind of Luo Fan.

Although the countless creatures born in this Lightning Pond are born in heaven and earth, but because of the influence of the breath emitted by Luo Fan for tens of thousands of years, they naturally evolved the various methods of Luo Fan comprehension…

The condensed creatures underneath the hundreds of billions of thunder thunder represent the thunder method realized by billions of Luo Fan

Raise your hand and give it away gently. The Thunder Dragon, which is very dependent on Luo Fan, was sent to the liquefied electricity below.

The structure of this hall is the structure of Summit Approaching Palace. Although it has been submerged by the huge amount of liquefied electricity, it has not damaged its approximate structure.

Luo Fan raised his hand gently, and the hall changed slightly, as if it was shrinking, and it seemed to be bigger.

In a blink of an eye, it has become a small island in a vast expanse of thunder.

The location of the island is exactly where the original central platform of Lightning Pond is, that is, on the fetal egg that represents Intermediate Wide World.

Although the whole island is uncovered, it gives people the feeling that the whole island is a magnificent palace. darker than black is wonderful.

As the island returns.

The entire Void Everlasting Palace, the entire Intermediate Wide World, and the entire Little Wide World experienced severe shocks.

Every time this mysterious shock occurs, this Intermediate Wide World, Little Wide World, Void Everlasting Palace seems to be more integrated. Every concussion is like refining steel, and the three are constantly fused.

It’s just that the island finally stabilizes.

Within a million-mile range around Great Desolation heaven and earth Mount Buzhou, suddenly, no creature could distinguish the type of smallpox.

There is also a voice that sounds like the universe of heaven and earth is talking about the supreme magic.

Fragrant fragrances filled the sky and earth.

A multicolored sunlight that any creature feels extremely beautiful covers the entire Mount Buzhou, even out through it, rushing into the endless starry sky above, making the entire Great Desolation heaven and earth appear in the endless starry sky compared to hundreds of millions of stars. Be dazzling

These visions lasted a full hour, and just then completely disappeared.

This Magical Weapon was made by Luo Fan, and everything that happened in it was naturally felt by Luo Fan.

In the blink of an eye, he already knew that the void Everlasting Palace was finally refinished

Looking up and walking, his figure has disappeared.

When it appeared again, it was already in that Intermediate Wide World.

The location of that temple is not a fixed space, but an incredible place created by the profound strength of “Three Thousand Worlds”.

This location can be connected to every space within the void Everlasting Palace, which is higher than any world in the void Everlasting Palace.

The time flow velocity in this location can also be equal to any time flow velocity in this void Everlasting Palace.

Before, Luo Fan realized the Taiyi Dao Fruit multi-party, but the time of Everlasting Child Attendant’s transformation here was not shorter than that of Luo Fan. It was also a multi-party

When I came to Intermediate Wide World, the position occupied by Luo Fan was still above the 10,000-meter high peak.

Looking down, I can see that the endless Life Qi has evolved in this Intermediate Wide World.

There are all kinds of plants and trees, and there are even countless beasts naturally generated.

Luo Fan is not surprised by the formation of Life Qi. After all, Little Wide World is dependent on this Intermediate Wide World. Although it is not controlled by Luo Fan, under the rules of heaven and earth, this Intermediate Wide World will still naturally evolve out of Little Wide World. everything of.

If there are hundreds of thousands of years, let’s say Intermediate Wide World is not a wild animal, even humans and demons will evolve

Take a deep breath, Luo Fan‘s mind is combined with the entire Intermediate Wide World.

In an instant, there is endless light and shadow, unlimited information, and endless mysteries flowing through his mind and mind.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Fan has fully grasped the entire Intermediate Wide World

Some thoughts move a little, and the time flow rate of Intermediate Wide World accelerates quickly,

From the original Great Desolation world, 36 times faster, 37 times… 38 times… 50 times… 60 times… eventually increased to 365 days in Great Desolation world Times

The limit that a space can be faster than the superior space time is reached

When this multiple is reached, no matter how Luo Fan urges it, no matter how he thinks about it, he can no longer increase the speed of time…

When the time flow rate of Intermediate Wide World is accelerated to this point, the time flow rate within Little Wide World has increased to an extremely terrible situation

At this time, the time flow rate within Little Wide World has increased to 133,325 times

This terrifying speed means that in the past year of the Great Desolation world, it will be 133,325 years within the Little Wide World.

When the time flow rate of Intermediate Wide World is stable at this multiple, Luo Fan is equivalent to having endless time.

With a slight thought, Luo Fan stepped up and walked lightly, and then he entered the Little Wide World hidden behind Intermediate Wide World.

When I got this Little Wide World, I felt a slight perception, and Luo Fan could not help but smile bitterly.

At this time, the content of primordial qi in this Little Wide World has been reduced by dozens of times than before.

The primordial qi contained in the void has become very thin.

According to such a thin concentration of primordial qi, this Little Wide World practice path will be more than a hundred times more difficult.

If the previous Little Wide World can develop a high-level martial arts civilization where the martial arts are enough to move the mountains and the sea, then now, this Little Wide World can at most develop a medium martial art with a broken void legend similar to that seen by Luo Fan in the previous life. Civilization only.

The True Meaning will be extremely reduced, I am afraid that one of the 10,000 people will have such a qualification, and one of the 100,000 True Meaning will be able to soar.

“In this way, the quality of cultivator from Little Wide World will be greatly improved, but the number is similar to the previous…” Luo Fan sighed.

It’s quite satisfactory.

After achieving Taiyi Dao Fruit, he will generate energy in his body. Although he cannot use it for spiritual practice, it is enough to supplement all his consumption. Such a Little Wide World is enough for him to practice all kinds of magical powers and laws that require a lot of time.

While the thought was turning, he stepped up and took a light step. He stepped out of this Little Wide World and came to the island-shaped palace wrapped in Leihai.

This Leihai sea seems to be vast, but in fact there is no idea of ​​distance.

For Luo Fan, it can be easily crossed without any supernatural step.

But if it is an outsider, it is impossible to cross this thunderous sea for thousands of years.

“You take good control of this treasure, and strive to accumulate strength in order to open up Little Wide World as soon as possible.” Luo Fan said to Everlasting Child Attendant who was still on the side.

“Observe the order.” Everlasting Child Attendant bowed in courtesy.

Luo Fan nodded and left a hood.

Lei Jiuyi, Rayling and those Yellow Turbaned Strongman appeared out of thin air everywhere on the island, where they were originally.

Among them, even Lei Jiuyi, who was given super-sensation by Luo Fan, did not find his position changed, nor did he find that he was actually included in Qiankun within sleeve by Luo Fan for a short period of time.

Only Lei Jiuyi has a slight doubt, why his super-sensing suddenly disappeared.

Luo Fan said faintly: “Nine Happy Me, the world has been refinished, the time flow has been accelerated again, but you still have hundreds of millions of years to practice, but you must not be impatient.”

His voice was not loud, but it was easily passed into the ears of Lei Jiuyi who was practicing, letting Lei Jiuyi hear every word clearly.

Lei Jiuyi has an amazing mindset. Because I knew that Luo Fan would speed up the flow of time after refining the world, I was not surprised that I suddenly had hundreds of millions of years. I stood up and bowed in the direction of Luo Fan, saying: “The disciple understands, I will understand Great Dao with all my heart, and I will never be impatient.”

Luo Fan smiled slightly, no longer cares about Lei Jiuyi, glanced at Everlasting Child Attendant, stepped out, and already out of the void Everlasting Palace, came to the top of Mount Buzhou.

Raise his hand, the void Everlasting Palace will shrink quickly, and the miniature palace that will become a fist in a blink of an eye falls into the palm of the Luo Fan.

Starting with Void Everlasting Palace, Luo Fan instantly felt that he was holding a whole world containing endless power, possessing a infinite prestige and energy world, and can always use the power of this world

“Sure enough to be Taiyi Xuanbao” feel the feeling of this void Everlasting Palace, Luo Fan can not help but praise.

The void Everlasting Palace turned into a khaki light and ran straight into his eyebrow Niwan Palace, then followed his Niwan Palace some mysterious place, rushed straight into his Sea of Conciousness world.

At this time, the Sea of Conciousness world of Luo Fan has not changed much from before, but the gloss on the bones of Pangu is more mellow and more crystal, and it seems to be hard. I don’t know how many times it is.

The Void Everlasting Palace turned around, and the palace turned into a thousand feet higher than that, fell on the foot of the bone of Pangu.

Just like Luo Fan achieving Taiyi Dao Fruit, after the achievement of Taiyi Xuanbao, this void Everlasting Palace can no longer absorb Chaos Primordial Qi, and can use its infinite strength to refine its own Magical Weapon True Body can make progress.

According to Luo Fan speculation, this Magical Weapon has been refined because of the “Three Thousand Worlds”, I am afraid that it is necessary to develop three thousand Little Wide World in Intermediate Wide World, and even need to develop a Great Wide World just then to achieve Great Principle Tianbao

How to achieve the Universe Origin Lingbao in the future, at least you need to complete the “Three Thousand Worlds” completely, that is, to open up three thousand worlds, each of which needs to open up three thousand Intermediate Wide World, each Intermediate Wide World Three thousand Little Wide World will be developed again…

Counting, the road is long, but I can’t see the margin. I am afraid that the infinite Measuring Tribulation can only be refined to the incredible level of Universe Origin Lingbao…

I sighed in my heart, dissipated my thoughts about the future of the void Everlasting Palace, raised my finger, and there was a gray, darker than black aura burst out of his Qiankun within sleeve, condensed into a spherical shape in front of him .

This is the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light he has experienced some tens of millions of years of reincarnation in the Little Wide World reincarnation with his own divine soul.

After Luo Fan passed a previous understanding of Taiyi Dao he had an understanding of Taiyi Dao Fruit that was a hundred times better than before, and the power he could exert was even more powerful than before.

Among them, not only the Great Desolation world that can be controlled has been increased to 49,000 miles, but also the true pupil of that day and moon, which has also made great progress.

At this time, with both eyes and a flash of gold and silver, you can see the inside of this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light.

This Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light is now full of divine soul breath of Luo Fan. This breath is different from Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light. Although it is two completely different and seemingly incompatible True Body, it is producing some kind of mysterious and strange. Connected and entangled very closely, it seems to be in a state of being unmelted.

Obviously, this number of reincarnations played a huge role.

This chapter was uploaded by 1 book lover


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