Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 3403: Guess!

With such changes, the heaven and earth group itself also has countless incredible changes.

First of all, the boundary of the heaven and earth group is already confused by the weirdness at this time.

The difference between inside and outside, the difference between superior and inferior, and the difference between left and right, have been in these tens of thousands of years and have been completely confused by weirdness. In the past, those powerful cultivators were able to completely break away from this world group by continuously advancing in one direction. But now, after this weird confusion, with such a crude method, it is no longer possible to get rid of this world group.

Of course, this does not mean that they can no longer get rid of this world group.

In fact, in this world group, they still have the opportunity to get rid of this world group, have the opportunity to leave this world group. It’s just that the method that needs to be used is not as crude as before, but needs to achieve a certain depth of attainments above the weirdness!

It’s like a maze of Space and Time that changes all the time in front of you. If you want to break through the barriers of this labyrinth, you obviously can only find the law of change of this labyrinth and find a way out of this labyrinth. Otherwise, rampage, you will only be completely lost in this maze, and you will never be able to escape forever!

At this time, it was weird, just like the Space and Time maze.

The creatures who want to escape from this world group are like mole crickets or ants locked in the center of this maze. Obviously, apart from comprehending the weirdness and figuring out the weirdness, otherwise, they can never escape.

More obviously, the reason why this weirdness is weird is because of what it is, it is unknown, it is not logical, in other words, it is difficult to understand!

So, at this time, even the Six Tribulations powerhouse can’t get rid of this world group, can’t get out of this world group!

For them, this world group has become everything to them.

Their cognitive category, unconsciously, has been imprisoned in this world, and it is difficult to expand.

However, this is not entirely a bad thing.

Because, with the weirdness enveloping the world, these Six Tribulations powerhouses, True Body in the sixth layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable, can no longer threaten them.

Weirdness is not only a confinement to the inside, but also a hindrance to the outside world.

The creatures inside can’t break through this weirdness and get out of this world group, and the connection with the outside world is naturally also unable to break through this weirdness and enter this world group.

And contact cannot be entered. Naturally, these six calamities powerhouses do not need to worry that True Body will directly control themselves and wipe out their independence.

This is more than just that.

In fact, if you look at it strictly, the current situation, for those six calamities powerhouses in the world, the benefits are not just that.

After all, they have been living in this weird world for such a long time, and weird changes have already taken place. Therefore, although they cannot have a deep understanding of the weirdness that is wrapped in this heaven and earth group, it is impossible to understand it much. But in the end, it is far better than those who are on the sixth floor of Path of a Daoist Venerable.

In this way, the Six Tribulations powerhouses in this world group have the opportunity to turn away from the guest, and in turn use this weird trait to control those Six Tribulations powerhouses in the sixth layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable!

After all, the connection is mutual.

Although, those six-catalogue powerhouses in the sixth layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable are the source of the six-catalogue powerhouses in the heaven and earth group, they will be stronger than those in the world group in terms of dominant authority. Many. However, no matter how strong it is, there are limits.

Since there is a limit, this kind of authority may naturally be overtaken…

As long as they have a chance!

Now, for those six calamities powerhouses in the heaven and earth group, the kind of weird surrounding the heaven and earth group is their best opportunity!

Of course, for this, those six calamities are naturally not aware of this.

After all, for them, what is more important now is because of this weird world!

Weirdness means mystery, and it means that it cannot be understood according to normal logic.

Even if these Six Tribulations powerhouses have undergone weird changes, they have gradually begun to understand the weirdness in this world group, but no matter what, since this world group is still weird in their eyes, it shows this Understanding is still limited.

Since this understanding is limited, then this world group is beyond their control. Being unable to control is actually another term for danger.

In such a dangerous situation, those six calamities powerhouses might accidentally suffer a big loss under some incomprehensible means, and maybe even lose their lives!

In this way, how much do they need to focus their attention on other places, on the source of their birth? !

So, although the opportunity has appeared, these Six Tribulations powerhouses obviously don’t have much time or energy to pay attention to any changes in the sixth layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable.

All these changes are actually seen by Luo Fan.

Why can the world of information technology still be maintained? That’s because Luo Fan is still constantly receiving information, constantly exploring the inevitable existence in this world group, which belongs to the traces of its eighth Great Tribulation!

The exploration of such traces occurred in the deepest part of the world.

I have explored even the deepest part. How can I be unclear about the changes on the surface of the heaven and earth group? !

However, compared to those six calamities powerhouses, Luo Fan didn’t even feel that the changes in this world group were any weird.

Weird, because it cannot be understood, because it is contrary to its own logical cognition.

But, obviously, for Luo Fan, who has mastered the functions related to Great Dao and rules and regulations, all the weird changes in this world group can actually be substituted into this related function in the final analysis.

In other words, for him, all the weirdness are in line with his own logical cognition!

Under such circumstances, this kind of weirdness, for him, is an extremely normal development.

Compared with before, there is actually no essential difference.

At most, it is just the variables of the related functions that have been substituted, and some subtle changes have taken place…

In this way, he naturally couldn’t pay much attention to the various changes in this world group, so it was only after such a long time that he hadn’t noticed the changes in this world group at all, and he didn’t pay any attention.

His attitude is extremely unpredictable to those strong in this world group.

They feel that if they are in the position of Luo Fan, they don’t know how anxious the change will be at this time, and they will feel how terrifying the changes in the world are and how much they need to be sorted out.

However, Luo Fan clearly doesn’t care about all of this, and treats all of this as normal, and doesn’t even bother to pay much attention to it. How can this attitude make them not feel unable to grasp the idea of ​​Luo Fan? How can they not feel that Luo Fan is unpredictable? !

“What the **** is he thinking?” The Six Tribulations Powerhouse sighed.

“What did he think, didn’t we see clearly?” Suddenly, the Six Tribulations Powerhouse spoke.

These words caused the expression of the Six Tribulations Powerhouse who had previously been emotional to stagnate.

Indeed, the situation of the information world ahead at this time clearly reflects the information received by Luo Fan. From a certain perspective, this is actually the idea of ​​Luo Fan!

At this time, they are always observing and receiving the infinite information that exists in the information world. Wouldn’t this be equivalent to reading Luo Fan all the time? !

“You know, I’m not talking about this.” After that, he smiled bitterly.

The truth is such a truth, but obviously, a person’s thoughts are extremely complicated, even if it is one’s own, it is impossible to fully understand their own thoughts.

Not to mention reading this idea.

The thoughts obtained are necessarily only a small part of all thoughts.

Besides the readable thoughts, there are many other hidden thoughts!

Even ordinary people are like this, not to mention the unpredictable Luo Fan.

“After so many years, haven’t you come to a conclusion?” just then‘s Six Tribulations powerhouse did not care about his explanation at this time, and asked in turn.

This question is nonsense. They are all very interested in what Luo Fan thinks and what purpose it has.

From the very beginning, from the time they came into contact with this informationized area, they have been guessing and testing again and again.

Nowadays, among the six tribulation powerhouses who do not know how many billions, almost every one has its own guesses, and every one has its own ideas.

It’s just that, obviously, when there are ten or eight guesses, these guesses are meaningful.

But when the guesses become thousands, hundreds of millions, billions, even tens of billions, hundreds of billions, these guesses become meaningless.

After all, ten and eight guesses are not difficult to confirm.

Even if they are all wrong, confirming it can eliminate ten or eight errors.

However, when the speculation becomes hundreds of millions, the speculation has no meaning at all.

Even if it is, there may be correct guesses in it.

After all, this is not something that can be verified easily, but a guess that requires a great risk and a great price to get an uncertain result.

For such a guess, it is okay to verify ten and eight, and verify hundreds of millions? They don’t have so many lives!

“My conclusion does not make any sense.” The Six Tribulations Powerhouse sighed.

Then he turned around and said: “What about you? Looking at you, do you want to persuade me to listen to your conclusion?”

The amazing Six Tribulations powerhouse smiled and said: “Of course, I think my guess is still very reliable.”

“Oh, although everyone feels that their guesses are reliable, this can only be regarded as normal, but since you are willing to fool me for such a guess, I am very interested in hearing your guesses. “The Six Tribulations powerhouse laughed.

As a powerhouse of six calamities, he is naturally not superficial.

Although the attitude of the Six Tribulations Powerhouse was a bit wrong and seemed to be provocative, he was still able to calmly analyze the opponent’s purpose and draw his own conclusions.

At this time, many Six Tribulations powerhouses are also paying attention to the conversation here and betting their attention.

At this time, many of the six tribulation powerhouses are distributed in different auras, but they are not really gathered together. However, obviously, compared to these six tribulation powerhouses, the barrier of the halo is obviously quite There is no general. Although many auras are like many worlds, many worlds, and in each aura, there are infinite creatures, countless ethnic groups, and even mysterious and strange civilizations, but all of these are under the perception of the six-catalogue powerhouse. , But it does not constitute an obstacle at all.

So, even if they are so distributed, it does not prevent them from communicating with each other.

The awkward Six Tribulations powerhouse is obviously quite confident in his guess, but he doesn’t care about other people’s attention. In other words, the attention of other people is actually his purpose.

After all, if enough Six Tribulations Powerhouse agree with his guess and agree with his conclusion, then they will verify this conclusion together, and the possibility of verifying his guess will become greater.

A strong man in the Six Tribulations made a guess, and of course he hopes that the guess will be verified. Not to mention the six calamities powerhouses, they are ordinary creatures, they are all like this.

If it wasn’t for the guesswork of the Six Tribulations Powerhouse to verify it was quite difficult, he was afraid that he had already begun planning to verify it early.

At this time, there is a chance that other Six Tribulations powerhouses will help him to jointly verify the guess, how could he miss it?

At the moment, he smiled and said: “My guess is that he is looking for something in this world, something more mysterious than weird!”

“This speculation, it seems that there is nothing surprising.” The Six Tribulations powerhouse came back instantly. It is speculated that Luo Fan is the six-catalogue powerhouse who is looking for something in this world group, and even one tenth of all the six-catalogue powerhouse is like this. Guess!

Of course, although it is the same kind of guessing, the goal of the guessing is still different after all.

In other words, although they all speculate that Luo Fan is looking for something, what they guessed that Luo Fan is looking for having nothing in common with each other.

Some say they are looking for a certain kind of treasure, some say they are looking for a certain creature, some say they are searching for a certain chance, some say they are searching for a creature of a certain physique, etc., etc., almost everyone All have their own cognition.

The awkward Six Tribulations powerhouse smiled faintly, and said: “I guess, what he is looking for may be something related to Fated Tribulation! Maybe it is the root of Fated Tribulation!”

As soon as I said this, there was silence around me.

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